posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 06:13 PM
There are infact a good few thousand installations missing from this list.
One of the most obvious is RNAD facilities (Royal Naval Arms Dumps) like the one in Beith, Scotland.
there is also the hollowed out scottish mountain range that is now a series of underground storage facilities, they were hollowed out to get the
materials to build the channel tunnel, the mod moved in after the extraction works had been completed and built the facilites. I have a list of what
is stored there but i am not allowed to share it.
There is also the cog (continuity of government) bunkers, 3 of them are unmanned and are about 4 miles underground, in each of these bunkers lies an
AI computer system, originally there was 4 of these systems but only 3 currently remain, each system is for a better word programmed differently (has
a different personality) and as such makes a decision based upon a type of majority decision making factor (similar to a democracy), these systems
take command over all military and infrastructure during times of war when the prime minister and cabinet along with military command either is no
longer communicating or has been wiped out.
The 4th AI system was handed over upon completion to the military for operational use, but, when a rather insane general gave it a series of illegal
orders, the AI, not only refused to carry out the orders but also started quoting all the reasons for not doing so as well as quoting the articles of
war and all the regulations and laws that would be broken by doing so.
The general in question was so incensed that he ordered the AI's mothballing.
The AI is currently sitting in a very top secret storage facility.
The other facility that sticks out as being not on the list is one of the uk's largest ever constructed world war 2 underground facilities at Irvine,
the facility is several miles long and a few miles wide, it was part of the coastal defence system, it also doubled over as a storage facility and
warship/sub supply base.
part of this base stretches out under the sea to the old pads which would have lead to gun emplacements and docking facilities, as such, it is
dangerous to explore these outer areas as opening certain doors would let the sea water in.
There is parts of this installation that still has power along with a few still working lights, most of the sewerage systems and plumbing systems are
also still intact.
There is several entrances to the facility that are still accessible but i have to warn anyone wishing to visit that due to the dumping of rubbish
down certain hatches over the years the rats down there can be larger that your family cat not only that but some toxic waste was also thrown down
there as well.
more recently the main entrance to the site which is near ardrossan has been opened up and separated from the main underground facility, it is being
used as a storage yard with the few remaining outside buildings being used for private storage.
As for what was stated in coulport, the warheads were transported between the base at the top and the docks at the bottom through a man made
underground river, this was done to increase security as there would be no need to transport them through expensive vehicle convoy's, all that happens
is the water is turned on at the top and the warheads are floated down to the bottom (the water floating them takes a lot of the strain off of the
guide rail system). it was quite a feat of engineering to construct, one of the most secret but ingenious wonders of the world.
The old american naval base has on the grounds an icbm silo system that can be seen through google earth, the silo's are currently empty and the site
has been sealed.
The interesting thing about the american base is that when they left, what they did was dump off the pier into the water any supplies that they were
not allowed to leave behind and or sell, there was reports of brand new scaffolding and fork lift trucks etc just pushed over the edge into the water
along with a lot of other more interesting items, talk about a huge waste of money along with the non environmental dumping of supplies into the
RAF Machrihanish is an interesting base for ufo hunters, especially a certain section of the runway that has underground hangers and 8 underground
levels which are lab's, command and control facilities and storage facilities.
RAF Machrihanish was also the only runway in europe that the american space shuttle could safely land in an emergency and also be recovered and flown
back to nasa.
Yes part of the base is still military but a lot of it is currently being used by owners of private and light aircraft.
All underground facilities on the site have been sealed and secured to prevent intrusion, it would not take too much effort to reopen them and yes
they did leave quite a lot of stuff down there when they left.
There is also in scotland several underground lab facilities that are for biological and chemical weapons research, most are currently sealed and
unused but are fully equipped incase of an emergency, i have an issue though with one in particular as it is beside a primary school, why they would
put one in that particular place is unknown but quite worrying when you think about it.
Scotland also has hidden away in a certain location in central scotland the nuclear warhead maintenance facility, the uk government has arrangements
with several countries regarding this facility, these select countries actually send their warheads to it for service, maintenance and repair.
well enough of scotland, how about an interesting site that is not on the list in northern england.
The site which is currently not in use houses an experimental cold fusion power reactor.
The problem with the reactor is that they thought (too large scale), the problem was that they didn't realise the full potential of the output power
and built one that was too large for the uk power grid to be able to handle.
when the system was run it was quickly proven to be incrementally producing power, so much power that the uk electrical grid would have melted down,
they just managed to shut it down before it got critical, when they did the math on the system it was proven that a plant that size would have been
able to power about a 3rd of europe at late 1980's power consumption levels.
I am amazed that the whole project was shelved as it had great potential, especially if they had downscaled the size of it.
There is so many secret facilities scattered about and around the uk to mention, the majority of them are currently still either in use or are sealed
for emergencies with a few unmanned autonomous sites.
There is an interesting one about the mystery sub around norway a few years ago that they couldn't find.
it was an experimental unmanned, AI controlled, stealth attack sub, it is not russian.
it was sent out on it's first freedom of navigation mission but during the mission lost all communications, the sub was programmed for a no comms
event to dive down to the bottom of the ocean and pop up periodically in a different location to try and re-establish comms, if after a few attempts
to re-establish comms didn't work it was then programmed to automatically return to base.
The UK government has a great number of secret projects and technological advancements hidden away, some are so hidden that even governmental
officials are unaware of their existence and location.
feel free to add to the list above.