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Tarsus=666 and Saul/Paul is the Beast

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posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: Seede

So going by the story acts tells I do not believe that is a comment that was written legitimately by Peter. Because at that point, they hated each other. Paul despised the Apostles and the Apostles despised Paul.

This is no secret. It's recorded in Acts. I have no doubt that that comment was written in by the early Roman Catholic church.

Because it is a lie.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 12:54 AM
So far I haven't seen nothing but kids trying to insult me for thinking and questioning that which needs to be questioned. Some have tried even stalked me from every thread I visit (Coomba) and now I have to just not read some peoples comments because they have no goal other than trying to insult me, and then hypocritically call me immature.

Good thing I am an adult. I will just have to ignore you haters who are mad at me for exposing the lies.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 12:56 AM
Here we go here we go here we go.

Let the fun begin.

Im playing a drinking game when i get home from work. Excited!

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 01:15 AM
So going by the story acts tells I do not believe that is a comment that was written legitimately by Peter. Because at that point, they hated each other. Paul despised the Apostles and the Apostles despised Paul.

This is no secret. It's recorded in Acts. I have no doubt that that comment was written in by the early Roman Catholic church.

As far back as Eusebius Peters letters were disputed and thought to be forgeries, they were only accepted because they weren't heretical (by Roman standards)

So I will not let one comment in a letter that Peter probably didn't write change my opinion because I have a mountain of evidence, and you have a sentence from one of the 3 or 4 most likely forgeries in the Bible.

That would be stupid.

Because it is a lie.:
edit on 1-4-2016 by Heresiarch because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: coomba98

You play drinking games, son? I only ask because real men don't need a game to drink they just pour it in a glass. Or drink it from the bottle. Beer pong? Come on.

But I now know why you don't contribute intelligent conversation, because you immature and not capable. But when I want to be in a bad mood like you are I don't, like a total coward without a spine, go to the internet to harass people who think more than me.

I come on the internet and spread interesting information. What this website is meant for. And you don't have anything interesting to say because you're like a prank caller in the internet age, so you get mad and one day you're pretending to be sticking up for the religious and today your insulting me for my religious beliefs.

You didnt make it in college, did you? You probably majored in sports management and deliver pizza and still have acne and girls don't like you.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch

Ok works done. 2 hours to get home then ill provide a proper response. As the travel home is my reading time.

BUT..... i play drinking games on occasion yes, this is what grown ups that drink do. Well ones with friends that is. Last drinking game was xmas.

Good one there young padawan.

Ohh trains moving. Time to read. Full response eta 2hours youngling.


posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch

Im home, woot woot time for the weekend.

Now.... Back to your impertinence young Padawan.
(excluding the drinking game as I have already responded to such childish responses.

By Heresiarch:

But I now know why you don't contribute intelligent conversation, because you immature and not capable. But when I want to be in a bad mood like you are I don't,

Of course I want to contribute to intelligent conversations, its just that you lack the intelligence and offset it by being offensive and abusive behaviour. And your always in a bad mood Padawan, just read your posts. Only a fool would say your a kind, respectful, intelligent person. To think otherwise would be nothing short of PHWAOR!!!

By Heresiarch:
like a total coward without a spine, go to the internet to harass people who think more than me.

People who know me would definitely not call me a coward. This is quiet amusing but if it makes you feel better then you go for it digger. I am totally against Trolls on the internet, but im totally fine with trolling the troll.

By Heresiarch:
I come on the internet and spread interesting information. What this website is meant for. And you don't have anything interesting to say because you're like a prank caller in the internet age, so you get mad and one day you're pretending to be sticking up for the religious and today your insulting me for my religious beliefs.

No you come on the internet to spread information and when people don't agree or have another opinion you get abusing and use strawman tactics. This needs to stop! Attacking someones character as opposed to their opinion with intelligence by providing evidence of your opinion.

