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Missing in National Parks :: Is David Paulides involved in the Conspiracy/Cover-up?

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posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: superman2012

Yes, the child could have left and been taken by a person or mountain lion, but, with his father being an experienced search and rescue worker along with the 100+ people that joined the search, they would have found evidence of an attack or something to indicate which way the boy went.

To me the parents are highly suspect in this case. The mother admitted to hitting the kid, she was mad. The father would know how to hamper SAR personnel. It might have been an accident but they feared repercussions. Hard to think about, but seems more plausible.

The story is weird too. Who hunts for only 15 minutes? Who leaves their kids asleep in a place like that? How could she see him after she'd been walking 15 minutes? Sketchy.

Playing devils advocate, if they searched for 15 minutes without a sign of the child, wouldn't you want to have more people with equipment helping you to search? 15 mins isn't long if you are getting a backrub, but if your child is gone for 15 mins in the wilderness with no sign and no response, that could seem like a lifetime. I lost track of my child in her school because there were so many people milling about and panic set in within 2 minutes, and it seemed like much longer.

Many people leave their kids sleeping in what they deem a safe environment. How many kids leave the safety of a house without their parents noticing every year?

It is sketchy if you don't believe the parents word, but then most stories involving kids in these books are sketchy too. We just have to assume that if there is no evidence of foul play, that the parents are telling the truth. Sure there are horrible people that do horrible things to other people, but if the people aren't suspected by the police, then we have to assume they did their job correctly. Hard to say unless you were there I guess. I can see your point too.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: superman2012

No. I don't have an example handy. Would have to go through the 2 of his books I have again . . . taking a lot of time I don't have . . . or listening to hours of his C2C shows . . . Sigh.

I just recall them because they struck me as soooo VERY starkly an example of high strangeness to use LMH's term.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: superman2012

No. I don't have an example handy. Would have to go through the 2 of his books I have again . . . taking a lot of time I don't have . . . or listening to hours of his C2C shows . . . Sigh.

I just recall them because they struck me as soooo VERY starkly an example of high strangeness to use LMH's term.

Yah, it is a lot to go through! I read the western one and am halfway through US and the world one and I haven't come across one yet. Happen to remember which book?

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: superman2012

I think I read the Western one and most of another one but I forget which other one. It's around here somewhere.

Could have been a C2C show.

It wasn't an elaborate mention of that aspect. I think it was like 3-5 sentences that described that and for some reason, didn't belabor it. But I couldn't swear to anything. Has been quite some time ago.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: mazzroth
Heres a thought, to set the scene yesterday a mother in Victoria was charged with killing her daughter after claiming a man of African descent took the baby while she was out taking the baby for a stroll. The story fell apart and now the mother has been charged.

Kids who are not normal functioning may be seen as a burden to the parents as the above case shows and I find it probable that if the case of the 2 year old going missing is similar its quite possible the parents did kill the child and covered it up. As for others its quite possible people who go missing were in fact murdered by friends or relatives and the Forrest story is easily used to insinuate a bear or mountain lion was involved. The no tracks is because the individual wasn't there in the first place.

Once again solved without the need for the paranormal or esoteric.

but what are the odds that BOTH parents past the lie detector test (which they were willing to do and did totally pass)...that seemed odd, the door is open there was a scream, the 1 1/2 year old is still asleep as well as the cats? how do the cats not wake up, we all know how cats are.......

I think he was reaching a little in that story I posted...but a few of these stories are odd

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: jtma508

Something is going on, but I'm pretty sure DP embellishes a bit. We've had a few posters on these boards over the years who have spoken about their stories being in his books. They've all said that the stories are changed a little bit to sound even weirder.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: superman2012

Playing devils advocate, if they searched for 15 minutes without a sign of the child, wouldn't you want to have more people with equipment helping you to search?

I'm a bit confused, I don't think I said anything about how long they searched before contacting authorities. Yes, if they couldn't find the child in 15 minutes I would expect them to call it in. I thought it odd that in the OP it said the father went hunting for only 15 minutes. That seems weird to me. It also seems weird that if the wife was out walking for 15 minutes she would still be able to see her husband go back and check on the kids (but I don't know the terrain).

I personally don't buy the supernatural explanations. I also have a hard time believing that some pedo murderer would take the time to scope out a park and snatch a kid. Add that to my skepticism of the parents story, and my thoughts are still that the most likely reason for the child's vanishing involve the parents.

