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Christian worker loses appeal after 'giving book to Muslim colleague'

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posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: angeldoll
I think both of them should get over themselves. All this 'self-importance' lately is really starting to bug me. I'd like to feed them both a big slice of humble pie.

So, to you, it's fine for a manager to harass and berate an employee for nearly a year based on religion?

In the real world, you should probably bring a plate and fork to the pie eating.

Oh yeah, I lived/worked before these harassment laws.

Being intimidated by a boss, and having no legal recourse sucks.

Harassment laws were made because they were needed.

That is more than apparent, based on the responses in this thread.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 04:48 AM
Ta reply to: mirageman

This case is really about muslim empowerment and minorities using "Hate Laws" - laws that are now on the books in almost every country in the West - as a weapon against indigenous cultures. It's pretty disturbing actually,..

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
Oohhh you are muslim¿ my god you have probably lost god¡ Here come with me to church also read this book about a woman like you that found god. Dont worry i am helping you. Beloeve¡¡¡ Oh also dont be a muslim.

Thats ridiculous. Islam and other groups are using Hate Laws in Western countries to bully indigenous peoples, and as a means to empower themselves and become more or less "above the law". This is happening all over Europe. Do the research before making such inane comments

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: mirageman

I am not sure how I could be offended by being offered a book by a co-worker, but then again I still don't understand all the special snowflake safe zone BS in the world these days either.

This is ridiculous in my opinion and I am not even religious.

I think the clue is in the "she regularly asked her [the muslim] to pray."

Who does that except a "hard core" Christian - I know one, he's a believer in the earth being 8000 years old etc, and they can become overbearing and oppressive.

So this is a case of hard core religious nutter 1 tries to convert hard core religious nutter 2, and nutter 2 gets upset about it, so nutter 1 pulls out the religious nutter victim card and moans about being unfairly treated.

I'm no fan of islam but in this case I feel that probably nutter 1 was at fault.

I'd have told her to F off if she'd kept bugging me, and then also reported her if she'd continued.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: jimbo999

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
Oohhh you are muslim¿ my god you have probably lost god¡ Here come with me to church also read this book about a woman like you that found god. Dont worry i am helping you. Beloeve¡¡¡ Oh also dont be a muslim.

Thats ridiculous. Islam and other groups are using Hate Laws in Western countries to bully indigenous peoples, and as a means to empower themselves and become more or less "above the law". This is happening all over Europe. Do the research before making such inane comments

Only a rampant Christian apologist could see a story about a Manager trying to proselytize, convert and otherwise harass an employee because of religion over nearly a year period ... and make the Manager the victim in the scenario.

Did you bother to read ANY of the facts above? This nutjob Christian lady was not "convicted" of a hate crime ... but of workplace harassment, WHICH SHE CLEARLY ADMITS IS TRUE.

It's not about "hate crimes" it's about blatantly inappropriate workplace behavior. Period.

Just because you personally happen to agree with this kind of workplace harassment doesn't make it right ... and it doesn't make it evidence of some supposed "Muslim" plot ... except in the mind of an extremist.

edit on 9-4-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: mirageman

The whole issue could of been solved as :

Christian worker: here I have this cool book.

Muslim worker: no thank you.

There done sorted.

The Muslim worker should have to pay the legal bills for this dumb nonsense .

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jimbo999

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
Oohhh you are muslim¿ my god you have probably lost god¡ Here come with me to church also read this book about a woman like you that found god. Dont worry i am helping you. Beloeve¡¡¡ Oh also dont be a muslim.

Thats ridiculous. Islam and other groups are using Hate Laws in Western countries to bully indigenous peoples, and as a means to empower themselves and become more or less "above the law". This is happening all over Europe. Do the research before making such inane comments

Only a Christian apologist could see a story about a Manager trying to proselytize, convert and otherwise harass an employee because of religion over nearly a year period ... and make the Manager the victim in the scenario.

