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Can you do math without a calculator, no? Then I am your superior

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posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:04 AM
Please read the whole thread before commenting just in case I don't mean what you think I mean

Lets get the obvious out of the way, I don't look down on mentally slow people, for example I've been volunteering with autistic society for years. I know that smart or stupid is not a choice

It really isn't, if it were we would all pull an Einstein.

But the simple cruel fact of our little lives is that we are indeed different inside, some of us are generous, some are smart, some are slow, some are in the middle.

What if I told you. That there are things I can understand that you of average intelligence can't no matter how much you try.

Why do you find that so hard to believe, if you know about or believe in aliens, isn't it common knowledge that advanced aliens would know things that we can't yet imagine.

YOU OF AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE would be a superior being if transported to 14th century.

You know so many things that the poor SOBs of that era have no clue about,

Antibiotic from penicillin
How battery works
How to use that battery to produce colloidal silver
Earth is round
Planets in our solar system
Map of the world in your mind
How woven material can stop arrows without metal shield

I can spend hours listing how you could wow those poor 14th century folks but you get the picture


Why do you assume that you can understand this reality we live in on the same level as me if my IQ is let's say 140 and yours is 100.

How can I assume that I can understand reality and multiple dimensions on the same level as one of those guys like Christopher Langan whose processing is at 200 IQ, which includes things like brain synch.

Math ?

Math is nothing ....

Understanding goes so beyond "math"

I am talking about universe within a universe, God and creation, past and future, free will.

What is evidence of something to me is a joke for you, what is evidence to you is a joke for me.

Now please excuse me...

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

Shhh ! I"m watching cartoons

+14 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:09 AM
Hmmm, I needed not a calculator or scratch, but am not foolish enough to believe this made me superior. I was wired differently. What if I were to tell you there's a good chance you lack a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are going through life making a fool of yourself repeatedly without being aware of it.

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

Why do you assume that you can understand this reality we live in on the same level as me if my IQ is let's say 140 and yours is 100.

That's easy. We (each reader) will naturally assume that your IQ is 100 and ours is 140, as those of superior intellect have little concern or need to boast of their intelligence.
edit on 10 27 2013 by donktheclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

If you're of average intelligence then that goes to reason that half of the world is smarter than you and half of the world is dumber than you.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: pl3bscheese
What if I were to tell you there's a good chance you lack a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are going through life making a fool of yourself repeatedly without being aware of it.

Best reply this thread will see. Lol.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

it's just melodrama.. and we humans like our melodramas..
they intensify the sense of self and make our lives feel more
real. KPB

Now please excuse me...

For what? Being involved in the human condition. Not feeling loved, being lonely, and overcompensating?

You're excused.....

edit on 24-1-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

What if I told you that there are things I can understand that you of average intelligence can't no matter how much you try.

OOOOOOoooooooo, please elaborate. Please, pretty please !!!!!

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:21 AM
No, I don't think I'm superior because I can add in my head but I do believe the younger generation is too dependent on calculators and other technology making decisions for them.

I was at the store and the clerk told me my total was $19.51. I gave her $20.01. She was confused and just stood there looking at the penny. I had to help her. "I get 50 cents back, honey."

Good grief....

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:25 AM
no matter how smart you are, you are still human with limited knowledge. you can only look so far, so to speak. its like an ant bragging about how big his ant hill is, maybe impressive for other ants, but it doesn't really matter at all.

you could brag about having a better car, its still a cage with primitive wheels.

brag about having an enormous house, its still a cage with 4 walls on a little rock in the middle of nowhere.

brag about your intelligence, your still destined to die and will never experience more than you can.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: pl3bscheese
Hmmm, I needed not a calculator or scratch, but am not foolish enough to believe this made me superior. I was wired differently. What if I were to tell you there's a good chance you lack a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are going through life making a fool of yourself repeatedly without being aware of it.

Do more than this

Go into details like I have, be concise, logical, use examples

Define making a fool

To whom


Does it matter

You could be idiot savant

These people don't posses true intelligence

By mentioning EQ you were quite predictable to me. As if I am not aware of what makes up human mind.

Anyway, have fun guys if you can while you can.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

I can make heat without relying on energy companies, with a few things I can find very close to hand. Generally only a little slower than turning on central heating.

This does not mean I am superior than those who cannot and thus rely on electrical or gas power. It just means I took time to learn a much obsolete skill. Obviously maths is a little more useful in certain settings, but why so, when everyone I know in the west has a calculator in their pocket?

Sure, sometimes they will be caught without, just as people are caught in the cold without means to heat themselves.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown

superior intellect have little concern or need to boast of their intelligence.

You are missing the point which of course is very predictable

The point is understanding reality or not based on differences in perception of reality


Read my op again

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:32 AM
I have always struggled to equate intelligence directly to knowledge. Knowledge can be shared, but intelligence can not. Intelligence is a factor in gaining knowledge (information), certainly, and the ability to retain lots of factoids could be said to be a type of intelligence. If you were to travel back in time as proposed, you might be rather surprised at some individuals brilliance despite their lack of information.

I look at intelligence as a responsibility of the highest order. If it isn't used to help our species, our world, it serves little purpose other than schadenfreude and hubris. If brilliance isnt used properly, all evidence of its existence dies with us.. like dust in the wind.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: vjr1113


Another one missing the point of the thread

Must everything be an emotional attack for some of you

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

He answered pretty clearly, his answer being that a logical person would take the word of someone claiming high intelligence, especially on the internet, and perhaps even more when no evidence other than an anecdote about cashiers being terrible at mental arithmetic, to be the word of somebody who is only of average intelligence.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

Simple, IQ isn't a test of all knowledge, and more importantly it's certainly not an indication of how open minded a person can be.

That being said, congratulations on being 20 points higher than me, if it makes you feel proud then great.

However it's foolish to assume that even I with a lower IQ cannot be more intelligent than anyone else with a higher one, simply due to life experiences.
edit on 24-1-2016 by threeeyesopen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:36 AM
He understands too much...

Therefore, HE'S A WITCH!

What should we do first?

Burn him or build a bridge out of him?

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown

OOOOOOoooooooo, please elaborate. Please, pretty please !!!!!

Sure why not, I am not afraid of you

Take life after death

Mystery ?

Not to me.

That's just 1 example, and we would have to go into details to explain and yet you might still not get it.

posted on Jan, 24 2016 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: VanGcouverite

I can do maths without a calculator,and i'm teaching my 9yo son to do maths without a calculator,he only uses the calculator to sharply check if his sums are correct,because if the "SHTF" you still have to be able to do basic mathematical calculations, like in the days before such modern tools.

Believe me when i tell you that there may be tens of thousands,if not millions of people with a "lower iq" than you that understands the world as well as you do,if not better.

It does'nt take a maths degree to understand,or at least have a concept, that there are mysteries to the world,unexplained things,that the world we live in,this paradigm is "the world that's being pulled over our eyes". Those realisations come from a sense deep within that one s just born with,or you observe the world,and through common sense and deductions from earnest observation as one grows older,you realise there is more to what we're being taught from childhood,more than the "Stepford Wives" paradigm.

Maybe i misunderstood you completely,if so apologies.

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