posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 10:36 PM
One of the absolutely most annoying things in the world is having your phone buzz every few minutes every couple hours with calls and messages!! I'm
busy! I say I am busy and if I do not respond well guess what!? I'm probably not by the phone, asleep or busy! And if I say I'm busy and can not
talk or simply do not want to, then that is not invitation to ask why I am busy or with what!! Family, friend or acquaintance, it doesn't matter. It
doesn't matter what I am doing so long as it is understood that I am busy. I do not need to provide the details of occupation of the present moment
because every buzz, every letter I send via text and every thought I have of the phone buzzing sets me off course of what I am doing and makes it so I
do not want to have contact for a greater amount of time!!
It is, for me, too easy to be distracted by the noise of humans and I need silence to focus, but then there goes the buzz. Suppose I'll have my phone
off at all times now. Argh! I'm off to write folks. I'll watch comments though. (Oddly that doesn't annoy me, but then it doesn't produce sound
so I can respond whenever I want I suppose).