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What is The one true Faith?

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posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 12:04 PM
So are you saying God communicates with us through morse code?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 12:32 PM
God once spoke to me while I was eating a bowl of AlphBits. While I was eating breakfast, I looked in my bowl and saw this sentence spelled out: "Be careful, the milk is sour." So, I feel he is really looking out for me.

Another time he sent me this message: "oooooo" which I didn't understand until I realized I was having a bowl of Cheerios.

God works in mysterious ways....

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 08:48 PM
For anyone who this may aplly to and forewarning this is specifically about Christianity.I have been here a short while and after reading alot of different peoples views at ats i realize that this place is very dark to say the least and i need to pour myself out.
True born again Christians myself included can come off as arrogant most of the time because they actually know God exists therefore know that there are NO other Gods and here is why.
If there is an area in your life that you love and wish to hold onto,like you have superior intellect,money or possessions,sport ,music ,job position what ever it is that you say to yourself that you could not give up your whole life its because of that block you will never receive Christ or his instant gift.
Christs words "for he who loves his life SHALL LOSE it and he who DIES for my sake shall live for ever.
Christs words "the first shall be last and the last shall be first"
meaning,If you are someone on this planet because of your intellect,money,Job position etc and without Christ as your Lord and saviour,you are last in Gods eye`s,and it will be very difficult for you to receive Christ because of your own self importance you will lose your life.
The ONLY way you can be born again is if you are willing to DIE,if you are troubled, worthless,filthy etc and hate your life and who you are and prepared to give it up,and ask Christ this" if you come into my life Lord i will live my life for you(pray it),then he reaches into you in a flash and pulls your rotten soul out cleans it spotless and puts it back in,this is a fact then its your job to keep it clean.
God says he takes those sins and throws them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more.
Christ warns, he cleans your house (body spotless)if you return to your old ways SEVEN spirits more deadly than the first will enter into you,and i`m sure we have all heard about the crimes done by Christians this is the main reason.
Would the only ONE TRUE REAL GOD expect anything but your complete giving and devotion of yourself?If you are not prepared to do this you will never NEVER know.I know because it happened to me.
Only then will you know the truth.God loves you all but he knows also that most dont believe in him.This is why there are all these different opinions here on this site and all around the world.Some beleifs believe in God and have not accepted that there is no way to the Father but through the Son.
Christ says the most important thing is to love your Lord God with all your heart all your soul and all your mind,but there is no way to the Father but through then Son.
As for being born again,Christ says the time is NOW
Some people have to go through hell to receive it,some it is easy.
Myself when i was young i would go out get drunk party fight etc,i watched my Friends wreck their lives over time and i saw evil first and its everywhere,i hated my life, alone and on my knee`s i asked Christ into my life and it was a pysical and spiritual expeirience, Satan is in control of this world,look and you will see him in people in these threads on TV on the radio in the government in some churches in the schools in your homes,Satan is easier to find than God.If Satan exists God exists i hope you choose Christ,there is NO WAY to the Father but through his Son,and his Son is more than worthy of anybodies praise,God says that demons tremble at the mention of his name,there`s not anything you need to fear but God alone, he wants you to know and love him because he loves you,a Christian friend of mine told me he felt like i am right now but it hit him when he was on a packed train,he stood up and gave his testamony to the whole train,i can imagine what they thought about him,please understand that it is because we know God exists because he has touched us and its there for you to experience.then you will know.
Remember this i hope, if you ever realise how rediculous we are compared to God you will find it an easy decision to make,until then you carry on being lovers of yourself and false dead Gods.
Gods words,there are only two sides God and Satan,if you are not for God you are for Satan in Gods eye`s,you can only worship him and have no other and will not allow you to mix with other Gods.
Most Christians could maybe put it better than this,but because i`m a part of Gods plan these words are for someone and if you feel it God is calling YOU dont delay the time is now.praise the Lord

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:13 AM
gps777: I'm glad that you have found peace in your life and that you a better person for it. But, personal testimony isnt enough to convince me, or most people because every individual from various religions have personal testimonys too and they all tell us the samething. Which one is right? How can we know without proof? How could an all-loving God send people to hell for just being honest with themselves and coming to their conclusions with the best evidence available?

