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Political Correctness is Going to Destroy US

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posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim
So it seems like the OP was partly inspired by this article:

In which the author asserts that:

"It’s because feminists are cowards. They are pampered, rich white women who have never worked a day in their life at anything truly challenging or difficult, have overcome no hardships more severe than a spilled latte, have triumphed over no adversity greater than running out of Play-doh in their safe space."

We're saying PC has run amok because someone who clearly hates feminists generally is dissatisfied with the degree to which individual feminists speak out against fundamentalist Muslims? Seems like a shaky starting point to me.

Feminists come from all walks of life..not just the bourgeosie..that`s terrible if the author of the article makes such comments about them..
I would say that well to do or wealthy feminists have exposure to the workings of power in ways that most people do not, and that there is shrewd insight coming from their position and priveledge that is most worthy.

One thing is certain nonetheless: Feminists should not attempt to be ¨thoughtful¨or ¨understanding...¨ anthropologists-

With current events and current politics clearly their role should be to study Western Law and Legal system, and comparatively study while denouncing, the cruelty of Islamic Law. You are not going to beat the Devil in a legal battle by being kind and acquiescent to his philosophies, now are you? If the devil is in my jurisdiction, then he needs to abide by MY laws.

Now if one were in his jurisdiction, then we would have an entirely different matter, one where righteous feminist thought vanished utterly, and entirely;

I assure you, the world will be a miserable, most miserable place if a day were to arrive in western society when feminist thought and feminist thinking were shamefully no more;

The feminists' fight then is never ending and must meritoriously and utterly continue..especially now;

edit on 9-1-2016 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Thank you for replying - I didn't think you would

What happened in Germany isn't just about political correctness. People have been free to speak for years - and they have. The anti Muslim rhetoric has been ramping up for decades. The people who are speaking out against that are now facing a kind of censorship. Political correctness is a term that doesn't actually mean anything anymore - unless we want to say that it means whatever we want it to mean when one group says something another group feels gets in the way of their message. They're being labeled PC - as if they're the enemy of truth

It goes both ways. Do you not see that there are situations that have happened in the past that might have been prevented if more people had spoken out against it?

Right now with the refugee situation there are literally thousands upon thousands of people fleeing a situation they can't survive. The rest of the world has been put in the uncomfortable position of either taking them in or leaving them to their fate. I for one am glad to see that they went one way as opposed to the other

Look at what happened in Germany. The officials made the calculation that it was not PC to discuss that the New Year's incident was perpetrated by the recent refugees, so they covered it up.

This is an example of how some would like to use the term political correctness where it doesn't apply - the situation in Germany is a powder keg. There are people there looking for an excuse to turn this into something else. It's not political correctness - it's discretion. You might have done the same if you were at all concerned about how things might go if you don't take the time to figure out exactly what you're looking at and to find out who is responsible - first. It's not an easy thing to do under the best of circumstances - and this isn't the best of circumstances

You were saying earlier that you didn't want to have to contemplate racism because you aren't racist. I asked you how it affects you - your decisions, your beliefs - your behavior...

I'm guessing that you and I are about as white as each other. We grew up in the same country, same culture - more or less. Whatever political correctness is - and however annoying it might be - it doesn't make me feel bad. Not me - not personally. I know who I am, I understand that my experience is not everyone's experience - I can allow for the possibility that other people experience racism even if I'm not racist

You mentioned in an earlier post that there was only one black girl in your school. I grew up in a rural area - our one and only minority was one Mexican boy. I remember how the other kids called him spic and beaner

I dunno ketsuko - I think it's very interesting that political correctness (if we could even all agree on what that actually means) has become more of an issue at the exact same time that inequality of all kinds has become more apparent and more of a burden. Racially, ethnically, by class and by religion - or even political affiliation

I hear people wanting to say that feminists have nothing to complain about - that they are silly. Black lives don't matter because all lives matter and that there isn't such thing as racism anymore. Poor people are just jealous of people that have plenty - socialists are only interested in taking...

Somehow - expressing any kind of anger at any of this inequality is now something to be dismissed. We're living like rats in a cage with dwindling resources, fewer jobs - no where to move - nothing to we turn on each other

You want to be able to say that there's something wrong with the Muslims? Go ahead - but others are going to point out that it's not all Muslims - and if you're willing to put all of them at risk - and you want some people to shut up about it - well, what should we call that?

edit on 1/10/2016 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: OpenMindedRealist

PC thinking is a psychological defense mechanism for those who cannot bring themselves to see ugly truths in society.



