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Why everything is always hoax

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:36 AM

If you don't have children, I hope you someday have the blessing of a child (please forgive me for being so pretentious) because then you'll never have to ask yourself "why are we here ?" or "whats it all for ?" because I've been living for my daughter since the day she was born.

Well put Radagast and ditto, nothing else matters when you have children, they are everything. Ufos and aliens and such dont rate a thought in day to day life anyway. In the end you decide for yourself.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:16 AM
I'm a believer in reading between the lines, this way I can find even a tid bit of truth in the most outlandish proposition. The fact that ufos and aliens are discussed to the point that people will create "proof" tells me there is something to hide and/or people misdirect there energy. The fact that many theorize and argue about the Illuminadi and the Masons tells me that there are people out there who keep secrets. In some cases when when an arguement is relagated as hoax it's disinfo, in cases where people went out of there way to create a physical lie, it's manipulation. A good solid good old-fashioned attention to detail should be enough to look past what is being said as to discern what isn't being said and vice versa.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:41 AM
Well, Not everybody has the same values, the same goals and the same interests. I'm not a fan of motherhood, that is not my big plan for my life...
I'm a truth seeker....spiritual freak, that is my interest....
Like he said, I can read between the lines...but if we reject everything because it looks weird, how could we involve????? Maybe the weirdest thing of speilberg movies exists....
Sci-fi is something not far away from the real deal
Not only ETs, but life itself...out of the 3 dimension world, there is something, we just don't come to earth and then die and that's it, it's just absurd. Where do we come from, where are we going????
What will you do if your child ask you these kind of questions????
Any way.....Like I said, It's just me...I wanna know everything,


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Amelia Where do we come from, where are we going????
What will you do if your child ask you these kind of questions????

what I always do, defer to the wife. I'm always wrong anyway so why bother coming up with some existential answer?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:51 PM
I am a disbeliever on probably 90% of the subjects on ATS. Anyone who's read my posts knows that. I do, however, like to keep an open mind. Take UFOs. My old viewpoint was, It's not impossible but it's not probable, either.

Now I think that most of the governments know more than they're sharing. But I also don't believe that they're ETs, but homegown so to speak.

I can't put any faith in most of the theories here. Not a lot of people put forwards any REASON why their paticular conspiracy would work, or any evidence that suggests their conspiracy is real. When I get NWO people telling me "The evidence is all around you" that's not a lot of evidence.

That's why I believe most people call hoax. There's often no evidence and the evidence they do put forward is often subjective and very circumstantial.

I keep an open mind. If you (not the thread poster specificly) want to convince people like myself that your theory is true, provide some good hard solid evidence. This isn't Top Gun where your gut feeling gets you through it.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
I'm a truth seeker....

I have gone after a few threads as hoaxes when it's obvious to me that they are a hoax, in order to help others along the way and keep people from wasting their time. Though I'm aware that sometimes this is done to steer people away from something that is not a hoax by disinfo folks or by people with malicious intent. Sorting through to figure out which is which is just part of the game.

I too am a seeker of truth which is sort of how I ended up here. I have been lucky (or unlucky) enough to have seen a few things that don't quite fit in with what I have been told (led to believe). I'm here looking for possible clues that may lead to glimpses of the reality beyond and having some entertainment while doing so. There are a few images I've seen that if seen again I know might lead to additional information.

Just remember you're very much like an island native with no worries except living & loving. The truth can disrupt that blissful reality.

As they said in the movie "Matrix" it's not something that you can be told about you must experience it for yourself in order to understand.

I must be the only one here who uses my real image on my avatar - or is that my residual image?

[edit on 14-1-2005 by outsider]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:35 PM
Think of ATS as a desert, Amelia...and somewhere in that desert, you are seeking for something valuable that you sense is there.

You set up your sieve and pour the sand through until the sifted sand becomes a heap, the heap becomes a mound, the mound a hill, and the hill, a mountain of sand.

But you should never give up, because you know its in there somewhere... that treasure of truth you're searching for.

