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Project Monarch/MK Ultra Victim Mysteriously Taken Off the Air [Coast to Coast AM]

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posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: rexsblues
hahaha, what a bunch of bs. This reminds me of the other famous Coast 2 Coast dropped call... the famous Area 51 caller. It's crap like this that really turns me off the whole scene, It's kind of like how crap hack youtube channels like thirdphaseofmoon or secureteam10 have flooded any UFO related searches with manufactured garbage. Screw all this sh!t, I think I'm just going to go fishin.

When you insult instead of arguing with facts, you demonstrate your inability to debate.
The number one disinformation tactic by security apparatus paid shills is to bring up UFOs, aliens and such that has not been proven to exist in mainstream science. The effect is to water down the believability of the truth being revealed by the original story. Why are you so motivated to discredit truth that is so sorely needed in our democracies?

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: corsair00
I am tempted to read his book and figure out the Canadian connection more...

Don't bother. I assure you ... he's quite delusional.

Congratulations in using one of the top three disinformation tactics used by security apparatus shills. Discredit the truth sayer with a ‘delusional’ label. When you insult instead of arguing with facts, you demonstrate your inability to debate. Why are you so afraid of the truth coming out?

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Slichter
Never heard of ‘that Pauly’ but whoever they are, they are not writing about the same topic I am.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: corsair00I think the guy aught to research his drug of use in his programing.
Scopolomine is not one of them. Scopolomine is a downer, it is not an effective mind altering or mind controlling drug. there are better more effective substancies that could be used.

Either you have matched the wrong drug name (my book reports Scopolamine), or you are reporting disinformation. Its been used for mind-control in Voodoo culture for many hundreds of years, but I don’t expect you to research Cultural Anthropology. Instead you can:
a) read my book report of being drugged five times with it and forced to do things in mind-control experiments, see
b) simply read an article from Canada’s largest circulation newspaper:
In the article “’Devils’s Breath’ could be the world’s scariest drug” John Otis quoted Dr. Camilo Uribe of the Toxicology Unit of San Hose University Hospital, an expert on this drug (Scopolamine), “I can give you a gun and tell you to go kill someone, and you will.” The Toronto Star, 09/02/13.
Hypnosis alone was shown to yield the same deadly results, see:
- Declassified CIA document summaries at ‘mind control topic’.
- “The Assassin: Shooting Stephen Fry” at the link in the lower right corner of my authors page:
The current intel agency approach uses layers of all these technologies on top of each other to virtually guarantee correct results at 'show time' using non-consensual victims who usually either die, or are incarcerated for life.

edit on 31-1-2016 by matthew99 because: missed a sentence

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: corsair00

I don't know about this persons story, but Scopolamine is the real deal. The CIA uses it and it's so potent that back when the Silk Road was a functional website even they wouldn't deal in it. There are a lot of stories about that stuff, it basically turns you into a highly suggestible zombie for a few hours and afterwards you have no recollection of any of it.

You are 100% correct. Thank you for getting the truth out.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Trueleadman

You’ve got to be fairly cold hearted to blame the victim of censorship, whose book sales were virtually non-existent from that interview because the drama scared people.
You’ve got to be fairly naïve to assert that an articulate MK survivor with a book, would not be censored for breaking the rules (not yet recalled) and talking about something that would be politically explosive, the not-in-Canada ‘test’ event.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: lovebeck
a reply to: corsair00

I also listened to this show and I thought the guy was full of shhh.

C2C is a shell of what it once was and I really do not take anything they talk about on there seriously. It is entertainment, a show.

Art Bell and John B Wells were kicked out for a reason. They actually punished the envelope and interviewed guests that were interesting, asked important questions.

So, if this guy was on one of their shows and this happened? I might take it with a bit more than a grain of salt.

When you insult instead of arguing with facts, you demonstrate your inability to debate.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: MysterX

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: corsair00

prosaic explaination :

the caller severed contact deliberatly to :

a - create drama

b - avoid having to answer questions

I would have thought that:

a) The subject matter under discussion was already heavily on the side of being dramatic, and:

b) The caller was already two hours into answering questions.

So really, he wasn't particularly shy about either a or b apparently.

Absolutely, 100% correct. It is so dramatic that folks are unused to it and thus are overly skeptical as what I report calls into question so much of what we believe is truth, that folks experience Cognitive Dissonance resulting in rejection and denial.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Rezlooper

Why so many of the shooters with the crazy looking bbugged-out eyes?

They are finally getting what they've always craved, attention, and eating it up.

Another aspect sort of appears with serial killers. They are arrogant, better than everyone else. They want to show off, whenever they get in front of the press for however short a time they always try to say something. Ted Bundy, Drew Peterson, they have this persona, they want to flaunt.

Bug eyes as you put it is them absorbing this attention they are getting, they are fully alert aware and absorbing every moment.

Like when those chimps were let out of cages to feel grass under their feet and see trees for the first time? They were super focused, staring at every tiny thing. Bug eyed…

Srry I'm not explaining this better.

The result of a love starved attention starved ego getting their sickly twisted feed from others focusing on them.

These shooter and patsies NEVER wanted to participate in these events and have their lives terminated, or spent in jail. They were mind-controlled victims. Your posting here is consistent with someone with a stake to dissuade the public from accepting the truth. You attempt to sweep away truth from others posts and my Coast to Coast AM interview. I recommend you read my book and then see if you still think this is not truth. See

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: kreator666
It would be really awesome if at least a bigger percentage of people had an open mind and consider others ideas openly, instead of ridicule and harassment that is based on nothing but ignorance.

