posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 05:16 AM
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Hi Bastion. Whilst I wouldn't quote exact depths, most C&C sites are not very deep at all, ultimately if you drop a thermonuclear weapon on top of any
site, it's ability to communicate with the rest of the world, and your ability to ever get out of it is pretty much nil. Add this to the fact that
almost all strategic war doctrine is based on total destruction, there really isn't much point on very deep sites - you're actually much better off
being in the air aboard a flying command post, or at sea. Hence why the idea of these deep sites was canned with the advent of very accurate ICBMs
carrying MIRV Thermonuclear weapons.
Modern COG centres and hardened facilities are actually very well equipped, with recent hardware. If by the site at Corsham you're talking about what
was Burlington/Site 3/ etc then it's completely decommissioned. I'm not on Facebook so I can't check, but you may also be referring to the CCC, which
is often mistaken for a CoG site, it really isn't. Having visited many times in a previous life - (again clue is in the username) I know what it is,
but it's not a CoG site and in reality the name Corhsam Computer Centre is very accurate. The other very hardened site at Corsham is the GOSCC, which
is very cool....but again it's not a CoG facility, there are also other hardened and underground communications facilities in tunnel quarry, but think
more like server rooms and network hubs than ultra secret top brass bolt holes. Like most military sites the rest of the site has bomb shelters, but
these aren't really designed to fend off anything other than terrorist initiatives. Corsham is unfortunately much less interesting than it used to
be....but there are still some very interesting things there.
Typically the sites that have the most hardened facilities are the active military bases, like places you need to control air warfare, communications
systems, remotely piloted vehicles, national command centres and national support centres etc