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
gps777: I'm glad that you have found peace in your life and that you a better person for it. But, personal testimony isn't enough to convince me, or most people because every individual from various religions have personal testimony's too and they all tell us the samething. Which one is right? How can we know without proof? How could an all-loving God send people to hell for just being honest with themselves and coming to their conclusions with the best evidence available?

Hi Alec Eiffel

What is important is not that you are happy for me,it is you that is important to come to the realization that you cannot find God with a man made rational logical mind or in studying ANY book,you find and receive him in your heart then and only then he gets into your mind and all of Gods gifts are given to you in a flash.

If you could fall on your knee`s with the heart of a child and ask God to come into your life and call Christ your Lord and Saviour,you WILL receive what God has promised he will GIVE YOU,and you WILL know.

"At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." (Matt. 11:25-26)

This one verse and others explains that God will only allow those who are small unworthy filthy sick people that have the intelligence to realize that God is most important not themselves

Christ also said"the first shall be last and the last shall be first"

Meaning those in high opinion of themselves or in high positions are last in Gods eye`s they will be if at all the last type of people who can reach the kingdom of God

If you think Christians have peace your mistaken,you become a warrior for Christ fighting evil within yourself and the multitude of evil spirits that land on people to ensnare you and to do Satan's bidding,it is truly WAR on earth of a spiritual sense,and you WILL recognize these evil forces once you have received Gods gift.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 02:01 AM

Hi Alec Eiffel

What is important is not that you are happy for me,it is you that is important to come to the realization that you cannot find God with a man made rational logical mind or in studying ANY book,you find and receive him in your heart then and only then he gets into your mind and all of Gods gifts are given to you in a flash.

If you could fall on your knee`s with the heart of a child and ask God to come into your life and call Christ your Lord and Saviour,you WILL receive what God has promised he will GIVE YOU,and you WILL know.

"At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." (Matt. 11:25-26)

This one verse and others explains that God will only allow those who are small unworthy filthy sick people that have the intelligence to realize that God is most important not themselves

Christ also said"the first shall be last and the last shall be first"

Meaning those in high opinion of themselves or in high positions are last in Gods eye`s they will be if at all the last type of people who can reach the kingdom of God

If you think Christians have peace your mistaken,you become a warrior for Christ fighting evil within yourself and the multitude of evil spirits that land on people to ensnare you and to do Satan's bidding,it is truly WAR on earth of a spiritual sense,and you WILL recognize these evil forces once you have received Gods gift.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

Alright, so God set up a world where he knew rich people with high self-esteem would burn in hell for eternity? With is there infinite punishment for a finite crime? Nobody deserves eternal torture, not even Hitler. What is the purpose of hell? It cant be punishment, the purpose of punishment is to correct a persons ways so they dont do them again. There is no hope in eternal hell, its just revenge.

Why does somebody go to hell for something they have no control over? Some people just have rational logic minds, dicated by their personailitys. You cant ask me to believe in the Christian God without some type of proof, its just not possible, I cant do it. Belief is not a choice. I was raised a Christian, but it got to a point where there was no possible way I could continue to believe it. Im just reaching honest conclusions. I would pray for faith and knowledge, and nothing would happen. Honestly, deconverting wasnt something I wanted to do, it just happened, I prayed for faith and knowledge and strength but nothing would work.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
So are you saying God communicates with us through morse code?

You know that I am not saying that

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel

Hi Alec Eiffel

What is important is not that you are happy for me,it is you that is important to come to the realization that you cannot find God with a man made rational logical mind or in studying ANY book,you find and receive him in your heart then and only then he gets into your mind and all of Gods gifts are given to you in a flash.

If you could fall on your knee`s with the heart of a child and ask God to come into your life and call Christ your Lord and Saviour,you WILL receive what God has promised he will GIVE YOU,and you WILL know.

