posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 11:14 AM
I put this in the political issues because i thought it was best so if a mod feels a better forum is more suited so be it. This is an opinion piece so
there are no links for you to click on, this is just my reasoning of how i have analyzed this election cycle and how i believe we have come to be
It's been my observation this political year that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but for the most part Bernie Sanders supporters are pretty much anti
current establishment. Meaning they would like to see how things are run now run differently with their candidate of choice being the man at the top.
Now politics aside, because I'm a lot of things but a Sanders supporter i am not, i would agree that the current establishment needs to go.
On both sides, Establishment Republicans are just as bad if not worse IMHO then the Democrats. Now regardless of how you feel about the tea-party
people, they were born out of the anti establishment crowd on the Republican side because they did not agree with how Bush was doing things, mainly
the bailouts towards the end of his term. Many people started to stand up in the Republican party base against those in power, namely John Boner in
the House and McDip# over in the senate. We did not like John McCain and did not care for him as a candidate. Same can be said for Romney. We all saw
those two people as the establishment, but that's all they would give us. The Republicans have herded this party the direction they have wanted for
years and people can only take so much before they start saying NO.
I can't really speak much for the dems because i do not agree with their policies or really much of anything from their side of the isle. But i bring
them up here because this is where the people of the conservative side really started to move away from the Republican establishment. And i speak now
of Obamacare. Love it or hate it, that thing was rammed down our throats at breakneck speed without knowing the full extent of it and this all
happened before the dems lost a bunch of seats and the Republicans took over.
So now the republicans have power and finally a chance to overturn the train wreck that we believe will become of the ACA. But they didn't do that.
In fact they drug their feet and stalled and procrastinated, causing more angst within the conservatives. So much so that Boner was kicked out of the
speakership, then that quietly got tossed aside and they all said 'oh Johnny boy ok you can stay because we just can't agree on # except we don't
like you but here's your gavel back.'
They even tried to cut off some of the funding for the enforcement of the ACA but i believe that went no where also. So the way we saw things, they
were not listening to us. Not even a little bit. So we became disenfranchised. Not only with the Republicans but also with Democrats who in our eyes
were both working towards the same ends. I believe the same can be said for Sanders supporters only under different ideologies. We both saw how both
parties did not listen to us anymore, so we both sought other options.
Enter the current election. Ben Carson, he's black, he's smart; with the exception of a few dumbass statements pointed out so 'clearly' here in
various threads. And i really liked the guy. Cruz, did not trust him. he did multiple backdoor deals with the dems and even though we was elected as a
tea party favorite, he became just as bad as Boner and McDip#. Rubio, no I'm sorry way to establishment for me. The other jerk offs don't even
deserve to be mentioned. Now we move to Trump.
Trump. From our eyes, he's a business man, outlined a great plan to overhaul the ACA and mentioned some very canidateorial and most likely impossible
ways to handle immigration. Immigration: A Nation can not remain a Nation if it does not control who becomes part of the system. No matter how you
spin it, there needs to be a way to vouch for the millions of people crossing the boarder illegally and to keep out the undesirables. Most people who
support Trump believes he can do this, we just don't know how yet, regardless of how he said he would do this, we believe he would and can return us
back to a nation of laws.
Now this longwindedness brings me to my final point. I personally believe Sanders Supporters are against how their party has treated them in the past,
just as much so as the people who support Trump are angry at how the establishment Republicans have treated them in the past. And what do they give us
in return? Sanders gets cheated by super-delegates right out of the box and has sense been quickly losing steam. The Republicans attempted to do the
same thing to Trump by attacking him in the first Fox debate. But it backfired because Ms. Kelly was made it painfully obvious to us someone wanted
her to do those things and you see this by how she acted with the rest of the ppl on stage. That's what we think anyway. And because of that, his
poll numbers skyrocketed. Since then he has won primary after primary and blowing everything out of the water. Something Sanders was not able to
accomplish against Clinton but not without trying, I'll give him that. My main point is and bare with me it'll end quickly i promise.
My main point is this, no matter what side of the political isle you are on, there is a war going in politics right this very minute. A war that has
been brewing since Bush was in office. It is my opinion that Clinton along with the establishment Republicans are trying to use the pissed off Sanders
supporters in a move to stifle a candidate they do not want running because it does not fit either of their agendas. All of this hatred and violence
does is prevent Trump, or any candidate for that matter from telling the voting public what they wish to do if elected. No matter what side of the
isle you are on, even if you do not agree with it, you must allow the opposition to have a voice. To not allow that is nothing short of tyranny!
Clinton is a horrible person who has done many wrongs in her past, many of which is voiced out right here on this website. George Soros, another
person who is well pointed out as another loser behind many shady dealings during this election cycle.
Love him or hate him, personally i don't claim to know he'll do everything i care about and doubt he'll handle it the way would like them to see
handled. But I'll tell ya this, i know damn well Clinton won't. Neither will Cruz or anyone else on the republican side with the exception of
Carson, i still like him. so please keep in mind what you are seeing this time around, is a war from the establishment against anyone who doesn't
play ball and that means Trump and Sanders.
Thank you for reading. I'm at work and bored and have been thinking about this for some time. Figured I'd finally put it words.