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Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?

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posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:58 AM
Much of the conflict in the practice of the religions seems to be not so much between God and Allah, but between Jesus and Mohammed. Mohammed has many "Allah said, Allah told me" kinds of things, and some actually do seem to fit what Mohammad wanted rather than specifically what Allah wanted, so, hmmm. "He said, He said".

Christians don't have that conflict because what Jesus said moreless came from God, except maybe filtered through the human experience. (for example, being crucified HURTS).


If people believe they are the same, I don't care.
If people believe they are not the same: I don't care.

It makes not one whit of difference what the different religions believe, as long as we rise above persecuting each other for those beliefs. Which is definitely NOT what's taking shape.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: John333

What is Islamic view of resurrection of Jesus? If earthly Jesus was not a divine in their point of view, is he divine after that? I am tired of gibberish really.. i like straight answers

i tell you.. these things, these semantics you ar e arguing bring you no closer to the truth of God's spirit. what you should be arguing about is what was meant by his words. u dilly dally around everythinog, u study everything except what you are supposed to be studying. it will be no wonder that your practices and thus your understanding will also be weigning.

the islamic view of Jesus is MATTER OF INTERPRETATION. and i did make proper interpretation some posts up.

why dont start with the things that need no interpretation. the very basic statements spoken in the scriptures out of the mouth of Jesus himself. the similarities in the stories of all the prophets right up to the virgin birth of Christ. the 10 commandments which are the same, and the many many many exact word for word transcriptions that are found common to both bible and Quran. there you will see simply it is the same God.

for in fact if it were any other God it would be defunct. THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. so either we are addressing HIM, or NOBODY AT ALL.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: John333

There is no god but Elohim, and Yeshua Hamashiach is his only begotten son. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I don't think Islam will agree.]

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: John333

LOL so why don´t you just answer. I think question was valid to see differences between two religions and maybe finding why they do not blend. Question still remains. Is Jesus divine in islamic view after his resurrection ?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: dollukka

What is Islamic view of resurrection of Jesus? If earthly Jesus was not a divine in their point of view, is he divine after that? I am tired of gibberish really.. i like straight answers

You are sensible and right to the point.

The answer to your question is that the Muhammadans (Muslims of Islam) do not believe that Jesus died or was even crucified. He was spared death and taken up by God. Being that He was not crucified He then was not resurrected in the manner as we see resurrection.

Islam does not believe that Jesus was anything but another of many prophets of which Muhammad was the last and greatest. No, Jesus is not divine in the Islam belief.

As in the flesh and known as Jesus He was the begotten of God because He was conceived by God and not man but as the man Jesus He was not God the Father. Islam denies this birth of Jesus as well as their belief that God has no Begotten Son. If Islam would believe the virgin birth and crucifixion then Muhammad would not be the prophet that he claims and that would destroy his entire program. Jesus was divine but not God.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Seede

Thank you, that was exactly what i have learnt. It is interesting that when we talk to muslims about matters which divide us we don´t get any real answers to our questions.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:09 PM
People keep bringing up differences in the teaching, but as I keep mentioning, that isn't RELEVANT to the question in the OP.
Is a Unitarian worshiping the same God as a Protestant?
Is a JW worshiping the same God as a Baptist?
Is a Catholic worshiping the same God as an Evangelical?

Because they have hugely varying belief systems. And if it is accepted that they all worship the same God, then the differences in the specific beliefs are irrelevant to the question at hand.

Heck, to hone in even more finely to the point:
Is a Christian worshiping the same God as the Jews?

If the answer to THAT is yes, then definitely the arguments about the divinity of Jesus and his resurrection are irrelevant (to the question at hand).

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: babloyi

You are wrong. What really makes the difference is, if you believe that Jesus is your Lord and saviour! If you do not believe in that you are not believing in the most important message Christianity has and the very base of it upon which Chrisitanity has been built. If you say Muslims are Christians and believe that Jesus is the saviour and son of God.. then we can actually have a base where we could possibly build future united. At the moment it doesn´t exist.
Christianity is all about Jesus being saviour and son of God who took our sins so we could have a life everafter.

