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A Senator says 9/11 events “Had Support from Within the US” !!!

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posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Debunkology

It's not a circular argument at all.

When a New York fire marshal says he saw molten steel and saw WT7 come down like a controlled demolition. That is key eye witness evidence. That would be used in a court of law as EVIDENCE.

You claim explosives. I respond to your claim.
You come back with molten steel ???

I'm sticking with your claim of explosives.
Please show court worthy proof of explosives.
Your fire marshal said explosions.
He did not say they were cause be explosives.

Please show the world concrete proof of explosives.
"it looked like." doesn't cut it.
"it sounded like." doesn't cut it.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Debunkology

originally posted by: samkent
This is the same circular argument for the past 15 years.
Explosions do not equal explosives.

It's not a circular argument at all.

When a New York fire marshal says he saw molten steel and saw WT7 come down like a controlled demolition. That is key eye witness evidence. That would be used in a court of law as EVIDENCE.

When Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department and the lawyer to the NY mayor say that explosives were going off in WT7 on 9/11.... This is absolute KEY eye witness EVIDENCE.

The only reason we go around in circles on the 9/11 forum is because those who believe the official narrative DENY or totally IGNORE this EVIDENCE and absolutely everything else that goes against the official narrative.

I call bs on his claim of viewing " molten steel running like lava...."

Molten liquid steel is white hot and too bright to look at.

And besides, a little bit of research reveals that these quotes came from firefighters working in the basement under WTC 5, which has never been a target of suspicion of truthers.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Only a few others were involved in exercises and training, but from a cold start it takes 90 minutes to three hours to fully arm aircraft and get them launched, depending on how long it takes to pull the weapons from the magazines and get them to the aircraft, and how many aircraft you're trying to launch at once.

C'mon Zaph - really? I think you and I both know that's not entirely true. Hell, in today's world, an entire war can start in finish in less than 90 minutes, let alone 3 hours. We'd never leave ourselves so vulnerable.

Sure - from a cold start your timeline is accurate. But there are *always* aircraft fueled, armed and ready to go on a moment's notice. Along with pilots and other aircraft support personnel. In a real pinch - they would be airborne in less than 10 minutes. Many can do it in less than 5...I've seen it happen. So have you I bet...

And McGuire AFB (NJ) always has planes and crews at the ready. So does Andrews and Langley-Eustis. Always.

As far as the premise of the OP, I don't yet know what Bob Graham is going to say that may be different today.

But elements in the gov't didn't need to actively participate. It's what they *didn't* do and more importantly why they didn't, that I'd like to see someone answer for...

I lost friends that day. I think their families deserve some answers.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

I'm so curious why you've been in almost every 9/11 thread for years, using the same formula.

"Look here, not there, this is right, that doesn't matter".

That's the oldest trick in the book! don't mind, what compels you to continue sit down, open a Web browser, log in ats, go to 9/11 forums, and continue this, year after year?
Why does your version of 9/11 need to be repeated year in and year out?

Don't you get sick of the same argumentative, repetitive and lame discussions after so long? As if, you said your piece 100x, anyone can go find them, I'd not give anymore energy :/

Just curious

@OP - as others pointed out, he implies not states, that there could of been a COVER UP, not support as if they followed through the attacks.
They covered them up, as someone said, SA is an American customer and vice versa (military and oil), that relationship has a VERY wealthy exchange, a couple concrete towers wouldn't change that..

And so it is, here we are 2016 and they are still in bed

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: seaswine
Great googley moogley! Finally the truth!

NOT. None of this will matter, sadly. Just like all the other solid evidence to support the U S. AT LEAST knew something...

Meh, it's time to close our eyes and take a nap anyways.

Star for using "Great Googley Moogley" in the proper context

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:57 PM
The most disturbing thing about the interview is the FBI telling the senators its not getting declassified.

It should be the other way around. The Congress, senate, and President should tell the federal agencies what is and what is not classified.
That is disturbing.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:30 PM
Nm. I bow to the people t that obviously know more than me about military protocols and deployments. You're all right.
edit on 4/11/2016 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Constance On 911 Rumsfeld was seen handling a stretcher with a patient outside the pentagon. What amuses me is his comment the night before that 2.3 trillion dollars was unaccounted for and missing from the defense dept and the next morning a missile hits where the accountants and their records were. No wonder he wasn't accepting any calls And to dick Cheney the plane is 10 miles out does the order still stand? all these criminals should be in orange jump suits at least. I think Trump makes these guys more than a little nervous when he speaks about a real 911 investigation.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Let me chime in here.