BTW...if you have found the soul within you, then a mountain of Sunday sermons is of no use to you. You have already found that particular treasure.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:31 AM
Thanks for advices guys

Now, I would LOVE to stop asking myself all kind of questions, but when I spend a month in my routine (working, paying bills, party, have fun with my bunch of friends) I come back to my old existence questions, and I do not have a miserable life at ALL.
I would love to investigate the most popular conspiracies and find out the real deal, but everythings seems to be unachievable.....

Do you think somebody, somewhere just invented all those things for fun, to freak out people....I mean the NWO, the secret society, mind control, hidden proofs of history events, religion, corporations profits, wars, covered murders..............that is all a big joke and I'M the paranoid one??????? Then why the world is like that today? what happened? Why so many people WONDER what is going on???? You wanna say, there is nothing to wonder, life is great!!!!!!!! The world is numero uno!
Everyday I see evidences that something is not right, everyday I see evidences that what I've been reading on those subjects make sens....

****I believe in syncronicities, that everything you do is meant for you to do, that my soul is guiding me to find answers! When I ask myself a question, I find a book at the librairy, an article, or anything and the answer is in it...

The freak chick hehehehehe

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 02:43 PM
"I believe in syncronicities"

i used to believe in that as well, but the more i would relay my trial and error findings it become more evident that while in fact syncronicitie remain constant you yourself have authority over it. happy hunting!

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by sturod84
"I believe in syncronicities"

i used to believe in that as well, but the more i would relay my trial and error findings it become more evident that while in fact syncronicitie remain constant you yourself have authority over it. happy hunting!

Your brain have authority over it...for sure
You listen to your brain or to your feelings, you choose
Wehn your soul is talknig to you, you can feel it or ignore it by listening to the brain analysis, that is what most people do

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
What is the point of living if we live in money, fraud, crime, capitalism and materialism, earth disasters, fast food, and
so on.....
Why can't people search for themself before saying it's all piece of bull. SOMETHING must be true!!!!
Why do we live like that! What is the point of being here???? People beleive in GOD but they do not want to know what IS "hoax"???
People (not me) are deep into religion but they don't even know the real purpose of it!
I tell you guys that not everything is an "hoax" or disinfo, maybe that is just that people don't want to admit it.....
The fact that you guys argue and loose energies on should go to the top of the problem and wonder why
this is all happening
Like why we humans (not me only) are on earth what is our mission? We are not here only to reproduce???!!!!
I could talk about that for hours! It's hard to explain how my curiosity and my search for the truth is deep, I never met
someone like me, I'm tottally unique! hehehehehehe

People is busy with other interests, or making a family. That is why they do not search for the truth. There is not enough time to do everything and anyway most young people are only interested in the next weekend party. Or the next partner. There is no room in their heads for anything that is not in the news or friends/family.

Consider this: our guests from other planets have a different technology and psychology than ours. By withness reports here on ATS and other places it is aparent that they can accelerate from zero to several thousand km/hour in a few seconds or go invisible. In our science these two examples are impossible to do even theoretically or mathematically, yet they have no trouble with it. It is obvious our science is somewhat lacking. It can't be explained; much of what our guests do is impossible to explain.
But they themselves know. So this leads me to the logic that we must trust in our guests. We don't understand them, but they might understand us. All I can say is that we must not panic or be afraid when meeting them, but rather try to control our feelings and our will by meditating (wich is easy; just close your eyes and relax your tinking and muscles no matter what happen around you).

There are no fate or destiny. What we have is the free will. So there isn't any 'mission' other than those we choose to follow by our free will. I am also looking for the truth about things. I found this web that shows that it might be possible to get to know more about ancient Europe history and myths (Hungary existed as a nation under one king or other for 5000 years when the chatolic church destroyed their sivilization and way of living 1000 years ago by this Arpad) than historicans know of as of yet. Look into all subdirectories, its alot of material here. But it seems to be from -96 and -97, I do not know what they have found out after that. It seems it was an old man who did the research and maybe he died?

