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Mob of masked men in Stockholm beat refugee children in revenge attack

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posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 05:33 AM
What about these more recent figures? Is this because they are persecuted in your eyes? Muslims make up 4% of the population so obviously 1 in 5 muslims in prison is high but obviously these could be white muslims because as we know muslims are nothing to do with race which is why I never understand the racist label!a reply to: yorkshirelad

edit on 31-1-2016 by anxiouswens because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: fenian8

Yes i read the link.

There is obviously more to the situation, that stands to reason. But when people need to hide behind masks, especially full grown Men to beat up migrant minors, what does that say on a local level?

There not afraid of retribution from the migrants, they are afraid of retribution from there own people and authorities! Simple cowards with misplaced rage and a distinct lack of conviction, hence the masks.

My god are you really this oblivious? By choice i asume, just has to be...

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: TSOM87

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: UnBreakable

I said it before and I'll say it again..welcome to the rise of the nationalist groups. If you think this wasn't planned or expected to happen by tptb, you've got another thing coming.

Why would tptb go on this huge push for multiculturalism, and then pull a 180?

Guess we have more than one now.

They underestimated the number of people that have arrived and will arrive. They also underestimated the people of Europe!

The result of this will turn the EU Project in another direction, aswell as a many Careers.

So us normal every day people do in fact control what tptb do? So much for being a "power".

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
Well these guys are heroes.....they put masks on and beat up children....what a bunch of heroes.....perhaps they should be awarded the nobel peace prize.......

Open your eyes for once! These are not children.

The media has been reluctant to expose the crimes these "refugee's" are committing , as we speak. So what do you think the media will do when they report on a event like this? You think they all of a sudden switch their mindset? Ofcourse not , they twist it so that it will continue to fit the agenda they have been following all along. Calling these criminals "unatended minors" The headline is sensasionalist and completly misleading and on purpose. Stop being idiots please it is the whole reason why this is happening in the first place.

Here is one of your poor poor "children" that are getting a ass whooping because they murdered a woman and your heart bleeds for :

"Claimed to be 16: Ahmad Farid"

edit on 31-1-2016 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: everyone

Of course there are going to be liars and scammers in the mix...just look how many people are infiltrating Europe comment was not based on an emotional espouse it was a comment directly targeted at adults who want to go round beating up kids as a way to solve the is just dumb......not all the kids are adults,the numbers tell us that there are close to 1/3 children in this mess....

Dont believe everything your tv tells you

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:05 AM
Why are Swedish media making actual refugees look bad by calling these street criminals refugees? They are not even seeking asylum.. Is it THAT hard to learn what refugee actually means?
Calling these bastards refugees will just risk making people think bad about refugees. It is not helping at all.

And if they are old enough to rape and rob people and assult security guards at the Central, I dont feel sorry for them at all if an angry mob beats them up. If the polititians didnt see this coming from a mile away, it just further prove how out of touch with reality they are inside their homes in their well protected rich neighborhoods.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: everyone

Of course there are going to be liars and scammers in the mix...just look how many people are infiltrating Europe comment was not based on an emotional espouse it was a comment directly targeted at adults who want to go round beating up kids as a way to solve the is just dumb......not all the kids are adults,the numbers tell us that there are close to 1/3 children in this mess....

Dont believe everything your tv tells you

There are no adults who go out and around just to beat up children here. The point is that these are not children but the media is trying to make it look like it. You can come out and say in general "i dont condone beating up children!" all you like but that is the general consensus already anyway so when you start talking like you did in a thread like this all you are doing is saying you believe the BS thrown at you, white knighting it as you go.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: WinstonChurchill

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
Well these guys are heroes.....they put masks on and beat up children....what a bunch of heroes.....perhaps they should be awarded the nobel peace prize.......

