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help my cat keeps crapping in the sink!

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posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Discotech
Oh behave with that silly extreme example of human desperation, if cats were all the size of Alsatians we would keep them in cages and you know it.
...and like a cat, if you don't feed me I'll walk away.
edit on 26.12.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: ChuckNasty
WTF? Better medical care for animals than your own children? Are you serious?!
That's dark and sinister in my mind, do you wipe your cat's arse after pooping as well lol ...treating your cats the same as your kids, unbelievable, I've heard it all now!

If you or your child gets a cold, he/she is able to tell you what is wrong. You go to the store and pick up some OTC meds. As for your pet, if it gets the chills and you don't get vet care...WTF is wrong with you. A vet visit is pennies compared to human care. When my pets get ill, I have no idea what is wrong with off to the vet I go.

As for your assumption that my pets get better care than any of my children (when they were children) is asinine. I stated people living in my house. My 'children' are freakin adults still living at home...and my pets get better care than they do.

...and I do wipe my dogs arse after they poop...

Your assumptions in this response is mind bottling.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: berenike
I'm all good thanks just ridiculing people who assert that cats can be considered the same as children. Ridiculous and you know it.

You might want to read my post a little more carefully. I merely said that pets need to be 'trained and treated as carefully as children'. This is patently true if you want to have a rewarding relationship with any of them with as little trouble as possible.

My second paragraph simply explores the idea that pets 'aren't really equipped to make allowances or compromises for us'. I could have added that children under the age of about three can't do that either, but I didn't.

Nowhere did I suggest that 'cats can be considered the same as children' although I might have suggested that they should be treated with the same amount of consideration.

Ridicule all you want if you think it's funny for someone to suggest treating an animal they have brought into their home with some degree of care and empathy.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

What do you mean "IF" ?

There already exists cats bigger than dogs, or do you not know about Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards etc ?

And most of them will eat you because it's their nature, they do it to survive. Much like a human will go against their moral compass in order to survive by eating another human.

However there are cases of "man eating" animals being perfectly friendly with humans like Pocho the crocodile

Pocho (crocodile) (around 1991 in Reventazón River, Costa Rica – October 12, 2011 in Siquirres, Costa Rica), was an American crocodile who became world famous for his relationship with Gilberto "Chito" Shedden, a local area fisherman. Shedden had found Pocho dying on the banks of the Reventazón River, and took the crocodile in, nursing him back to health. The crocodile refused to return to the wild and chose to stay with Chito instead. The pair became famous after they began performing together.

We're animals, nothing more, nothing less

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 10:58 AM
I don't know what to tell you other than to relate a funny story. We had a black cat from the forest adopt us and after sending me to the emergency room for "cat scratch fever" he had to stay inside 10 days.

GF fixed him up a cat box and he used it regularly. One night he pranced into the living room, climbed into the pot holding my hibiscus tree and informed us his whiz closet was full... I should say poo closet lol....

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: ChuckNasty
You were the one talking about humans getting crap care compared to animals, not me.
If you put your children on the same pedestal as your cat it's your shout not mine lol

My adult child will get better health care than my cat ever will, so long as I'm alive.

edit on 26.12.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:19 AM
Stop treating animals like humans.its the only way to make a cat know that it's not properly hiding its scent since that's the reason why they hide their # with dust so predators can't trace them...cats are cats and I never humanize my the way my pets never ate dog food or cat food in their lives we use to feed them real meat and fish.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: dreamlotus1111

You could try crapping in the litter tray.

It might not work but think of the payback.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: ChuckNasty
You were the one talking about humans getting crap care compared to animals, not me.
Again, your assumptions are outlandish in nature. I never mentioned crap care of humans. I may of said that my pets get better care, but that shouldn't be implied that humans get substandard care. That is crazy talk. How a person can jump to this crazy assumption is nuts.

If you put your children on the same pedestal as your cat it's your shout not mine lol
I never talked of pedestals. I don't recall mentioning any breakdown of who and what is more or less important.. lol indeed. I did mention family member - I do treat a 4 legged pet as a family member. Note I said family member - no mention of equality or ranking structure.