Anyway, most people do not live for money. Most of us have one job and we stay in that job, despite the fact that there usually are other companies or jobs with better pay. This is because of our human nature; we choose what is safe and happy with as in getting along with our colleagues. Have more on this at

Something must be true, of corse. I've searched for it for more than 20 years (I'm 37) and have had alot of time doing that as I never married, so far have no children and not found any partner (guess I've given up). So what have I found? Earth were visited by aliens some thousand years ago (still unknown how far back). They shared their knowledge with our ancestors so there can be no doubt that our ancestors knew how to make aircrafts of some sort. India seems to have been at the center of our first (?) advanced civilization while Europeans (at least North) consisted of simple farmers or 'hunters'.
Then the aliens left Earth (except some that remained) and our ancestors was suddenly left to themself. They did a bad job as they at some time they forgot technology. Legends tell us there was natural disasters and logic tells me this is a plausible explanation; something must have happened for people to forget the past. One cannot worry about maintaining knowledge when one is busy trying to survive. In adition we do know that kings and other rulers in ancient times kept secrets from each others and the common population. So of corse when this or that kingdom or civilization was crushed the secret knowledges disapeared forever.
Our ancestors forgot whom the aliens was the following centuries and when the aliens returned our ancestors worshipped them as god(s). It seems that it was mostly the alien's machines that our ancestors worshipped and not the aliens themselves (cargocults). Religions are thus only misunderstood technology as far as I can tell. Technology seems to have reached its worst about 1500 to 2000 years ago.

I'm also interested in the future...

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:47 AM
i recall a television report that explained at one point the human population was widdled down to only a few hundred people, contributing to the near exctinction of mankind! could this be what you are refering to? soil samples retreved from the ocean revealed a era of grave catastrophe where a massive, perhaps super caldren erupted whiping out the great majority of civilition.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Ghaele

I'm also interested in the future...

Me too, I'm interested in everything that is unexplained or "secret"
But I know what you mean, people in general are way more concerned about their routine than the real big questions
Most of my friends are way more worried about their car that is broken, football, gossips, play station, party in the week-end, problem at job and how to pay the next televison they bought on credit for 3 years....
When I start talking about serious stuff at my parties, I get the "boring"'s kinda "something we don't wanna discuss because it's too weird and probably disinfos"

I know, I've been there too


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 09:33 AM

When I start talking about serious stuff at my parties, I get the "boring"'s kinda "something we don't wanna discuss because it's too weird and probably disinfos

Same as that! Its easier to say "that persons a wierdo, or insane" than it is to think deeply about what they have said and draw your own conclusions.
When I first started down the path of "enlightenment"
, most people would laugh at what I had said, and then forget about it, but more people are coming round to my way of thinking.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Amelia

Me too, I'm interested in everything that is unexplained or "secret"
But I know what you mean, people in general are way more concerned about their routine than the real big questions
Most of my friends are way more worried about their car that is broken, football, gossips, play station, party in the week-end, problem at job and how to pay the next televison they bought on credit for 3 years....

Ain't it the truth...

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 06:20 AM
People are very comfortable in their little box. They don't want to take responsibility for their actions and love self pity, so they place blame outside of themselves. They are naturally followers too lazy or weak to guide their own lives, so they place power beyond themselves. They have no answers so they create things like religion. The power of society is strong over the follower, so they adopt belief instead of earning it. Strange... You would think agreement would not come up short of the truth in a collective consciousness. I suppose the reason for that is the few who controll that consciousness create truths for their own profit. The way religious ones try to force their way upon you is no different than the way a drug addict will try to suck you in to keep them company and give them the sense that their way is the right way. Nobody wants to stand alone. Speaking generally ofcourse. Sit and watch as the darkness consumes what society knows to be perception. I say to all: believe what you will, as will I. What is for you is not for everyone. All possibilities exist simultaneously and your life will follow the path of least resistance. Resistance is determined by belief. Oh and to Amelia and bandit...You guys rock. I have read quite a few of your posts.

[edit on 4-2-2005 by Lucidious]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
BTW, no I don't have kids, I know that when we have kids, it must gives a meaning to life...For me, it's deeper deeper than that! It's the whole meaning and the whole sens of life. Like why we humans (not me only) are on earth what is our mission? We are not here only to reproduce???!!!!