What would you do if a group of 15 year old boys started throwing stones through your windows, you would call the police right? What happens then when the police do nothing and the boys start throwing bricks through your windows? Call the police again and film them? But they all get let off because they are first offenders or it wasnt clear who they were. So they come back with scarves over their face or hoodies on and they knock down you wall to use the bricks to smash your car?

Would you send your daughter out to play on that smashed up park your council taxes paid for? Yeah you would and you would go with her for protection cos they respect you for doing nothing whilst they broke your windows, posted crap through your door and smashed up your car and you did nothing so you are a joke in their eyes so then they start throwing stones at you and trying to touch your daughter.....

What would you do?

Well if you want to play that game....

What if you won the lottery tomorrow....would you move ?

IN all seriousness though do you really believe gangs in the street with intent for revenge is an actual solution ?

Unsure what your lottery post is about, I actually want a large estate in Scotland so yeah I would move.

IN all seriousness - answer the question because its you who were calling these men cowards without offering any solution, or perhaps you don't think there is a problem.

IN even more seriousness, aside from the touching my daughter and the park bit, some of the above situation did happen to me and yes, I did wear a mask when resolving the issue because I didnt want to go to prison and lose my job and possibly my family, but I didnt want another broken window either.

I have no intention of explaining what i did, you can jump to you own conclusions which are likely wild of the mark, but they never came back again, they might even be studying for a degree now thanks to that turning point in their lives rather than rotting in a jail cell.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: WinstonChurchill

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: WinstonChurchill

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
Well these guys are heroes.....they put masks on and beat up children....what a bunch of heroes.....perhaps they should be awarded the nobel peace prize.......

What would you do if a group of 15 year old boys started throwing stones through your windows, you would call the police right? What happens then when the police do nothing and the boys start throwing bricks through your windows? Call the police again and film them? But they all get let off because they are first offenders or it wasnt clear who they were. So they come back with scarves over their face or hoodies on and they knock down you wall to use the bricks to smash your car?

Would you send your daughter out to play on that smashed up park your council taxes paid for? Yeah you would and you would go with her for protection cos they respect you for doing nothing whilst they broke your windows, posted crap through your door and smashed up your car and you did nothing so you are a joke in their eyes so then they start throwing stones at you and trying to touch your daughter.....

What would you do?

Well if you want to play that game....

What if you won the lottery tomorrow....would you move ?

IN all seriousness though do you really believe gangs in the street with intent for revenge is an actual solution ?

Unsure what your lottery post is about, I actually want a large estate in Scotland so yeah I would move.

IN all seriousness - answer the question because its you who were calling these men cowards without offering any solution, or perhaps you don't think there is a problem.

IN even more seriousness, aside from the touching my daughter and the park bit, some of the above situation did happen to me and yes, I did wear a mask when resolving the issue because I didnt want to go to prison and lose my job and possibly my family, but I didnt want another broken window either.

I have no intention of explaining what i did, you can jump to you own conclusions which are likely wild of the mark, but they never came back again, they might even be studying for a degree now thanks to that turning point in their lives rather than rotting in a jail cell.

All you have done here is shown a side of you that is ....well what it is ....if you think this kind of vigilante justice works on a large scale you are mistaken......this mess in Europe isnt going away anytime soon

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: everyone

Of course there are going to be liars and scammers in the mix...just look how many people are infiltrating Europe comment was not based on an emotional espouse it was a comment directly targeted at adults who want to go round beating up kids as a way to solve the is just dumb......not all the kids are adults,the numbers tell us that there are close to 1/3 children in this mess....

Dont believe everything your tv tells you

But you are believing the adults are going around beating up kids based on what the tv tells you?

Dont believe everything your tv tells you.

You are the labeling people based on their age, this makes them a child, this makes them this, this makes them that, it makes them easy to defend by people like you because all can keep saying is men are beating up kids because it fits your agenda.

Would you not kill child soldiers who were shooting at you in a war zone if you were a soldier - dont shoot everyone, they are only children, soldiers shooting children, cowards are they?

