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Does each of us have a ''twin soul''?

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posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:47 AM
To those who dont what a twin soul is i will give you an introduction,
What is a Twin Flame?

Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.
Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the ultimate relationship.

I believe i already met my twinsoul, I think im the masculine soul and my twin is feminine. I cant describe the happiness i get when im around him, he makes me more complete. The relationship with my twin is greater than all the relationships i have had.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:15 AM
Sorry - what? A bit confused here.

originally posted by: optimisitcplanet
I think im the masculine soul and my twin is feminine. I cant describe the happiness i get when im around him, he makes me more complete.

"Him" being the twin which is feminine?

Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together.

So they must happen to incarnate on the same planet in the whole universe... And in the same life time period.

Oy, now I understand why I've never met my twin soul... The odds of that happening are even worst than the search for extraterrestrial life!


Seriously though: I personally don't believe there is a twin soul waiting for me out there. I have always felt that everyone is one of a kind.

edit on 19-12-2015 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:00 AM

Seriously though: I personally don't believe there is a twin soul waiting for me out there. I have always felt that everyone is one of a kind.

Thats because you have many more lives yet to come..

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:02 AM
Ok listen up, this is just pure garbage. You have to stop reading this kind of crap its already destroyed one of your souls already...wait

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:13 AM
Those are hormones, dear.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

I had a really good relationship with my sister in-law. We really got along and she always had time for me to discuss things that were on my mind. She always knew when things were bothering me. She would always playfully antagonize me along with my wife. We had a lot of laughs together and really enjoyed each other's company.

Unfortunately she past away a few years ago. I remember crying my eyes out when I was alone in my hotel room during a business trip and found out she was dying of cancer. I still think about her all the time and miss her laughter and the many heart to heart talks we had over the years.

I've talked about the many incredible signs both my wife and I have received since her passing here on ATS. Another incredible sign was her daughter had a very difficult time conceiving a child. After years of seeking medical help to have a child, she gave birth to a boy 2 years ago. Whether it was a coincidence or another crazy sign from my sister in-law, her son was born on my birthday! How crazy is that!

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: swanne

Ummm...Hello Swanne..."Wise men of old gave the soul a feminine name...Indeed she is female in her nature as well...She even has her womb"...from "The exegesis on the soul"..."The Nag Hammadi Library"...

The premise being that lust from a masculine the female aspect soul desiring to possess the female body of a partner...
Bear in mind this was written from a patriarchal mindset...merely transpose male for understand the attractive nature of female to this sense...

Now then...if such is true in regards to the soul being androgynous in it's complete state...and separating into male and female aspects in order for the self fulfillment quest to begin...perhaps it might explain instances of LGBT behavior...if the wrong orientation soul aspect ended up in the body manifest not originally intended...

Not saying...only speculating...


posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: optimisitcplanet
Does each of us have a ''twin soul''?

I hope so.

Then I can sell that one too for some more swag.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: IridiumFlareMadness

Ummm...and here I thought hormones where the shouts of Oh God...Oh God...Oh God...I keep hearing know...

Silly me...


posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:25 AM

Unless You're looking to procreate, the other One's genitalia should have nary a consequence..

The body You're in NOW is NOT the same body You went to sleep last night "in".


posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:59 AM
Lots of jokes and new age quotes but if you haven't been there, you don't know. Always say, walk a mile in the other person's shoes and if you don't get it keep walking.

I was well past hormones when I met someone. So many precognitive dreams, past commonalities, coincidences etc.

I thought I was whole and believed that whole spill. Until until then. Never was so happy and full. Knew when I first saw him I was interested and later after getting to know him that he was the person I had always waited for (although not the type of person I ever thought I would love).

After he left and started going with someone else, I never felt so betrayed tho logically there was no reason. And I literally felt I had lost half of myself, a half I never knew was missing. Even when my ex husband (37 yr) ran around on me early in our marriage did I begin to feel this betrayal and pain.

It has been 11 years, 8-10 in deep depression, and while I have had many interested, someone would have to meet or exceed what I felt as well as the memory that never goes away. Never gone with anyone since.

It was never about sex, just his presence.

Twin flamepolar oppositesoul mate? It is a real phenomena whatever it is and you can't know or understand unless you have been there.

OP be careful, it could be difficult for him because the intensity can be threatening, scary for the other person if not you.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

I see that you have found duality of the universe and have believed the same thing I did for many years... That I have a soul partner bcos of the duality. Duality exists in this universe... everywhere there is two alternatives good/bad, plus/minus, etc.

