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Mayor Germany sparks outrage tells parents children shouldnt provoke migrants!

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posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: Sargeras

Because it seems obvious to many of us it is the complete destruction of western cultures.

That's it a bit hyperbolic, don't you think?
Much of Western culture is founded through cultural adoption that originates from Eurasia,Central Asia and the Mesopotamia area.
Why would migrants from these areas attempt to "destroy" a culture that their predecessors have heavily influenced?

It's not the culture their undermining so much as is the attempt to change the political affairs of the western world to suit their own interests. Also Western culture has influenced much of the eastern and central Asian world in other respects, your cultural discrimination knows no bounds it seems when the roles are reversed. [

Well, seeing how western culture is vastly superior in every aspect, yes I do.

Why would I welcome animalistic behavior?

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Sargeras

Don't even start with the talk about the west and wars ruining these places.

So you just ignore the historical facets that western civilization has had a heavy hand influencing an already troubled region?

The west can't continue to play the victim card every time they kick the hornet's nest.

Well, seeing how western culture is vastly superior in every aspect, yes I do. Why would I welcome animalistic behavior?

You're delusional.
The superiority of a culture is entirely arbitrary and so is your classification of "animalisitic" behaviour.

edit on 8-2-2016 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:34 AM
These immigrants in Europe arent in camps with no food! The UK sends billions in aid to the camps in Lebanon etc so I cant see how they dont have food. The ones I feel terrible for are the ones all presently stuck at the Turkish border. Unfortunately because 80% of the people Europe let in last year arent refugees but at best economic migrants and mainly young men there is now no will left to let these GENUINE refugees in. Maybe Europe should start deporting the criminals asap to make room for the families.a reply to: InMyShell

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: Siddharta
When I see that a stupid statement of a little mayor in a small community of less than 5,000 inhabitants is reached around in the internet to proof the catastrophic situation - then I think, it can not be so bad.

At least I learned something new. I never had heard of Jens Müller nor Bad Schwelma before.

Indeed , a population of 5,000 inhabitants. And the refugee's in question amount to about 89. Maybe now you start to see the havoc even a tiny group of "refugee's" like that can rain on the populous because they are allowed to do whatever they want withouth reprise from police or the media. This small group of refugees have generates so many reports of harrasment and sexual harrasment already that they have children that are afraid to walk to school anymore all by themselves.

Or are these children all in on the "Hate" conspiracy too?

You also seem to have "forgotten" about Cologne , somehow. Similar events on a similar scale has happened in sweden and finland ,norway and other EU countries aswell. Not really tiny cities or countries are they?

edit on 9-2-2016 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:05 AM
edit on 9-2-2016 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

It is literally this attitude that has the EU in the state it is now, especially here in Britain.

Immigrants, come to our multicultural masterpiece society. Where races and all creeds intermix indefinitely for a utopian future.

Just remember that when you get here to find your own culture, form your own little ghetto and stick to it. That way there are no societal clashes. Oh, and by the way.. If you are offended by any of our culture or media, let us know and we shall bend over backwards to amend it for you

No culture causes more conern in my country than those of middle eastern decent. Chinese immigrants have never caused any issues and are part of society just like anyone else.

Of course it is not all members of an islamic culture, I've met some great people who are of middle eastern decent that don't feel the need to live near the local mosque or in a ghetto. What we in the West would possibly call successful integration. The issue seems to lie in poverty and in poverty people turn more rashly to a different set of beliefs.

I don't wish to say much more on the subject, but bringing impoverished refugees into a society that is practically bursting at the seams is not going to solve anything.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Actually, international aid is a much more complicated subject than you might think. For a start, huge amounts of the money spent on aid, never actually leaves the donor nation. It gets spent on recruiting drives, advertising, operational costs and so on and so forth. Furthermore, we often spend our money unwisely when it comes to getting the most food, for the price we are paying.

Where we could be purchasing rice and similar from nations where it is cheap as can be, we prefer, for some reason, to spend the money on such things which have been grown in the developed world, where these items are much more expensive, reducing the amount of material aid that actually ends up in the areas where it is most needed. In short, the percentage of aid money which actually arrives in the nation or region where it is needed, in the form of food, shelter material, medical supplies and the like, is actually quite small when compared with the number of pounds or dollars actually spent.