My adult child will get better health care than my cat ever will, so long as I'm alive.

Again, your assumptions are outlandish. By better care I referring to the fact that I cannot speak cat or dog. If my pet gets ill, I have no idea what is wrong. So instead of being a horrible person, I will take them to a vet. The vet will then charge me 12 bucks for service and maybe 10 for meds. On the other hand, a person will simply say, "I have a head cold, can you pick me up some sudafed?" And my response would be, "Ok, do you need some guaifenesin too?" They'll state, "No, not yet. My head cold just started and hasn't made me cough yet." See that? That is a dialogue between a human another human.

I hope your adult child gets better health care than your cat. But I also hope that if your cat get ill, you take it to the vet. But I also hope that you don't coddle your adult child for to long. They won't understand how life really is, but I'm sure they'll be thankful for your hard work and the free medical coverage that you and/or your state provides.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: ChuckNasty
Oh no coddling here just honest comment, trollish maybe arguably but honest

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: dreamlotus1111

sorry I dont see what the problem is, keep the cats outside. Better yet get a real animal like a dog.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
Just eat the cat.

It works 100% of the time. That cat will never poop in the sink again.

No cats will be eaten on my watch thank-you very much.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Dogs have owners and cats have staff,I prefer cats!

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: dreamlotus1111

Your cat needs a litter box that it has access to all of the time. What is the reason you don't have a litter box inside the house? Cats are really good about using the litter box when it's somewhere they can always get to. It sounds like your cat has picked that spot, the sink, because it doesn't know where else to go.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:05 PM
The citrus scent around the sink as some have suggested should work. The only other suggestion I can think of is to cover the sink with plastic wrap. A friend of mine had a cat who did her business in the sink a few times. The plastic wrap over the sink worked in that case.
If the cat is accustomed to going outside, it may be the litter in the box that is the problem. Some litter has a pretty distinct odor that may offend the cat. Maybe try shredding some newspaper into the box instead of commercial litter?
Hope you find a solution. Litter box issues are frustrating because the poor cat can't tell you why he doesn't care for your provisions.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: dreamlotus1111
ok so ive grown up with cats but the last cat i had from what i rememeber never had issues with learning to go outside.

now i have two kittens one is 6 months the other 8 months. the 8 month old goes outside just fine and the 6 month old insists on going on the bath mats, carpets (she ruined a nice beautiful carpet of mine), and even in a pet bed.

all of which i threw out to deter her from doing it again.

but her favorite spot above all is the the bathroom sink

and i literally let them out like 10 times a day.

what am i supposed to do it so infuriating everytime i smell feces and walk into my bathroom only to see a nice lump of fecal matter right in the sink.

Teach her to go in the toilet

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
The only other suggestion I can think of is to cover the sink with plastic wrap. A friend of mine had a cat who did her business in the sink a few times. The plastic wrap over the sink worked in that case.

Might be best not to give the cat any ideas...


posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 04:24 PM
here is a link to help train your cat to use the toilet

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: dreamlotus1111

but her favorite spot above all is the the bathroom sink

and i literally let them out like 10 times a day.

what am i supposed to do it so infuriating everytime i smell feces and walk into my bathroom only to see a nice lump of fecal matter right in the sink.

Try shutting the bathroom door. Then at least she cant get into the bathroom anymore. Then you could try to train her to use a litter box or go outside like the other kitten. Then when (if) your comfortable about the training, try opening the bathroom door for a day or so to see if she will go back to using the sink. If no, then you don't have to keep the door closed all the time, but keep an eye out for her reverting back to her old ways. If she does, idk, try more training? Im not sure the kitten understands shes not supposed to go there. Like someone else said, theres boundaries and she may just not understand what those boundaries are.

Try keeping the litter box in an easily accessible spot. Maybe put a treat near it?

The other ideas here are good.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 05:56 PM
Put cyan pepper down, when it sniffs first it will fly out the of the sink before pooping

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