And im not sticking up for the religious, I stick up for people who don't deserve to be abused by incompetent strawman like you who use abuse and offence to get their message across. Grow up Padawan. Grow up!

Ohh and I don't really know your religious beliefs. Your not Gnostic and your not Christian. Your a confused mingle of them which each contradict the other. Again and ill put this in bold caps so it sinks in further.


By Heresiarch:
You didnt make it in college, did you? You probably majored in sports management and deliver pizza and still have acne

Australia has University and Tafe. I have been to both. No point going into what I know as it is completely irrelevant.
Never delivered pizza or anything in my life and im a grow adult so don't have acne. (although I know some unfortunately still do, shame on you for bringing this up and offending other people, shame on you)

By Heresiarch:
and girls don't like you.

Hahahaha I showed my girlfriend this, and she said that later on I am to give her one just for you. But it has to last more than a few seconds. Easy

(Hint: she was indicating you would not last anymore than a few seconds). That cracked me up big time Padawan.


Ill stop responding to you once you have learnt respect of others and humility.

Ask a psychiatrist. People as abusive as you are, are really taking out their own inner demons on other people.
The abuse they give out is really what they think of themselves and abusing other people for their own lack of self esteem. In simple terms, what abuse you say to other people is really what you think of yourself.

edit on 1-4-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch

So here are the Gnostic Gospels.
This is what you should be concentrating on if your a true Gnostic.

* The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles.
* Allogenes – The Foreigner.
* The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Adam.
* The (First) Apocalypse (Revelation) of James.
* The (Second) Apocalypse (Revelation) of James.
* The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Paul.
* The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Peter.
* The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of James.
* The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of John.
* Asclepius 21-29.
* Authoritative Teaching.
* The Book of Thomas the Contender.
* The Concept of Our Great Power.
* The Dialogue of the Savior.
* The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth.
* Eugnostos the Blessed.
* The Exegesis on the Soul.
* The Gospel of the Egyptians.
* The Gospel of Philip.
* The Gospel of Thomas.
* The Gospel of Truth.
* The Hypostasis of the Archons – The Reality of the Rulers.
* Hypsiphrone.
* The Interpretation of Knowledge.
* The Letter of Peter to Philip.
* Marsanes.
* Melchizedek.
* On the Anointing.
* On the Baptism A.
* On the Baptism B.
* On the Eucharist A.
* On the Eucharist B.
* On the Origin of the World.
* The Paraphrase of Shem.
* Plato, Republic 588A-589B.
* The Prayer of the Apostle Paul.
* The Prayer of Thanksgiving.
* The Second Treatise of the Great Seth.
* The Sentences of Sextus.
* The Sophia of Jesus Christ.
* The Teachings of Silvanus.
* The Testimony of Truth.
* The Thought of Norea.
* The Three Steles of Seth.
* The Thunder, Perfect Mind.
* The Treatise on the Resurrection.
* Trimorphic Protennoia – Three Forms of First Thought.
* The Tripartite Tractate.
* A Valentinian Exposition.
* Zostrianos.

I may have missed some but im not going to waste further time on a self proclaimed Gnostic about something they should already know.

I don't think you know what you believe.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch

You really need to read your bible, because nobody who reads acts through Sauls epistles can say that Paul was a friend of the Apostles. Paul lies about the Apostles accepting him, but they definitely didn't.

You did not tell me which of the many bibles I should read. Would you please advise me of the one that tells you Saul/Paul climbed out of the bottomless pit as the beast numbering 666? And that was over 2,000 years ago.

Now let us examine 1st and 2nd Peter. You say 2nd Peter was not penned by the Apostle Peter. My advice is to stay away from the internet and get grounded in actual sources from real scholars. Most who claim this will compare 2nd Peter with 1st Peter without the faintest idea of truth. They have no autographs to even make a statement of that importance. I can claim that the autographs were Hebrew and copied into Greek leaving you and your so called scholars on low ground. But can I prove this? No, not as this day can I prove this. Can your scholars prove otherwise? No, as of today they can not prove their suppositions either.