I used to believe to achieve perfection the balance of the two dualities must be met but this is not the case... this universe is a part of the greater mind and doesn't really exist so basically your soul in not your soul actually. It is a part of the greater mind / universal energy. As you have identified yourself as a separate entity or element, this question arises. But if you are not a different entity than the universal energy and just a part of its mind, then which other soul or what other entity are you talking about. You will realize that everything in this universe, all the people and all the things you see are a part of the greater mind and do not really exist. It only exists in its mind.

So to come back to the part that you have found a person who you believe is like a perfect double for you. Then that is good now take into consideration the above paragraph and put it here. He is also a part of the greater mind. So may be he is a part of you as well that is why you feel so close to him.

Remember each one is going on his own path to the same goal. So do not try to enforce your ideology on a person but you must also help the others find their way to the goal as many have strayed far from the goal. As everyone is on a different stage in their progression may be some people are not ready to learn this part of the truth yet. Let them take their path. Sooner or later they will come to this stage and realize the same thing. Also remember that this learning is only for you to discover for yourself no one else is going to tell you the answer you have to find it on your own and that is why they call it learning...

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 03:53 PM
Nothing compares or comes close to the strength of the trauma bond. It's practically psychic. And I don't know if it can ever be broken. Sometimes I think people get confused and think they've found their twin soul when really they just formed something like a trauma bond- because trauma doesn't always have to be entirely all negative. Sometimes a thing is just an overwhelming experience, and the overstimulation acts like a trauma and bonds you to that thing.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:10 PM
I think it is astonishing that twin souls and soulmates often live very close to where you live yourself, making it easy ti meet up.

Intelligent design?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: HolgerTheDane2

Intelligent design?

No. Wishful thinking.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

Don't know if you are referring to me or not, but my bond came well before the trauma. Have gone through and survived more emotional trauma than most and survived just fine.

Like I said, you have to experience the bond and foreknowledge before you can even begin to judge or understand it. Many precognitive things as interpreted by the innocent/ignorant me was wishful thinking. It wasn't until afterward I understood it was intended to fail. A couple of years later, I was shown how I would go downhill from there.


posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: optimisitcplanet
Does each of us have a ''twin soul''?

That is very poetic and sentimental, and all, but as this is philosophy/metaphysics, that is the context in which I'll respond.
All Souls are unique momentary Conscious Perspectives of the One (unchanging, all inclusive) Universal Reality/Self!
Get that?
All Souls are unique, definitionally, being all different Perspectives!
So, in literal answer to your question, no, all Souls are unique!
They cannot be 'twins' if they are unique, at least in that sense.

posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Hello, I was replying to the original post just to clarify, but since you got my attention... I'll respond to what you've said. OK?

So you said:

After he left and started going with someone else, I never felt so betrayed tho logically there was no reason.

A betrayal of any kind can be very traumatic, and since this one clearly disconnected you from your own emotions it's a strong indication that this separation was in fact traumatic.

In my young years(I know I must look really young like how dare I have any kind of opinion OMG!), I've discovered that sometimes it might not be the person that you bond to but instead an event that you then associate with a person that you bond to. And in this case, it sounds like the event is the separation... which made you feel things that you couldn't even understand. You didn't understand your own emotions and you even DENIED your own feelings by telling yourself that "there was no reason" to feel betrayed. This screams traumatic experience. MAYBE THERE IS A REASON and maybe you should investigate yourself to either prove me wrong or right.

Either way my understanding of trauma is that it shatters people. By shatter, I mean literally. Trauma splits people up and disconnects a person from their own emotions, sometimes from their own memories, and this is exactly what you just expressed(probably without even knowing that you expressed it). Perhaps earlier breaks/trauma's softened you up to this one as I am NOT a believer in the expression "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." And in fact I'd like to make a future thread addressing the issue of that phrase. It's an evil psychological meme in my young opinion. A vase that's shattered and put back together is more susceptible to further breaks. A plant that's been dehydrated for too long and then re-nurished doesn't grow back stronger and bigger than it was before, it actually becomes more seemingly frail... weaker. More needy of a body, more delicate... I, too, have firsthand experience with this sadly.

And here you said:

...someone would have to meet or exceed what I felt as well as the memory that never goes away. Never gone with anyone since.

This just mirrors exactly what I said about how all else pales in comparison and I can see why you responded to me. Sorry, I really did not read your post prior to today. I just skimmed the previous comments to make sure no one else said what I was going to say so as to avoid reiteration.