It is worth looking into such things, before exclaiming over much about the money we spend in aid.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 04:15 AM
I know already foreign aid isnt spent on the things it should be. However, we have set aside money specifically for the camps in Lebanon and also money has been paid by the EU to which we have contributed to.

The only people I have seen with no food are the poor starving people in Syria a few weeks ago when the UN had stalled in getting food to them.

We are not only paying to the camps but also taking the most vulnerable from the camps. As much as I despise conservative policies on this one occasion I think they have done the right thing. As they say rightfully the people in the camps are the people who couldnt afford to pay to come to Europe or were too unwell to make the journey. How can it be right to take the ones who make it across purely because they have more money and are younger amd fitter.

Europe dealt with this all wrong from the beginning (or should I say Merkel). 12 months ago Australia were advising to turn the boats back to stop the flow. This would have stopped the flow when people realised there was no point and it would havd stopped criminals from making money. Europe could then have come up with a plan as to who they considered the most vulnerable and prioritised accordingly. Families and sick and elderly should have come before fit, young men. Its too late now, but its not too late to now stop the boats and turn them back, instead of keep talking start sending criminals, failed asylum seekers back.

For instance the man who was attacked on the bus last week in Germany was attacked by 3 Afghan immigrants who were failed asylum seekers from 2 years back. Why were they still here? They have now been arrested and I wouldnt bother with a court case as they are illegally in Europe anyway I would just fly them back. If we could get tough like this and weed out the illegals then we could make room for genuine Syrian refugees such as those now stuck.ea reply to: TrueBrit

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

You said, that you didn't see how there are people in camps with no food. I am saying that if you had any idea about the complications of delivering aid, the way our money is being mismanaged, the vast waste of funds and the fact that so little of what we spend, actually reaches the camps at all, then you would not be in any way confused as to how the people in them could be starving.

You are absolutely right that the vulnerable ought to be first to be placed, and that it would be much easier to handle the situation if there were some sense to any of it, but you have to face facts. The facts are that there are people starving in camps that we have been giving aid to. The fact is that for all the money we are told we spend, an awful lot less actually gets there, with the lions share being spent on things that never reach the nations involved, and that no matter what we put aside, the only important figure is the amount of mouths we ACTUALLY feed with that money, and that is a much smaller number than it ought to be.

Our governments KNOW that the money is going to be misspent, they know that they are paying for logistics and not for the actual food, to reach actual mouths, or for shelter to be provided on the ground to actual families in dire need. They know, and yet they are prepared to totally ignore it, and create headlines which suggest to the unwary that things are being done to help those in need, using the bottom line figure of total expenditure, when the reality of it is that much less than half the money spent results in an actual meal for a starving family. The whole exercise is face saving for the governments whose foreign policy decisions have lead to this massive middle eastern cluster bang, to make those governments look better to their own people and maintain a false moral high ground from which to orate from on matters like human rights and such.

I am getting pretty sick of people complaining about the monetary cost of things like aid and immigration, when not only is the aid budget being deliberately mismanaged with the full complicity of NGOs and government representatives responsible for it, but that the aid is being delivered to nations that our governments helped to destabilise in the first damned place. We need to wake up, smell the hypocrisy, and stop this utterly insane, totally skewed world view from taking root, one which fails to take into account the western influence which caused these massive migrations in the first place, by flooding war torn areas with even more weapons, as part of a proxy war game instigated in the eighties, and which has run at varying levels of violence and international awareness for thirty bloody years.

edit on 9-2-2016 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error removed.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 05:33 AM
I had to laugh a bit.

Nowadays every little fart(which has to do with refugees) becomes inflated to a big (Nazi)thunderstorm.
First of all, why did i never hear about the incident here in germany? I have to say that i don´t use nazi websites and Facebook aka "social" media.

From the article:
"The video clip is beginning to make the rounds on social media."

