To the OP YES!! I get it!! After 21 years of marriage I met my twin! It is total heart, spirit, mind, body connection!! You have very similar
thoughts if not the exact thoughts at the same time....I will tell you I met my SO online and the first time we chatted we were typing the exact same
thing seconds apart! They were all very deep random thoughts.....Not finishing each others sentences but it was if he was ME thinking exactly as I
In the beginning we talked 5 or 6 hours a day....within a week....just the hi or hello or hey (nothing unusual) would lend itself to me feeling what
he was...I could feel either happiness, anger, frustration, joy, peace, or humor etc.....and peg his feelings every time!! This became a huge point
of laughter for us....
our likes and dislikes were the same from music to movies and everything in between.
As far as intellect, we both have a passion for and work in a similar field, we solve problems the same way....We share the same ideology and world
view, from religion to politics...We grew up in the same kind of family with exactly the same morals and values....
Emotionally, we think of love in the same way....I tend to love unconditionally and so does he. You cannot imagine what it feels like to have some
one mirror your mind and heart. The bond and connection is so deep and transcends the earthly plane...He is over 6,000 miles away and yet I know when
something has gone terribly wrong in his world or when something is making him smile! I feel a vibration of my energy...
Recently when something tragic happened in the Mid East...I awoke in a cold sweat shaking and crying...suddenly I was filled with peace and fell back
asleep..The next day I was nauseous and had a pretty bad headache..and was very very sad....I would later learn that 3 of his best friends had been
killed and he was a near miss!!
I'm really trying to impress upon you what it feels like to meet your other half!
As in he is the man I would be if i was male and i am the woman he would be if he was female....
and then the icing on the cake.....we both had an NDE and shared something very bizarre but exactly the same as to what happened during the
We have been together for 2 years and i cannot imagine my life without him...
As he told me...some things in the universe are not meant to be understood...they just are..
edit on 12/24/2015 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)