posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 06:48 AM
At last, an American who actually admits that the threat is real and already in place in the US...
Trust me, I have a lot of good memories of being in the US and made some wonderful American friends but the overall reaction from Americans re Radical
Islam (note I said Radical Islam) is that its a problem for other countries and if it tried to come to the US it would get its ass kicked. Sadly the
truth is that its impregnated most Western countries thanks to our treacherous leaders, its been allowed to walk in without papers in many cases and
now circulates in amongst the most powerful forcing itself on its host.
I don't have an issue with all Muslims, as many know my wife is one as are my in laws but the difference with them is that they evolved, they looked
at the bits in the Quran that are outdated and chose to just follow the good ideals within it, things that are not about stoning, killing and the rest
but sadly there's a massive return to these outdated and wrong ideals with a massive influx of people to whom all these have been bred / brainwashed
in to them.
Its a mixture that cannot work and worse still its being massively financed by Saudi etc and yet we shake their hands and dismiss the threat in the
favour of trade deals. Unless we start removing the radicals this movement towards more radicalisation will just keep building up, before they hid but
now they are loud and proud, and worse still, its being suppressed by the media, look how well this is doing in Sweden, there are refugee's afraid of
other refugee's and asking why they never see what is happening to them on the TV or in newspapers.
I read an article from a Swedish reporter called Lisa Kunesburg (I can't remember her exact name) where she said Muslim refugee rapists should not be
deported because they are 'emotionally damaged' and while the victims should be cared for the rapists should be 'pitied' and not sent back home. This
sort of Liberal nonsense will destroy communities, one wonders how Lisa's liberal ideals would protect here if she was dropped off in one of Sweden's
55 no go area's.
So yes, the threat is real, its not a few loons looking for attention, its a very real and very organised army attacking each of our countries all in
the name of Radical Islam, burying our collective head in the sand until its too late would be an easy alternative but its time the people were heard
and we made our feelings known to the failures of politicians who live outside the reality that we know, many of these elected officials despise the
very people who trusted them by voting, well its time to set them straight, unsafe immigration isn't wanted, it should be treated as a business and
the people who have made it to our shores that want to do harm should be removed.
If we fail to do this then eventually we will be over run...And that is a fact...