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Adding Insult to Murder: Finicum's Family Sent $500 Ambulance Bill

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posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

Interesting thing about citizens arrest ... Anything less than flawless execution could result in your own demise ... And culpability of course.

Make sure you can handle the consequences. That is of course if it were your family.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: ExNihiloRed
You're somehow convoluting what led up to the need for an ambulance with the fact that the billing is a matter of protocol.

There was no need for an ambulance at that point. The Oregon state police and the FBI made quite sure of THAT. Even to the point of obstructing Virginia Sharp who is an EMT from helping him when she begged them to let her. They wanted him dead. And they proved it right to her face. Murderers.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: ExNihiloRed
You're somehow convoluting what led up to the need for an ambulance with the fact that the billing is a matter of protocol.

There was no need for an ambulance at that point. The Oregon state police and the FBI made quite sure of THAT. Even to the point of obstructing Virginia Sharp who is an EMT from helping him when she begged them to let her. They wanted him dead. And they proved it right to her face. Murderers.

I'm not trying to debate the underlying event. I'm just pointing out that the federal government doesn't control ambulances and ambulance fees. If the ambulance was used, the bill is part of protocol. Should the county have stopped the bill or covered it? Open to debate. Regardless, the ambulance bill simply was not a product of the federal government.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

Get out to where? As FUBAR as everyone is saying America is, is there any other place on the planet that is less f$cked up?

A: Yes, every other first world nation.

Just contemplate and/or reflect on the subject of this thread and ask yourself: Is this a normal issue (both the siege and OP topic) for other first world nations? Is this a discussion other first world nations have...?

edit on 14-2-2016 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Involutionist

We might not have to pay for our ambulances in here in the UK but I'll tell you this the problems here are just as bad as you guys in the states have it, in some instances we have even more draconian freedom depriving laws than you guys.

The grass is NEVER greener on the other side, at least you guys will be armed if you ever start a revolution

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 09:15 PM
The pdf of the claim shown in the OP's link is fake. Not calling out the OP or anything of that nature. Just happened to read that one and the one that went along with Tamir Rice's story. Comparing them both, a Carl E Meyer, Assistant Director of Law, is an attorney in Cleveland and is on the claim in the Tamir Rice story. But he's also left in on the one in the Finicum story as an attorney in Burns, OR. Also, the Revised Code 2117.25 is Ohio's code for claims against an estate. But again, it shows up in Finicum's as the same code 2117.25. Oregon's code is 115.125.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Our families and/or our estates are often subject to the debts we incur in our final moments.

That is sad at times, and unfortunate. Best to take care of it and move on.

However, staging this as some sort of "abuse of a martyr's family" is absurd: Lavoy Finicum was shot while resisting arrest after assaulting law enforcement while under probable cause for multiple felonies.

Those of you who routinely applaud the deaths of other Americans at the hands of police in much less obvious circumstances than these should be ashamed.

I know you're not, but you should be.

Agreed. Would the ride have been free if he died of a heart attack, or fell off a ladder? No. So why should the tax payers have to foot the bill for a guy resisting arrest and who already cost us tax payers boat loads of money?

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: Discotech

We might not have to pay for our ambulances in here in the UK but I'll tell you this the problems here are just as bad as you guys in the states have it, in some instances we have even more draconian freedom depriving laws than you guys.

The grass is NEVER greener on the other side, at least you guys will be armed if you ever start a revolution

I'm Canadian.

The point of my comment was suggesting that every other first world nation is indeed less F'd up than the States when societal interaction, issues and overall currency of life is weighed. All nations have issues. It was just the use of the word "LESS" in the comment I was responding to is what threw me for a loop. Just denying ignorance, that is all.

ETA: I just came back from spending a few weeks in London (I'm there 4 X a year) and have spent much time across the pond over the years (London, Amsterdam, and Hamburg are almost a home away from home) and spend a few months a year down in a few States all for business reasons. In saying that:

I'll tell you this the problems here are just as bad as you guys in the states

Nah, man...not even close.

edit on 14-2-2016 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Gozerian76
The pdf of the claim shown in the OP's link is fake. Not calling out the OP or anything of that nature. Just happened to read that one and the one that went along with Tamir Rice's story. Comparing them both, a Carl E Meyer, Assistant Director of Law, is an attorney in Cleveland and is on the claim in the Tamir Rice story. But he's also left in on the one in the Finicum story as an attorney in Burns, OR. Also, the Revised Code 2117.25 is Ohio's code for claims against an estate. But again, it shows up in Finicum's as the same code 2117.25. Oregon's code is 115.125.

