posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to:
No offense (which usually means I'm about to offend you), but you sound like you're in high school. Or have a high school mentality. Or are just
outside of high school.
If you're 18 or older and she's under 18 (yes, even if she's 17), stay the hell away from her. If you're 17 and she's 15 or younger, also stay the
hell away. If you're 16 and she's 14 or younger, stay the hell away. I can go on? If you need an explanation for this, I'd be happy to oblige, but I
dont wan't to go there if none of these apply to you. If they do, holy crap man...... please press the ABORT button ASAP, I beg of you. You are
raising some of my biggest red flags.
But anime, games, draw, write? Making people laugh? I'm wondering if we're talking about middle school territory now.
I can't really give you any advice because you sound like every third boy I've ever known, and never had any desire to date.