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Men screaming 'Allah' attack soldiers at Rome Cathedral

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posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Kapusta

If you follow or believe in the tenants of sharia law then you are infact an extremist sugar coat,or dodge that, or tell me it takes a lifetime to understand I don't care. If you believe in sharia law then you are a extremist deal with it.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Kapusta

I joined the army during a time of war and fought idiots who like to blow themselves up, and blow you up,and cut off heads. I refuse to go down the list with you, but you have said before you think there is a conspiracy regarding Islamic extremism and that in some way it is not real, you are wrong. It is as real as the bigotry perpetrated against those who are peacful Muslims.

Firstly ty for your service.

I never once said extremism was a conspiracy or that it was NOT real. On the contrary , like you said "It's real"

I just happen to believe through my research and access to information from the Muslim umma (nation) that the information people are being fed here about ISIS ,etc, is a bit exaggerated for some agenda .

The point is the MSM is not doing a good job at separating extremism from Islam. This essentially is makeing the world mad at Muslims in general.

Again extremism is very real and we need to fight it.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:52 AM
I havent asked for the removal of drugs etc from society, I have said there is a problem within society that these things are becoming more and more important. I have lived a life that has been and seen and experimented with many things so I am some sanctimonious person who is trying to remove peoples freedoms.

As far as survival I have a tent, a candle and a tin of tuna so I am well on the way with my prepping! LOLa reply to: hubrisinxs

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: Learningman
a reply to: Kapusta

Keep your head up lad, you know you are helping and that's what matters. Its going to get harder for you before it gets easier, more and more kids are going to grow towards extremism before things get better, but at least you know in yourself you are addressing the problem.

People are scared and worried, and rightly so, so you will be lumped in as 'Just a Muslim', and to many that means a valid target for their hate and worry. Telling them you are fighting extremism will not be important to most, when you are in fear its just easier to paint everyone with the same brush.

I wish you success and hopefully one day people just think of Islam as blokes with beards, just another religion again.

Ty for the very kind words.

It makes me sad that people have to live in fear . I hate it and I hate extremist.

Maybe some day we can all go on a walk about together a mate ?

Peace and blessings bruv.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:55 AM
Europe is going to disappear if it doesn't start fighting back. Europe is for the Europeans, not the Muslims. If you're not ethnic European, you don't belong in Europe. If they let you live there, you're a guest, don't rock the boat, don't try to change anything.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: SuburbanD
a reply to: Kapusta

Well said keep on with the education and stay true to who you are and your beliefs.

Depends on which ones and which color haha but the basic ones go for about 350$USD

Lol 350! Dang!! They better do something special for that price!

Ty for the kind words bruv!

Peace and blessings unto you as well.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

This link shows an example of the kind of reform I am talking about.

Here some brave Muslims are willing to say Sharia is manmade.

Yet, most of the rest of the Islamic world(radical and moderate) reject this, but on what grounds can the moderate's reject this and claim they are for peace. I find it hard to believe there is a peaceful interpretation of Sharia law.

This link is a study from 2013 that shows most Muslims see Sharia as the word of god, thus most are not actively extremist do have some connection to the religious views of the extremist.

Can any moderate Muslim show a peaceful interpretation of Sharia law?

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Kapusta

If you follow or believe in the tenants of sharia law then you are infact an extremist sugar coat,or dodge that, or tell me it takes a lifetime to understand I don't care. If you believe in sharia law then you are a extremist deal with it.

Praying 5 times a day , observing ramadan , giving charity etc etc . is all part of Sharia .

I can't tell you how wrong you are about that .

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

I myself am not a fan of us being called a Christian nation, I'm none religious, but even I agree, to my chagrin, that we are a Christian nation. It may not be what I like, but its undeniable, even when my favourite author T. Pratchett said we aren't, the facts speak for themselves.

As an atheist and whats called a lefty nowadays, I'm often lumped in with the calls of 'Oh here comes another Muslim apologist, pc, gonna claim we are Islamophobes, and so on' (none of which are true about me, much as most 'Islamphobes' are not) but I agree with you.

Calling every voice that disagrees or raises issues about Islam an Islamophobe is stupid and hinders communication. I believe there are Islamophobes, sure, I have worked with some in the past, but voicing concerns does not make you one, and the majority of times it is claimed, I don't see it.

There are some on this site I would consider Islamaphobes, but I can count them one one hand. When somebody raises the issue of Catholic pederasty, nobody calls them Christophobes or bigots.

