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Ancient conspiracy: Tower of Babel

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posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:16 AM
Genesis 11:4 Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower that reaches the heavens, let's make make a name for ourselves; otherwise we'll be scattered abroad upon the face of the entire earth."

What exactly was so threatening the Lord(YHWH) so much about this tower and city that he would need to come with his troops and essentially cast a curse on the post-deluvians? Was he scientifically unaware of the impossibility of reaching the heavens by tower? Was it more than a tower?
The bible goes right into Shem's descendants so you won't find the answer there. Here we have 2 cospiracies, #1, The inhabitants of Shinar conspired to reach the heavens and to, apparently, be able to protect themselves from YHWH and his servants
# 2 Is YHWH and his servants conspiracy to prevent this. We all know what happened after, but WHAT was going on here, REALLY?

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: areyousirius360

God wanted man after the flood to spread over the whole earth but man wanted to build a city and a tower and have God come to him . God said My way or the highway and so the Babel incident .What God did was turn away from the people ,divide them and work with a new group until a time He would turn back towards the people which is what happened when the Church was born and the Gospel went out to the gentile nations ,until the time of the Gentiles would be fulfilled .

Those Nations that were mentioned in Genesis become part of the picture once again in the book of Acts .

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1Yes, that is the current popular interpretation you would hear from a Pastor or at a bible study. But we can't count on the church to help us look deeper into the what the scriptures say, or in this instance don't say. It's mentioned so briefly with so little detail that it reads like it's missing important details almost intentionally. What I'm looking for is the non church taught view, you know, the real story. That's why I put it under religious conspiracies.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1So you see the world in terms of 2 people? Jews and everyone else is a Gentile. I don't see how that even works. I'm not a Jew or a Gentile. Maybe that's why I am so loath to accept common interpretations from either.

edit on 27-1-2016 by areyousirius360 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:44 AM
It seems to suggest that YHWH was actually concerned about losing power and make a pre-emptive strike to keep it. Do we have that much potential as humans were we could actually make YHWH have to adjust his plan?

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:53 AM
Or is just a way of explaining why there were so many different languages back then and this would have been a right pain in the neck. Every town almost would have a different language or dialect and trade would have been difficult. But the tower in the fable was probably a real one at some point in time which may have been derelict at the time the story began.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 06:54 AM
Why does he not interfere in NASA operations? And why does the E.U. have a poster with a painting of the Tower of Babel with the slogan "Many tongues, one voice." accompanying it. Along with a suspiciously unfinished tower looking building in France I believe, although I could be wrong on the location I've seen the building. That's a strong statement to make so publicly and it's a political statement. Yikes.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: areyousirius360

This for me is about the common man (common language) being too adept with the use of his master's technology and possible the first instance of his challenge to YHWH.

You see YHWH has always had two problems of credibility for me. One were he a full blown God and not an actual man, why was he threatened? - he would have poofed the threat aside with a miraculous power, not taken an army to smash the tower down or muddle the technology and destroy its software.

Same with bit later with getting the Israelites to follow him. Its quietened down in the bible so most don't realised dear YHWH physically impaled people in front of Moses and the people until the Israelites took him as their God - personally he sounds more like an emperor or general. Again not something or someone miraculous but simply viscously human with all the selfishness he could contain.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: areyousirius360

This tale comes from a time period and culture existing well before the Israelites as a separate group were even conceived. So Jew and Gentile aren't relevant.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: areyousirius360

What I'm looking for is the non church taught view, you know, the real story.

A few points here.

1.) Firstly you have to ask yourself "is the Bible true?" if the answer is No, then there is no real story to be taught.
If the answer is yes then you should proceed to point #2

2.) Considering the Bable narrative is only found in scripture, What makes you assume the Church taught view is not the "real story?"
If the answer is because you don't trust the church to tell you anything is that is true, then what makes you think the tower of babel is true when they are the only ones who teach it?

3.) Bable narrative does not exist outside of scripture. What you are effectively asking for is someone to come along and say, the scripture is wrong about a story that only they have recorded or teach about. I will leave you to figure out why this is kind of a strange question to ask.

This may very well be the first time I have ever seen a circular question.
edit on 27-1-2016 by Punisher75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7
Pay attention please I was not saying that it did, I was replying to a comment someone made who mentioned Jews and Gentiles. Yes it is an old story about an older time, very good. Do you have anything interesting to add about the Towel of Babel?

edit on 27-1-2016 by areyousirius360 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2016 by areyousirius360 because: spelling

edit on 27-1-2016 by areyousirius360 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: areyousirius360

There is physically no way that the Tower of Babel could have happened. Scientists have traced the history of language very thoroughly, and there is no evidence to suggest that humans spontaneously started speaking different languages all at once.

