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Calais port locked down as migrants break fences and board British ferry

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posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: stevieray

We are bombing savages that love to stone, dismember, behead, drown/ burn people alive....including children whenever it's useful.
More their own people than anyone else.

Thats the propaganda alright.

News flash, bombs are way more destructive than knives, matches and 'drownings': killing far more people, destroying far more places.

The thugs doing the killing there are in fact an insurgency paid to do that to make the excuse to bomb and take over their country.

Derpty doo.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: stormcell

The French could issue those migrants with temporary passports that would be valid for three months, but that would encourage more to come.

Respectfully, they don't need any more encouragement. They are only there because they fled, their homelands are destroyed or dangerous as hell, the 'camps' they set up show the governments isn't helping them at all.

Wen I was 'homeless' thats how i lived, too.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Trueleadman

Us or our politicians?! Coming from someone who eats from a bucket and dances like a dunce, you have a lot of nerve.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: ObsidianEclipse

Thanks for the rundown. my guess is thats changing.

So the footage of all the people attempting to cross the channel by sneaking into trucks is because they know if they get across the channel somehow, they're as good as in.

Thats hard to believe, just saying.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: stevieray

We are bombing savages that love to stone, dismember, behead, drown/ burn people alive....including children whenever it's useful.
More their own people than anyone else.

Thats the propaganda alright.

News flash, bombs are way more destructive than knives, matches and 'drownings': killing far more people, destroying far more places.

The thugs doing the killing there are in fact an insurgency paid to do that to make the excuse to bomb and take over their country.

Derpty doo.

soooo, every last thing that's going wrong can be traced back to "us". Not the people actually doing it. No matter what.

lmao. Let me put some of that derpity doo in my hairdo. You may have the Brylcream and Pomade.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: stevieray

soooo, every last thing that's going wrong can be traced back to "us". Not the people actually doing it. No matter what.

Yah, in modern times anyway.

Three letters,


posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Meh, so oil is the cause, I still won't be petitioning the UK government to let those thousands of men camped at France into the country.

It's not my problem so long as the UK can still lawfully defend its border.
Thank # the UK didn't sign up to the free border Schengen agreement because they would all be over here by now.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Thank # the UK didn't sign up to the free border Schengen agreement because they would all be over here by now.

UK are islands so no fence is necessary. The one happy borderless EU thing is changing.

edit on 25-1-2016 by intrptr because: bb code

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: stevieray

soooo, every last thing that's going wrong can be traced back to "us". Not the people actually doing it. No matter what.

Yah, in modern times anyway.

Three letters,


I don't disagree regarding the oil cartel.

I do disagree WRT to the Sunnis and Shia and Wahabbis burning and stoning and beheading and dismembering each other for 1500 years, long before there was an America.

Poor old Sufi's and Salafi's, just want to be left the F alone, lol.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Scouse100
I think a bit of perspective is important on numbers too. 100,000 people if distributed evenly means only 2 people per town/village/city.

But that's not how it happens. These people will gavitate towards, and be placed in, communities that can ill afford to accommodate them. They need access to Mosques, people who speak their language, Halal butchers, schools etc... It's just not simple. It costs money. It bumps my fellow Briton further down the queue.

My local rag reported that the 23 refugess (from the camps, so not complaining) were being supported by an "army" to help them fit in, and all that. While the "army" is helping them, they are not helping other people.

I think the government are playing this well. They are taking vulnerable people/families from the camps in situ. They have offered to take a manageable number. Merkel is playing it badly as she actually invited people over. Had she kept her mouth shut and offered to help refugees in situ we would not have a million perople risking their lives to travel.

Oh yes of course it's not literally going to work like that but just trying to out in perspective that it is not actually that huge a number relatively. I definitely think more consideration needs to be taken to spread the burden (while taking your points into consideration of course).

I have said before I think it's a good idea to take refugees from the camps and not encourage people to travel.

To be honest I think we can manage more, I think they have offered to take the fewest they can get away with, rather than the most they can manage.

I don't really care where they were born, if someone is desperate for help I don't look upon them as less important than someone native to the UK just because the native had the good fortune to be born here. Let me ask you a question. If you had a starving Syrian child and a starving British child stood in front of you and you had one loaf of bread, would you give the whole loaf to the British person or split it?

The Tories are always going to do as little as they can get away with in the way of housing, welfare, public spending whether we are helping refugees or not. I wish people would put as much effort into fighting that as they do opposing helping refugees.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 03:10 PM
Join the club, like most Brits feel. We have done ENOUGH. Kent Social Services are having to send British children to other Councils as they cant cope and now they are on about bringing 3,000 children over but a whistleblower has said a lot of these 'children' are older. Many say they are not yet 18 but have beards etc. They then miraculously find their parents once they have been offered asylum and then because of their human rights have a right to family life. So you guessed it families get to come over.

This government is takjng the **ss. There are 100-150 caught every day and that is just the ones who are caught and that is just at Dover and doesnt take into account other ports where the bare minimum of checks are carried out and then add to that the number who arent caught.

Apparently there are then many coming over on light aircraft to smaller airports where many times checks arent done.

We have then committed to 20,000 plus family members.

We are spending millions on security at Calais, billions on foreign aid, there is talk of us sending military to EU borders and now Merkel is blackmailing us with taking 90,000 or changing the law so we csnt deport.

We then have a few hundred thousand net per year coming here legally per year from EU and that is just the official figures, apparently the number of people requesting NI numbers each year is far higher than this.

The way it is going the government will be asking us to share our houses next. Roll on the bloody referendum. Get us out of this unsustainable lunancy.a reply to: grainofsand

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Scouse100

don't really care where they were born, if someone is desperate for help I don't look upon them as less important than someone native to the UK just because the native had the good fortune to be born here.

