posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to:
TheSorrow who do you think wants the government to run their lives? No one, NO ONE wants bigger government. There
is not a single person I or you have ever met that has said "We need our government to have more power....they just don't have enough!" But what has
sanders said that implies more government workers with greater power to restrict your freedoms? How is having non profit healthcare and education
available for all alongside private healthcare and education a restriction of your freedoms?
At times in my life, the worry about medical bills and education costs alone have made me feel more trapped than almost anything else. I
managed through luck, smarts, and charisma, and now my wife and I are firmly middle class but I look around me at many of my peers who just were not
lucky or charismatic enough and still struggle to get by. Its a fallacy that our system rewards hard work, and the whole American dream is just that
for most people. Opportunity comes from certain vectors, and a lot of it is not based off of your ability..... Fact of the matter is our corporate
system no longer rewards hard work. The guy next to me can work harder than me, or laze about, but none of us are getting raises or promotions,
because the hospitals only concern is paying people as low as possible, while funneling through as many patients as possible, and if someone came
along with less experience or ability, but would do the work for a few bucks less, they would hire them over me in an instant.
damn, I'm rambling....anyhow, point is, I would like to be born a millionaire....but its not the way it is. So instead I will try to make the best
with what I have, and not hold out waiting to be reborn in the next life as a trust funder. We would like freedom and security without government,
but that cant exist in our predatory society, so I would posit that in such a landscape, at least pushing for those that we deduce as being
uncorrupted (or at least less) due to their voting records and bankrolling reports, we can try to use the system to protect ourselves from the
predations of the great powers of our time. I'm thinking people like Kucinnich, Gravel, Paul, Sanders, Warren, Perot....theres not a long list of
them, but there are or have been a handful with integrity, and they are easy to recognize....they are the most attacked and ridiculed by the
establishment, specifically because they are working to buck the status quo. (kicks soapbox aside....for now)