Funny, around two weeks ago there was an article about an analysis of who uses Facebook aka "social" media worldwide.
It was told that in many countries worldwide social media is used by intelligent people, too. Actual in every country except Germany.
Here it is the other way around, this study stated that in germany only the lower minded people use facebook aka "social" media(maybe the higher minded people just don´t want to give their lifes via data to corporate groups, secret services and who else). Here it is the people that watch the whole day TV/RTL, unemployed people that live from social welfare, or are just uneducated kids that play the Keyboard-Nazi-Rambo. People that would love to live the life of others, of so called stars. Self exposers that expose their lifes to the whole world via "social" media, so that they feel like little stars, when they have hundreds of freakbook "friends".
If there is no TV show that wants me, then i expose my life by my own to the "world", aka and via facebook.
That is the majority of people in germany that use "social" media.

Is that maybe the reason that normal people(that don´t use nazi propaganda webpages or "social" media like freakbook) never ever heared about that incident? That it only makes it´s round on "social" media? Like all the other nazi propaganda? Which is only known by neonazis?

Look where it comes from!
Bad Schlema. Newgermany. Eastern germany, former GDR(but nothing changed except they can be nazi now without going to jail). Redneck germany. So now guess which propganda comes from there. Hint, it´s not leftists propaganda...

The video. First of all, believe me or not, this is eastern germany, i bet the room is full of hidden nazis, without exception. No problem, we need the "rightists" as we need the "leftists"(even if the have the almost same targets at the end), and everyone can think and talk about what he wants, in our market compliant "democracy". But it must be also said what is a real "shocker", and what only cheap nazi propaganda, like this video there.

Why do we only see 2.33min of that video, starting right when the grandpa asked his question?
I guess to know what really happened and why the mayor said what he said, we need to see/hear the whole video of that meeting and know a little bit more about that town and the real circumstances.
When i saw where it comes from, there came something in my mind, something like drunken hordes of "besorgte Bürger"("concerned citizens), that stand day by day in front of refugee shelters, yelling and screaming:
"Ausländer raus, Drecksasylanten, Scheiss Moslems...", etc. That nazi stuff everybody knows. Wouldn´t be the first time and spot where this happens, preffered in eastern germany.

Maybe that was the reason the mayor had to say:
"Just don't PROVOKE them and DON´T WALK IN THOSE AREAS."

But with only the part that can be used as nazi propaganda, a part of 2.33min, we will never know!
Thats how proganda is made, take only the snippets that are useful, cut out the rest.

Another question is, why are all these "rapes done by refugees" also only known on "social" media and under rightwinger kinded spirits? According to them, there must be women and little childs raped by refugees every minute in every corner of germany.

And even if we know that the mass media suppresses news, concerning the refugee situation, if there really would be that mass of rapes done by refugees, every german citizen would know raped women and childs, personally.

If this story really would be a big thing, there is enough rightist propaganda media like the Springer-Verlag or worse, that would use such stories, would be thankful for such stories. But nobody in the real world knows about these mass amount of "events" that rule the nazi websites and "social" media pages from the "concerned citizens".

Only because the "Lügenpresse"(liar press) is hiding everything, not reporting anything negative when it comes to refugees? Since when do we need mass media more than mouth to mouth propaganda to spread news?

And mouth to mouth media says nothing about all the crimes that are reported under rightwinger kinded spirits, crimes done by refugees.
Sure there are some, sure there are criminals under all these refugees, as under every other part of the people here. Why should we think they are all angels? Nobody is that stupid, look where they come from, under which circumstances they had to live till they fled. And the younger ones of them know only this life, maybe had to live by this way, to survive. So yes, there are criminals under the mass amount of refugees that came and come here, who wonders.

But the scenario that the righwingers try to create doesn´t work, as the other scenario, created by mass media, also doesn´t work anymore. The rightwingers have the problem that their "news" only reach other rightwingers, which affirmatively accept every of those "news", without questioning anything. Because this propaganda states their righwinger-matrix, that they are creating for themselves. They only live in this rightwinger world, where everybody around you is a rightwinger too, and so everybody around you has the same thoughts. Because if they leave this rightwinger-world, they are confronted with the reality, maybe with selfthinking people that ask questions.

