a reply to:
Good information. Most of my studying was from 2003 to 2007. I was unfortunate to be poisoned, but fortunate to know some top notch alternative
specialists and philosophies at that time. No one knew what to do, but we knew what not to do, and I'm still here. A specialized fatty acids test and
some extravagant blood tests revealed that I was "borderline MS, ALS and Parkinson's" back then.
I was also fortunate to be seen by Dr. Kilburn (RIP) of UCLA. He literally wrote the fat text book, "Chemical Brain Injuries." He was the one who
diagnosed me and said I had also been exposed to Round-Up. I insisted that he was mistaken, as TrueGreen had lied to me and I believed them, but he
got in my face and told me to ask them again. Sure enough, two years later they admitted that I was "only" exposed to Pendulum AquaCap and Round-Up. I
managed to tape him saying this, but my administrative assistant had disconnected the recorder, so my proof went poof, and they changed their story
again. That was understandable, as the MSDS said specifically not to mix these two products -- and the MSDS also went poof once they heard that I had
been exposed to both. Quite a bit of behind the scene power these corporations have!
The cherry on the cake was arsenic. I still don't know where that came from, but it also came and stayed, as part of their chemical cocktail, as it's
called. We had a providential history of hair analyses, so when our soil also unexpectedly tested for arsenic, we did another hair analysis and sure
enough, now arsenic was present where it wasn't ever there before.
Fortunately, I was quite healthy and quite intelligent to begin with, so now cut back a few tabs, I still fall into a fairly intelligent range. Either
that or I'm really good a faking it. Being old helps, as people lower their expectations. LOL. And as you can see, I tend to ramble....sorry
OP!...that is also compliments of the poisoning.
The scary thing is that I am one of the lucky ones. I managed to live beyond two years, which apparently no one else has, with this level of
Anyway, thanks for the link....