Nasypany was pretty shocked about his fighters intercepting nada in a fricken trainings-area over the Atlantic, which implys that somebody messed with his orders. At least that's what the remaining Norad-Tapes brought to light, but sadly the GIANT KILLER conversations are lost und thus we'll probably never know who was responsible for that.

There's a very interesting interview with one of the pilots involved and he mentioned a lot of conflicting orders, not a simple return to standart procedures in lieu thereof.

We've already discussed all that the other day if I'm not mistaken, please correct me if I'm wrong! Me thinks you both have a point; FAA instructions were in place but the fighters couldn't intercept a thing that day. Just saying.


Cheers, MALBOSIA! I should've been more precise, maybe. Maybe not. You're spot on anyway.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:35 PM
A bit more I found today....
"Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered
explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the
WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered
in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers,
led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen,

“[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC
dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating
nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive

The recent video on ATS of the insider confessing to setting the the evidence that he was not lying.


posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:38 PM
Just had to add this little bit...

"There are so many flaws in the official US Government’s position on 9/11
that it is sometimes difficult to know just where to start. For example,
the miraculous survival of a passport, used to identify one of the
hijackers, which somehow worked its way through the aircraft’s impact,
explosion, fire, and an 800-plus foot free-fall to be found by a
well-dressed man and given to a New York City police detective at the
base of the twin towers is a standout. The superstar-like ability of
named pilots to go from the controls of a single-engine propeller-driven
light plane to the cockpit of a passenger airliner and do anything
except put it into the ground within a minute of turning off the
autopilot is another – who would ever have thought that the Microsoft
Flight Simulator program was so superlative? And the explanations given
for the multiple failures of NORAD (the North American Air Defense
Command) to have fighters on all four planes within minutes of their
straying off course are individually dubious and collectively
preposterous – only in Hollywood would they have any credence, perhaps
because that is where they originated."

If it weren't American it would be a block b

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: JaMeDoIt
Just had to add this little bit...

"There are so many flaws in the official US Government’s position on 9/11
that it is sometimes difficult to know just where to start. For example,
the miraculous survival of a passport, used to identify one of the
hijackers, which somehow worked its way through the aircraft’s impact,
explosion, fire, and an 800-plus foot free-fall to be found by a
well-dressed man and given to a New York City police detective at the
base of the twin towers is a standout. The superstar-like ability of
named pilots to go from the controls of a single-engine propeller-driven
light plane to the cockpit of a passenger airliner and do anything
except put it into the ground within a minute of turning off the
autopilot is another – who would ever have thought that the Microsoft
Flight Simulator program was so superlative? And the explanations given
for the multiple failures of NORAD (the North American Air Defense
Command) to have fighters on all four planes within minutes of their
straying off course are individually dubious and collectively
preposterous – only in Hollywood would they have any credence, perhaps
because that is where they originated."

..... it would be a block buster.


posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: MrBig2430

No it isn't.

I worked at 2 foundries. I worked my way into an "Iron Reader" position where I took the temps of molten iron in Bull Ladies be for the bull filled pony ladles. I never had to wear eye protection, only a face shield and I put the temp probe in it directly. Then scraped the slag off. The iron was used mainly for casting crank shafts for tractor trailer rigs.

The Pony Ladle Operators would use tinted goggles but it was nowhere like looking into the Sun. It is bright thought.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:54 PM

Check out this video....pilot for 911...guys who fly planes like the ones that might have struck the WTC...nothing hit the WTC 7 it was simply imploded.


posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: MrBig2430

I call bs on his claim of viewing " molten steel running like lava...."

Molten liquid steel is white hot and too bright to look at.

And besides, a little bit of research reveals that these quotes came from firefighters working in the basement under WTC 5, which has never been a target of suspicion of truthers.