I think political correctness compromises one's instincts and should never over contemplate a potential enemy..

Political correctness then, amounts to a form of overly benevolent, moderately altruistic, ''let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt'' say, overly cerebralized, virtually sacrificial, ''I'm all for you'' disingenuous contemplation.

edit on 9-1-2016 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: tony9802

So, we should... Think... Less... About things?

Wait, I thought the narrative was that PC was destroying free thought and goodness.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:02 AM
Never subscribed to PC because I believe collectivism is dangerous in any form. A person is in most case good or at least unique but in a mob an individual aligns his own thoughts and view to match the collective.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: nowaytolive

Collectivism is necessary for the evolution of the species as a whole. What you are speaking of - and rightfully wary of - is collectivism taken to its extreme form, where entities give up their entire sense of self in exchange for the whole.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: tony9802

I think...if one is going to contemplate ugly truths - the freedom to speak about what one contemplates should exist for everyone equally

I responded to an irony with a smiley :-)

You think less thinking is better. I think you've found your calling

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: tony9802

So, we should... Think... Less... About things?

Wait, I thought the narrative was that PC was destroying free thought and goodness.

I did not say we should think less.. I have said that one's instincts should not be compromised.
Example: I do not have nor do I want to be politically correct to a perfect criminal.

This is what PC is destroying: Political Correctness is destroying DISCERNMENT.

If delinquent immigrants and delinquent refugees in Germany are committing crimes, I do not have to nor do I want to, subscribe to politically ''thoughtful'', and politically ''appropriate'' nonsense thinking..
edit on 10-1-2016 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:08 AM
edit on 10-1-2016 by breakingbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: eisegesis

When feminists turn their backs on actual women suffering and being assaulted on a daily basis for fear of being called " racist " know PC has gone too far.

When people are suspicious of their neighbor's activities and don't say anything for fear of being called racist, 14 people lose their lives.

RIP San Bernardino

So wouldn't it be more accurate to say that irrational fear and cowardice is destroying us? You know, personal responsibility and all that? Or is common sense and responsibility really so easy to erase with name calling? Personally, I wouldn't bat an eye at reporting something as suspicious as what that woman saw. What did she think was going to happen if she was wrong? Billboards calling her a racist and blackballing her against ever earning a living? Please. The "I'm quaking in my pink-feathered boots in fear of PC" defense is growing tiresome.

People need to man (sorry, PERSON)-up and stop being such cowards. Maybe they're spending too much time wondering what their fellow Facebook idiots think.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: tony9802

I like to assess each situation individually, thank you very much. Blind PC is bad, but blindly following your instincts is worse because you ultimately exacerbate the situation and your own attitude.

The cornered rat will bite the cat. Go ahead and be rude and inflammatory towards some criminal because you do not wish to be "PC". I, myself, will remain courteous, I think.
Also, not all "criminals" are equal.
You would do well to remember that.

And as I stated, there is a difference in my mind between the extreme "PC" you appear to be complaining about, and "not being an asshole."

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:13 AM
Outta here....

edit on 10-1-2016 by breakingbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: tony9802

I think...if one is going to contemplate ugly truths - the freedom to speak about what one contemplates should exist for everyone equally

I responded to an irony with a smiley :-)

You think less thinking is better. I think you've found your calling

1. Contemplation is not mere thinking, maybe you will learn to understand the difference between the two.

2. I am not particularly interested in your smiley, and i do not see why that point is important to you.

3. I have said that one should not compromise their instincts for the sake of being nice to someone or to some group.

I'll just go back now to looking at my dog and the mountains..

edit on 10-1-2016 by tony9802 because: typo

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:26 AM
The only reason we associate a whole group with negative ideas is because those groups have a percentage of people who fit that model. A lot of this reminds me of a Harvard student who happen to be black decided to dress as a gang member then screamed racism when people treated him as a gang member, well no sh@t. We have 1.3 billion Muslims who are rather quite about extremism, so what is one to think, or do? These groups need to have the majority not the minority in line against what is creating the negative focus on them. #blacklivesmatters is all about the obsession of whites against blacks, there is nothing there about what blacks are doing internally to themselves and communities. Muslims are all about themselves and how dare anyone have a negative view towards them when if they really wanted to end terrorism from Muslims all terrorist would be dead and gone by their own efforts very quickly.... One would think that 1.3 billion and about 10 countries could end anything and everything extremest wanted to do, but here we sit with a rather large number of extremist in in world. In the end most of these groups have themselves to blame and they just do not see it, or do not want to see it.