In a very real sense trauma becomes addicting- because once you've been in a situation where you've been so stimulated(positively or negatively, either or)... like I said and like you are saying in the above quote, all else pales in comparison and thus life can start to feel dull, numb and the majority of it un-important. So it's very hard to move on from that state and accept that you're here now and settle for a... "lesser" boring life. The key to breaking that cycle(the addiction) is changing what you want, letting go of expectation, and total acceptance of your past, present and future. But in order to do that you must first get honest with yourself about what you really want deep down inside... then if you find that you want excitement or think you deserve it or something then you can work to change that so instead you really want a boring/safe life or simply wanting the life, the moment, everything you have right exactly now. It's a little bit like a total submission. Being able to just let go... and having radical acceptance.

And since I'm on a roll, I feel like you're not even able to be truly appreciative or even learn and gain anything from your past experiences when you are frozen in a disconnected trauma state. You may think that you're being truly appreciative and that you've gained a lot while you're holding onto it but you're really not (not you in general, but the traumatized individual that hasn't connected to their own emotions)- you're just holding onto it because it's not making sense for you so it's stuck on replay in your mind. You're trying to fit the puzzle pieces together, trying to make sense of it, trying to connect the dots and attain some sense of closure. But there never is any closure really, is there. Not without acceptance. Not when you continue to deny yourself. Making sense of it starts with connecting to your own emotions and accepting that you first felt betrayed by this act and yes it made sense to feel betrayed, because there are reasons to it. Valid reasons.

Maybe I've gone too far and I apologize if you are now feeling defensive.
I wish you well and I hope things start to make sense for you one day.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

First let me say that it may have taken some time in my life but I do understand that the age of a person has no relevance to the knowledge and wisdom
they may possess. So let us get that out of the way. Everyone understands or knows something others do not.

A betrayal of any kind can be very traumatic,...I've discovered that sometimes it might not be the person that you bond to but instead an event that you then associate with a person that you bond to.

Yes, I understand that. When the woman he left me for died it was traumatic. It was a wholly negative experience but we or I had a negative bond with her. Someone wrote on her Facebook page that she did whatever she need to do to get what she wanted and usually succeeded. I was the recipient of that.

And in this case, it sounds like the event is the separation... which made you feel things that you couldn't even understand

Yes, this is true

You didn't understand your own emotions and you even DENIED your own feelings by telling yourself that "there was no reason" to feel betrayed.

That was not denying feelings and emotions. That was using reason and logic but also accepting that the feeling and emotion couldn't be denied.

MAYBE THERE IS A REASON and maybe you should investigate yourself to either prove me wrong or right.

I wholly agree someone should investigate their self first. I started that process long ago... before I met him. Who am I, how do I change for other people, why did I allow myself to become a victim, etc,etc, etc, how did I perpetuate this negative life I have lived?

Either way my understanding of trauma is that it shatters people. By shatter, I mean literally. Trauma splits people up and disconnects a person from their own emotions, sometimes from their own memories, and this is exactly what you just expressed(probably without even knowing that you expressed it). Perhaps earlier breaks/trauma's softened you up to this one as I am NOT a believer in the expression "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I have to disagree with this. It is the emotions that is at the core of the trauma and the memories are what you/I strive to forget.

In a very real sense trauma becomes addicting- because once you've been in a situation where you've been so stimulated(positively or negatively, either or)... like I said and like you are saying in the above quote, all else pales in comparison and thus life can start to feel dull, numb and the majority of it un-important. So it's very hard to move on from that state and accept that you're here now and settle for a... "lesser" boring life.

Yes, I cannot deny that and it is a struggle I deal with daily.. But no, a year ago I decided to settle for that boring state of life. That is where I am. And the addiction I am well aware of and it scares the hell out of me. Since I believe in past lives, this is one I do not want to repeat, thus the struggle. My question is were we meant to be together for mutual growth or was this a means to place me on the path I was on before we met.

And since I'm on a roll, I feel like you're not even able to be truly appreciative or even learn and gain anything from your past experiences when you are frozen in a disconnected trauma state. You may think that you're being truly appreciative and that you've gained a lot while you're holding onto it but you're really not (not you in general, but the traumatized individual that hasn't connected to their own emotions)- you're just holding onto it because it's not making sense for you so it's stuck on replay in your mind. You're trying to fit the puzzle pieces together, trying to make sense of it, trying to connect the dots and attain some sense of closure. But there never is any closure really, is there. Not without acceptance. Not when you continue to deny yourself. Making sense of it starts with connecting to your own emotions and accepting that you first felt betrayed by this act and yes it made sense to feel betrayed, because there are reasons to it. Valid reasons.

While I do appreciate your wisdom and knowledge and would very much like to be friends with you because of that, on this last point you are so totally wrong. Not hard to understand because you are taking from a brief post.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

I don't know what happened to my long post but I will u2u tomorrow.

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