Why would you call bull#e on someone seeing molten steel under the remains of the towers, why would you say just WTC5?
It's a fact, Even Leslie Robinson saw it, and amongst a plethora of others who are not firefighters.

"Smoke constantly poured from the peaks. One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers' remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots. Massive steel girders were sandwiched in with crushed concrete. Someone told us that they weighed 1,000 pounds a foot. The collapse left them all blackened and twisted. They are among the few recognizable items in the rubble. You find scant evidence of the hundreds of offices that were once part of the twin towers. Most the furniture and equipment was pounded into dust." -Guy Lounsbury of New York Air National Guard's 109th Air Wing"

"The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF. The surface was so hot that standing too long in one spot softened (and even melted) the soles of our safety shoes.
Professional Safety 2002-05-01 - The American Society of Safety Engineers"

"Two weeks after the attack, the rubble, the Pile, is still 7 stories tall. Below, in the Pit it burns like the gates of hell. It is 1200 degrees, so hot that the steel work lifted by the grapplers comes out soft. I've never seen anything like this" -Capt. Susanne Caviness conversation with FDNY Firefighter"

November 2001 a picture of WTC1's rubble pile,

The steel beams are white hot at the tip.
But then, I don't think I need to tell you all this, you know already...but you just want to mention WTC5 as a dishonest distraction, same way as OSOTC uses distraction in an attempt to avoid anything that might just, and I say might just thus far, tear the arse out of any official story that has been given.
All the while you can reflect on what a spokesperson, (John Gross) from NIST has said about molten anything at WTC, since he didn't see it, however let's just stick with the molten steel bit. But you must take into account how uncomfortable Mr Gross appears....or is that just my imagination?

Thing is, this is not an event that occurred that requires everyone to move on without question, and if that also requires questioning the official story as given, so be it, It should be the same system that can put little people in gaol, can put big people in gaol.

edit on 11-4-2016 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 04:14 PM
Another interesting spin on the 911 is longish but worth reading if you believe these people think we are fools and will sallow any BS they spin...

"Only the guilty or accomplices are sufficiently motivated to cover up a
crime. 911 was a crime. The entity bearing most if not all of the
responsibility for the cover up of this crime of mass murder and high
treason is the U.S. Government itself with help from Citizen ‘Lucky’
Larry Silverstein.

If the government participated in any way with either the planning, the
crime or the cover-up of this crime against a sovereign people, then the
government is no longer legitimate and those ordering these crimes
against the people are subject to the penalty of death. This government,
to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson and our founders at the Constitutional
Convention must be replaced.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. –Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

Round Up the Usual Suspects

The ‘usual suspects’ are those having method, motive and
opportunity. Those ordering the cover-up top the list of suspects, at
the top: George W. Bush who most certainly gave Dick Cheney the green
light, the wink, the nod, the back slaps on behalf of Dick Cheney’s
co-conspirators who must, as beneficiaries of this heinous crime, bear
their fair share of the responsibility.

* Bush is personally responsible for his order to destroy physical
evidence of mass murder and/or high treason destroyed. Bush’s
orders are crimes in themselves and evidence of his complicity in
the very crimes that they were intended to cover up.
* Bush opposed the creation of the 911 Commission and worked to
subvert it when it was created.
* Bush warned against ‘outrageous conspiracy theories’ when, in
fact, it was his administration that offered up the most outrageous
conspiracy theory of them all: a ludicrous story that reads like a
re-write of Ala Baba and his 40 thieves.
* It is the pernicious legacy of 911 that it was exploited by Bush,
the GOP, the U.S. right wing to silence dissent, to silence America.

By their actions, verifiable in the public record, the entire
administration of Bush/Cheney should be immediately charged with acts of
obstruction of justice. Bush himself tried to protect himself and his
co-conspirators, denouncing ‘conspiracy theorists’ as he attributed
911 to a conspiracy of Middle Eastern terrorists. It was Bush who
actively participated in one and benefited from it.

The Bush attack on Iraq was –on its face –a war of naked aggression
in violation of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441. Bush should be
required to prove his baseless assertion that Iraq posed an imminent
threat, an impossible task in light of:

* the ‘dodgy dossier’
* UN reports denying that WMD existed
* US failure to find the alleged WMD
* Dick Cheney’s pre-war plans to carve the oil fields of Iraq
among oil industry partners et al.