And mass media, funny how criticizm of the mass media BEFORE the refugee situation only was crude conspiracy theory.
Like Merkel was Supermutti BEFORE the refugee situation, stupid people elected her twice(if one can trust elections in western "democracies" nowadays). BEFORE the refugee situation everybody was fine with the mass media propaganda, nobody cared about Merkel being a political chameleon. Nobody cared about being used as a wage slave. All the people who critized anything just were lunatic tinfoil hats.

But we also had no problems with living with each other(in western germany), nobody cared if the neighbour was blackhaired and muslim maybe. For decades. Till someone created in the year 2001 a situation where the whole world was told to hate muslims. And nowadays a refugee situation was created that europe has to handle now. Till all that stuff comes to the light now, slowly. Stuff like who created when what, for what reason, who profits from what, and all that.

Since the ultrarich and powerfull rulers know that something is going on, too much they did comes to the light, more people start to blame the real troublemakers(with the help of the web, obvisiously, NOT Freakbook), it is time for them to divide the people. So that the one side hates the other(leftists vs rightwingers, "Gutmenschen" vs "besorgte Bürger"), and forget maybe about the puppet masters, again.

And people are too stupid to see this, again, and hate each other, again, instead of hating the real troublemakers. How handy this comes for the "rulers"...

edit on 9 2 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras
a reply to: anxiouswens

OP, those on the left want multicultural society in the West, they are slaves to their ideology.

They will make this happen, and ignore all the negative ramifications.

Why is it so important to them to push this through that they ignore all the negatives?

What is the end game?

Because it seems obvious to many of us it is the complete destruction of western cultures.

Problem is the ones NOT from the west want monocultural society --- theirs.
If that wasn't the goal, then why is it everything they do is causing that outcome?

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Is that maybe the reason that normal people(that don´t use nazi propaganda webpages or "social" media like freakbook) never ever heared about that incident? That it only makes it´s round on "social" media? Like all the other nazi propaganda? Which is only known by neonazis?

In 2013 there were 81 milllion Germans. 67 million of voting age.

In 2014 there were 27 million German Facebook accounts. So that's more than one third of voting age population. Safe to say most of them are between 18 and say 40?

So are you saying that these people are "abnormal" and nazis?

And people are too stupid to see this, again, and hate each other, again, instead of hating the real troublemakers. How handy this comes for the "rulers"...

And here you are trying to pass a large group of your country's population of as nazis because they have another ideology.

To me, the whole post sounds like you are delusional, and trying to convince yourself, or just downright putting out propaganda.

edit on 9-2-2016 by DutchMasterChief because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: CJCrawley
a reply to: Sargeras

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I disagree. I don't believe the preservation of Western culture is the prerogative of the politically right...unless by "right" you mean everyone who isn't politically left.

Well it is definitely not a prerogative of the left at all.

I have never heard of such a self hating people.

They embrace anything as long as it isn't traditional western values.

Including Islam, which they should be against, since they kill Gays, keep slaves, treat woman as property etc...

AH but they are aginst right leaning Christain conservatives... So the enemy of your enemy is a friend....right?

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:43 AM
The question I keep asking myself is, why are these host countries trying so bad to force their own born legal citizens to bend over for the foreign immigrants.

Has anybody have any ideas about what is going on, as the OP shows even asking their own citizens to give up their rights and freedoms to accommodate and make the foreign immigrants welcome, even if that means locking themselves and their children away from the immigrants.

Who is running these host countries? the immigrants or the born citizens.

Very soon everything the born citizens do will be deemed offensive to the immigrants way of life and will be forced into accepting anything these immigrants wants over the citizens rights.
edit on 9-2-2016 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 08:21 AM
I tried a little search about Bad Schlema and refugees, using only the terms "Bad Schlema Flüchtlinge".
Found that the NPD(nazi paety) is strong there. Eastern germany, who wonders?

It is again and again the people that are afraid which never came in contact with "the others", with foreigners, with muslims, with blackhaired people, etc, in their life before. They lived in their "aryan" communities since the fall of the wall, only cherrypicking. Taking the "Soli"(solidarity tax), but showing no solidarity by themselves. Give us the money, the problems can stay over there, with the "Wessis", that seems to be the motto of many of "the good germans" over there.