Did you bother to read ANY of the facts above? This nutjob Christian lady was not "convicted" of a hate crime ... but of workplace harassment, WHICH SHE CLEARLY ADMITS IS TRUE.

It's not about "hate crimes" it's about blatantly inappropriate workplace behavior. Period.

Just because you personally happen to agree with this kind of workplace harassment doesn't make it right ... and it doesn't make it evidence of some supposed "Muslim" plot ... except in the mind of an extremist.
Me an extremeist? LOL! Thanks, I needed a good laugh. I take it you have very little knowledge of the current situation in Europe or the UK in particular. I would strongly advise you do a little research. This sort of nonsense is becoming more do more common over there with Islamic militancy on th rise. I'm no Christian either - for your information.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: ketsuko

For "some" people, every breath they take is supposed to be geared to "bringing others to Jesus"

You're speaking In hypotheticals that are irrelevant.

The workplace is not for trying to change others beliefs nor for "witnessing" about your own.


Then tell that person to there face.

Don't go running off to HR like a cowardly little bitch.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: mirageman

The whole issue could of been solved as :

Christian worker: here I have this cool book.

Muslim worker: no thank you.

There done sorted.

But this is not really about books or manners though is it? It's really about something far darker imo

The Muslim worker should have to pay the legal bills for this dumb nonsense .

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: jimbo999

You can "take it" anyway you want. Glad you got your fancy tickled.

You're trying to apply your fears and concerns about political and demographic changes in UK and the rest of Europe and apply it to this very specific situation regarding this nutjob Christian missionary abusing another employee in the workplace, clearly and BY HER OWN ADMISSION. You're apparently also ignoring the information provided on the NHS policies and procedures regarding religion in the workplace, the very detailed and rational description of what this lady endured at the hands of this rapidly "witnessing" Manager ... etc. etc.

If this were an atheist harassing some Christian for a year about the irrationality and stupidity of their religion, trying to bring the breath of reason into their lives ... there'd be shrieking from the housetops ...

Did I say you were a Christian? Nope. Are you ignoring the facts and making APOLOGIES (i.e. explanations and excuses for bad behavior)? Why yes, yes you are.

Are you so obsessed with changes in demographics (which are inevitable by the way) that you're' willing to ignore facts and logic to assert your beliefs over reality? Yes, you are ... which by definition, makes you an extremist, at least, on this issue.

At the very least, you're making rabid generalizations that ignore the facts OF THIS MATTER.


posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: ketsuko

For "some" people, every breath they take is supposed to be geared to "bringing others to Jesus"

You're speaking In hypotheticals that are irrelevant.

The workplace is not for trying to change others beliefs nor for "witnessing" about your own.


Then tell that person to there face.

Don't go running off to HR like a cowardly little bitch.

Unfortunately, this isn't your basic workplace spat, this is a political statement by the Muslim woman - or more likely, her husband and their Imam. Muslum women have no say in matters in the UK.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: jimbo999

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: ketsuko

For "some" people, every breath they take is supposed to be geared to "bringing others to Jesus"

You're speaking In hypotheticals that are irrelevant.

The workplace is not for trying to change others beliefs nor for "witnessing" about your own.


Then tell that person to there face.

Don't go running off to HR like a cowardly little bitch.

Unfortunately, this isn't your basic workplace spat, this is a political statement by the Muslim woman - or more likely, her husband and their Imam. Muslim women have no say in matters in the UK.

The facts do not bear out this one-sided interpretation of events.

Neither the Muslim lady, nor her husband, nor their Imam mind-controlled this crazy Christian lady to abuse her position as a manager and try to harass her employee over her religion.

These are simple and obvious facts borne out by this discussion. Do you have any facts you wish to present that you've based your rather outlandish assertions on?

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: jimbo999

Unfortunately, this isn't your basic workplace spat, this is a political statement by the Muslim woman

Do you have information that the rest aren't privy to? Please do share your source!