PNAC ‘plans’ confirming the conspiratorial nature of Bush/Cheney
designs on the oil fields of the Middle East include the infamous PNAC
document, a product of the NEOCON Project for a New American Century. It
outlines the NEOCON agenda:

* Attack Iraq upon a ‘caltalyzing event’
* Seize the oil fields of the middle east.

Smoking gun: Bush’s NAME on the order to attack, invade Iraq is a
rather open and shut case.


Johnny Cochran said: “If it does not fit, you must acquit!”
Likewise, if there is no wreckage, the Bush cover story falls apart.
Similarly, if there is no wreckage traceable to a 757, then you must
discard the Bush official conspiracy theory. The house of cards has
already collapsed.

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, the wings would have been found on
the Pentagon lawn. They were never found!

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, two huge titanium/steel alloy engine
rotors, each about 12-15 ft in diameter, would have been recovered; they
were, after all, designed to withstand the intense heat inside jet
engines. Those rotors were never found. Don’t let anyone tell you that
they ‘vaporized’!

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, wreckage totaling about 60 to 80 tons
would have been recovered, and, as was the case at Lockerbie and every
other airliner crash, re-assembled as a part of a real investigation.
Matter does not disappear, vanish, or pop through wormholes at speeds
less than that of light. It’s an elementary principle: the
conservation of matter and energy. Nevertheless, upon orders from George
W. Bush no such investigation was ever undertaken.

Only one engine compressor rotor was found. It is about one third the
size of each of two rotors that would have been found had a 757 crashed
the Pentagon. High rez photos of this single rotor are available on the

It is, however, just about the right size to have been left behind by a
U.S. Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown
from the west coast to Australia (where it was landed) all completely by
remote control. I urge the Rolls-Royce company to come forward; identify
this wreckage from the high rez photos which survived. Bushco, of
course, ordered the real thing destroyed or disposed up along with
everything else that was recovered on the Pentagon lawn. [The U.S.
Global Hawk above, painted or 'shopped', to look enough like an AA
airliner to have crashed the Pentagon. It has one rotor. Only one rotor
was found!]

Where Were the ‘Dead’ Hijackers?

That no one knows is a big and fatal hole in the ‘official conspiracy
theory’ of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and fellow conspirators Larry
Silverstein, Condo Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and schlemiels throughout the
so-called “Jewish Lobby” on K-street!

Craig [Bonesman Greg Craig] concealed the financial funding for 9/11
that was tied to the Deutsche Bank and an Israeli Mossad company on
German soil named International Consultants on Targeted Security,
which is tied directly to an East German DVD cargo company named
Seehafen Rostock, which is owned by none other than 9/11
co-conspirator, Israeli Mossad asset Larry Silverstein who had an
AIG insurance policy on the World Trade Center twin towers on the
day of 9/11 itself.

– Skull and Bonesman Greg Craig Indicted

If Arab hijackers were known by name and additionally ‘known’ to
have been on board Flt 77, it is reasonable to conclude, therefore, that
they were autopsied as were other victims. But where were their bodies?
Where are their names on the only official, admissible document relating
to the crash of Flt 77: the official autopsy report? There are –in
fact –no Arab names whatsoever on the only official list of victims,
the official autopsy report that was released to Dr. Olmsted in response
to his FOIA request.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: JaMeDoIt

There are so many flaws in the official US Government’s position on 9/11 that it is sometimes difficult to know just where to start.

If you think there are holes in the OS try looking at the conspiracy theories.

They they used thermite to burn through steel beams because it's quiet.
And they used explosives to blow steel beams out at 60 mph.
Both came from the conspiracy side. Mainly Richard Gage.

They used space beams to melt the steel inside the towers.
But the beams didn't melt the TV tower on top.

People killed to cover up 911.
Barry Jennings, Beverly Eckert, Kenneth Johanneman, Michael H. Doran, Christopher Landis, Paul Smith, Deborah Palfrey.
But these guys get a free pass.
Richard Gage, Steven E. Jones, Barrie Zwicker, David Ray Griffin.