How do your scholars compare this supposition? They compare 2nd Peter with 1st Peter and draw their conclusion that they cannot be related by the same author. Then to add insult to their ignorance, other scholars insist that 1st Peter is not authored by the Apostle Peter. So in effect the authorities of today insist that 1st Peter is not authored by Peter and then compare 2nd Peter to the 1st Peter who is not of Peter. Now you talk about confused people there are some really confused people.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Heresiarch

When you read Paul you get contradictions and lies like: For the whole Law is summed up in one commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14 But Yeshua taught that the greatest commandment was to " love God, and the second is like it, you should love your neighbor as yourself." Does it sound like Yeshua thought that the Law could be summed up in a single

Totally out of context and not true as presented.

Mark wrote that Jesus said the following --

Mark_12:30-31 - In Red letter KJV --
(30) And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
(31) And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment
greater than these.

This was not the law but was a commandment of Jesus' doctrine.

The law did not teach love or forgiveness. The Law taught obedience and or punishment.
Exodus 21:23-26
(23) and if there is mischief, then thou hast given life for life,
(24) eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
(25) burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
(26) And when a man smiteth the eye of his man-servant, or the eye of his handmaid, and hath destroyed it, as a freeman he doth send him away for his eye;

That was the law and Paul was teaching the difference between that doctrine of Moses with the doctrine of Jesus. In this he taught the people that the law of Moses is completed (fulfilled) with love of God and neighbor and not revenge and hate. This is absolutely clear that Jesus was talking about His commandment and that Paul confirmed that commandment in comparison with the law of Moses.

You sure reek of hate.

Galatians 5:13-15
(13) For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
(14) For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
(15) But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Gal 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

You certainly must hate Paul to post this untruth.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: coomba98

What I concentrate on shouldn't concern you. What you concentrate on doesn't concern me and you wasted your time typing in all those Nag Hammadi texts names because I not only own the book but I have been reading them online for years. I already mentioned that but your a little slow so I'll remind you.

In addition to reading almost daily the Nag Hammadi scriptures I read a little of both Testaments and 8 pages (at least) of the Quran everyday. Last year I read the whole Bible. I have also read 1&2 Enoch, The lost books of the Bible and the Forgotten books of Eden (I own this one) Jugilees, Jasher, the Torah section of the Zohar and much, much more since you're so concerned with my reading habits. I've also read much of and own the Zend Avesta and the extra biblical Dead Sea Scrolls.

But thanks for googling the contents of a book that I own.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: coomba98

Trying to scream at me that you know what Gnostics believe (there is no set of beliefs, a Gnostic is free to believe as he/she sees fit) and that Gnostics don't believe in the Bible, which is applying an umbrella to a philosophy that doesn't have an umbrella, and false, just shows you should never try and define a religion that isn't your's because you will be wrong every time.

Yahweh is a false god, Ialdabaoth is one of his Gnostic names. But he is not the Most High, not Yeshua's heavenly Father and not God. That doesn't render the Old Testament useless though as it will always be worth reading for insights on the Demiurge.

And what Gnosticism is to me it is to me specifically. Nobody will ever tell me what to believe. They might tell me what they believe, and I may or may not agree, but nobody has a priest, there are no priests or clergy of any kind.

My beliefs are a mixture of Mazdayaznian, Essene and Gnostic. One last thing, the Gnostics of Nag Hammadi would have had different ideas than Gnostics from Syria so trying to say what Gnostics did or do believe would require many books, I know, I have read a few.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Seede

You don't fulfill the 2 commandments of Jesus by fulfilling the lesser. Both need to be fulfilled. It's not so hard that it needs to be further simplified into one, and Saul is saying that loving another is equal to loving God. By saying that the love God commandment is fulfilled by loving man it then becomes unnecessary to worship or love God directly, and Jesus would never have simplified the Law into 2 commandments if one was sufficient. And Paul said whoever loves another fulfills the Law, and it was a lie my friend.