"At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." (Matt. 11:25-26)

This one verse and others explains that God will only allow those who are small unworthy filthy sick people that have the intelligence to realize that God is most important not themselves

Christ also said"the first shall be last and the last shall be first"

Meaning those in high opinion of themselves or in high positions are last in Gods eye`s they will be if at all the last type of people who can reach the kingdom of God

If you think Christians have peace your mistaken,you become a warrior for Christ fighting evil within yourself and the multitude of evil spirits that land on people to ensnare you and to do Satan's bidding,it is truly WAR on earth of a spiritual sense,and you WILL recognize these evil forces once you have received Gods gift.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

Alright, so God set up a world where he knew rich people with high self-esteem would burn in hell for eternity? With is there infinite punishment for a finite crime? Nobody deserves eternal torture, not even Hitler. What is the purpose of hell? It cant be punishment, the purpose of punishment is to correct a persons ways so they dont do them again. There is no hope in eternal hell, its just revenge.
You really are troubled,i will try and help.
God never set up the world like this you have misunderstood Genesis in a huge way,all of man kind has fallen away from a close relationship with God,we had fallen so far away from him that he sent his own Son to us and its only through him can we have a relationship with God.

Hell is a place away from the presence of God if you love God that would be hell,hell can be on earth as well if you dont have God or imagine no truth no light only wrong instead of right.Imagine being taken away from a faultless Father in a literal sense and never being able to return to him and having to share a place with a den of dark thief's
Why does somebody go to hell for something they have no control over?
You DO have a choice,and you should have control once you receive Christ and be born again ,but if someone has not known or been told about God,God will be the judge of that.If you have heard Gods words and not followed them and you dismissed them you will be judged accordingly.
Thats Gods area and not for us to speculate.You need belief before you can have those questions answered that you ask.
Some people just have rational logic minds, dicated by their personailitys.
You cant ask me to believe in the Christian God without some type of proof, its just not possible, I cant do it.
You are going over old ground you have been given the answer.
Belief is not a choice.
it is you who say its not a choice,you have chosen not to believe,then if you want it choose then TO BELIEVE.Who gave you that choice not to believe?God did, free will !!!and you choose not to believe,it is your choice then,so you cant blame anyone else but yourself,understand?
I would pray for faith and knowledge, and nothing would happen. Honestly, deconverting wasnt something I wanted to do, it just happened, I prayed for faith and knowledge and strength but nothing would work.
If you are getting only glimpse of sight now,choose to take a leap of faith,pray for Christ to come into your life and say you will live your life for him so that you can be saved.I`m praying for you as i write.Be willing to die if not you will DIE,BELIEVE and praise the king of kings.Let him Lord over you,not you Lord over yourself,give it up all of your filth and sin he wants it all so you are clean,he wants it you want it just do it.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:08 AM
I think the term faith is misplaced. Atheistism isnt a reglion but the truth of the matter. Reglion apart from shoving an agenda down peoples throats it gives people sercuity and reasons for the unexplained.
In someways reglion is like going to the movies you see something that you might like ,might make you feel good the differnce being that with reglion is that the line between reality and fiction is blurred

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:27 AM
Ok, im not going to rant on about the annoyance of christianity, and the harm that it has done to society and the world.

It just really annoys me when people come on here and expect to be taking seriously when they are clearly christian fanatics, and think there opinion will acturly matter. Anyone in the western world knows of Jesus, and how he died for our sins blah blah. In a topic like this, people with solid religious beliefs are not neccesary. This topic had poteintial, but like any other religious topic on ATS people have come on and ruined it with the talk of the christian god again. THis could of been a topic were people came to find out about different religions other than christianity.

By the way claiming u have spoken to god makes u lose all creditbility of any opinion you have on religion.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:38 AM
Dear Alec Eiffel

Alright, so God set up a world where he knew rich people with high self-esteem would burn in hell for eternity?

No, God loves us all, but He wants us to realize that.
He did not create this world and the humans to punish and burn them. He created something good, because after He created the world,
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good(Genesis 1:31).
Not just good. But VERY good.

He created humans in his own image. And He created them with free will. Everybody has free will. You have free will, I have free will. Why He created us with free will? So that we come and worship Him with our own free will. So that we love Him willingly. Do you want anybody to love you by force? Or do you call that love?

So how are we going to find God? He is Spirit. We have to try very hard to find him but guess what. He is not far away from us. His Spirit IS already working from inside, inside of each of us. You only need to open the eyes and the ears of your heart and listen to the sound. It is the sound of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And I wish to everybody in this forum to come to his knees and pray. Do not pray to test whether it will happen anything or it wont. You are not worthy to test Him. Do it by believing in Him because He is alive and He will be there in front of you when you do it sincerely.

