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Should society consider mandatory sterilization?

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posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

You got confused. I was explaining mono cultures to someone while telling them that genetic modification itself is quite harmless. I was not intending to make a comparison. The theater was just a way to visualise what is actually occurring when something is a mono culture.
edit on 19/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Ummm...only if...I...get to be the one that chooses who gets to stay...and who ends their vacation early...

Respond to my post really know...

When do I start handing out way tickets...I know exactly where to start...


posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Should society consider mandatory sterilization? Is this the way to control population? Stop passing on genetic code that produces lower IQ people? Stop mental retard and other known diseases and illness that get passed onto their offspring?

Have you ever seen an entire family with mental illness and/or with a genetic disease that effects their lives so that they can not contribute to society? I have....and the numbers are outstanding..... and they continue to have more children.

Like Bill Burr says 80% of the worlds population should walk into the ocean - meaning dumb people keep making dumb children. Now this was HIS joke but if you closely look at it from a different angle WITHOUT killing off the population by having them walk into the ocean but instead use sterilization..... it makes sense. Those who are considered to have genetic defects that have offspring with low IQ's (under 70) and those who have gene defects would not be able to reproduce and could live out their life as they wish.

Not only should sterilization be considered, we should also consider the positive facts behind this idea. Controlling the population - this planet has too many humans on it. Control through sterilization. Next..... intelligence would rise dramatically maybe the first step in realizing wars can be stopped if people can sit around a table and talk like intelligent human beings but more importantly we would have healthy people who could stop from ever having the common cold or flu ever again? Rule out common illnesses and disease as they die off.... clean the genetic code.

Technology and science would faster expand making lives easier on this planet. Maybe closer to being able to feed and house everyone on this planet.... making poverty illegal.

As a licensed hunter in Europe we understand what it means by "thinning out the herd" and controlling wildlife by killing off the sick and weak animals so they don't mate with the strong and healthy animals. This DOES NOT mean we should kill off people so don't twist my words. I simply show how deer and other breeds better survive and how they have healthier offspring. We can use this example for humans HOWEVER instead of killing them we sterilize those and stop the problem by eliminating any possible offspring that end up becoming a problem on society.

What do you think should the world start a sterilization program?

If morrons should be sterilized, you would be the perfect person to be the first, but still think this is a stupid idea

May i suggest you move to North Korea, or a place similar, where they would properly like your idea

But what do you suggest then dealing with over population?

I dont see any better idea?

Choices to me are:

A) Do nothing and watch wars escalate, food shortages, pandemics and resources depletion.

B) Sterilization and controlled reproduction.

C) Extermination

D) Any other idea, that might work


Please tell us?

If you can find a D option let the world know! You would win a nobel prize.

I just told you, NO LAWS!!!!!!! its that easy!!!

Instead, make a set of agrements, if you want to live or visit (X area) a certain set of rules applies, and you have the choise of wether or not you agree, and want to visit that place. But that would take a lot of responsibilities, are you ready for that??

The biggest thing that have to chance, is that people themself decide there rules in a neighbourhood, instead of people hundred of miles away, that now nothing about the life in that specific neighbourhood - How can you ever know what they need?? Just end dictatorship, and face your fears, let people themself decide what rules they wanna follow, and let them live somewhere where they can live as they want to, without YOU telling them its wrong - it is that simple - prove me wrong!

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:07 AM
I suspect the only scenario you've truly considered is; the people (person?) choosing which people to sterilize, see things the same as you, and consider the same traits beneficial or harmful to society. This has been done in the past. Here in the states the ones sterilized were the mentally ill and negros. This program became what is now known as Planned Parenthood.

"In a 1921 article in the Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote, "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective." Reviewers of one of her 1919 articles interpreted her objectives as "More children from the fit, less from the unfit." Again, the question of who decides fitness is important, and it was an issue that Sanger only partly addressed. "The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind," she wrote."