Paul is the beast 666

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Seede

You even use the standard Pauline defense of out of context. And you think I am going to let you say that? I haven't taken anything out of context, I quoted his words and those words have their own unique context because they are deceptive. He DID say that loving another fulfills the Law, and it doesn't because you also have to love God and FIRST. Not also but first. Paul can write all he wants about loving God and not be sincere, even outright deceptive when he later on says you can fulfill the Law just by loving another it is a devious lie and the less astute will not notice the difference in Paul's to Jesus teachings, and just to be safe he mentions loving God but then goes on to say loving another is equivalent to loving God and fulfills both commands.

Not all of us are blind my friend.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Heresiarch

Padawan Heresiarch! Your back.

By Heresiarch:
you wasted your time typing in all those Nag Hammadi texts names because I not only own the book but I have been reading them online for years.

Took me all of 1min to copy and past then make it all presentable. No time wasting for me.

As Gnosisfaith you didn't know about the Nag Hammadi library and at the time didnt know much about its texts, given your response to me that you didn't understand what Pleroma or Monad is and having me to explain it to you (which is actually a pretty basic concept of Gnostics given its about the true Supreme God and his Heaven.

But if it makes you feel better then keep saying you have been reading these manuscripts for years. Added to that your understanding of them is quiet small.

By Heresiarch:
In addition to reading almost daily the Nag Hammadi scriptures I read a little of both Testaments and 8 pages (at least) of the Quran everyday. Last year I read the whole Bible. I have also read 1&2 Enoch, The lost books of the Bible and the Forgotten books of Eden (I own this one) Jugilees, Jasher, the Torah section of the Zohar and much, much more since you're so concerned with my reading habits. I've also read much of and own the Zend Avesta and the extra biblical Dead Sea Scrolls.

This is probably why your mentally unstable and resort to strawman tactics because you jumble all these beliefs systems together by cherry picking the parts you like and creating a religion all on its own. With a membership count of 1, you.

By Heresiarch:
But thanks for googling the contents of a book that I own.

Your welcome happy to help Padawan.

By Heresiarch:
Trying to scream at me

[sigh], you need to read things properly Padawan. I understand when someone is written in caps its usually construed as yelling and shouting. But like I said in my post and ill quote:

By Coomba98:
'ill put this in bold caps so it sinks in further.'

This is merely so you understand better what im trying to say Padawan. If I was yelling or shouting or as you took it, screaming I would not have said this.

By Heresiarch:
that you know what Gnostics believe (there is no set of beliefs, a Gnostic is free to believe as he/she sees fit) and that Gnostics don't believe in the Bible, which is applying an umbrella to a philosophy that doesn't have an umbrella, and false, just shows you should never try and define a religion that isn't your's because you will be wrong every time.

[double sigh], I do know what Gnostics believe, and understand there are many sects of Gnostics just like Christianity.
(When I say Christianity im talking about the Catholic Church and its offcuts.)

A true Gnostic would not follow the words of the Bible. This is like a true Christian reading the Satanic Bible and giving its texts credence. The Satanic Bible totally contradicts the Bible in almost everyway.

To make it super simple for you Padawan:

Bible = Good.
Satanic Bible = Bad and should be scorned by anyone who is a true Christian.

Many Gnostic texts (as there is no 'Bible' per se) = Good.
Christian Bible = Bad as its the freaking devils book!

No self respecting intelligent person would ever use the works of the devil to give their own beliefs credence. Both religions being Christianity and Gnosticism say that the devils a liar and seeks to confuse people.

Super simple stuff Padawan.

By Heresiarch:
Yahweh is a false god, Ialdabaoth is one of his Gnostic names. But he is not the Most High, not Yeshua's heavenly Father and not God. That doesn't render the Old Testament useless though as it will always be worth reading for insights on the Demiurge.