The British Army fighting murderous "kids" in the West Side Boys?

How about the US Rangers in Somalia - the kids with RPGs who I am sure would have been part of the mob - are those Americans cowards too?

Or do you distinguish by some sort of applied morality that you use to big up your agenda that masked men are hunting children to beat up.

What about, fed up locals are taking the streets back from troublesome immigrants. Why mention their age unless its to further your agenda?

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: WinstonChurchill

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: WinstonChurchill

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
Well these guys are heroes.....they put masks on and beat up children....what a bunch of heroes.....perhaps they should be awarded the nobel peace prize.......

What would you do if a group of 15 year old boys started throwing stones through your windows, you would call the police right? What happens then when the police do nothing and the boys start throwing bricks through your windows? Call the police again and film them? But they all get let off because they are first offenders or it wasnt clear who they were. So they come back with scarves over their face or hoodies on and they knock down you wall to use the bricks to smash your car?

Would you send your daughter out to play on that smashed up park your council taxes paid for? Yeah you would and you would go with her for protection cos they respect you for doing nothing whilst they broke your windows, posted crap through your door and smashed up your car and you did nothing so you are a joke in their eyes so then they start throwing stones at you and trying to touch your daughter.....

What would you do?

Well if you want to play that game....

What if you won the lottery tomorrow....would you move ?

IN all seriousness though do you really believe gangs in the street with intent for revenge is an actual solution ?

Unsure what your lottery post is about, I actually want a large estate in Scotland so yeah I would move.

IN all seriousness - answer the question because its you who were calling these men cowards without offering any solution, or perhaps you don't think there is a problem.

IN even more seriousness, aside from the touching my daughter and the park bit, some of the above situation did happen to me and yes, I did wear a mask when resolving the issue because I didnt want to go to prison and lose my job and possibly my family, but I didnt want another broken window either.

I have no intention of explaining what i did, you can jump to you own conclusions which are likely wild of the mark, but they never came back again, they might even be studying for a degree now thanks to that turning point in their lives rather than rotting in a jail cell.

All you have done here is shown a side of you that is ....well what it is ....if you think this kind of vigilante justice works on a large scale you are mistaken......this mess in Europe isnt going away anytime soon

I didnt say it works, you cant call me a vigilante, I never said how I resolved it. Im saying they are not cowards for wearing a mask and trying to make the streets safer.

When TPTB realize they are going to lose power in an election then maybe they will sit up and resolve the issue sensibly, unfortunately when the pendulum swings so far to the left, it also swings almost as far to the right, and neither side is correct, they should appeal to both sides. Unfortunately progressive governments have pushed us so far to the left whilst dismissing anything right of center as fascist or nazi that even very moderate slightly right leaning people like me are getting fed up with giving up everything for ungrateful problems.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: WinstonChurchill

What about, fed up locals are taking the streets back from troublesome immigrants. Why mention their age unless its to further your agenda?

Is this your agenda a war in the street ?......i think you are jumping the gun and your anger is directed in the wrong direction

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Doubtful many of them were true children, more likley the 20-30year olds pretending to be unaccompanied teenagers for asylum

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: WinstonChurchill

What about, fed up locals are taking the streets back from troublesome immigrants. Why mention their age unless its to further your agenda?

Is this your agenda a war in the street ?......i think you are jumping the gun and your anger is directed in the wrong direction

Evading the question again - my agenda is to try and provide an alternative to always jumping on the person standing up for themselves.

Blaming the girls in Cologne for being touched, blaming the fathers and young men from Stockholm who are fed up of their families and friends being threatened by people who should be respectful of the country they are in, blaming everyone but the immigrants.

Nothing to do with war in the streets and not once have I said that, so stop trolling me by putting words in my mouth and saying i am angry.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 05:04 AM
The fact these men went on a vigilante attack was wrong but inevitable, you simply can't have a Police force turning the other way and refusing to arrest these rapists or just as bad, arresting them and letting them go. The people are not stupid, they see what their own government is doing to them and you can't blame them for saying enough is enough and taking action.