I don´t know if i really have to point out that really good people are living down there, too. But it seems that the majority of the citizens in eastern germany are more nazi-minded than the german citizens in western german states, which had no problems with blackhaired, darkskinned or whatever kind of people, for decades. Since the mass media told us who we have to hate after the russians couldn´t be used anymore as bogeyman. And even that didn´t really work in western germany, so i guess a flood of new wage slaves was needed, declared help for refugees, to change even the mind of many western germans, that never had big problems with "the others".

But even that doesn´t work as wished, sure there are now the righwingers that thought a long time that they have to be quiet about their political thoughts. And maybe it was like this, and maybe it was not that bad, because we are still germany, with a history we learned from, not only by the US-"Entnazifizierung" and re-education programs, but from reality too. And there are the young ones that have no hope for their future, no sense of belonging to anybody or anything(except the tv and "social" media world, maybe), seeing no chance to raise to a successfull mature. They are not well educated anymore, if you don´t send them to an expensive private school, they get just so much education that they can do the wage slave jobs, and nothing more.

But the huge majority in western germany is not that nazi minded, just because we saw and could and can handle the reality, deal with other humans, doesn´t matter where they come from or how they look. We learned from reality that people are people. But when you live in the outskirts, hermetically-sealed from the reality, how would you learn not to be afraid of others(man, those people would all be killed by heartattack instantly when space-aliens would land in front of any tv camera... xD). On one side i can understand their fear, like neanderthals meeting more modern people for the first time...

But every problem i mentioned before is not made by the refugees, by the foreigners, they are also victims, like we all are, victims of the "global chess players", the big players. And their puppets like politicians.

So i found on page one after searching a yahoo article about that town, and the refugees. I will link it and it and translate just a bit of it, maybe you can use any translations prog.
Bad Schlema & die Geflüchteten – eine Gruselstory

Bad Schlema & the refugees - a horror story

"A mayor and his citizen have to learn a lot. Mostly about themselves."
(Bad Schlema is a 4800 people town, and 85 refugees were send there. Just to see the relations we are talking about.)

"A mayor being a blockhead.

There are some questions. Was the police informed about the reported attacks(any evidence)? What really and exactly happened there? And what should a mayor answer?
Certainly not what he answered. His call means nothing else than: "Dear citizen, avoid the newly arrived!"
More worse and poisonous for integration one can´t act."

As said, better use any translation prog, my english isn´t that well, as you mentioned before, i guess. Read the whole article.

I don´t believe in almost anything anymore, first of all not in "mistakes" made by politicians.

"Some in Bad Schlema don´t want to talk with "the others". They just want to complain about them, and being jealous."

Or in their news:

Asyl: Im Kurbad entsteht Schulungszentrum
"In the heart of Schlema in future should live refugee kids.(...)
Many citizens are in fear from this news..."

So, as thought before, nothing more than rumours, inflated to a big crisis, by people, "rednecks", that just live in fear of anything they don´t know. Cherrypickers that want the cherries, but never climb a tree to earn them.
"News", spread around on rightwingers "social" media. A snippet was used, a snippet that fits perfectly for rightwinger propganda. All that happened in the darkest new german states, where fascists parties are strong. And where from reality excluded communities exist, that had to take a little bit of reality now for getting solidarity since 25 years. Reality in the form of people that don´t have been born in germany, that are not Fritz, Heinz, Kurt and Willi.

Not that hard to add one and one together, and to expose "social" media crap like this as fascist propaganda.

One really can become angry, paying a solidarity tax for over 25 years for eastern germany, giving solidarity to them since 25 years, and when germany has to face real problems, created by others and ourselves(the western "empire"), those who take solidarity with both hands don´t pay anything back. Before around 25 years themselves arrived here as refugees, and now? Did the western germans treat "the other germans from behind the wall" like you treat other refugees now, that had to flee like you before 25 years?