As useless as the Satanic Bible is to a Christian yes, yes it is. As a Gnostic, preaching Christian texts is like a Christian preaching the Satanic Bible to validate their beliefs. When said preaching totally contradicts their own religion. Ohh but that's right, your religions a self created one with a membership count of 1, you Padawan.

By Heresiarch:
And what Gnosticism is to me it is to me specifically. Nobody will ever tell me what to believe. They might tell me what they believe, and I may or may not agree, but nobody has a priest, there are no priests or clergy of any kind.

See my last line above, [sigh], fine ill copy and paste it you ease of reference.

Ohh but that's right, your religions a self created one with a membership count of 1, you.

By Heresiarch:
My beliefs are a mixture of Mazdayaznian, Essene and Gnostic.

More than that you include Christianity as part of this as well. May as well throw in the Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and Indian myths to. Does Zeus, Horus, Enki or Ishvara come into your belief system? May as well Padawan, and make it really confusing.

By Heresiarch:
One last thing, the Gnostics of Nag Hammadi would have had different ideas than Gnostics from Syria so trying to say what Gnostics did or do believe would require many books, I know, I have read a few.

There you go Padawan now your starting to learn. Did you know there are many many sects of Gnosticism, just as many as Christianity. Did you also know that the Nag Hammadi is a compilation of the manuscripts believed by many many sects of Gnostics. Kinda like someone hiding them away as the Christians slaughtered Gnostics and destroyed their texts. Someone wanted them preserved so gathered them together and hid them in a cave before they could be destroyed.

Also do you know what the Gnostics thought of Paul? Have you even read the The Apocalypse of Paul?
From the sounds of it you have not. [sigh].

But for someone who proclaims they know more than most (aka: an expert!), you sure don't know much Padawan.

edit on 1-4-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: coomba98

You keep saying a Gnostic would never do this, or a Gnostic would never follow the Bible. Let me tell you reality.

A Gnostic (from the greek gnostikoi, 'those who know') reads and studies all faiths, it was like that in ancient times and is like that today.

Th Nag Hammadi Gnostics lived in an era when even possessing a Bible could get you killed. Only the priests and nobility were aloud. If they had a Bible, they would have to read it to learn about the Demiurge and Jesus.

And the Gnostic scriptures have Jesus as saviour just like the Catholic, and some of their writings are apostolic and Christian.

But your fallacy is believing that the Bible is forbidden to Gnostics. You DON'T know what Gnostics believe because every Gnostic has their own beliefs. There are no rules and no doctrine to Gnosticism.

The two concepts that you WILL find in common with all Gnostics is a love for knowledge and faith. Pistis Sophia, the oldest surviving Gnostic text before Nag Hammadi means Faith Wisdom. I have read it.

And you want to accuse me of not reading the Nag Hammadi scriptures, which I do everyday now and have been reading here and there online for years. I do own the book, just because I like books, but they have been online for YEARS.

Last, don't say you know what a Gnostic believes, I have already explained to you that every Gnostic believes different from the next. We don't meet up and formulate dogma's and doctrine, we don't police others beliefs, and there is no Gnostic statement of faith that you can site.

As much as you want to be, you are not educated. Not in Gnosticism and not acting like a man.

You are my own personal cyber stalker. You like my style, and like a schoolgirl with a crush you try picking on me to hide your admiration and/or jealousy( of my style and knowledge). I have you figured out and it's creepy, not cute. Live and let live. Stop riding my **** because you can't compete intellectually.

Last, the two minor works attributed to Paul in the Nag Hammadi were not written by Paul. They didn't know what we know today about the scum.

But regardless, NOBODY, Gnostic scriptures included, police my beliefs about Paul. I can enjoy Nag Hammadi and still despise Saul as a false prophet. Nobody polices my beliefs period.