Don´t fool yourself believing we have a same base, we don´t not untill you accept Jesus as he is in New Testament
edit on 19-12-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: dollukka
So then is your God different from the one the Jews worship? Do you believe in the same God as the God of Judaism?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: babloyi

We believe in God Jesus believed in. Does that answer your question ? it should
But you don´t believe in Christianity and it´s teachings so why do you bother trying to combine us when our beliefs are very different.

if you start again we can always go back in this thread where we are wondering the God of Islam...
edit on 19-12-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: dollukka

originally posted by: dollukka
We believe in God Jesus believed in. Does that answer your question ? it should
But you don´t believe in Christianity and it´s teachings so why do you bother trying to combine us when our beliefs are very different.

if you start again we can always go back in this thread where we are wondering the God of Islam...

I'm asking you personally, because you can only speak for yourself, and not for all of Christianity (since heck, it has already been shown that the majority of Christianity follows a theology that accepts that Muslims and Christians believe in the same God).
Again, you and I seem to be on different wavelengths. I don't care about "combining" beliefs. I don't care about showing that Christianity and Islam are the same. I never made any such claims anywhere.
What I'm talking about is whether the deity worshipped by the two faiths is the same.
Which is where my comparison with jews came in. And yeah, it does seem like you sorta attempted dodging the question.
Was the God Jesus believed in himself?
Did the Jew of 50BC, who had never in his life heard of Jesus, who had never any inkling of his salvation, who had drummed into him from birth the importance of the UNITY of God, and how God was one, at that time, did he worship the same God as the one you worship?
What about the Jew of the year 50? Or 2000? Do you believe that you worship some other God than a devout, practicing Jew today worships?

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: babloyi

Allah is not my God .. Allah is pagan God which was worshipped in Mecca. Allah had 3 daughters and a lot of semigods. Allah´s previous name was Hubul a moon God, he was worshipped as a main god in Kabah Mecca. No your God is not the same God.
I am sorry but this is my last reply to this same question.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: dollukka

originally posted by: dollukka
Allah is not my God .. Allah is pagan God which was worshipped in Mecca. Allah had 3 daughters and a lot of semigods. Allah´s previous name was Hubul a moon God, he was worshipped as a main god in Kabah Mecca. No your God is not the same God.
I am sorry but this is my last reply to this same question.

Oh, now you're definitely dodging the question. Disregarding all the silly nonsense you're spouting about a religion you have no knowledge of, I didn't even ask you if Allah was your God. That wasn't even my question.

I asked you, and I'll quote myself here:

originally posted by: babloyi
Did the Jew of 50BC, who had never in his life heard of Jesus, who had never any inkling of his salvation, who had drummed into him from birth the importance of the UNITY of God, and how God was one, at that time, did he worship the same God as the one you worship?
What about the Jew of the year 50? Or 2000? Do you believe that you worship some other God than a devout, practicing Jew today worships?

But don't worry, your inability to respond speaks volumes!

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: babloyi

Not really.. you just went back where we began, asking same which was already discussed. I am amazed by your finger pointing in previous replies as in this one. I hope you grow up and have some respect on nonmuslim people in future.. im sorry that my replies didn´t please you, i know that my charachter is straight forward as that is how i have been raised and how culture i live in is about.. You can find your peace ( hopefully ) in your own religion and i appreaciate you to let me find my own in my own beliefs.
Sorry we can´t make a heavenly match of us.. we are just plain too different

Maybe we next time talk about Taqiyya and how it works
edit on 19-12-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: dollukka

originally posted by: dollukka
Not really.. you just went back where we began, asking same which was already discussed.

Oh my, I actually went back to your first response in this thread, and you're absolutely right! I'm sorry.
Here, let me quote your statement on this topic (essentially a response to the question I asked) for those following this (now fairly long) thread:

originally posted by: dollukka
Christianity bases in same belief of the old testament

So what you're essentially saying in response to my quoted question above is "Yes". Good to know!
Now that we have established that you accept that a group that absolutely and explicitly denies the divinity, saviour-hood, messiah-ship and prophecy-fulfilment of Jesus (those last 2 being things that Islam actually acknowledges) is worshiping the same God as you, I'm glad those arguments are out of the way as a response to why Muslims are not!

