Demonstrating the veracity of the spheroid model in 3 steps [ deliberate sarcasm for the scientifically illiterate ]
1 – the Eratosthenes experiment – to save space :
This experiment is infact a ambiguous – as in the absence of any other data – this could demonstrate that the earth is a speroid with the sun a
massive distance away – OR that the earth is flat and the sun is just 3000km above the equator
This is where science kicks in – any claim has to fit ALL observations to qualify as a valid theory
The flat earth claim is about to fall – well er ………………. Flat
Lets proceed
But first an interlude – to the moon [ this is important – as several other thinks hinge on lunar observation ]
Observation s
a – the moon APPEARS round – whell suh
b – the phases of the moon can be observed to follow a 28day period
Now – is the moon a spheroid or flat disk in the sky ?
Good question
It can be simply established by an experiment with 4 iteams
A dark room , a basket ball . a flat disk and a torch
That given observation A B and the experiments results that
It is demonstrated that at least the visible face of the moon is a convex solid with a radius [ curvature ] equal to its observed radius
If that sounds complex – the simple answer is its at minimum half a sphere with the curved side facing earth
Interlude # 2 – mars and Jupiter
First – both are observably round further – By direct observation – it can be shown that both these are spheroids as features can be seen
telescopes and the rotational periods of all features confirm that both rotate on their axis and are thus spherical
Using a sighting of polaris to determine latitudes between the north pole and the equator is simple
And can be paraphrased thus :
“ take a sighting of polaris from any point north of the equator , and the angle at which polaris appears above the TRUE horizon is the latitude “
Now the flat earth claim immediately crumbles here
Because in reality – the lines of latitude are equidistant [ and even flat earther fantasy maps draw latitude lines equidistant ]
See pic :
This can be tested with a map – the measured distances between equal increments of latitude IS identical – do try this at home kids
Now lets demonstrate the flat earth siliness
This pic shows an alledged “ flat earth from the equator to the north pole – with the scale bar delineating 10 degree incriments of latitude
As shown – the flat earth delusion fails the polaris test – one obersvational dataset in – and the flat earth delusion has crashed
Spheriod earth model handles polaris observations perfectly
But hey – lets crash on
3 the moon – we are back
Thanks to the observation of solar eclipses – its demonstrable that the moon is nearer to the earth than the sun
Further – as we have already established that the moon is at the very least – ½ a sphere with its curved side facing earth
Then lets put this to the flat earth test
Using the flat earth explaination of the experiment – we showed that the sun can only be 3000km from earth ID the earth is flat – and the moon
must be closer than that
Lets use a moon distance of 3000 km – as its an easy number to work with [ and it saves pulling another claim out of flat eart arses
Now the distance from London [ UK ] to washington DC [ USA ] – is conveniently 6000km
So –picture time [ each block on the scale bar = 1500km ] – see there was a reason i used the 3000km number
A observer at the apex of the red lines would see a drastically different view of the moon than a viewer at the apex of the green lines – as shown ^
2 points verifiably 6000 km apart – biewing an object alledgedly 3000km above a flat plane
SHOULD – observe very different views of the moon – but they don’t – flat earth fails again
We know they do not by comparing photographs taken at the point of totality of lunar eclipses from different points on the globe
Egro – the moon is further away by a magnitude
I have lost the will to address the issue of lunar eclipses – but hey – this post is getting big
There – another nail in the flat earth coffin
So without further adoo : Longitude
To save time – read this
Now longitude is a funny thing if you accept the speriod earth model –
At different latitudes – the measured distance between each degree of longitude changes .
But as required by science it is predictable – testable and conforms to observation
If you subscribe to the flat earth delusion – its fooking hysterical
Because – on the flat earth map – longitude lines conform to observational data UNTILL you get to the equator [ which is always still drawn on
flat earther maps ]
Then longitude utterly collapses under the flat earth delusion – and instead of the measured distance between 2 lines of longitude being identical
at opposite latitudes [ ie 20 north and 20 south ]
The southern latitude lines continue to diverge ……………… ooops
And the further south you go – the sillier it gets
As seen on the flat earther map
Unless you is cthulhu – you cannot address longitude on a flat earther map
Then – saving the best till last – observable daylight
This is where the flat earth claim really does go bat crap crazy
Observed fact – on the 21st of june for 24 hours the sun is observable from EVERY point north of 66 degrees north latitude [ the arctic circle ]
– and cannot be observed from ANY point south of 66 degrres south [ the Antarctic circle ]
Lets see how this looks on the flat earth map
Hold on – it gets better
On December 21st : the sun is observable from ZERO locations north of 66 degrees north latitude [ the arctic circle ] – and can be observed from
ANY point south of 66 degrres south [ the Antarctic circle ] for 24 hours
Now – back to the flat earth fantasy map and lets see how that observational fact looks :
Yeah – that’s what “ flat earth research “ gets you
The suns footprint magically changes shape – by magic
Of course in the spheroid model – with an axial tilt it makes total sense
Again – testable and observable with a ball a torch and a dark room
It would be feasible to contunie this thread for some time – rubbing flat earthers noses in the excrement of their own delusion – but – whats
the point
The above concludes that the flat earth delusion does not fit even these simple testable observations
There endeth the lesson . The eaerth is a spheroid – QED
Flat earthers are delusional pseudo scientists
Done their own research my arse
The end – that’s it poo flung – now I need a drink
edit on Mon Mar 21 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: fixed mod error...sorry