The Satanic -driven increase of sufferings of common people in the course of Church's history, (including the non demanding of Christian monarchs for
more social justice), questions the very idea that the Good God send His Only begotten Son to Die for the sins of humanity and to bear upon himself
what we "deserve by our sins".
Although I do not doubt the death of Lord Jesus, I doubt its interpretations by numerous church fathers, who after all defended a political status quo
that brought increased suffering, not alleviated, and finally ended up with the darkest period of human history. The average lifespan was below 40.
Nobody talks of that today, yes?
The (Roman) Church is yet to make remorse of past transgressions, even before demanding anything from the "poor sinners". The Church should make
grandiose efforts to repair what she did in history, now on behalf of betterment of humanity.
ET Disclosure? Admission the Angels are ET good ones? One of the many examples how the Church may try to repair the 15 centuries abuse of power.
Because we could probably reach the Industrial revolution in 5th century, if it was not for Augustine to declare the "Millennium" was "now" ib the
Church's controlled Roman empire and afterwards, and everyone who opposes it deserves the fires of hell. Even more, everyone who tries to build up
real kingdom of God on earth with beatitudes of Jesus fulfilled, may qualify for the antichrist, or at least for his forerunner. Augustine, who is not
a DOGMA, as well as all subsequent teachers, should be publicly demystified and denounced about the screwing up the timeline of revelation. Especially
about denying the possibility of building up a kingdom of God on earth in real terms, with social justice, food for the poor, and so on.
Sorry for being quite bitter on that, but can;t bear that 15-16 years after the paradise line of 2000 we still talk of things like feeding the
homeless on the streets of developed countries, state loans for poor countries amid widespread corruption, and to cap it all, immigrants from Africa
and Asia to overflow Europe. There was ENOUGH TIME after the Cold War these problems to be solved. There wasn't political will. As Obama said, 15
years of 21st century were missed. As Putin said, the paradise promised at the end of Cold War never came. What more to wait for, when our lives just
passed slowly but surely? Why to be silent anymore? The system doesn't work! The king is naked! The Catholic Church as the major Christian
organization and oldest institution on the planet, DOESN'T FUNCTION PROPERLY even for smaller things, let alone to be the beacon for the world.
Where is the New World Order that Francis would have established int he UN in September 2015? Why all good promises just run flat, and the next crisis
comes to overtake our full beings? How long shall we wait, and wait what? Nibiru may be, to decide all our problems once and for all? Why not Francis
say the things as they are, and start a real change NOW, at the 3rd year of his pontificate, not wasting even a minute more? Who if not he? Obama may
be? Putin proved he is political leader not spiritual, and not liberator of the world. Forget about that scenario. We need a clear cut coming from
spiritual place and taken by politicians as life-saving agenda of today. Otherwise, Merkel's resignation wouldn't be enough because the next ones
wouldn't bring any betterment, as EU agonizes already 20 years. Otherwise, we are doomed even without Doomsday. Let do what should be done in 5
centuries, instead of Burning Heretics like Giordano Bruno! They should be canonized instead of those teachers who brought us here where we are now,
wondering is there any future for our children or all was in vain.
Here is how Augustine crewed up the timeline of Reveation, still a teaching although not a dogma.
Here is my version of the timeline of Reveation on 16-3-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)
edit on 16-3-2016 by 2012newstart
because: (no reason given)