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Should society consider mandatory sterilization?

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posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Punisher75

Again your confusing Sterilization with extremination.

No one is talking about disposing of anyone or killing anyone.

A Sterilized person can live a long and happy life. And I would be the first to volenteer.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: crazyewok
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

Because one can beget another. If you decide to sterilize all of one group of people for being "undesirable", that becomes extermination via genocide. Its the whole Nazi thing.

In any event....freedom. Thats the answer here.

No it doesnt.

A sterilized person can live a long and happy life. One does not need to be exterminated to be sterilized. And
Sterilization need not be permenent either.

No one has to die.

So no its not the NAZI thing.

And how is freedom the answer ? How does that solve the looming over population problem? All you doing is repeating a buzz word.

And I agree with Freedom as long as it doesnt interfer with my freedom and a overpopulated world full of war, famine and pandemics to me interfers with my freedom.

I dont like the idea of Sterilisation, I hate it. But the other options are far less desirable.

So its ok to interfer with OTHERS freedom, and FORCE sterilization, to preserve YOUR freedom?

what do you think will happen if you try to force people to be sterilized? Try that # on me, and I will kill you! How would that interfear with your freedom?

Force this on people, and you will get war, famine and pandemics - or are people that stupid, they wont fight back??
edit on 19 1 2016 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Punisher75

Again your confusing Sterilization with extremination.

No one is talking about disposing of anyone or killing anyone.

A Sterilized person can live a long and happy life. And I would be the first to volenteer.

When you call in the exterminators to rid you of a pest, the 2 methods used are killing and sterilizing. Its part of how we (try) to keep stray cat/dog populations under control.

In other words: its a method used against animals and insects. Not humans.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Punisher75

Again your confusing Sterilization with extremination.

No one is talking about disposing of anyone or killing anyone.

A Sterilized person can live a long and happy life. And I would be the first to volenteer.

At no point did I say you would outright kill them.
I personally am "sterilized" as my son is Autistic, and I wanted to make sure that I could devote the time and effort solely to him without worrying about having to split my time with another child going through infancy, that however was a choice I made for my sons sake. I was fortunate that when me and his mother divorced I was able to get custody of him, because if I did not get custody I am certain that my current wife and I would have liked to had children of our own.
It is not a choice that I think an outside force has any business in.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Punisher75

Again your confusing Sterilization with extremination.

No one is talking about disposing of anyone or killing anyone.

A Sterilized person can live a long and happy life. And I would be the first to volenteer.

When you call in the exterminators to rid you of a pest, the 2 methods used are killing and sterilizing. Its part of how we (try) to keep stray cat/dog populations under control.

In other words: its a method used against animals and insects. Not humans.



And there are methods of Sterilization that are reversible.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Dumbest idea I ever heard

THis also a dumb idea but better than yours: Anyone who agrees with your statement should be sterilized.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Not bragging but I came from a poor family and today I have a healthy business making good money and my childhood surroundings did not effect my outcome. 

I came from a very similar background, I feel it was because of my poor background that I was successful in life.

I look at my siblings and so many other successful people that rose out of the poverty that we grew up in, and I am proud.

Yet I look at the second generation of our children that came from my generation, and I am amazed at how across the board, that their growing up with a life of privilege has made for a generation of shallow, weak, narcissistic, superficially intelligent children.

Our world does not need a bunch of mega IQ inhabitants. We need humans with big hearts. Not big brains.

A great post and I agree.

Your post was not mean and hateful and yet you made your point.

However even though I "blanketed" the Sterilization process it is an answer to eradicating sickness and disease which includes those that are dumb.

Definition of dumb

lacking the human power of speech
of a person often offensive : lacking the ability to speak
not expressed in uttered words
lacking intelligence : stupid
showing a lack of intelligence
requiring no intelligence

edit on 19-1-2016 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

I dont like the idea of Sterilisation, I hate it. But the other options are far less desirable.

'its for the greater good" has been used to justify some of the greatest evils known to man. You see what is going on in politics today....some of the rhetoric being thrown around....some of the personalities that are ending up with support for political positions?

The real kicker: history has shown that when you talk about "population control", its not white/European/Christian populations that end up feeling the heat from it. Its usually a bunch of white Christian nations trying to keep the "undesirables" down by the equator under control.

So, what you are talking about is one thing. But it never ends up being that thing. It would be another thing entirely. we've been down this road before. So we know how it ends.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Punisher75

Again your confusing Sterilization with extremination.

No one is talking about disposing of anyone or killing anyone.

A Sterilized person can live a long and happy life. And I would be the first to volenteer.

When you call in the exterminators to rid you of a pest, the 2 methods used are killing and sterilizing. Its part of how we (try) to keep stray cat/dog populations under control.

In other words: its a method used against animals and insects. Not humans.



And there are methods of Sterilization that are reversible.

It does, when you try to sterilizise me or anybody i know, or dont know for that sake... Someone will be exterminated, and its not gonna be me...

What your talking about is a WORLD WAR, we had one Hitler allready, do you want to be the next??

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:19 AM
The DNA of the elite families that have tormented the rest of mankind for thousands of years with their traits of dominance and psychopathy needs to be identified and eliminated.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

My argument against this includes this principle. If the smart ones cannot figure out an answer that does not involve some form of massive die off of humanity, then a) they cannot be that smart after all, and b) if its finest minds cannot work out a better solution than allowing or causing the deaths of eighty percent of people, then I believe that the entire species had better just get in the sea, since it is obviously not worth saving a species which contains people who are prepared to accept the deaths of eighty percent of their species, just so the remainder can live.

