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More disappearances, more theory, Finding Bigfoot and a 411 ?

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posted on Jan, 18 2016 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: TNMockingbird
I found this also, she seems to be a credible witness to those who vet those sort of things.
Had she been 100 feet sooner...she could have been another "missing" person!

Bigfoot Evidence

LInk to Wild Men/Feral Humans living in the woods.
Mysterious Universe

Google "Art bell" and "bigfoot shooter" - Art inerviews a guy that killed two bigfoot creatures back in the 60s or 70s I think while out hunting. Shot the first one thinking it wa a bear then followed it not wanting to leave it wounded and ran into the female bigfoot in a thicket and was attacked and had to finish her off too. Shook him up real bad. He explains what they looked like to a degree.
edit on 18-1-2016 by fishy6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 09:56 PM

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: randyvs

Okay so, I was participating in a thread about the little missing two year old Noah Chamberlin from here in Tennessee.
I have a theory as to why he may have wandered so far (1.5 miles or so) but, didn't want to disrespect (muddy) that thread with my wild idea...
So, I guess I'll disrespect really, I AM kidding...hopefully you know what I mean!

What if something (an entity or a "force" or "energy") is leading folks just astray of the organized search area?
In the case of Noah, I know it's early on and this is TRULY speculation on my part without a shred of evidence, I can't imagine a two year old going so far, so fast, and then after hearing his name called through the woods and on the edge of those woods that he wouldn't holler out or scream. That he would just stay hidden as darkness fell is so odd to me. Now, I am not saying there aren't brave children who do not fear the dark but, isn't it unusual?

I read that where he was located had been searched once previously. If he was alive at that point, wouldn't it be reasonable that he would have hollered out? If we can imagine that he survived the first night?
His body has been sent for autopsy and it may be a long time before the details are released such as, how long he was in the particular area where his body was discovered, the time and manner of death, etc.

Back to my original question. I know theories abound of Bigfoot, alien abductions, etc. but, what about "other" entities?
Could something be leading them just away enough, knowing, that they will not be found?
Makes me wonder if the "older" missing person cases shouldn't be reopened and the original and official search areas be expanded...maybe just a little...

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

Okay so, I was participating in a thread about the little missing two year old Noah Chamberlin from here in Tennessee.
I have a theory as to why he may have wandered so far (1.5 miles or so) but, didn't want to disrespect (muddy) that thread with my wild idea...
So, I guess I'll disrespect really, I AM kidding...hopefully you know what I mean!

You're a member after my own heart.

What if something (an entity or a "force" or "energy") is leading folks just astray of the organized search area?
In the case of Noah, I know it's early on and this is TRULY speculation on my part without a shred of evidence, I can't imagine a two year old going so far, so fast, and then after hearing his name called through the woods and on the edge of those woods that he wouldn't holler out or scream. That he would just stay hidden as darkness fell is so odd to me. Now, I am not saying there aren't brave children who do not fear the dark but, isn't it unusual?

Slightly Hell yes!

I read that where he was located had been searched once previously. If he was alive at that point, wouldn't it be reasonable that he would have hollered out? If we can imagine that he survived the first night?
His body has been sent for autopsy and it may be a long time before the details are released such as, how long he was in the particular area where his body was discovered, the time and manner of death, etc.

Same thing that happenjed in the Herdman case.
They only tell us enough to let the story fade then
they seal the caase.

Back to my original question. I know theories abound of Bigfoot, alien abductions, etc. but, what about "other" entities?

This is exactly what I'm saying. It all falls under the paranormal
in my view. From BF to anything you want to consider. They say
extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Well any one
can see the extraordinary proof piled high in these cases.

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: randyvs

I'm just curious, what do you think/feel of/about this website?

Canam Project

I guess I'm asking if you find it a reputable source?

After further, it doesn't appear that they've updated since Oct. 2015!
edit on 22-1-2016 by TNMockingbird because: see above

posted on Jan, 22 2016 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

The layout is odd and I don't know how well maintained it is.
But I referrence the informatiom there often because it
seems to be as solid as you can ask for on the web.
I trust the information there.

posted on May, 13 2020 @ 12:46 AM
This is my favorite conspiracy subject now. I really like David Paulides stuff outside of coast to coast because he actually goes into detail so you can confirm if his story is true or not. Coast to coast is nice to listen too though.

I really like the way he presents the cases leaving it open with, who could have taken the victim?

I like the idea of big foot the most, 2nd would be a spirit of the woods. Besides normal answers of an animal attack, getting lost or murder.

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