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Mayor Germany sparks outrage tells parents children shouldnt provoke migrants!

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posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: slider1982

OK. ....tell me how many of these refugees are from Morocco, Pakistan and syria?

Oh that's right you can't. Or the numbers you will get are from media tripe.

So the basis of your argument is imaginary numbers of refugees seeking economic advantage.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

No.....fear mongering is creating a thread on this subject almost every day and then visiting similar threads and spreading the fear.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:32 AM
I remember a field trip I went on once to the zoo. I'll never forget that because it was the first time I had seen an exhibit get shut down. A large group of us children had gathered around the chimpanzee cage and we were laughing and pointing at the monkeys. One of the larger males did not take so kindly to this and picked up a branch and started running around hitting the other chimps. Once he was done assaulting them he began hurling his poo into the crowd which sent us as children into hysterical laughter especially when one dung missile hit one of our teachers. So the zoo keepers tell us that we have to move on because we have agitated the chimps too much.

It is so sad that we have resorted to having to tell children "not to provoke immigrants or they may rape you" it's friggin ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

OR the Mayor knows there is not a damn thing he can do about it, so he is advising the people as best he can. This is more likely the case.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: InMyShell

Not really imaginary, it is based on first hand experience. I have been involved (But not employed by) a department that deals with Policing the Transport network in London. Due to the newer style of open boarding buses we now have in the capital along with many open boarding trains it was apparant that over the last few years certain groups where using these services as make shift hostels. On numerious occasions when operations have been put in place to deal with this situation a good number of the Migrants that are doing this will claim to be from Syria or Romania and will not have any passport or ID information and the Home office will have no information on their port of arrival.

"IF" The officers on scene are doing their job they will make a arrest to try and obtain details and ID the person. A large amount of these people that where found who first stated to be Syrian or similar where infact of Moroccan or Algerian Heritage again to name a few. We also had a larger than expected number of east African Migrants from Somalia and Eritrea, but their numbers have fallen sharply of late.

Infact the only Syrians we came across where very few and far between and most had ID documents so it was a matter of sorting their personal situation that more often than not involved handing them over to a charity to arrange accommodation for them.

Again just my personal observation nothing more.....


posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:49 AM
It seems that all the anti refugees propoganda starts to work.
I'm starting to think that there are groups out there who are being used to ignite European fascism and it seems after all the protests that it's working..

Mostly I do not watch these threads anymore but I think it's better to find out who's doing this and those who work for them. Capture the sources and eliminate that source.

It's easy to stir up the poor minority of Islamic youth , because they have nothing to lose and never had a proper job just because they are Islamic in a Cristian world.

If not then the fascists will be gaining power Europe and elsewhere soon.

And as how civilised we think we are slowly be turning into a monster not that we want that , but because we are forced to this game of power..

People from Syria are easily being targeted , and are being a rested if they call to their families or sending money to them for survival in their homeland.
And yes there are also real terrorists amongst them , its going to be a big logistical problem to sort out people who is who.

So it's easy for those who are wanting to exploit them for money if you leave a war and lured into a racial anti terroristic religious war here in Europe.

So if a rat like the one the OP present in this thread finds victims like a poor mistreated refugee over here he's willing to do anything for every price I would think..

It's not justifiable but that's the way it works.

edit on 0b53America/ChicagoMon, 08 Feb 2016 09:14:53 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoMon, 08 Feb 2016 09:14:53 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

That, with respect, is hogwash.

There are only two ways to deal with this situation, if the facts are as we have read them. Either, the migrants must be maintained in asylum centres and allowed no free access to the rest of the town (an absolutely untenable position, both from a humanitarian point of view, and from a legal point of view) or the police must be utilised to monitor and restrain those migrants who pose a threat to local people.

It is statistically impossible that all, or even most of the people who have arrived from the Middle East and other locations, are hostile to local people. Many will simply be seeking some peace after years of living in shell cratered hell holes, the scattered remains of their dwellings serving as both memorial and grave marker to their loved ones. The troublemakers, once rounded up by effective policing strategy, will be out of the way, and the communities of both migrants, and locals, should then be able to get along and deal with their differences, by remembering first their similarities as people.

