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Trump campaign says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent'

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posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

And an American citizen has the right to say whatever they like to their own countrymen in their own country without lefties across the pond getting their knickers in a twist!!

EDIT - My post that you responded to was for TrueBrit and my response to his statement We do not permit hate preaching in our nation, from any sphere. No need to mention if they were British citizens or not, as I was showing Truebrit that his statement was hogwash!!
edit on 6.1.2016 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

I live in Glasgow, sure you heard of the place considering some of the idiots you mentioned tried to blow up our airport.

Does that make me fear terrorism or religious hatred? Nope, not in the slightest considering we have plenty of our own to go around.

Trump may not kill anyone with his hate speak but he will poison plenty of gullible fools minds and possibly insight even more hated.
edit on 6-1-2016 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
a reply to: crazyewok

And an American citizen has the right to say whatever they like to their own countrymen in their own country without lefties across the pond getting their knickers in a twist!!

Yes you do.

And no one is saying they cant.

Trump can rant and rave all he likes.
And you are free to be a gullible fool and vote for him. The UK is not taking that away from you is it?


We are talking about OUR (UK) Borders here’s and WE as a SOVERIGN nation have the right to allow or deny entry to whoever we like without butt hurt arrogant Americans getting there XXXXL star spangled panties in a twists.

Trump is NOT a UK Citizen, therefore entry is NOT a right for him so we can deny him entry for whatever reason we like.

That does not stop you for voting for him, it does not stop him from spreading his BS.

edit on 6-1-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:16 AM
I really want trump banned now as I am really enjoying seeing the butt hurt yanks getting all indignant

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

I really want trump banned now as I am really enjoying seeing the butt hurt yanks getting all indignant

Wonder what would happen if the US banned British royalty.
Would there be upset and anger? Of course not!

Brits are so very, very understanding

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

We have the right to ban undesirables from our shores as you are in the states.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I live in Glasgow, sure you herd of the place considering some of the idiots you mentioned tried to blow up our airport.

I lived and worked in Glasgow when that happened (worked in Coatbridge), and prior to the attack in Glasgow they tried to set off two car bombs in London.

Does that make me fear terrorism or religious hatred? Nope, not in the slightest considering we have plenty of our own to go around.

Glaswegians have had one terrorist attack that I know off, so no you don't need to be fearful off, however the Londoners have put up with IRA attacks for over 25 years and then when the peace treaty with them was finally sorted, we had suicide attackers in London, yes Londoners do have reason to be a tad bit more afraid that my friends in Glasgow as London is a bigger target for these fundamentalist!

Trump may not kill anyone with his hate speak but he will poison plenty of gullible fools minds and possibly insight even more hated.

Considering there is a petition in the UK echoing the same stance as Trump, with the same amount of signatures as the petition calling for him to be banned would mean a lot of our fellow countrymen agree with Trump as do a lot of the US folk considering he is way up in the Polls after saying what he did. Whilst Trump could be construed as a nincompoop, he's saying what is on a lot of peoples minds, he just has the balls to say it!!

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: redoubt

We certainly understand bull crap especially so when its idiots like Trump trying to breed discontent with the intolerant gibberish that spews forth from his gash.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

Adolf Hitler had the balls to say plenty and look how that turned out!

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

We certainly understand bull crap especially so when its idiots like Trump trying to breed discontent with the intolerant gibberish that spews forth from his gash.

Like I said earlier, it's your country so, as a people, do as you choose.

It's your choice, not ours.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: redoubt
a reply to: crazyewok

I really want trump banned now as I am really enjoying seeing the butt hurt yanks getting all indignant

Wonder what would happen if the US banned British royalty.
Would there be upset and anger? Of course not!

Brits are so very, very understanding

We would laugh our heads off.

Honestly do it.

Though better yet ban our PM.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

Yes you do.

I'm British!!

Trump can rant and rave all he likes.
And you are free to be a gullible fool and vote for him. The UK is not taking that away from you is it?

Again I'm British!!

We are talking about OUR (UK) Borders here’s and WE as a SOVERIGN nation have the right to allow or deny entry to whoever we like without butt hurt arrogant Americans getting there XXXXL star spangled panties in a twists.

Again - I'm British!!

Trump is NOT a UK Citizen, therefore entry is NOT a right for him so we can deny him entry for whatever reason we like.

Would be interesting to see if he got banned and then became President of the US - That might backfire a tad!!

That does not stop you for voting for him, it does not stop him from spreading his BS.

I can't vote for him, guess why?............ I'm British!!

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: redoubt

Here, here.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

We would laugh our heads off.
Honestly do it.
Though better yet ban our PM.

Address that suggestion to:
Congress, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, US

I'm just one vote

edit on 6-1-2016 by redoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

Your whole post made me laugh, thank you for that.

edit on 6-1-2016 by Punisher75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Actual ask the scots.

He is a real problem. Not joking. He has been on a sort of land grab for his golf courses and made a lot of Scottish lives a misery.

Your thinking is skewed. You have your own agenda as to why he should be banned. This has got nothing to do with his business practises. You have brought your own prejudice here because the ban would suit your personal attitude toward Donald Trump. His business is not being debated. It is his attitude to Islam that is under scrutiny. Do you not understand that? This thread is not about his business practises is it!

So are you willing to see democracy and majority culture sabotaged by Islam because you just don't like Donald and because of his golf courses in Scotland? That is what your post is telling me. What wonderful logic at work in your post.

You seem to have your own agenda here. I find Trumps comments around Mexicans equally distasteful about how he fairly much called Mexican immigrants rapists and crooks (although he conceded 'some' may be okay)

I find his comments about women 'bleeding' distasteful.

I also find his comments about Islam distasteful purely because he seems to assume if you follow that faith you are more likely than not to kill people - conveniently ignoring that the huge majority of mass murders in America have been carried out by white people, usually where religion has not been mentioned. ETA - of course by the way, followers of Islam are not of one particular skin colour, this would be better to have read 'white non Muslims'

I found his ridiculous little piece on shooting criminals from the hip and pretending he was Charles Bronson in Death Wish was distasteful, appealing to the lowest common denominator who seemed to whoop it up.

In short, he's not someone that I would enjoy the company of. I didn't sign the petition as I find it incredibly unlikely he will become president, but if stupidity wins, I would be proud if as a country we said he isn't welcome here.
edit on 6-1-2016 by uncommitted because: as per ETA

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Comparing Trump to Hitler

Comparing someone to Hitler is the first and final resort of every left-wing argument.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
a reply to: andy06shake

Comparing Trump to Hitler

Comparing someone to Hitler is the first and final resort of every left-wing argument.

Is he not merely expressing freedom of speech with that comment?

Is this not the underlying issue within this thread?

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

And not doing so allows Hitler like people rise to power.
Not saying trump is...yet lol.

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

Thing is with people like Trump that wish to build big walls and promote religious intolerance amongst others, that wait and see attitude could very well indeed bring about another Adolf Hitler.

Lets just hope America displays some sense and Trump does not turn out to be a "final resort".

I dont like the Man and i dont want him spouting crap in the U.K, which he inevitably will. And i think you will find i am quite at liberty to compare anyone i like to anyone i wish as long as they share similar attributes. Hate speech being the main similarity.
edit on 6-1-2016 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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