I thought this would be a good time to discuss the veracity of this "whole kundalini thing" and the whole "shmanan/magician/holy man" thing in
When I was with the first "organization" (Kundalini organization) that taught me quite a bit, both direct learning and learning by realizing it was
wrong in so many way.. that organization had a "holy man", who had died before I ever came around.
Now this individual was quite some fellow alright. He went through the Kundalini process for years and years, barely clinging to life and sanity for
much of it. People toss around meditation and 'mystical delusions'' so easily these days; but if a titanic force is loose in ones body, rewiring it..
the brain in many ways.. the heart stops then decides to start.. waves of heat and cold.. the inability to eat or sleep.. there's certainly no doubt
that *something* is happening.
Now I'm of the camp that one must be very careful with this stuff, as I too barely clung to life for years, and my "sanity" *ahem* while quite strong
these days (some may disagree) was in absolute tatters for decades.
Looking back over what happened, I can see clearly where I went wrong and what not. But this post isn't particularly about me. It's about the "holy
So he starts out a relatively non-descript fellow.. he can barely get a job after is education. Then after years of his brain being rewired, he pops
up and is indeed VERY changed.
He founds a social movement for women in India, where women aren't necessarily treated the best at the time - a very noble and brave thing to do. He
suddenly leaps up and writes dozens of books, of the most original, fresh and important nature --- but still babbling about religion like people
babble about UFOs or christianity here on ATS.
He wrote entire books of poetry in just hours.. the guys brain had become amazing.
Right before he died, he wrote a book of prophecy, all in verse.
Now this gentleman never claimed to be a guru, and tried very hard not to have any students, but of course people tried to press themselves on him. He
never claimed to have any super powers. But of course people attributed them to him.
As far as I can tell, none of his prophecies (made some years ago) will ever come true, even though some of them are so obvious, that it's almost
crazy that they haven't come true.
So was this man a fraud? Or was he in the grip of something that he didn't understand, that none of us, including me, fully understand? I think the
latter is the accurate way to look at it.
Now, during the height of a certain phase of Kundalini, it's like a 10 megawatt lamp is turned on in your brain.. you glow.. people sense you before
you walk into rooms.. it's crazy. But after the process completes, you become normal in many ways, except your view on the world is much shifted, and
you get some remnants from the process.
You know when you see certain individuals who claim to be writing for some ancient cult, or the Illuminati or some alien conclave --- and they can
spew out infinite amounts of stuff almost instantly? They are super glib.. they can answer anything (of course they they tend to be wrong).
There's one such individual writing a post like this right now... he/she certainly seems to be affected by "Kundalnii", in a negative way (it's often
negative.. but it needn't be.. it can be very positive).
And of course I present the same way.. only I hope that reason has tempered my responses... I personally view that one must keep strong reason while
under the effect of this process and always afterwards..and in fact ones reason can also be strengthened.. the "process" can modify various parts of
the brain.. but most people obsess about their sense of self center and their pleasure centers, so that's often where it goes. And no matter what, you
get this strange linguistic boost-
Kundalini is also known as "Vakti Goddess of Speech" and many other literary names in various cultures. She too is "the Trickster".
So there is some debate, just how valuable the "golden phase" is, or how valuable the "post golden phase" is, in terms of what the person is saying.
Could it all be quite erudite-sounding nonsense? Certainly.
The whole "Siddhi thing" drives me a little nuts.
I once went to Reno, CA and turned $100 into something like $37,000 playing blackjack. Now was I "counting cards"? That seems likely.. only it was my
first time ever playing any such game. Just luck? I'd point at the dealers deck and say which card was coming up. Of course men with bulges under
their suits came and threw me out. Miracle? Autistic savant stuff?
Who can say.
I can list many "supernatural occurrences" - where it certainly SEEMED high strangeness was afoot.
On the other hand, sometimes I get silly and think I know something when I don't.. not that I "try". There are definite procedures when I "try" such
as that BTUFO thing.
If I shoot from the hip I'm nearly always wrong. Every single time. I know this.. so I don't do it anymore.. or maybe I did with that sock comment.
I'm not sure.
Well anyway.. I really don't care what people think about me for the most part.. but I *do* care if people think I'm dishonest or some kind of flim
flam man. I may be wrong about everything I've ever said. But I'm dead honest, at least as far as I know.
I don't really believe in holy men. And while *sometimes* a person can be on a real roll.. just amazing.. it's not the person who has any real
control..it's just like with Kundalini... I truly believe that all this mystical stuff, especially Kundalini which seems to power ALL of it, is really
some cargo cult type process.. it has a function.. but it's not what humans think it is..
(I think it's for hatching little critters).
It seems the side effects can really alter a person and maybe be beneficial.. and the process of getting ready for it (the so-called spiritual path)
can certainly be beneficial.. maybe all humans would be much better off with 4 aligned micro-environments for example.. there'd be much less war and
destruction if you actively loved everyone (a side effect of the alignment).
But I terribly suspect, that none of this *spiritual stuff* is directly for "us" at all.. we are just players on the stage that might get a small tip
if we perform well.
I've tried to represent this as straight-forward as I can.
edit on 10-2-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: typos