This problem has become such, because the police have failed to do their job, which in this instance is to never be somewhere else, when trouble starts, and that is NOT an impossible task in this day and age. No failure on their part can be justified given the serious nature of the situation. Their commanders and the Mayor should be more than aware of the ramifications if this unrest and lack of civility is allowed to go on, and affect the people. The Mayor may have said what he said to the people, but he was wrong to say that. He should be making very different noises, mobilising police, getting politicians and security chiefs to formulate effective strategies for corralling the destabilising elements in the migrant communities, not to mention keeping an eye out for agent provocateurs and right wing groups from the local area.

This has been handled like a fumble on the touch line. Bloody badly.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Yes, there are media-reports coming in, the problem is that there are plenty of far-right-wing sites presenting them with a stron g emphasis on the "keep a bit off the refugees, don't come too close to them"-string.

As I just read a (source) local newspaper, the situation was rather different:
(a) it was a local council conference, not a meeting of local residents. There are different rules concerning the discussion of topics, new topics for the evening and finally not a place for the local council to defend their positions against aggressive interjections (which the grandfather seemed to have done)
(b) the NPD (a neo-nazi party) did call for a meeting in front of the city-hall. Not really a neutral crowd.
(c) Accusations and insults were flying. That created a mood of anger and vivid replies which many of the participants might regret now.

None of these point to a calm, rational discussion. It was a shouting match, and to my experience members of a local council take it rather personally if they are feeling bitched at on their own turf..

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

That, with respect, is hogwash.

Maybe. Maybe not. Just because you want it to be hogwash, doesn't make it hogwash. It's a very real possibility.

There are only two ways to deal with this situation, if the facts are as we have read them. Either, the migrants must be maintained in asylum centres and allowed no free access to the rest of the town (an absolutely untenable position, both from a humanitarian point of view, and from a legal point of view) or the police must be utilised to monitor and restrain those migrants who pose a threat to local people.

Any idiot can see this is what should be done. But it's NOT being done. Why not?

I hope there is still enough leeway in these matters to do as you suggest which are obviously the paths to take. But that's my point. For whatever reasons are they unable to act. If they could, wouldn't they? Have they been instructed not to act?

Certainly every thing you think of, they can think of. Either everything is not as bad as it is being represented to be, or they are unable to do anything about it.

It's hard to believe they would sit and do nothing but tell citizens to stay away. That would be stupid, as well as political suicide.

edit on 2/8/2016 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: Sargeras

And the right is frightened by everything. Instead of accepting that there are refugees and there will be more refugees, all I can hear from conservatives is "MUMUMU, I AM FRIGHTENED AND I WANT TO FIGHT BACK!".

That is not realization of a new status quo, that is trying to reverse the flow of time. It is not working.

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I don't see the rest of what you said.

What do you not see? The hate? The fear? I see them quite clearly, much more in this forum used by people from thousands of kilometers away than by people I meet everday at work or in the streets.

Yes, there are problems. Yes, we acknowledge them and we are working on them. There are solutions, but they are not about giving Germans priority A and everyone else priority B. They are about caring for humans.

If the western culture is about rascism, you may be right. But show me where in this western culture the theme of humanism is showing up, because it seems that the conservatives neither care about that nor about christianity.

New topic: christianity. Why should western churches be afraid of islam? There is nothing to fear, and I have no numbers of convertites, but I guess there are not so many, right?

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

I believe it is far more probable, that there has been an instruction issued to commanders to commit too few officers to matters, or assign them to areas where they are less required.

I would doubt any statistic which spoke against this position, because the way things have been going, it is impossible for me to believe anything other than that people and things are being moved around for a very dark purpose, that people are being played against one another in Europe and controlled once again. I think it could all be linked to the banking collapse some how, but that is tenuous at best, and requires a certain fuzzy logic capacity to connect together, which most folk simply have not got.

What I would say is that I believe Europe is being played like a fiddle, and that who ever has their finger on the strings knows just what cords to play in order to erode people's capacity to be human to one another. If this situation is not policed correctly, I will consider it tacit admission on the part of Europe as an entity unto itself, that someone is causing the necessary circumstances for the rise of another Reich. If that is the case, then we must all prepare to bathe the continent in the blood of fascists once again, for it will not stand.
edit on 8-2-2016 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens
There's a difference between these being everyday events and you hunting down this news everyday and posting it on ATS. I just hope these stories don't effect your anxiety negatively, because your purposely making problems worse for yourself, which won't help you overcome anxiety, you don't have to live with anxiety

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:42 AM
When I see that a stupid statement of a little mayor in a small community of less than 5,000 inhabitants is reached around in the internet to proof the catastrophic situation - then I think, it can not be so bad.

