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Key Republican says Congress will punish sanctuary cities this year

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posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: reldra

I had plenty of work. I just didn't generate enough profit to get over the other scam artists that would be late paying me, late finishing the job themselves, economic downturns during busts etc.

I always figured it out. I became a cabinet installer. Made good money but actually enjoyed doing finish carpentry. Like I said I make guitars now and also do sound engineering.

I just feel bad for the guys who just want to make an honest living doing good work.

You pay a guy 15 an hour how many hours does it take to equal $500? You have no idea how repair and hamdy man stuff works. You either have to have a truck full of supplies for various problems or you spend time running to the home depot. Hence why you see alcoholics and illegals doing most of that. (Stereotyping )

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:54 PM
To be on topic nobody wants to arrest an illegal even for a petty crime and ship them off or else food doesn't get made,drywall doesn't get done etc. It's not as simple as just sancuaey cities housing criminals. The serve both repubs and Democrats. I seriously doubt anyone is serious about fixing the problem

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: jobless1

Yay! A post that is on topic!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: luthier
a reply to: reldra

I had plenty of work. I just didn't generate enough profit to get over the other scam artists that would be late paying me, late finishing the job themselves, economic downturns during busts etc.

I always figured it out. I became a cabinet installer. Made good money but actually enjoyed doing finish carpentry. Like I said I make guitars now and also do sound engineering.

I just feel bad for the guys who just want to make an honest living doing good work.

You pay a guy 15 an hour how many hours does it take to equal $500? You have no idea how repair and hamdy man stuff works. You either have to have a truck full of supplies for various problems or you spend time running to the home depot. Hence why you see alcoholics and illegals doing most of that. (Stereotyping )

I understand what you say. if scam artists were late paying you, you were a sub contractor and that sucks. if it was the main customer paying you directly you have the option to ask for payment in advance.

When I clean, I expect a check or money on the table or money in my paypal or charged s credit card when I arrive. not after.

I understand if you are installing cabinets, they may want to see them before they pay. You should know to get a reasonable down payment. On credit card, they should feel safe with that in case they aren't happy later.

For the $15/hr, many of them have larger jobs and are picking up smaller ones a few days a week for extra money. Or they are really desperate for the money and they will do 20 jobs like that in 2 days to pay an electric bill. I don;t ask them their personal financial business. They can answer the ad or not answer the ad.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: luthier
a reply to: reldra

No the market has been falsely manipulated by cheap labour.

I was a union trained jouneyman from the NE. Unions barely exist. Their aren't many good carpenters from Mexico. There are common sense farmers that learn while they are here under other sloppy carpenters. Most building has been dumbed down to a few styles and designs. The quality is incredibly poor.

The market should have dictated the worth but the greedy builders ruined that and everyone else had to follow suit to survive. Just like crappy stuff from china.

You shouldn't get work done you can't afford. Or you should learn to do it yourself.

It's sad but carpentry is a joke now a days. I make guitars for a living now in a nitche high end market. I wouldn't go back to carpentry if my life depended on. It's not a liveable wage and its extremely hard work. Especially if you have any pride in your craftsmanship.

No one is going for a trade anymore.

Everyone wants that sheepskin in liberal arts and wonder where their job is.

Know what a plumber can earn?

A welder?

My friends father dismantles ordinances, lol! Pays pretty good.

I have an MA in communications. Guess who writes copy for the local GOP media group. Every one in the media pool has a degree in liberal arts of some kind and makes more than any damn plumber.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I doubt it. Plumbers can make over 100k a year.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: jobless1

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: MrSpad
This is all sort of nonsense. Cities are not going waste money and resources on looking for illegals when they have other crimes to deal with. In fact most cities at this point do not bother because as they have learned Border Patrol/INS do not have the resources to deal with what they have already. Leaving cities to pay to hold people in over crowded jails or just let them go. We are talking about 3% of the US population hear. That is more people than everybody in prison now. The resources required to this would be staggering. And completely wasted as new ones would simply arrive by boat or plan or tunnel etc. And why? Because the jobs exist for them. Nobody wants to go after the rich who hire them. Donald Trump would never suggest he be held responsible for his long history of employing illegals. So unless that happens everything esle we do is just tossing money into a fire.

You are always spot on. I don't think many can understand the impossibility of picking up 3% of the population and physically moving them out, just to start. Then the financial complexities come into play. Punishing a city for not following this mad plan is , in fact, madness.

where do you live? I actually live in a Sanctuary city and you come off as highly uneducated on the matter. only 5 percent of illegal aliens work the fields doing the jobs nobody wants! Their are a growing number of jobs that require Spanish/Mandarin or Cantonese speaking over english in telemarketing, sales,tech you name it. A move some view like myself as the ability to get around illegal hiring practices. I have seen schools packed to the brim, I have seen ESL teachers jobs skyrocket.