And you didn´t even have the same distance like the refugees now, for you it was just around the corner, your kids and people didn´t die in masses when you went for vacations to hungary, and fled from there to the west, before the fall of the wall.

So, do you want to be good germans, really good germans, not only nazis, over there in the east?

Then it doesn´t help to complain, the challenge is real, now, and we have to deal with it, from now on. You cannot hide yourself their in your isolation from the reality, passing on responsibility to the rest of the germans!
And it doesn´t help to become nazis, we had that some decades ago, didn´t work that well, as you should know!
It even doesn´t help to search for the real guilty now, in the first line. To make it easy(as in reality it isn´t, as it is not the whole truth), the refugees didn´t invite themselves! And Merkel comes from eastern germany, so what? It was one of your own people from behind the wall that invited the whole world. Why do you blame the refugees for everything, that are only used, too?

It wasn´t the people, that have to flee now, that started the wars and destabilization in their homelands, such things are made by governments, secret services and the puppet masters behind them! It was us, the western "empire", that tried "to bring democracy" to the whole world, with our "NGOs", for example, it was western Twitter and Facebook and the people behind all that which created the "arabian spring". To get rid of puppet dictators that tried to cut off the strings, that knew too much dirty stuff about the western "empire", because they did the dirty work for them.
Don´t blame the wrong ones!

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: DutchMasterChief
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Is that maybe the reason that normal people(that don´t use nazi propaganda webpages or "social" media like freakbook) never ever heared about that incident? That it only makes it´s round on "social" media? Like all the other nazi propaganda? Which is only known by neonazis?

In 2013 there were 81 milllion Germans. 67 million of voting age.

In 2014 there were 27 million German Facebook accounts. So that's more than one third of voting age population. Safe to say most of them are between 18 and say 40?

So are you saying that these people are "abnormal" and nazis?

Never said abnormal, i don´t use nazijargon. But you are right, maybe i used the wrong words! Maybe it should be:

People that aren´t infected with the spyPhone/social media/self exposer virus. People that maybe care about their data. That don´t need "social" media, because they have a real social life.
Better now?

Ok. 27 millionen german facebook accounts.
How many of them are dead accounts, because kids open one account after another? Or people open one account, try that "social" media, and leave it where it is, because it useless for non self exposers or hate spreaders.
Or how many use their account one, or two times a year only, because they made one but don´t need it?
So it is way less users than accounts, and not everyone stays 24/7/365 online on facebook. The people that do this can´t have a real social life, as said as it is, but if you have a real social life, there is not time for "social" media nonstop.

And i am afraid that it really isn´t normal that people have to upload every step they do, in form of posts, pictures, for no real reason. Nobody really cares which song you listen to right now, how you lunch was looking, that you had no toilet paper when you entered the toilet before two minutes, mentioning it too late. Or if your goldfish died because he couldn`t swim(ok, that would be funny, worth a post), that you slipped out because the floor was wet after the shower, whatever, nobody cares, except the data gatherers.

I think normal would be to spend time with real people, talk with real people, discuss with real people, from face to face, not hidden behind a spyPhone screen, like gnomes acting as giants, playing the keyboard-rambo.
I never could spend that much time with the web instead of spending time with real people. I never even spended that much time on ATS to read as today, but i have to cure an medical surgery, resting with a notebook in bed. Sure, generation spyPhone/Facebook does meet other humans. Ten people at a table in a bar, nine of them staring at their facebook accounts via spyPhone, doin a selfie from time to time. One is on toilet, but he posted that he is fine there...

And people are too stupid to see this, again, and hate each other, again, instead of hating the real troublemakers. How handy this comes for the "rulers"...

And here you are trying to pass a large group of your country's population of as nazis because they have another ideology.

So what is their ideology then, marxism?
A very big amount of the people over there even say by themselves that they are rightwingers, call themselves even nazis. And they are proud of it. Their thing.
But why shouldn´t i call that ideology what it is?

edit on 9 2 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: Sargeras

And the right is frightened by everything. Instead of accepting that there are refugees and there will be more refugees, all I can hear from conservatives is "MUMUMU, I AM FRIGHTENED AND I WANT TO FIGHT BACK!".