"It is easy to see why there is some antipathy toward Sanger among people of color, considering that, given our nation's history, we are the people most frequently described as "unfit" and "feebleminded.""

"Many African American women have been subject to nonconsensual forced sterilization. Some did not even know that they were sterilized until they tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. In 1973, Essence Magazine published an expose of forced sterilization practices in the rural South, where racist physicians felt they were performing a service by sterilizing black women without telling them. While one cannot blame Margaret Sanger for the actions of these physician, one can certainly see why Sanger's words are especially repugnant in a racial context."

Quotes taken from here:

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: TheBandit795
a reply to: DeathSlayer

They already did.

8 Shocking Facts About Sterilization in U.S. History

A recent report from the Center for Investigative Studies has shed light on the practice of female sterilization in a California prison during a period of four years (2006-2010). According to pundit Shanzeh Khurram, "at least 148 women at the California Institution for Women in Corona and Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla received tubal ligation, a surgical procedure for permanent sterilization in which a woman's fallopian tubes are closed."

Despite the fact that the practice is illegal, inmates were coerced into these invasive procedures by doctors who failed to explain the medical intricacies of the surgeries they were about to undergo. Although it is acceptable to use state money for this procedure in California, each surgery requires medical oversight by a review committee, something that did not happen during those four years.

The blatant disregard for the reproductive rights of women in order to achieve measures of population control is inherent in the history of female reproductive health in the United States. Though sometimes deemed necessary in order to achieve a desired population balance, the history of this practice in the United States has disproportionately affected women of color and lower class women.

I don't know about you. But I am against all forms of coercion and mandatory actions. If anyone wants to force other people to sterilize, they should start with themselves first.

This is what I was thinking about as I was reading through the thread. Been there. Done that. More than once.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:17 AM
So we see ourselves as Gods.

So who gets to push the button for the reset?

Are you going for the big one under the oceans, in hopes of creating a repeat of the Biblical flood?

Tainting the food supply and removing the ability of plants and animals for self propagating, is well on its way to being a good start.

Poisoning the minds of the so called enlighten ones, to support an annihilation of large segments of the humans on our planet, was a stroke of brilliance.

Now since nature makes her adjustments slowly in the lifeforms on this planet, to assure they will adapt to the ever changing planet, we will have just killed off any hope of humankind adapting with her, so we will probably look like Mars in the future.

All those supposedly defective people that you wish to destroy and eliminate, may just be the genetic key to the survival of humankind on this planet.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: BadBoYeed
You know who else liked this idea? ...


To be fair, Eugenics was popular all across the world, until the Nazi's took it to the nth degree.

But we have a history of forced sterilization of "derelicts" and mentally ill in the US, too.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Eilasvaleleyn

I might as well log off. Everything I read this morning is pissing me off! I guess it's just me. Sorry. Truly.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: SpecialSauce
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Me and my dad have neurological conditions and I want to get sterilized. I think if it was free alot of people would but the government doesn't want it. Adam carolla once said there should be a license test to be a parent, I agree. You know who has the most children? Poor people! The average family size in Africa is 5 children. But that's because most of those poor African countries are Islamic. On the other hand maybe drug resistant tuberculosis will take care of things. It mutated from mdr tb to xdr tb in 2 years so maybe it was grown in a lab. The weaponized anthrax the government has is bred to be drug resistant I read. You're not hitler.

Thank you for understanding my point. You see my point as someone who has a condition that you do not want to spread. I praise you for your honesty and bravery. You are thinking of mankind before yourself. I wish there were a few billion more like you.

I am not wanting to kill off anyone nor do I want people to live in pain. I want to eradicate sickness and illness.

Bless you and your family

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Should society consider mandatory sterilization? Is this the way to control population? Stop passing on genetic code that produces lower IQ people? Stop mental retard and other known diseases and illness that get passed onto their offspring?

Have you ever seen an entire family with mental illness and/or with a genetic disease that effects their lives so that they can not contribute to society? I have....and the numbers are outstanding..... and they continue to have more children.