Now that's curious. I also noticed that the actual ambulance bill (if it is real) is due on 3/12/16. So why would they be filing a claim for a bill that isn't even due yet? If what you say is true and that guy from the story source forged this document, he is in big trouble (or whoever did do it). I am going to report this to the Harney County Clerk of Court and ask them if it is true or what.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: Gozerian76
The pdf of the claim shown in the OP's link is fake. Not calling out the OP or anything of that nature. Just happened to read that one and the one that went along with Tamir Rice's story. Comparing them both, a Carl E Meyer, Assistant Director of Law, is an attorney in Cleveland and is on the claim in the Tamir Rice story. But he's also left in on the one in the Finicum story as an attorney in Burns, OR. Also, the Revised Code 2117.25 is Ohio's code for claims against an estate. But again, it shows up in Finicum's as the same code 2117.25. Oregon's code is 115.125.

Now that's curious. I also noticed that the actual ambulance bill (if it is real) is due on 3/12/16. So why would they be filing a claim for a bill that isn't even due yet? If what you say is true and that guy from the story source forged this document, he is in big trouble (or whoever did do it). I am going to report this to the Harney County Clerk of Court and ask them if it is true or what.

Also in the article that was written in the Finicum story, an attorney representing the family said "The callousness, insensitivity, and poor judgment of Harney County and the City of Burns to send a bill after its own officers murdered their loving family member is truly sickening."

Now compare that to what was written in the Tamir Rice story form the Atlantic that was linked on page one of this thread. Subodh Chandra, Rice family attorney, said "The callousness, insensitivity, and poor judgment required for the city to send a bill—its own police officers having slain 12-year-old Tamir—is breathtaking."

Not word for word, but the beginning is exactly the same. So it seems this Ryker Young, who wrote the story of Finicum's ambulance bill, is making up this story for whatever reason. Just to stir the pot more and make people more incensed? Who knows? Or maybe Young is trolling the internet just to see if it can get picked up nationally.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Gozerian76

Well I hope it was worth it for him, because the Harney Country Clerk of Court has been notified with a request for a response to either confirm or deny the story.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Flatfish

Why are you being snarky to me?

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: TrueAmericanpolice and firedepartments and amnalace service aren't about saving lives anymore but about generating revenue. police in a town near me routinely patrol for 15 miles down the highway that runs by town not through it. i have been stopped by there police who were parked in middle of highway at night more than 10 miles from their town he said i was doing 75 in a 55 i said how is that when i passed you i was doing 55 he said he caught me on his rear mounted radar i got out of ticket when i proved where he gave me the ticket at. i have seen fire marshals give multiple 5 thousand dollar fines to home owners because he said the batteries were pulled out of smoke detectors they tryed scam on me i had to show them the batteries were melted in place and the detecter beeped. its all about they probably got a ordanance saying you are not able to be declared dead with out a doctor saying so so they throw you in ambalance charge for advanced life support even through patient already dead.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: Flatfish

Why are you being snarky to me?

Because I have very little tolerance for anyone who feels "honored" to support self-proclaimed "patriot" militias who think that orchestrating an armed occupation of federal property is the proper way to "redress their grievances."

Those people were protesting basically everything they disagree with, from abortion rights to marijuana laws to the very existence of our federal government.

They weren't even wanted by the very people they supposedly showed up to support! The same way they weren't wanted when they showed up to protect military recruitment centers or the Ferguson protesters.

For the most part, these nut-jobs can't even come up with their own grievances.

They just show up with their guns, whether they're wanted or not, needlessly endangering themselves and others.

IMO, People who would use their guns to promite this type of open anarchy should be placed on our domestic terrorist watch lists and barred from gun ownership.

Nothing "honorable" about it.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: Discotech
a reply to: Involutionist

We might not have to pay for our ambulances in here in the UK but I'll tell you this the problems here are just as bad as you guys in the states have it, in some instances we have even more draconian freedom depriving laws than you guys.

The grass is NEVER greener on the other side, at least you guys will be armed if you ever start a revolution

Next you're going to tell us we're not allowed to fly the Union Flag.

I've travelled in New England and the Mid West. Trust me, we're much better off here, even in the inner cities. Much better off.

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