At least I learned something new. I never had heard of Jens Müller nor Bad Schwelma before.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Sargeras

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I disagree. I don't believe the preservation of Western culture is the prerogative of the politically right...unless by "right" you mean everyone who isn't politically left.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Siddharta

It fits the narrative.

Frighten people.

Bring in laws to protect us from the scary refugees.

Bring in biometric ID for the refugee to keep track of them and the terrorists for OUR safety.

Bring in biometric ID for us to keep US safe and distinguish between us and them

Finally we are all able to be controlled and followed. No more money etc etc.

Unfortunately threads like this just accelerate us towards the reality.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

What I would say is that I believe Europe is being played like a fiddle, and that who ever has their finger on the strings knows just what cords to play in order to erode people's capacity to be human to one another. If this situation is not policed correctly, I will consider it tacit admission on the part of Europe as an entity unto itself, that someone is causing the necessary circumstances for the rise of another Reich. If that is the case, then we must all prepare to bathe the continent in the blood of fascists once again, for it will not stand.

This is the worse case scenario. We can only hope appropriate inventions would be enacted before anything of this magnitude is allowed to take place.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Sargeras

Because it seems obvious to many of us it is the complete destruction of western cultures.

That's it a bit hyperbolic, don't you think?
Much of Western culture is founded through cultural adoption that originates from Eurasia,Central Asia and the Mesopotamia area.
Why would migrants from these areas attempt to "destroy" a culture that their predecessors have heavily influenced?

It's not the culture their undermining so much as is the attempt to change the political affairs of the western world to suit their own interests. Also Western culture has influenced much of the eastern and central Asian world in other respects, your cultural discrimination knows no bounds it seems when the roles are reversed. [
edit on 8-2-2016 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: Sargeras

And the right is frightened by everything. Instead of accepting that there are refugees and there will be more refugees, all I can hear from conservatives is "MUMUMU, I AM FRIGHTENED AND I WANT TO FIGHT BACK!".

That is not realization of a new status quo, that is trying to reverse the flow of time. It is not working.

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I don't see the rest of what you said.

What do you not see? The hate? The fear? I see them quite clearly, much more in this forum used by people from thousands of kilometers away than by people I meet everday at work or in the streets.

Yes, there are problems. Yes, we acknowledge them and we are working on them. There are solutions, but they are not about giving Germans priority A and everyone else priority B. They are about caring for humans.

If the western culture is about rascism, you may be right. But show me where in this western culture the theme of humanism is showing up, because it seems that the conservatives neither care about that nor about christianity.

New topic: christianity. Why should western churches be afraid of islam? There is nothing to fear, and I have no numbers of convertites, but I guess there are not so many, right?

I am not a Christian, so I couldn't speak to any of that.

Western nationals should come first, it is their country.

If even one western citizen is at risk from these people, none of them should come.

They have their own nations, their backwards culture made them the hell holes they are today.

Don't even start with the talk about the west and wars ruining these places.

They have never been anything but hell holes, because of their backwards culture.

The current problems in the middle east are old problems.

They are older than America even.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:23 AM
I am obsessed with the dangers European citizens are finding themselves in and to a lesser extent UK. I think most of the West should be concerned because if the SHTF in Europe all NATO members will be quite rightly expected to help.

I do make threads regarding this but can I suggest you open your eyes I am not the only person on here making these threads nor am I the only person concerned or worried. I dont know where you live but maybe thkngs look a lot rosier where you ar

I am making threads about facts also such as gang rapes. I am not trying to dehumanise anyone but if it is making these perpetrators and their behaviour seem less than human in your eyes then I am sorry I cant help that. Maybe you should blame the perpetrators for portraying themselvex in a bad light!

The stuff posted on ATS that is coming out of Europe doesnt even touch the surface of what crimes are being committed such as the old man beaten up by failed asylum seekers for stepping in when they were sexually abusing a female! I didnt see that posted anywhere, nor many other things, hmmm perhaps I should make a thread just to further show the rest of the world what is going on!e.a reply to: InMyShell

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
a reply to: Sargeras

It seems to me the right is interested in preservation of western culture.

I disagree. I don't believe the preservation of Western culture is the prerogative of the politically right...unless by "right" you mean everyone who isn't politically left.

Well it is definitely not a prerogative of the left at all.

I have never heard of such a self hating people.

They embrace anything as long as it isn't traditional western values.

Including Islam, which they should be against, since they kill Gays, keep slaves, treat woman as property etc...

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