A pity how your attempt at playing the victim who just wants to be left in peace, and simultaneously attacking me puts a dent in this otherwise wonderful breakthrough.

originally posted by: dollukka
Maybe we next time talk about Taqiyya and how it works

Maybe we can! Why don't you start? It seems obvious you have some ideas (which I'm going to hazard are ridiculously silly as well, but I suppose I'm presumptuous like that), so you should go ahead, but probably best to do it in a new thread.

edit on 19-12-2015 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: babloyi

Would you say that God of Judaism has the same God as Islam has when you know that Judaism denies all the semi Gods but Allah was a head God of all the semi Gods in pre-islamic Arabia. When Christianity bases in same belief of the old testament God not the God of Arabia.. you should have an answer.

Don´t take my texts out of context. Same God as old testament, the God Jesus believed in. I stated clearly it is not Arab God which you believe in, in that reply.. Reason is simple Mohammad took pieces here and there and made a religion which unites "in his mind " all religions but his God is Allah which is Moon God and islam is stil full of pagan rituals.

Too late for me tonight starting new thread. But be my guest.

edit on 19-12-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: dollukka
How am I taking your quotes out of context?
Are you saying your response to my question is "No"? It doesn't seem to be no.
I didn't ask you anywhere anything about any Arab God. Dunno what you are talking about there.

But since you responded "Same God as the Old Testament", I'm again, still assuming your response to my question (quoted again here):

originally posted by: babloyi
Did the Jew of 50BC, who had never in his life heard of Jesus, who had never any inkling of his salvation, who had drummed into him from birth the importance of the UNITY of God, and how God was one, at that time, did he worship the same God as the one you worship?
What about the Jew of the year 50? Or 2000? Do you believe that you worship some other God than a devout, practicing Jew today worships?

is "Yes", in which case, my previous post still stands as a response.

As for starting a thread on taqiyya, it seems you have something to say on the topic, not me.

edit on 19-12-2015 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: babloyi

As i said i believe in same God as Jesus did. You make your conclusions by that. I am not a time traveller so i can´t speak for behalf of jew who lived in that era and had not heard about Jesus.

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: dollukka

originally posted by: dollukka
As i said i believe in same God as Jesus did. You make your conclusions by that. I am not a time traveller so i can´t speak for behalf of jew who lived in that era and had not heard about Jesus.

"Make my conclusions"? You mentioned that your "character is straight forward", and yet you seem to be remarkably slippery with regards to this question. Do you need to be a time traveller to know whether you worship the same God as a devout practicing jew today? Do you believe a devout, practicing jew today worships a different God than a jew from over 2000 years ago?
I mean, sure, one can't be certain about anything 100%, but then if one were to take that attitude, how do you know you worship the same God as Christians of the time did? Or Jesus did? You are not a time traveller, and can't speak on their behalf.

If you DO believe that the God you worship is the same as the ones worshiped by non-christian Jews (today, yesterday or whenever), then how is it relevant that you're not a time traveller? And in that case, yes, my statement (2 statements ago) still stands.

edit on 19-12-2015 by babloyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: babloyi

So then is your God different from the one the Jews worship? Do you believe in the same God as the God of Judaism?

Christianity was not a religion till after the death of the Christ Jesus so that question cannot be answered. When you ask if the Christian God is the same as the Jewish God then you would have to ask which Jew. The Jews of the Sadducees? The Sadducees did not even believe in an afterlife and they were the governing power in the days of Jesus. If you ask that same of the Pharisees then it would be a mixed response. Some Pharisees and some Essenes did believe in Jesus as the Christ while most did not.

But after the death of Jesus and His church was established, then the question can be solidified. Why? Because then He sealed His covenant for all people whereas there was no covenant before Him except that of Moses. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were voided by Moses and Moses was voided by the Christ. That is why the crucifixion must be the article of faith to Christianity. Is the God of the present day Jew the same as the Christian God? NO, if a Jew rejects the Son of God Jesus as being the Christ he/she is not of Christ Jesus. John 3:16 --

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