I don't trust parents or anyone else in a situation like this. Very often the murderer/rapist/abductor is a family member.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Ok Art is an explanation, so that would not creep me out.

But if true...the un-explained stairs in the forest... with no logical explanation... have a huge creep factor.

So I wonder if any of these SAR people have taken any real pics of the supposed stairs. If I had come across them I most certainly would have. Why didn't they ?


posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: leolady

I tend to think that Paulides plays on the creep factor like Hendrix played guitar. He's very good at it and knows that suspense is key to all the best mysteries.

You said it best there, 'If true.' I think someone linked in the /nosleep Reddit pages in here. Some of them are maestros at creating suspenseful mysteries and others spread them across the internet as if they're true. We don't know if Paulides has the skills or will to filter out the anecdotes he's been sent.

I really enjoy listening to his Coast interviews (apart from the last one) and buckle in to ride the mystery. I dial down the critical thinking and relish the stories.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: jtma508

Oh pffft legal are trying to put the seed into people's mind that Paulides is involved in this terrible phenom,and profiting off it. The letter of the law-and the Spirit of the law seems 2 very different things to me,anyway,even if Just to me.I have seen enough lives damaged because of gossip and speculation-and i feel people should be held accountable for their public speculation-especially if that speculation is Nothing but a personal theory.Any idea what Paulides,or his lawyers would have to say about your accusations? Because please don't tell me you are naive enough to believe that just because you have not accused Paulides to his face,that this thread title is not inferring that he may be involved in the cover-up/conspiracy that is the Missing411 phenom-and profiting off of it..and all the horror,heartbreak,and ruined lives that is the offshoot.

And btw,why the flying blue blue Eff Should he not be able to make his income off his investigation of this phenomenon? without his making this public,the public would Still have been sitting ducks,oblivious of the danger,and unable to make informed Choices. This IS his job now. You gonna work for free?

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: jtma508

I'm sorry I have not read through all the comments on this thread BUT these books are available on "Missing 411" Online Store for $24.95 each. The copies listed on Amazon for $50 are available through resellers. When someone on complained about the exorbitant prices David Paulides personally replied stating, "I can't control what resellers charge on Amazon, I can only control what we charge, $24.95 for each of the "Missing 411" books."

I am not sure why he chooses not to distribute through Amazon. It would definitely open up a better nationwide distribution for him, and put the scalpers out of business.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:13 PM
I have four of Paulides' books and have generally enjoyed them. I was disappointed, however, with his treatment of a case I am familiar with. My father was one of the LEO's who worked that case so I've payed attention to it through the years.

After reading Paulides' account of the incident and realizing that some of the more salient details were left out, I did a quick google search to see what could be learned only from the internet. Within five minutes I was able to find those salient details in newspaper accounts of the time, and even a few more things I didn't know. The case is far from mysterious.

I'm sure Mr. Paulides has a limited amount of time to do his research and can't possibly go over every aspect of every case. But with such volume it makes me wonder how many other cases he writes about end up sounding more mysterious than they actually are. Perhaps he should spend more time with a few of the more interesting ones.

posted on May, 9 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: jtma508

This is all creepy. The theory proposed is not impossible. I don't know that it is the answer to this, but it is one of the better ideas. I have seen on this issue

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 12:15 PM
As a young man I worked as a surveyor for the USGS working in national parks, BlM land and Indian rez. The stories told to me by the forest rangers would astonish you. I hold some credence to DP's stories concerning the paranormal explanation.
edit on 12-12-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Would love to hear those stories!!

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
As a young man I worked as a surveyor for the USGS working in national parks, BlM land and Indian rez. The stories told to me by the forest rangers would astonish you. I hold some credence to DP's stories concerning the paranormal explanation.

I would love to hear some of those stories as well. Please come back and type some of them out for us, sir

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 02:44 PM
I have had some contact with David via email (a few back and forths) and I find him to be a very honest, genuine, stand-up kind of guy.

There is something going on in those parks but also all over the world. It is a ridiculously strange phenomenon and well worth the $24.95.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 03:24 PM
These stories fascinate the hell out of me!

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 03:23 AM
For those interested:

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: LiveForever8

Very interested, thank you.

Filming to wrap up end of this month, then to editing, then to festivals and released to the public early spring perhaps?

New story (theory) on the missing here:
Can jump off current events (12/2) or rt
Direct link.

I don't know, just an interesting read perhaps.

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