Like Bill Burr says 80% of the worlds population should walk into the ocean - meaning dumb people keep making dumb children. Now this was HIS joke but if you closely look at it from a different angle WITHOUT killing off the population by having them walk into the ocean but instead use sterilization..... it makes sense. Those who are considered to have genetic defects that have offspring with low IQ's (under 70) and those who have gene defects would not be able to reproduce and could live out their life as they wish.

Not only should sterilization be considered, we should also consider the positive facts behind this idea. Controlling the population - this planet has too many humans on it. Control through sterilization. Next..... intelligence would rise dramatically maybe the first step in realizing wars can be stopped if people can sit around a table and talk like intelligent human beings but more importantly we would have healthy people who could stop from ever having the common cold or flu ever again? Rule out common illnesses and disease as they die off.... clean the genetic code.

Technology and science would faster expand making lives easier on this planet. Maybe closer to being able to feed and house everyone on this planet.... making poverty illegal.

As a licensed hunter in Europe we understand what it means by "thinning out the herd" and controlling wildlife by killing off the sick and weak animals so they don't mate with the strong and healthy animals. This DOES NOT mean we should kill off people so don't twist my words. I simply show how deer and other breeds better survive and how they have healthier offspring. We can use this example for humans HOWEVER instead of killing them we sterilize those and stop the problem by eliminating any possible offspring that end up becoming a problem on society.

What do you think should the world start a sterilization program?

If morrons should be sterilized, you would be the perfect person to be the first, but still think this is a stupid idea

May i suggest you move to North Korea, or a place similar, where they would properly like your idea

But what do you suggest then dealing with over population?

I dont see any better idea?

Choices to me are:

A) Do nothing and watch wars escalate, food shortages, pandemics and resources depletion.

B) Sterilization and controlled reproduction.

C) Extermination

D) Any other idea, that might work


Please tell us?

If you can find a D option let the world know! You would win a nobel prize.

These are facts:
Countries, Companies and private persons, Keeps there knowledge secret, so other Countries, Companies and private persons cant learn their secrets and become succesfull themselfs, and thus get a market share

Capitalism, means that you CAPITALIZE on OTHER´s needs. You dont want your customers to know anything about your product, so they might not buy it, we brainwash people to buy crap with commercials (if its not ONLY a product description and a price, its by deffination brainwashing, look it up)

Our technology, can make allmost all workers obselete, so we invent jobs to the common people, which is just waste of resources. Lets drive our product from texas to new york, to be packed, and drive it back to Texas to be sold... we need jobs...

Do you agree these are facts???

Cause if they are, we cant really blame others for being stupid, since we wont share our knowledge, which would make EVERYBODYS life better

Is the solution to steralize all the stupid people? and then what? you just halted the production of comsumers, who will buy crap, when everybody is dead. The rich and "brainy" people?? I think not!

I think that D) Any other idea, that might work, should be on the list, even though you dont see that solution yet, its there

edit on 19 1 2016 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 19 1 2016 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: spelling

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:30 AM
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

It's because they would possibly fall into the sterilization category.
edit on 19-1-2016 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

Because one can beget another. If you decide to sterilize all of one group of people for being "undesirable", that becomes extermination via genocide. Its the whole Nazi thing.

In any event....freedom. Thats the answer here.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Not bragging but I came from a poor family and today I have a healthy business making good money and my childhood surroundings did not effect my outcome. 

I came from a very similar background, I feel it was because of my poor background that I was successful in life.

I look at my siblings and so many other successful people that rose out of the poverty that we grew up in, and I am proud.

Yet I look at the second generation of our children that came from my generation, and I am amazed at how across the board, that their growing up with a life of privilege has made for a generation of shallow, weak, narcissistic, superficially intelligent children.

Our world does not need a bunch of mega IQ inhabitants. We need humans with big hearts. Not big brains.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:46 AM
I am totally against forced sterilization. It raises too many ethical issues that frankly, scare me.

