posted on Mar, 31 2016 @ 07:46 AM
Hey, some people do well as vegetarians, I have known lots of people that were vegetarians and still know some pretty well. There are some problems
that occur, B12 is one of them that I hear guys talk about. I have a b12 spray that is considered vegan, it is a little expensive but the spray lasts
a couple months and it tastes great and works great.
I eat meat, but have problems taking B12 properly out of food and using it. I guess that is an age related issue, something called intrinsic factor
or something like that. Calcium is high in bread and also some veggies. Make sure not to get elevated potasium levels. I eat a lot of potasium rich
foods and it increases my insulin creation a little too much which causes constipation. Also, some people get bezoars from eating a lot of veggies,
keep an eye on that. A bottle of coke will disolve my bezoars. I hate coke, but it does work. I like veggies, but they do not like me.
The neighbor girl is mostly vegetarian, she is a friend of my youngest daughter, and she does eat eggs once in a while to take care of problems. No
other meats though. She seems healthy, but she learned that running every day is not good on the joints.
edit on 31-3-2016 by rickymouse
because: (no reason given)