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jimbo999

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
Oohhh you are muslim¿ my god you have probably lost god¡ Here come with me to church also read this book about a woman like you that found god. Dont worry i am helping you. Beloeve¡¡¡ Oh also dont be a muslim.

Thats ridiculous. Islam and other groups are using Hate Laws in Western countries to bully indigenous peoples, and as a means to empower themselves and become more or less "above the law". This is happening all over Europe. Do the research before making such inane comments

Only a rampant Christian apologist could see a story about a Manager trying to proselytize, convert and otherwise harass an employee because of religion over nearly a year period ... and make the Manager the victim in the scenario.

Did you bother to read ANY of the facts above? This nutjob Christian lady was not "convicted" of a hate crime ... but of workplace harassment, WHICH SHE CLEARLY ADMITS IS TRUE.

It's not about "hate crimes" it's about blatantly inappropriate workplace behavior. Period.

Just because you personally happen to agree with this kind of workplace harassment doesn't make it right ... and it doesn't make it evidence of some supposed "Muslim" plot ... except in the mind of an extremist.

Nowhere in the article does it say "she harrassed this muslim woman for over a year.." This is your fabrication. The English hostpital worker said
"She said there were "aspects of truths", as she admits she did put her hand on the woman's knee and offered a "very quick prayer" after her colleague had approached her for some personal support."

Doesn't sound like a year to me. 10 minutes according to the muslim - a lot less according to the christian. I tend to believe the latter.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: jimbo999

My fabrication or your ignorance?

You're embarrassing yourself at this point; I'm not going to assist you in it.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: jimbo999

Unfortunately, this isn't your basic workplace spat, this is a political statement by the Muslim woman

Do you have information that the rest aren't privy to? Please do share your source!

Plenty. I can festoon this thread with similar examples from all over the UK. It would take some reading on your part, but it's easy enough to dig up. You want conspiracies? This is a huge conspiracy. But it's very poorly reported in the US or Canada.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Did you actually READ the original BBC report? Apparently not.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Outlandish? How so? Did you read the original report on the BBC web site? Or are you simply paraphrasing others commentators on this thread? There's a world of a difference you know... You are obviously not in the UK I assume?

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: jimbo999
a reply to: Gryphon66

Did you actually READ the original BBC report? Apparently not.

Sure I read it. And I read everything that followed here, INCLUDING Ms. Wasteney's admissions that she engaged in a systematic attack on her employee's religious beliefs over a year's period.

You're really not the one in the scenario that needs to toss accusations of ignorance.

Do you have evidence that for some reason that Wasteney's admissions are inaccurate? SHE ADMITS SHE DID WHAT SHE WAS DISMISSED FOR!!!!!

Do you have some evidence that the NHS regulations on workplace and religious behavior were abrogated in this case?

Or just your belief that there's a phantom menace at work in all areas of European and British society that makes your bowels apparently loose?

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: jimbo999

My fabrication or your ignorance?

You're embarrassing yourself at this point; I'm not going to assist you in it.

I've spent 20 years of my life in England, and over 30 years in North America - so I have something you most likely do not have: and that is cultural awareness of both sides of this debate. If you are an American - and many here are - your assumption is that this Christian is a British version of an bible-bashing southern baptist lunatic - but that is a basic missassertion on your part from lack of cultural awareness. The English are not generally like that - even the Christians there. They are very quiet and reserved about their beliefs. But I imagine you wouldn't understand that. That is one reason I highly doubt the muslim's version of events. The other simple reason I doubt her story is the proponderence of similar stories coming out of the UK and Europe in general right now. There is a battle for power going on in Europe right now - wether you like it or not. And this tactic is being used all over the UK by muslims - using the hate/descrimination/ laws now on the books - to further their cause and attempt to force more and more shariah-based laws and anti-western/christian values down the throats of people. You may prefer to keep your rose-tinted glasses on - and that's your perogative - but me, I like to dig down to the real story.
edit on 9-4-2016 by jimbo999 because: (no reason given)

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