What I would seriously consider is a program that involves voluntary sterilization for a handsome incentive. I'm talking about something like a modest yearly income for life from the government if you choose to have yourself sterilized. It would be even better if there was a reliable way to temporarily sterilize someone (if they choose to do so), and give them a modest monthly income until they decide to reverse the sterilization - then the monthly income stops.

The people who would be most likely to accept this offer would be ones who are too poor to adequately care for children anyway. I really like the temporary sterilization idea, because it allows people who raise themselves out of their poverty situation to have kids when they are ready financially. This financial incentive could be in place of welfare, so the money is there already. So, you don't get welfare if you decide to have kids, but you do get it if you decide not to have kids.

As far as diseases, mental illnesses and low IQ? Do the best we can to eradicate them with science is my best solution.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:48 AM
I cannot believe I am reading this. I am absolutely stunned that anyone outside of the KKK or some Skinhead compound would actually propose this as something worth considering, in 2016.

I should not be surprised in all honesty, this is the end result of years of media influence, that teaches this idea that life is not sacred and should be halted or prevented when inconvenient. Always for the betterment of mankind and society of course. Ideas of transhumanism seem to have that effect on culture, were we can feel justified in grabbing people off the street, and subjecting them to medical procedure to end their family line regardless of guilt or innocence because they have "undesirable" traits.

Today we will start with the mentally deficient, they wont mind because you know there not human... not like us. Then we will move on to those whose parents have a history of cancer, you know to save future generations tax dollars.
When we are done with those perhaps we will dispose of them who have ideas that seem out of place, you know those whose thoughts do not conform to the general populations, after all they are most likely to cause issues later, as they act out on their aberrant ideas right?
They might call for liberty or something, and we simply cant have that, not if we want to keep an ordered society anyway.

No. A Eugenics program is not a good idea.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

What I would seriously consider is a program that involves voluntary sterilization for a handsome incentive. I'm talking about something like a modest yearly income for life from the government if you choose to have yourself sterilized.

I would not even consider that, as it only preys on those who are desperate. I would much rather invest in helping them find work, or getting help.
edit on 19-1-2016 by Punisher75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Despite being one of those "mega IQ" types, yes. For the sake of the species as a whole, it is more important that we focus on gentleness, empathy, and kindness, over intelligence.

As I stated earlier, a society of heartless intelligent people will quickly become dystopian.

a reply to: kaylaluv

As far as diseases, mental illnesses and low IQ? Do the best we can to eradicate them with science is my best solution.

As far as the first two are concerned, that is arguably what eugenics strives to do. The question of IQ is a bit harder. I don't personally believe it constitutes a very accurate means of measuring universal intelligence, only very specific subsets.
I also believe it is primarily influenced by environment (society), and only secondly by genetics.
edit on 19/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: crazyewok
I think people are muddling up the terms sterlization and Extermination....

Because one can beget another. If you decide to sterilize all of one group of people for being "undesirable", that becomes extermination via genocide. Its the whole Nazi thing.

In any event....freedom. Thats the answer here.

No it doesnt.

A sterilized person can live a long and happy life. One does not need to be exterminated to be sterilized. And
Sterilization need not be permenent either.

No one has to die.

So no its not the NAZI thing.

And how is freedom the answer ? How does that solve the looming over population problem? All you doing is repeating a buzz word.

And I agree with Freedom as long as it doesnt interfer with my freedom and a overpopulated world full of war, famine and pandemics to me interfers with my freedom.

I dont like the idea of Sterilisation, I hate it. But the other options are far less desirable.

edit on 19-1-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Punisher75

Life is not sacred. Life has no intrinsic value. What life allows for is "possibility", and it is that "possibility" which must be protected.
Make no mistake, I am not someone who would even kill a spider. If they are caught in water, I do what I can to save them. I hate suffering, I detest it. I long for this world to be peaceful and happy with all my heart, 'till it strains to burst.

Perhaps I am merely a Nihilist. But life is not sacred.
edit on 19/1/2016 by Eilasvaleleyn because: Reasons

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