Well, me being a man, I wish that was the only reason we were here. Ha ha ha.

But seriously I have a few theories about why everything is a hoax:

People "buy" into strange happenings. I mean that literally and figuratively. Some see it as a way to gain money, others as a way of gaining fame, and others see it as another way of control. The first two are easy enough to understand, but the thrid takes a little bit more to comprehend.

First, religion is the status quo. It is most obvious for those like us who tend not to believe it entirely or at all. Supreme being who will punish us for not obeying the rules (and if that fails, we have jail). But then again, who exactly writes them down? Who preaches them? Those in power(who will be referred to as "they") understand that there will always be those like us, which leads me to my second point.

Second, if there are those not of the status quo, how do they control us? We must come up with other stories for them to believe. Not just any single version of another story, we must come up with all manner of other stories. Then if we get them to believe it, all the better. This leads me to my third point.

Third, by disproving what someone believes, they have a better chance that someone will "find God". Since they set it all up to begin with, no harm done, because someone will just find something else they created to believe in, mainstream or not.

Fourth, they measure us partly by what we can or choose believe in, for example, someone who believes God is an office chair probably has the intellect/mentality of a mushroom. (oh but not just any office chair, but an adjustable vibrating one, with cup holders and a head rest - Ok upgrade them to carrot.)

Fifth, they use the control they have so they can figure out what is really going on (and here's where the cover-ups come from). They can never make what is really going on known unless something happens in the presence of too many people to be disputed (such as an Independence Day style invasion or a giant reptile stomping down a major city - for a Hollywood style scenario). Even if something did happen, it would still be skewed, they would still not release all of what is going on, because if they did, they will lose the control that they covet so much. Hollywood and conspiracy theories are yet a part of that control (not saying all of them - but a good majority). They desensitize us, in the event that should something happen beyond their massive control, then perhaps most people would not really respond to it, until it was too late or entirely over.

Sometimes the best place to hide something is right out in the open already set up to be disproven it ever existed in the first place.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:16 AM

Well, guys, maybe not everything is true, a lot of things are hoax but I know, and i'm 100% sure that many things are NOT hoax
- NWO, greys, secrets societies like illuminati and the elite, the reptilians, the greys, 2012, pole shifts and other stuff like that....
Nobody can convince ME that these are not true. I feel it so intense in my soul, I'm kind of a psychic and I can feel things...well that is not a hoax! I'm sorry, i'm just a chick from canada but all I can tell you is you have be prepared because the world is not going to be better, it will be worst until the day it will be cleaned. Forget about material and money, war and politics, everything will fall....think about your soul, your spiritual self, that is what is important. Send unconditional love in the cosmos, to earth, and to your are not in place to judge, you just have to have faith in your higher self and everything will be o.k....send the negativity out of your body...just hink about it, I'm just here on ATS to love you and send you love
Love and light...

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
Most of my friends are way more worried about their car that is broken, football, gossips, play station, party in the week-end, problem at job and how to pay the next televison they bought on credit for 3 years....
When I start talking about serious stuff at my parties, I get the "boring"'s kinda "something we don't wanna discuss because it's too weird and probably disinfos"

Sounds like you need new friends.

Unfortunately friends are not necessarily forever. Some come into your life for brief periods of time, you learn something from the experience or you teach them something about themselves. Like two ships passing in the night you keep travelling your seperate paths.

If your "friends" don't understand you or don't support you then they are not "friends" they are simply "des conaissances".

As for the topic. Not everything is a hoax but it is easy for small minds to pull out the "conspiracy" label and stop all rational discussion. People who refuse to see or simply do not have the mental toolbox to do so are beyond our reach IMHO.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
When I start talking about serious stuff at my parties, I get the "boring"'s kinda "something we don't wanna discuss because it's too weird and probably disinfos"

I've gotten to the point where "my group" nods and and quickly changes the subject........very frustrating for me...........

[edit on 8-2-2005 by MemoryShock]

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