Especially you. Why don't you stop your creepy obsession with me and I will stop showing the world how little you know about everything.
edit on 2-4-2016 by Heresiarch because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2016 by Heresiarch because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:06 AM
Here is a tip gnosis faith

Trying, demanding, accusing, abusing people who have a different opinion to you, yours is not healthy
It will cause you to come to grief. Live and let live.
You must be a very angry spiteful person in real life.

Leave people to believe what they choose to believe

As Coombs said, you need real help

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: coomba98

You really need to grow up kid, because you THINK you are funny and you are really just a douche. You are obsessed with me, my religion and show it by trying to define it and pigeon hole me into YOUR erroneous definition.

At least when I talk about a religion, it is one I know about. That could be quite a few religions, but this particular thread is about how the book of Revelation is revealing that Saul was a false prophet, not an Apostle.

I know you're mad that you can't contribute because you lack education. You have to google any information you post beforhand, no doubt.

But is having a school girl crush on me and my wisdom manifesting itself in the form of attempting to tell me what I am supposed to believe the wisest option?

Because you just show how uneducated you are while bbetraying your true feelings. You are insecure(can't let people exist, can't make an interesting comment or thread) obviously have no balsl because it is on the internet you come for confrontation. Cowardly to the max. You probably get beat up if you do it in public and this is the safe route.

Im officially never reading another of your messages again. You might take that differently than I mean it so let me explain.

You are an ignoramus and a wannabe(smart). You will add no knowledge to me. And since I can't jump through the computer and discipline you like your mom still does, you go on the "pay no mind program"

Which means you can be on my ##ck all you want and I will never notice. Your next million messages WILL NOT be even read by me. You can talk all the trash in the world and it won't make a difference to me.

You are a (sarcasm ahead) real winner. Girls really don't like you, I guarantee it. You couldn't get friend zoned by an unattractive girl because you're creepy.

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch

Padawan Heresiarch,

By Heresiarch:
You keep saying a Gnostic would never do this, or a Gnostic would never follow the Bible. Let me tell you reality.

Ok Padawan, advise me of your knowledge and skill set within your Gnostic knowledge and community, yes there has to be more than one of you that believes your crap.... sorry darkness. Ohh worshiper of Samael. ([whispers] his he Devil!!)

By Heresiarch:
You keep saying a Gnostic would never do this, or a Gnostic would never follow the Bible. Let me tell you reality.

[sigh] Reality does not apply to you but ill listen young Padawan.

By Heresiarch:
A Gnostic (from the greek gnostikoi, 'those who know') reads and studies all faiths, it was like that in ancient times and is like that today.

Padawan!! What the bloody hell are talking about. Sprouting Sheit gets you know where but into Samael's palms. A repetitive cycle of reincarnation. If you don't get it this life, which you don't seem too, there's always the next one I suppose.

The goal of the material existence is to ascend to Pleroma, and give back what was stolen from Sophia, who impersonated the first (not second) Eve, and gave the breath of Life to mankind. Which Samael was not only dumbfounded (like you are with your beliefs) but now hates us because mankind with said spark, which makes us smarter than the God of the Material Plane, who is know by three names:

1. Yaltabaoth. (the one Sophia name him when he was conceived).
2. Saklas ( meaning Fool).
3. Samael. (The Blind God [as he cannot perceive Pleroma, the true Heaven in Gnostic beliefs]).

A Gnostic studying all faiths is not a Gnostic but a confused little man.

By Heresiarch:
Th Nag Hammadi Gnostics lived in an era when even possessing a Bible could get you killed. Only the priests and nobility were aloud. If they had a Bible, they would have to read it to learn about the Demiurge and Jesus.

OMG Padawan, what the hell!!! Do your event understand the basics Padawan?

The Nag Hammadi Gnostics existed before the Christians, I cannot believe that you think this, the Bible was created about 320 to 350 AD/CE.

Come on Padawan, don't show such ignorance and proclaim to be an expert. Such fallacies are redundant young Padawan.