Furthermore, if a person has bought into the nonsense, the idea that eighty percent of people need to die in order for the remaining twenty percent to live, I have to say, they are not amongst the smart ones. You see, the smart ones are already prepared for things like the colonisation of near space and the planets, for this species to become multiplanetary. They are waiting for the stupid ones to catch up, you know, the ones who believe that a mass die off is preferable to getting our species spreading outward, increasing the amount of cosmic real estate over which we hold dominion. When the ignoramuses catch up, perhaps this horrific idea will get the treatment it deserves. That treatment of course, is to be forcibly ejected from an airlock, along with everyone who thought it was a good idea.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Compulsory sterilisation? In certain special circumstances, yes.

For the entire population as a means of population control? No...Europe's, where i live has somewhat of a population crisis, inasmuch as it is in severe decline..quite the opposite problem to which you are referring.

If the majority of the current child bearing age population were sterilised here in Europe, in a VERY short timeframe, disaster will befall most of the countries here..not enough workers, not enough tax being pain in, results in not enough money to pay for social programmes and innovation, never mind basic services.

However...temporary compulsory contraception, as opposed to sterilisation would be something i would consider as reasonable, if according to research data, it was a requirement to being out of control population growth in certain areas of the world.

To take away the rights of Human beings to fulfill the most basic and most fundamental of life's reproduce and pass on our genetic codes, on a permanent basis, is not something i would agree with, except in very special circumstances.

Temporarily doing so using contraceptives, totally out in the open and above board so to speak, is something i would be willing to agree with given sufficient reason to do so, and doing so was in the common good.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:32 AM
Society shouldn't make anything mandatory when it comes to an invasive procedure of someone's person.


posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: crazyewok
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

Because one can beget another. If you decide to sterilize all of one group of people for being "undesirable", that becomes extermination via genocide. Its the whole Nazi thing.

In any event....freedom. Thats the answer here.

No it doesnt.

A sterilized person can live a long and happy life. One does not need to be exterminated to be sterilized. And
Sterilization need not be permenent either.

No one has to die.

So no its not the NAZI thing.

And how is freedom the answer ? How does that solve the looming over population problem? All you doing is repeating a buzz word.

And I agree with Freedom as long as it doesnt interfer with my freedom and a overpopulated world full of war, famine and pandemics to me interfers with my freedom.

I dont like the idea of Sterilisation, I hate it. But the other options are far less desirable.

So its ok to interfer with OTHERS freedom, and FORCE sterilization, to preserve YOUR freedom?

what do you think will happen if you try to force people to be sterilized? Try that # on me, and I will kill you! How would that interfear with your freedom?

Force this on people, and you will get war, famine and pandemics - or are people that stupid, they wont fight back??

Calm down.

I am not going to force anything on anyone.

This is just a discussion and one that needs looking at as overpopulation is a problem.

If humans were not so selfish and only had small family and breed only when they had the jobs to suuport there family we would not even be haveing this discussion.
edit on 19-1-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:40 AM
Individuals with deeply broken DNA, with very dangerous hereditary diseases, heavy psychopaths and highly dangerous criminals maaaybe. I kind of believe in eugenics but I'm also afraid of DNA stagnation.

We just can't go too far as we don't know how worst things could get. For example, I would get rid of right wing mentality myself because we live in an advanced technological society but it could probably have a negative impact on the survivability of our species.

I do believe in positive eugenics as in making sure that my own offspring is as optimal as possible and so on through generations but I usually don't believe in taking the rights and freedom of others.
edit on 19-1-2016 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:44 AM
The solution to potential overpopulation is not sterilization and/or extermination. It is education and social engineering. Although I personally dislike the latter very much, it has its place. I chose not to have children of my own. I know others who have chosen the same. It wouldn't take long for population growth to level off if implemented properly. The hard cases will be those who believe it is some how the will of "god" if they do or don't have children. But they will come around in time. Thinning out those with a lesser IQ, or genetic defects is unnecessary. Our sciences and social etiquette will eventually make it unnecessary.

Having said that: It is the psychopaths running this world that need to be sterilized, not the herd. It is they who have been responsible for more death, destruction, and suffering than any other group on the planet. Unfortunately, they always rise to the top of any society.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: theMediator

I would get rid of right wing mentality myself because we live in an advanced technological society but it could probably have a negative impact on the survivability of our species.

Right wing views isn't a genetic's an environmental and social point of view. These views are learned, taught, fostered..but not genetically inherited.

Sterilising psychopaths and so on, would be worth looking into, especially if a genetic component of the mental illness is likely to be inherited by potential offspring of such people..i wouldn't worry about genetic diversity or genetic stagnation as a result, as there is ample diversity even if as high a number of 10% were considered unstable enough to warrant compulsory sterilisation in the example above...there's billions of us.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Should society consider mandatory sterilization?

Only for people who think we should consider mandatory sterilization. For example John Holdren (Obama's creepy Science czar who advocated the same thing) should not be allowed to breed.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Thank you. I mean, seriously. It's like these people have never read a real history book before. Not too long ago, Australia had a policy of "breeding the colour out" against the Aboriginals. And sterilization of "undesirable" demographics is literally a basic part of ethnic cleansing programs, too.

a reply to: Punisher75

Why are you assuming none of these people are sympathizers or outright members of the KKK or Neo-Nazi groups? All of those groups are completely legal in many Western countries, including the US.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 09:55 AM
Here is a good example of why Sterilization should be law:


The above case has merit however getting back to being serious click on link below and learn about genetic disease that offspring inherit from their parents:


edit on 19-1-2016 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

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