It's not that cut and dried. You had the good fortune to 'be born there' because your ancestors spent their sweat, blood and tears building it into what it is. It took a lot of money, a lot of thought, a lot of politics and a lot of wars to get it where it is.

The immigrants have been in their countries longer, as have the Africans. They haven't accomplished the same degree of sophistication, standard of living, or peace among themselves. Now they will come reap the harvest that other lives have sown. If they were coming to learn... to learn how to live in peace, it would be different. Maybe some are, but enough aren't that it has the potential to go very, very wrong. It's a gamble.

I know how I sound, but we can't ignore it. To take care of them now should be a gift. Something that a country wants to do. This is a situation in which they shouldn't have to share all they have made and died for over centuries, if they fear losing it. This is a gamble they should not be shamed into taking.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Ah but that pesky channel tunnel is a weak point with a fence that the UK government is lawfully defending on the French side because it never signed up to Schengen's open borders.

I support the policy because those thousands of men camped at the French shore would be in the UK now without border controls.

edit on 25.1.2016 by grainofsand because: clarity

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 04:09 PM
If you are such a compassionate person how about adopting one of the thousands of British children stuck in social care they have a right to family life, or offer one of the young people sleeping on the streets escaping abuse a room in your house. Whilstl you are looking across the sea does it ever occur to you you arent seeing the people lied in the doorways.

Or, how about British people like yourself who feel so strongly about letting more people in, offer a room in your house and offer to sponsor that person for the next 5 years. You pay for schooling, doctor's fees, food, clothing, hospital appointments, counselling etc. I think that is the fair way and then British taxpayers who would prefer their money to go in needy British people can feel they have reached a compromise!.a reply to: Scouse100

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Scouse100

don't really care where they were born, if someone is desperate for help I don't look upon them as less important than someone native to the UK just because the native had the good fortune to be born here.

It's not that cut and dried. You had the good fortune to 'be born there' because your ancestors spent their sweat, blood and tears building it into what it is. It took a lot of money, a lot of thought, a lot of politics and a lot of wars to get it where it is.

The immigrants have been in their countries longer, as have the Africans. They haven't accomplished the same degree of sophistication, standard of living, or peace among themselves. Now they will come reap the harvest that other lives have sown. If they were coming to learn... to learn how to live in peace, it would be different. Maybe some are, but enough aren't that it has the potential to go very, very wrong. It's a gamble.

I know how I sound, but we can't ignore it. To take care of them now should be a gift. Something that a country wants to do. This is a situation in which they shouldn't have to share all they have made and died for over centuries, if they fear losing it. This is a gamble they should not be shamed into taking.

Well if that's the way you want to look at it, you must also think about the people we built this 'great' country on the back of. If you believe so passionately in inheritance, how can you, at the same time, not take any responsibility for how that wealth/'success' was achieved. The industrial revolution, construction of ports, canals and cities, banks, buildings and even the church were all made possible, funded by or gained from slave generated wealth.

If the wealth/success that was created by our ancestors is by rights ours then surely we should be paying reparations for the wealth created by slaves?

Same goes for wealth built from stolen resources, shouldn't we be giving those countries a share of the wealth they helped create by your standards?

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: anxiouswens
You have hit the nail on the head. Some people have no sense of perspective.

The UK spends 0.7% of national income of aid overseas - over £12 billion. We do enough to try to help people overseas. Germany gives half what the UK gives, so can afford to support migrants - a sort of foreign aid to foreigners, just without the hassle of sending bags of money overseas.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
If you are such a compassionate person how about adopting one of the thousands of British children stuck in social care they have a right to family life, or offer one of the young people sleeping on the streets escaping abuse a room in your house. Whilstl you are looking across the sea does it ever occur to you you arent seeing the people lied in the doorways.

Or, how about British people like yourself who feel so strongly about letting more people in, offer a room in your house and offer to sponsor that person for the next 5 years. You pay for schooling, doctor's fees, food, clothing, hospital appointments, counselling etc. I think that is the fair way and then British taxpayers who would prefer their money to go in needy British people can feel they have reached a compromise!.a reply to: Scouse100

I know you don't know me, but if you did, you would know I am just as comitted to fighting against poverty in this country (and I do this actively). We can afford to do both if we stand up to disengenuous austerity, the Tory ideolgy and economy run by the elite. I wonder how many people in need that 1.3bn Google have avoided in UK tax would pay for?

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Kids In Care Moved Away After Refugee Influx

25th January 2016, 12:34

Kent Council is having to place children in its care system with other counties because young asylum seekers are taking up its capacity.

It took a lot of hard work to make Kent what it is.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Scouse100

I think you have deliberately misconstrued my post. I'm not particularly passionate about inheritance. But I suppose I am when it comes to the conservation of a country's proven lifestyle, which has come at great costs to it's citizens.

Perhaps it will be alright, maybe it won't. As I said, it's a gamble, and I both admire and have concern for those who take it.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
Join the club, like most Brits feel. We have done ENOUGH. Kent Social Services are having to send British children to other Councils as they cant cope and now they are on about bringing 3,000 children over but a whistleblower has said a lot of these 'children' are older. Many say they are not yet 18 but have beards etc. They then miraculously find their parents once they have been offered asylum and then because of their human rights have a right to family life. So you guessed it families get to come over.

Well obviously that's terrible news for those kids. So instead of focusing our attention on turning away desperate kids with nowhere to go, perhaps it would make better sense to look at how to better distribute those kids and demanding the funding required.

Sorry I don't buy your story that all the kids are in fact adults, sounds like xenophobic propoganda or at the very least and exaggerarion, please provide your source.

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