If the conspiracy crowd has a cohesive theory that covered all the events that day we might believe them.
But nothing about the conspiracy theory stays the same.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: JaMeDoIt
Similarly, if there is no wreckage traceable to a 757,

Well there was 757 wheels, 757 undercarriage, 757 seats, fuselage bits from a AA 757, DNA from all the passengers and crew from flight 77, 757 engines etc. etc.

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, the wings would have been found on
the Pentagon lawn.

That is what happens in cartoons, where truthers seem to get their physics from!

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, two huge titanium/steel alloy engine
rotors, each about 12-15 ft in diameter, would have been recovered; they
were, after all, designed to withstand the intense heat inside jet

Again you are showing your ignorance of how things actually work, the bypass fans on a Rb-211 like was found at the Pentagon was only about 9 feet in diameter, also what "intense heat" does the bypass fan experience?

If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, wreckage totaling about 60 to 80 tons
would have been recovered, and, as was the case at Lockerbie and every
other airliner crash, re-assembled

Just why do you think they reassemble aircraft after a accident? They know why the aircraft crashed on 9/11

Only one engine compressor rotor was found. It is about one third the
size of each of two rotors that would have been found had a 757 crashed
the Pentagon. High rez photos of this single rotor are available on the

Wrong again, it exactly matched a RB-211 Have a look at the Zacarias Moussaoui photo's

It is, however, just about the right size to have been left behind by a
U.S. Global Hawk

Wrong again

snip some crap blaming the Jews! As some people like to blame them for everything!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: hellobruce

Just why do you think they reassemble aircraft after a accident? They know why the aircraft crashed on 9/11

That's a poor example, there are a heap of reasons why such an aircraft should have an attempted reconstruction, the Pentagon et al was a crime scene.
Apart from all the legalities, collisions are a learning curve, in any which way you do not go around with the vacuum cleaner.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: smurfy

originally posted by: MrBig2430

I call bs on his claim of viewing " molten steel running like lava...."

Molten liquid steel is white hot and too bright to look at.

And besides, a little bit of research reveals that these quotes came from firefighters working in the basement under WTC 5, which has never been a target of suspicion of truthers.

Why would you call bull#e on someone seeing molten steel under the remains of the towers, why would you say just WTC5?
It's a fact, Even Leslie Robinson saw it, and amongst a plethora of others who are not firefighters.

"Smoke constantly poured from the peaks. One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of the towers' remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but the heat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots. Massive steel girders were sandwiched in with crushed concrete. Someone told us that they weighed 1,000 pounds a foot. The collapse left them all blackened and twisted. They are among the few recognizable items in the rubble. You find scant evidence of the hundreds of offices that were once part of the twin towers. Most the furniture and equipment was pounded into dust." -Guy Lounsbury of New York Air National Guard's 109th Air Wing"

"The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF. The surface was so hot that standing too long in one spot softened (and even melted) the soles of our safety shoes.
Professional Safety 2002-05-01 - The American Society of Safety Engineers"

"Two weeks after the attack, the rubble, the Pile, is still 7 stories tall. Below, in the Pit it burns like the gates of hell. It is 1200 degrees, so hot that the steel work lifted by the grapplers comes out soft. I've never seen anything like this" -Capt. Susanne Caviness conversation with FDNY Firefighter"

November 2001 a picture of WTC1's rubble pile,

The steel beams are white hot at the tip.
But then, I don't think I need to tell you all this, you know already...but you just want to mention WTC5 as a dishonest distraction, same way as OSOTC uses distraction in an attempt to avoid anything that might just, and I say might just thus far, tear the arse out of any official story that has been given.
All the while you can reflect on what a spokesperson, (John Gross) from NIST has said about molten anything at WTC, since he didn't see it, however let's just stick with the molten steel bit. But you must take into account how uncomfortable Mr Gross appears....or is that just my imagination?

Thing is, this is not an event that occurred that requires everyone to move on without question, and if that also requires questioning the official story as given, so be it, It should be the same system that can put little people in gaol, can put big people in gaol.

If it's red and liquid, it isn't steel. Most likely aluminum or lead.

And that block shown at the start of the video is silver. That means aluminum.

Black body radiation charts are proof of that so deny physics if you wish, that's your right....
edit on 11-4-2016 by MrBig2430 because: (no reason given)

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