Wow, OK. I speak Spanish. not very fast in conversation when replying, but I read it very well and understand if I tell someone to go slow. When I was a supervisor at a massive company in Customer Service for years, starting in 1997, we had a FT Spanish rep (legal citizen) and a FT Fench rep (natural born American). I would answer Spanish writtencorrespondence and take overflow Spanish calls. I was able to handle most, if it got too complicated, there was normally a school aged child in the home that could get on the phone with me and help.

I took Cantonese Chinese lessons from a private tutor and 2 years of Russian in College.

I walk around the house, when cleaning and run my Russian conversational app and my Japanese Kana app. This is forward is not an example of illegal hiring.

A customer Service rep or a telemarketer has an advantage if they speak another language or can even basically understand it. Those conversations are normally all the same: My bill or I am missing an item, I want to add an item or something is wring with the item.

The best, first step is being able to say the words for 'what is your account number' in multiple languages. Usually one can understand the problem from just bringing the account up.

The idea that illegals are just being hired since they speak another language is a myth. Many 'Americans' understand the value of being to have a basic conversation in other languages. The place where I was a supervisor for many years trained with both the "Land's End catalog", rated #1 in Customer Service for many years as well as Time Warner (not the cable division) that was also in the top 10.

In regard to ESL. my mother taught those classes in her undergrad at Berkeley. Lots of smart foreign students that we needed in the sciences, especially Engineering. This is not new. That was 1982.

edit on 3-2-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: luthier
a reply to: reldra

No the market has been falsely manipulated by cheap labour.

I was a union trained jouneyman from the NE. Unions barely exist. Their aren't many good carpenters from Mexico. There are common sense farmers that learn while they are here under other sloppy carpenters. Most building has been dumbed down to a few styles and designs. The quality is incredibly poor.

The market should have dictated the worth but the greedy builders ruined that and everyone else had to follow suit to survive. Just like crappy stuff from china.

You shouldn't get work done you can't afford. Or you should learn to do it yourself.

It's sad but carpentry is a joke now a days. I make guitars for a living now in a nitche high end market. I wouldn't go back to carpentry if my life depended on. It's not a liveable wage and its extremely hard work. Especially if you have any pride in your craftsmanship.

No one is going for a trade anymore.

Everyone wants that sheepskin in liberal arts and wonder where their job is.

Know what a plumber can earn?

A welder?

My friends father dismantles ordinances, lol! Pays pretty good.

I have an MA in communications. Guess who writes copy for the local GOP media group. Every one in the media pool has a degree in liberal arts of some kind and makes more than any damn plumber.

You are right.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: reldra

A plumber can make between 60-150k and much more if they own the business.

Just saying.

My neighbor is a master electrician with a commercial business. He often flys to work in his helicopter if its out of town.

So relax nobody is better than anybody else.

I also have a liberal arts degree in music.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 10:14 PM
Everyone know what is sad about this entire thread ? As far as I have read no one has stated that for any person from anywhere to be in the country ILLEGALLY is against Federal Immigration Laws? I
Or do a lot of people agree with this "DUNDERHEAD" ?

DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime'

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.), chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, denounced Republicans last week for believing illegal immigration “should in fact be a crime.”

The DNC Chair doesnt belive something illegal should be against the law ?
Go figure

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

to be fair, jeb! thinks it's an act of love for them to be there or something.
so he's not much better.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Of course it's against the law. Which is why these cities shouldn't be allowed to do this in violation of the laws of the land.

I have no problem with immigration, but do it legally, and that should be made simpler. A good friend of mine from the ME, Syria to be exact, came here in '88 (I think...), took him three years.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: reldra

Zombie lies

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: EightTF3

Yea cause your small insignificant life represents something? Who cares what happened to you. Your name isnt america

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: seagull

Tell me about it.
I couldn't get my brother a work visa, even tho he would be working for me and would be living with me.

The law says that if a local could do the job with training, then there would be no visa.

We have to carry our ID's at all time and the cops can stop and ask to see it.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Where are you from originally, if you don't mind my asking?

Feel free to tell me none of your business.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:37 AM
I think everybody should get shares in America.....
Equal shares......
Then if the country makes money....EVERYBODY MAKES MONEY

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Gotta love conservatives, they're all for states rights and against elected officials acting unilaterally... until they're acting unilaterally with no deference for the rights of states.
and liberals are all about the rule of law unless of course it conflicts with their law breaking.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Except you're wrong on both accounts.

Link to illegal immigrants receiving over a billion dollars in benefits per our government:

Illegal immigrants able to sway elections:

edit on 4-2-2016 by avgguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:08 PM
The idea of sanctuary cities are insane. Why in the world would any sane person want to live in a city or town that gives immunity to illegals, some WITH A RECORD. I think there is such a thing as being way way too liberal until its bad for health.

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