The only way this story makes sense is if it is an allegory or a metaphor.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7
Yes Yahweh does have credibility problems. It's worth mentioning that it is YHWH behind this and not the Most High God of the ancient world. There was a time when the two were distinct from one another.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Punisher75You just insult people for fun? Something brought you here so what you might want to learn is when people discuss Scripture it is usually done without questioning if it did or didn't happen because embedded in those stories are truths. Allegorical, mythical, or literal truth, the idea is to learn from it and your free to satisfy your appetite for internet superiority, but it would be better if you made a worthwhile contribution.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: areyousirius360
a reply to: Punisher75You just insult people for fun? Something brought you here so what you might want to learn is when people discuss Scripture it is usually done without questioning if it did or didn't happen because embedded in those stories are truths. Allegorical, mythical, or literal truth, the idea is to learn from it and your free to satisfy your appetite for internet superiority, but it would be better if you made a worthwhile contribution.

LOL No I am not trying to insult people, I am really not.
I am trying to figure out what you are looking for exactly, in so far as an actual answer or response to your thread.
If you are looking for people to just make something up that sounds like cool sci-fi to give yourself something to think about that's cool, just say so.
But you asked for the "real story", and considering the sources of the initial story are only recorded by the people you seem to not trust to give you the truth, the question comes to an impasse. Are you looking for the "real story", or just a "Good Story"?
How far deviated by the only record of the event, is far enough to make it true?
edit on 27-1-2016 by Punisher75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: Punisher75That comment I made was a subtle dis of mainstream Christianity and it's teaching of the bible as literal history. Do you have any interest in the spiritual philosophical or esoteric that you can do more than go after other people for what they say while you're here? So far I'm not immpressed but surprise me.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Punisher75I am trying to find out what other people think about the the esoteric aspect of that particular story. And you apparently didn't notice how I tied the E.U. in which is probably the most interesting thing I wrote. You instead jump on me and try to make me look bad for reasons I don't even want to know. If you this ain't your thing then go check out the UFO section.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 08:07 AM
Great thread topic. I am always interested in the Tower of Babel story, because it's so odd. You didn't include though in my opinion the most important part of the story. In Gensis 11:6b God says "...then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them." Essentially He's saying if they can build this 'tower' then nothing will be impossible for them. That is very intriguing.

First off, you can obviously and immediately rule out it being just a normal tower that "threatened" God. It's not consistent with any other stories in Scripture. I've read many articles taking guesses at what the Tower of Babel could have actually been. They range from the great pyramids to Stonehenge, and from a Stargate to any semblance of a time machine.

Another interesting theory is that the Tower of Babel was to be a library or storehouse of all the knowledge given to man pre-flood by the Watchers or Nephilim.

In the time of the next great act of rebellion against God, about 560 years after the flood another event happened: The Tower of Babel. Even with such a long period of time, people were still living to a ripe old age of about 600 years. The Babel event would have been only one generation from the remembrance of the pre-flood era. Babel was not about trying to climb up to pull God down from heaven. It was not a space program as Zecharia Sitchin claims. It was about preserving what was remembered of the secrets of heaven, including how to travel it. The internal evidence of this is in some of the key words in this text.

"This they begin to do." The Hebrew word Chalal is used here. It means to bore or pry open like a wedge in the sense of this being an act of polluting. There is no other way to look at this. They are actually trying to bore into or pry an opening into heaven! As we have already let the Bible conclude for us, Heaven and earth represent eternal and linear dimensions. They are separated from each other as a result of the fall or sin. But the actual physical separation is one of time - linear verses eternal. It stands to reason that the travel they are trying to accomplish here is inter-dimensional. The language here would confirm this. To pry or wedge is to open a portal into the eternal realm.

"Nothing will be restrained from them." The Hebrew word "Batsar" means secrets, mysteries or inaccessible things will no longer be restrained. This can only mean a breach in the space/time continuum. Zamam is used for imagined and means to plot or devise in a negative sense. “Tower” has a figurative meaning as anything high or lofty. In all Bibles the words “reached unto” is italicized. This is because there are no original words to represent them. This was only an assumption by the translators. Equally acceptable in this context is the fact that instead of " reaching unto" it could be "likened unto." The tower of Babel was actually the pinnacle of occult knowledge. Occult simply means secret knowledge. The tower represents the attempt to reassemble and maintain the "secret" knowledge which we now can understand as the physics and technology used before the flood. This is logical to see when in the Law , this very act was forbidden.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: areyousirius360
a reply to: Punisher75That comment I made was a subtle dis of mainstream Christianity and it's teaching of the bible as literal history.

So a troll thread.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi
Great points, I concur and thanks for the compliment. I see this from an ancient perspective so when it says YHWH I consider the fact that the world at this time was void of monotheism and they did indeed believe YHWH was one of the Sons of God and NOT the Most High God. After the nations are divided each gets its own God, Israel going to YHWH as you can read in Deuteronomy. So YHWH was the instigator and the one, as always, trying to hinder our evolution. But not the Most High God who apparently doesn't interfere often.

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