BTW, Alec, I was just like you. I was raised Christian, but there was a time just like you, when I had doubts. Guess what I received the Gift of God when I decided to believe in Him. So therefore believing is a choice. You will believe when you go in front of him in your knees willingly and sincerly.

I welcome all comments to my post whether they were here or by U2Us.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:50 AM
So god made us in his image.....ohh wait doesnt it say in the bible "let us make men under our likeness" so ur single enity god refers to himself as "us" hmmmm another hole i will poke, if we are made in the image of god, then god would be a greedy, violent, sexual deviant. I have never understood how if god created us to such great detail then why would he create the human mind to be able to think and do such evil and bad things? ahhh yes freewill......if we have freewill and we are made in the image of god, then god has freewill. So god is omnisocent....meaning all powerful then why doesnt he just click his fingers (he has fingers jsut like and rid satan from the planet which makes us do all this evil things.
I know this will change no christians mind.....but as i stated befor please stop with christianity! we have heard it allllllll befor, please let there be able to be discussion of other religions.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:51 AM
gps777, thankyou for the answers and for praying..but im fine, im not troubled. I deconverted awhile ago and then rationally thought over my beliefs. My point was that the Christian God even before creation knew who was going to hell and who wasnt, he knew that it would be harder for wealthier people, he knew all this and he still allowed the fall to happen. And belief is not a choice. Believe that God doesnt exist for a day. Why cant you do it? Because its not a choice.

Samuel. I was on my knees and praying when I was struggling years ago, it was sincere, nothing happened. Religious experiences are all emotional reponses. They are all the same. Thankyou though.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
gps777, thankyou for the answers and for praying..but im fine, im not troubled. I deconverted awhile ago and then rationally thought over my beliefs. My point was that the Christian God even before creation knew who was going to hell and who wasn't, he knew that it would be harder for wealthier people, he knew all this and he still allowed the fall to happen. And belief is not a choice. Believe that God doesn't exist for a day. Why cant you do it? Because its not a choice.

Samuel. I was on my knees and praying when I was struggling years ago, it was sincere, nothing happened. Religious experiences are all emotional responses. They are all the same. Thankyou though.

When i said you are really troubled i was referring to your relationship with God not your immediate life.You did`nt deconvert, if you had received Christ you could never say he dos`nt exist you could try and run away but never say he dos`nt exist,that impossible.

I challenge you,i will give you as much proof to see with your own eye`s proof that God is real because he has come into me.
I challenge you or anyone to read ALL of my post`s u]first till last, since i have been here,you WILL see as much physical proof as anyone can,when i first came here i was lacking in strength for God,and i must say that i`m embarrassed to say the least after what God has done for me,as time went on the Holy Spirit of God built up in me due to the evil in these threads and the people on ats.

I dare you to see and witness that,if proof is what you need you will at least do that,if not you waste your own time and anyone else's who has felt your situation and its because God gives a damn about you puddin head.

Just because you have given up today dos`nt mean there is`nt a tomorrow

You are so wrong,nothing is predestined except the predictions in the bible prophecy,remember what has been said for you and look about yourself i have asked Christ to show you he is real so you need open eye`s so open them.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

[edit on 15-1-2005 by gps777]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:56 PM
It is always bothersome for me to see people constantly defining religious faith in terms of Christianity. When someone says, "If you want to find the true religion, just pray to God, our Father and he will tell you what it is."
What you are really saying is: If you want to find the true religion, perform a Christian ritual, ask a Christian God, and He will tell you He is right."
All you are really saying is that Christianity is the only way.

Would it make any sense if a Pagan gave the same advice. If you want to find the true faith, perform a Pagan ritual, ask a Pagan God, and It will tell you It is right.

I have read that, "I have Christ in my life and therefore I know that there are no other Gods."

Couldn't I say, "I have Cerrnunos in my life and therefore I know that there are no other Gods." That would make just as much sense.

We must remain tolerant, even accepting, toward Christians. Recruiting is a part of their religion so they are just following their faiths.

As a Pagan, whose faith dictates that I shall not proselytize, I would not tell anyone that my way is the only way.

