So as we all know Clinton (both) has been embroiled in controversy going back to the days in Arkansas. From the alleged drug running, to people who
had information on the Clinton's being killed over the years, to the Rose Law Firm mess, to the whitewater development corporation, the Arkansas
Development Finance Authority scandals, to her and Bill's foundation and the donations, etc etc etc... I find it impossible to believe that Hillary
had no idea what was occurring, from Arkansas to the present. While the scandals individually would be able to support their own threads, we are going
to look at her email scandal and an interesting observation that was made.
Who: Hillary Clinton - 67th Secretary of State.
What: Private Email server in violation of federal law.
When: January 2009 to February 2013.
Where: Global
Why: Violation of federal law / espionage act.
Hillary has consistently maintained she never received or sent classified information on her private email network. The email scandal is significant
not only because of the information the emails contained (SCI) but also because its now viewed as almost a certain that Russia / China gained access
to the material (which could be its own conspiracy topic knowing the Clinton's history with China).
In every single soundbite, from congressional hearings to the media, she has not wavered in her stated position - she neither sent nor received
classified material. Sadly she may be correct if we play the what the definition of is is game.
US Classification system uses the following -
* - confidential
* - secret
* - top secret
As you may notice their is no official "classified" level, which is important because when being questioned the term classified is being used (by
congress and the media). So when she states she has never sent / received classified information she is "technically" correct. While every other
person under the sun understands that when the term classified is used its referring to sensitive information - confidential, secret, top secret, sci,
Being she was a lawyer and seeing how Bill parsed words during his sex scandal and noticing she doesn't correct people questioning her when they use
the term classified instead of the actual official designators one has to ask is she playing the word game in hopes no one will notice?
I have not found any clips where she is asked questions where the terms confidential, secret and top secret are specifically used. I have not found
any clips where she corrects the people who use the term classified when asking her questions. If people have seen clips addressing this please
edit on 1-3-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)