So in the end groups are more interested in Political Correctness then they are about fixing what is the fundamental reasons for people to even have negative views towards them.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: Eilasvaleleyn
a reply to: tony9802

I like to assess each situation individually, thank you very much. Blind PC is bad, but blindly following your instincts is worse because you ultimately exacerbate the situation and your own attitude.

The cornered rat will bite the cat. Go ahead and be rude and inflammatory towards some criminal because you do not wish to be "PC". I, myself, will remain courteous, I think.
Also, not all "criminals" are equal.
You would do well to remember that.

And as I stated, there is a difference in my mind between the extreme "PC" you appear to be complaining about, and "not being an asshole."

Always follow your instincts, they guide you to safety..

I will be courteous where courteous behavior has been merited; Sometimes though, it's simply better to be quietly indifferent to persons around you; It is not wise to wear one's heart on one's sleeve and certainly not for the sake of an unfortunate politically challenged ''Other;''

edit on 10-1-2016 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: eletheia

The word *privilege* is only ever used with white .... never black, even when sometimes to make more integration a black person may get a position or job over a white person who has slightly better qualifications, just to even
out any ratio discrepancies in a work place.

That is what I would call *black privilege*

Then you miscall it so.

Affirmative action is not privilege. It is an attempt — albeit flawed, inadequate and quite possibly absurd — to right a historical wrong that badly needs to be righted.

More pertinently for resentful white supremacists, it is an attempt to build a future society in which life outcomes for black people are as good, on average, as they are for whites. Most Western countries have advanced far in this direction. The last remaining bastions of white privilege are the Slavic world (Russia and some of its geographical and cultural satellites), Australia, where it has not yet been seriously challenged, and the United States of America, where the legacy of slavery will continue to poison society for some generations yet to come.

This is atrocious. Some excuses can be made for Russia, which is still struggling to pull itself out of the Middle Ages, and we may dismiss Australia as a small country (in population terms) that has not yet attained cultural maturity and is only now beginning to deal with its racist past. But that the United States, the putative pinnacle of Western civilizaton and culture, the leader of the ‘Free’ world, should be as backward as they is a shame and a disgrace.

Affirmative action is far from a perfect response to the historical oppression of black people and others. It is predicated on over-simplistic assumptions and comes with a built-in helping of unfairness. However, it is at least an attempt to do something about the problem. Without affirmative action, how would you improve the relative position of black people in Western society, and right egregious historical wrongs?

Or do you believe such things do not matter?

edit on 10/1/16 by Astyanax because: of more to say.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:36 AM
Gotta love to see the people who cry about the evils of the pc police, are the ones who tell everyone to grow a thicker skin.

Like i said earlier, dont hide behind words, show your true colors.

Pc culture started to exist when women, gays and minorities started to get equal rights, it is true that the pendulum as swung the other way, but hey thats what you pay for putting people down for decades.

Ill say it again, keep your fake outrage to yourselves, and grow a thicker skin.

edit on 10-1-2016 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2016 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: breakingbs

Not saying it very clearly, is he?

I have said that one's instincts should not be compromised.

Does that sound like a prescription for social harmony? Tony is arguing for the free expression of racist sentiments.

You know what? I agree with him.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

The only reason we associate a whole group with negative ideas is because those groups have a percentage of people who fit that model.

In other words, the group (or a ‘percentage of people’ within it) are to blame for the negative stereotyping they suffer at others’ hands.

No, my friend. You are making excuses for bigotry.

Every group has a percentage within it that fits what you call the ‘model’. If one looks hard enough, one can always find a scapegoat to justify one’s prejudices.

edit on 10/1/16 by Astyanax because: of clarity.

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

I was talking to another person. Not sure what you mean by what you are projecting about a person you dont know being racist, something about social harmony who knows who even said, and something about a person not being clear. I deleted it cause I said I had to go. Sorry bro.
edit on 10-1-2016 by breakingbs because: (no reason given)

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