So what is the one true faith? I would have to say that one must find their own path. I think that there isn't one right way. We are all different. I think that I personally define religion as what we do in order to feel closer to some higher truth. That higher truth could be a God, a higher self, a Universal entity, a Creator, you name it.
For some this means prayer. For others it means observances of sigificant days. It could be anything from church attendance to rituals to meditation.

So what is it you do to feel "connected" to something bigger?
That, in my opinion, is YOUR one, true faith.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by xpert11
I think the term faith is misplaced. Atheistism isnt a reglion but the truth of the matter. Reglion apart from shoving an agenda down peoples throats it gives people sercuity and reasons for the unexplained.
In someways reglion is like going to the movies you see something that you might like ,might make you feel good the differnce being that with reglion is that the line between reality and fiction is blurred

Atheism may not be a religion, but I disagree that it is the truth.
I am not a member of any one religion, and don't know if there is a God. What I have seen, though, convinced me that there is something supernatural at work in my life. Maybe not in yours.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
God once spoke to me while I was eating a bowl of AlphBits. While I was eating breakfast, I looked in my bowl and saw this sentence spelled out: "Be careful, the milk is sour." So, I feel he is really looking out for me.

Another time he sent me this message: "oooooo" which I didn't understand until I realized I was having a bowl of Cheerios.

God works in mysterious ways....

If you were already eating, why didnt you know the milk was sour?
I got the 'oooo' email too, but I wasn't eating at the time.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by wang
So god made us in his image.....ohh wait doesnt it say in the bible "let us make men under our likeness" so ur single enity god refers to himself as "us" hmmmm another hole i will poke,

I know what you are saying here, it is a common question. An answer I received and the bit you are missing is that God is trinity. Again the flaw with the claim is that at the time of Genisis there was no JC and therefore the trinity wasn't in existance. These flaws and "errors" are want determine faith, they believe anyway.

if we are made in the image of god, then god would be a greedy, violent, sexual deviant.

This doesn't make sense. Are you admitting to be a sexual deviant? also you are stating characteristics and not imagery, you cannot see if someone/something is any of those things. You can only determine these by actions.

I have never understood how if god created us to such great detail then why would he create the human mind to be able to think and do such evil and bad things?

The mind also enables us to do good, it is by our choice if we do bad things.

ahhh yes freewill......if we have freewill and we are made in the image of god, then god has freewill.

Again this is no imagery.

So god is omnisocent....meaning all powerful then why doesnt he just click his fingers (he has fingers jsut like and rid satan from the planet which makes us do all this evil things.

I suppose you could argue without the bad, you wouldn't be able to see the good. You would be less appreciative.

I know this will change no christians mind.....but as i stated befor please stop with christianity!

I am not what you'd class as a christian, and your right you will not change their minds, the same as they will not change yours. If you have no desire to discuss Christianity, probably best not to involve yourself in the discussions about it, no offence but you don't have to join in.

we have heard it allllllll befor, please let there be able to be discussion of other religions.

You are free to discuss any religion you wish, but yet you have not mentioned any other. You have the ability to steer the conversation any direction you wish, all you have to do is start it rather than just reply to a subject you do not wish to talk about.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Why does somebody go to hell for something they have no control over?

Who does not have control over themselves? If you can make a choice, you have control.

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Some people just have rational logic minds, dicated by their personailitys. You cant ask me to believe in the Christian God without some type of proof, its just not possible, I cant do it. Belief is not a choice.

Then go out there and find your proof. Nobody is going to 'make' you believe.

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
I was raised a Christian, but it got to a point where there was no possible way I could continue to believe it. Im just reaching honest conclusions. I would pray for faith and knowledge, and nothing would happen.

Something did happen. Either you don't see it or are choosing not to see it.

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Honestly, deconverting wasnt something I wanted to do, it just happened, I prayed for faith and knowledge and strength but nothing would work.

That's it? You're going to give up because God didn't call you on the phone? It doesn't not sound like a very strong attempt to acquire faith, strength and knowledge. Pick a gospel, it won't take long. My fav is Matt. Give it a read-through and let me know what you think/feel.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 11:13 AM
I just joined the Scientology religion. Therefore make that 600 thousand +1.

For people that want more information about Scientology visit the below website.

and then for further information, click the link below

[edit on 18-1-2005 by websurfer]

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