If your a Gnostic, stick to the Gnostic text otherwise your doing what the Devil/Samael wants! To keep your soul/spirit in the repetitive circle of re-birth thereby restricting ascension to Pleroma, to be one with Sophia. As we are a small part of her essence. Otherwise we would be a dumb mute wriggling thing on the ground with only animal instincts, Padawan!

By Heresiarch:
And the Gnostic scriptures have Jesus as saviour just like the Catholic, and some of their writings are apostolic and Christian.

Nope, Gnostic beliefs came before the Bible was created, hence it is more true than the Catholic beliefs. Your should know this Padawan. Actually you do but you persist on quoting the Devils works to support your claims/beliefs!. Come on Padawan you know better than this. I assume!

By Heresiarch:
But your fallacy is believing that the Bible is forbidden to Gnostics. You DON'T what Gnostics believe because every Gnostic has their own beliefs. There are no rules and no doctrine to Gnosticism.

No this is your fallacy Padawan. Don't like repeating myself but for you I will.


Do I have to re-repeat said Sacred Gnostic texts, and it was not all of them!

In any event.... [sigh]. You let me down Padawan, you should know better!

By Heresiarch:
The two concepts that you WILL find in common with all Gnostics is a love for knowledge and faith.


Christianity is a knowledge killer Gnostic wise!! Listen to the Priests!, Bishops!!, Pope!!!! as they know all (Christianity wise). Anything else is the Devils work. Females, well phark them and their yours. Easy as!. Come on Padawan you really believe that Christians in the past respected females! Come on Padawan you know better than this!!

By Heresiarch:
Pistis Sophia, the oldest surviving Gnostic text before Nag Hammadi means Faith Wisdom. I have read it.

Um, ok Padawan, on the right track but don't know why you are mentioning this. Whatever, a Star for you!

By Heresiarch:
And you want to accuse me of not reading the Nag Hammadi scriptures, which I do everyday now and have been reading here and there online for years. I do own the book, just because I like books, but they have been online for YEARS.

Good for you Padawan! But you have only been reading the Nag Hammadi scriptures since January 2016. Not YEARS Padawan. Lying is unbecoming of a true Gnostic.... Padawan!

By Heresiarch:
Last, don't say you know what a Gnostic believes, I have already explained to you that every Gnostic believes different from the next.

Yes I already know this Padawan. Like offcuts of Christianity. Like Baptist, Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant etc, etc.

By Heresiarch:
We don't meet up and formulate dogma's and doctrine, we don't police others beliefs, and there is no Gnostic statement of faith that you can site.

Padawan, read all your prior posts. Ridiculing Christian beliefs is tantamount to policing others beliefs.

Gnostic beliefs contradict Christian beliefs, hence Padawan, I have no need for further statements of faith to site.


crap, ran out of space in educating you Padawan.
edit on 2-4-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: Heresiarch..continued

By Heresiarch:
As much as you want to be, you are not educated. Not in Gnosticism and not acting like a man.

Padawan, how do you know my education!! In 'Gnosticism' im your superior by far. Any dumbass can see that Padawan!
Not acting like a man!!

Wheres my girlfriend I feel the need to prove myself, Padawan!


By Heresiarch:
You are my own personal cyber stalker.

Yup, like I said before up until you learn respect of others and humility young Padawan!

By Heresiarch:
You like my style.

Sigh, man you really don't get it do you young Padawan!

By Heresiarch:
and like a schoolgirl with a crush you try picking on me to hide your admiration and/or jealousy( of my style and knowledge). I have you figured out and it's creepy, not cute. Live and let live. Stop riding my **** because you can't compete intellectually.

Phowar Padawan this is intense, are you gay? Not that theirs anything wrong with that, if that's your choice good on you. But then again you actually need a partner to engage in these things Padawan.

In closing, your awesome Padawan. I love you.
edit on 2-4-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

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