As for the so called migrant children they attacked, they were young males and most looked in their 20's at the very least , but again the government / Police chose to call them children so it sounded much worse than it was, I'm not condoning what they did, I've already said it was WRONG but it was always going to happen.

And lastly, no one should be stunned by what has happened since Merkel did that traitorous act, most of us on here foresaw this happening but were told we were stupid and talking rubbish yet here we are, its all happened as we said. Were we amazing bright, not really, we looked at the facts and the evidence, it all pointed to Radical Islamic people coming here to attempt to establish Islam as the norm here, we already knew how the previous immigrants had turned out, just look at France, it was all happening there, same as in the UK, people coming here and demanding Shariah Law etc etc let alone the numerous grooming gangs that were 99% Pakistani Muslim origin. It all simply was not working so was out there to be seen, even Merkel had previously AGREED that Multiculturalism was not working yet she for reasons open different interpretations let the flood gates open and then tried like out EU leaders to pretend nothing was happening while people were and still are being raped, crime is out of control and its these people that are 100% doing it.

No guess work involved.......

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad
Here's another fact, the total number of cases required to make a headline:



The refugee crisis is all done by design. People are tribal by nature, and the easiest way to manipulate a mass of people is through fear. One minute the people have their eyes on the establishment and wonder WTF they are doing in the middle-east. The next minute they have their eyes on the refugees, who are mostly there because of that same establishment.

One minute we have a countries citizens saying “Why are we overthrowing a legitimate Syrian government in the first place”, then next couple of years any Syrian is known to be THE enemy because of the "chaos" they have caused. When mostly it is a minority that isn’t even 1% of the refugees and they happen to be North African and not Syrian. Yet they are painted with the same brush by the mainstream media every single time.

It is so obvious that is it laughable yet people are falling for it, especially on here which is a dissapointment.

The irony of all this is that the reason many terrorist groups formed in the middle-east was because of the artificial creation of Israel. Palestine was flooded with white Eastern European Jews, they formed an army and were armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. Arabs naturally saw this an attack on their way of life, an invasion. JUST IMAGINE for one second that this happened in a western country but vice-verser?

Instead of this natural muslim anger towards the west about their sovereignty being threatened, and them all being in solidarity with each other, like at the beggining, it stopped because CIA and Mi6 for years caused tensions between Sunni and Shi’a groups so muslims would divide and fight among themselves. Now we have ISIS, a Sunni Muslim group who’s mission is to take out Shi’a groups. Israel is not first on the list, when 50 years ago it would be.

Order out of chaos.

Divde and Conquer.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 07:07 AM
Some of these refugee "children" claim to be 15 when they look 30.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Cannaboss
Some of these refugee "children" claim to be 15 when they look 30.

Yes, and how can any of us have the tiniest shred of faith in the people processing this lot? One look and you can see they're adults. Why can't they?

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: Cannaboss
Some of these refugee "children" claim to be 15 when they look 30.

Maybe they age in dog years. heh.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: ausername
Tragic all around. That said, the real problem is in the assumption that large numbers of people that are of different cultures that evolved over thousands of years regions and continents apart can be thrown together without conflict.

The haters hate the hated. The hated hate the haters.

All of this migrant crisis was easily predictable. Too bad there will never be an easy way to resolve these issues now.

You can't expect people to immediatly adapt, integrate and assimilate and you really shouldn't expect the domestic population to immediately adopt, accept and tolerate the ways of the migrants/refugees. Laws and enforcment shouldn't be adjusted in favor of either.

So, it can only end badly.


Bull#. The United States was founded on that very principle and we somehow make it work. People don't immediately adapt, but if you make the integration process tolerable, then things will work out.
edit on 1-2-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

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