Yes, well said!

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: matthew99

Have you ever considered that maybe you just don't come across like you intend in interviews?

I'm open minded, like most people here. When I listened to your interview...something was off. You didn't seem sincere.

I don't mean to offend you, it may not have been the best promotional tool for you.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:07 PM
Dissociation, and compartmentalization of emotion may come across as that to some

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: matthew99

Have you ever considered that maybe you just don't come across like you intend in interviews?

I'm open minded, like most people here. When I listened to your interview...something was off. You didn't seem sincere.

I don't mean to offend you, it may not have been the best promotional tool for you.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:21 PM
I would say that Pauly seems pretty legit. I know Coast to Coast deals with… a lot of… 'different' topics... but the audience base is broad, so I would be looking for diamonds in the rough there, that are just using it as a platform to reach people, as opposed to just automatically dismiss anything on the program as nonsense.

I see bickering over little issues… you people have to realize, lets say something in the 'story' doesn't check out 100% - well guess what, if you tell me something that happened a while ago, especially something that you experienced under extreme duress, you may not get all the details 100%. You also have to realize, that when dealing with 'deliberate dissociation' - specifically 'programmed brain states/alter' - that a lot of the 'training' and 'scripts' have been made to make the person believe something has happened, that may not have exactly happened. This is to either assume greater control (such as tricking an 'alter' that it has hidden cameras in the house, although this is also a legit possibility) or whether it was some 'crazy story' which would be designed to negate the credibility of a subject exposing sensitive information.

I didn't listen to this particular interview, but I am very familiar with Pauly, and his situation, and it seems pretty legit to me. This is happening, in many different ways, in many different places. Nowadays, as long as the subject has had previous dissociation, through some harmonics and split brain techniques, you can usually salvage a few programmable usable alters from even an adult, as opposed to how usually a full fledged 'programmed multiple' will have to be processed from early childhood…

Don't let 'em get you down, Matthew.

That is the sad thing about this type of thing, not only does it happen, but when someone blows the whistle, they get # on. Shame on some of you. If you don't actually know, bite your tongue - this #### is real! What? Some of you are so smart and witty that you have to call out anyone who could possibly be full of it? Get over yourself, you are ####ing on good people who are trying to get the word out about very very unethical domestic and international intelligence operations that even reach into our schools and elsewhere? Come on people wake up

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: matthew99

Replying to just this bit…

Coercing the individual to act with a loaded, safety-off weapon is also done.

Talk about subjective bias.

Love to see your forensics on that. From the scene of any mass murder spree case you choose.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: matthew99
You're not a mass shooter are you? I wasn't directing any of my remarks at you or your experience, whatever it may be, just to the notion that these events are secret program driven. The go way back before you, too.

The real inhumanity is wars of nations upon other victim nations, with mechanized military and every form of resulting chaos, death, disease and misery.

These are well planned and carried out by many, many people brainwashed by political, nationalistic and patriotic ideals.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: matthew99

Wow, it is great to see you join this thread, Matthew - thanks so much for the reply. I was so astonished by that interview, and by the fact that there was essentially not one word uttered at the time about it online, that I spent a few hours making this thread.

When I refer to "punctuated showmanship" to validate your story and scare the crap out of listeners, I was not referring to a publicity stunt on the part of the radio show or you etc. I was more or less referring to the NSA lol, since they are probably the only ones who could drop an internet connection. Would you agree on that connection?

I have a lot of books in queue, but I am intrigued by yours. I brought it up earlier, the specific title of "The Murder of Time", as I have an abstract interest in time specifically, but I am curious what you intended by that reference.

posted on Feb, 6 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Apoceclipse

I didn't listen to this particular interview, but I am very familiar with Pauly, and his situation, and it seems pretty legit to me. This is happening, in many different ways, in many different places. Nowadays, as long as the subject has had previous dissociation, through some harmonics and split brain techniques, you can usually salvage a few programmable usable alters from even an adult, as opposed to how usually a full fledged 'programmed multiple' will have to be processed from early childhood…

Interesting reply. I think you're right. Pauly states that his mind control experiences happened fairly recently, as an adult. But he also remembers everything LOL - do you think that his age might have something to do with that, or perhaps some personality types just have better conscious recall with things like this?

posted on Feb, 6 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: corsair00

I don't have enough information about him and his situation to really give a good answer to that...

The memory/lackof is all about compartmentalization, through dissociative states reinforced with amnesiac barriers, so essentially dissociative amnesia.

There are so many variables of why ones dissociative states will be 'reached' or 'leak through' etc... I could only speculate, and that usually doesn't help!

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: corsair00
I have been a personal friend of Matthew for a good part of his writing and finishing up the book. I wrote a song using his experiences called Scopolamine Sleepers. I am also a lay expert in tropane alkaloids. I study them in detail and I have a blog/website detailing it's history and interaction with man called Poison Path . Matthew believes he was hit with scopolamine. Many of his symptoms match. However, I have always been kind of on the fence about this. I have always debated with him that perhaps this is a scopolamine-derivative that is more effective than scopolamine. There are over 500 derivatives of scopolamine. So there are many at their disposal. If you read James Ketchum's Chemical Warfare: Secrets Almost Forgotten, you will start to understand what I mean.

posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: ForeignPolicy

Do you think, for example, that the Orlando mass shooter was a Scopolamine Sleeper - and that the idea was to have Matthew become a terrorist and do mass shootings for general societal meltdown? But he was somehow able to de-program out of it?

I have his book as well, I have skimmed through it. Not professionally written, but well done for what it is!

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