That is not realization of a new status quo, that is trying to reverse the flow of time. It is not working.

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I don't see the rest of what you said.

Here is the truth...Hitler was not a cartoon character...nor were the Nazi's...

It is convenient for us to dismiss the 8 Million card-carrying Nazi's as some evil cartoon characters, but the truth is that most of them were normal, otherwise good people that found themselves supporting an evil cause and doing evil things.

They were fed a steady diet of fear-mongering and hate-mongering propaganda...thought they were protecting their German Culture and ethnic heritage etc.

If you examine these steady stories for veracity, solid evidence and proof...look at it with a critical eye..pretend it is Liberal media or better yet treat all this BS the emotional-fear-mongering appeal and look for the truth of what is happening...with hard evidence, context and facts...

Honestly...8 Million registered Nazi's were in Germany Cheering Hitler...They thought they were good people defending their culture....

This Grandfather in the OP? He never said his 10 year old grand-daughter was sexually harassed. He kind of invented that hypothetical ( "What happens when summer comes and the children wear less clothes?" ) ...That kind of thinking kind of creeps me out.

There is a very ugly steady stream of Nazi-like propaganda...also not unlike KKK fliers of the early 20th century, plus news articles about fictional rapes, murders and the dangers of African Americans...Those led to regular mob violence and lynching's of African Americans...virtually all of whom were later found to be completely innocent, but tortured and murdered by people who at some point thought they were doing the right thing, when their police or government were failing to protect them from the "other".

Your fear is being exploited. They expect your fear centers to override your thinking centers...that is what propaganda is.

Propaganda is like junk one wants to be overweight...they just keep eating satisfying food and one day look in the mirror and realize they are not the person they used to be.

Careful what you feed your brain.
edit on 9-2-2016 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Never said abnormal, i don´t use nazijargon. But you are right, maybe i used the wrong words! Maybe it should be:

No, you said "normal" to describe your points of view, making the opposite "abnormal"............."undesirable".........

Is that maybe the reason that normal people(that don´t use nazi propaganda webpages or "social" media like freakbook) never ever heared about that incident? That it only makes it´s round on "social" media? Like all the other nazi propaganda? Which is only known by neonazis?

Pretty sick stuff actually. A lot of mental gymnastics going on to make some contrived connection to nazism.

And i am afraid that it really isn´t normal that people have to upload every step they do, in form of posts, pictures, for no real reason. Nobody really cares which song you listen to right now, how you lunch was looking, that you had no toilet paper when you entered the toilet before two minutes, mentioning it too late. Or if your goldfish died because he couldn`t swim(ok, that would be funny, worth a post), that you slipped out because the floor was wet after the shower, whatever, nobody cares, except the data gatherers.

Well, I don't have a Facebook account. My point of discussion was not the merits of FB, but you making unfounded generalising statements, equating FB users and east Germans to the nazis of back in the day, all while claiming to stand for unity of the people, and supporting the downfall of your country and the rest of Europe.

So what is their ideology then, marxism? A very big amount of the people over there even say by themselves that they are rightwingers,

Wow, you say they don't even try to hide that they are right wing? The nerve.....

call themselves even nazis. And they are proud of it. Their thing.

Right, and these are millions of people that do this?

You are obviously trying to invoke images of hardcore WW2 SS style nazism but I don't think stuff like that is on the minds of any large German population group. Being against the insane influx of refugees or islamisation of Europe does not make you a "nazi", no matter how hard you keep trying to make such a connection.

edit on 9-2-2016 by DutchMasterChief because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: everyone

You also seem to have "forgotten" about Cologne , somehow. Similar events on a similar scale has happened in sweden and finland ,norway and other EU countries aswell. Not really tiny cities or countries are they?

I LIVE in Cologne. You don't have to tell me what happened here nor do you have any idea how daily life is here.

But that's typical for threads like this one.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter
Just a small pull up for you. I read your post but stopped fully on the third paragraph. When you mentioned "lower minded people". That sir was a very similar term used by a man from your country with a small moustache, he used that excuse to kill thousands. I think a very fruedian slip on your behalf.

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