With so much name calling, and projection of steroeotypes, we will never be able to have important conversations on ANY matters, too many on both sides of damn near any subject are opposed to hearing others ideas.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: hammanderr

You can be both a naturalised European and a Muslim, just for clarity.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

If there is a problem with drugs and sex, how can we solve this problem? Fight a war against drugs and sex, kill people who do it "too" much? Who gets to decide that?

Yes, you have a sanctimonious attitude towards the personal rights of others. Also, to say that a group of people who want to limit personal freedoms is wrong, but I want to limit personal freedoms for people I dont agree with is a smeg bit hypricical.

I am sure you are a wonderful mother and western society is in a moral delema, but not for why you seem to think. Sex, drugs and guns are not causes, they are effects of the problem. The degrading of the western education system combined with terrible mental health awareness has forced a large polorization of society and a new age of fear.

I quote FDR: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: SuburbanD
a reply to: stormbringer1701

Is this directed towards me or Kapusta???
should have been directed at Kaptusa but the quote didn't go through right.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Kapusta

Brother but we are not talking about praying five times a day or giving to charity are we? No, we are talking about stoning people to death for apostasy, the idea that to dissent means one should die, that is completely incompatible with the west, we cherish dissent we hold up high those who push against the status quo we give credence to progress surely you understand I am not talking about charity and praying? Or how about the hijab, the discrimination and subjugation of women, making them seconded class citizens you know that is unacceptable in the west we have progressed further than these practices. If you want a real dialouge let's discuss these things and that they have to change otherwise bigotry and extremism will reign on both sides in an attempt to circumvent Islam from spreading here. Is it right? Of course not, however the actions of the bigots have a straight arrow to your tenants and so that is where the conversation starts, or not.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: rexsblues

It's not really Islamophobia as much as it is Islamoreaction. There's nothing irrational about being cautious or fearful of Islam anymore.

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: rexsblues
a reply to: Kapusta

It's not really Islamophobia as much as it is Islamoreaction. There's nothing irrational about being cautious or fearful of Islam anymore.

People fear it because they don't understand it.

They don't understand it because they choose to not learn about it.

But are fully willing to take in what the MSM and websites tell them ,
fear is the name of the game it seems
And people are feeding into it.

I don't understand it because I don't want to understand it, I don't have to understand it because I'm not obligated to understand it. I am free from it... and nothing about my 'not understanding' it, is doing anything to insult it.

And quite frankly the forceful play to coax peoples empathy into 'understanding' is the very perversional tact that is blatantly causing the continuum of this chaos and in many ways is the angle of opportunity and defense that is constantly taken advantage of by radicals.

Nearly every other religion in the modern world unquestionably respects each individuals right to believe what they want. Any religion that I am not apart of that requires me study it because of the tyranny and terror it is causing hundreds of thousands of people across the world.... tells me all I need to know.

Work on understanding that, because in respect to your own religion and postiton, you are obligated.
edit on 16-12-2015 by rexsblues because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: rexsblues

So true, and ominous, having subtle hints towards forced conversion.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: rexsblues
a reply to: Kapusta

originally posted by: rexsblues
a reply to: Kapusta

It's not really Islamophobia as much as it is Islamoreaction. There's nothing irrational about being cautious or fearful of Islam anymore.

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: rexsblues
a reply to: Kapusta

It's not really Islamophobia as much as it is Islamoreaction. There's nothing irrational about being cautious or fearful of Islam anymore.

People fear it because they don't understand it.

They don't understand it because they choose to not learn about it.

But are fully willing to take in what the MSM and websites tell them ,
fear is the name of the game it seems
And people are feeding into it.

I don't understand it because I don't want to understand it, I don't have to understand it because I'm not obligated to understand it. I am free from it.

And quite frankly the forceful play to coax peoples empathy into 'understanding' is the very perversional tact that is blatantly causing the continuum of this chaos and in many ways is the angle of opportunity and defense that is constantly taken advantage of by radicals.

Nearly every other religion in the modern world unquestionably respects each individuals right to believe what they want. Any religion that I am not apart of that requires me study it because of the tyranny and terror it is causing hundreds of thousands of people across the world.... tells me all I need to know.

Work on understanding that, because in respect to your own religion and postiton, you are obligated.

This is a point that is very important and yet very often missed. There really should not be an obligation on anyone's behalf to accept or understand the beliefs of any religion. Society has moved far beyond religion, although it has in most cases used religion in general as a guide for both morality and law. The law of the land generally is agreed upon by society. Of course some points will always be debated but on the whole we generally agree.
Like I said, it is a very important point.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta
Here we go Again....

Islamaphobia bait ! Yay! Feed feed feed.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: SuburbanD

Because ISIS members are VERY much Muslims.

If education is what you truly want, this Atlantic article is a very good place to start not the usual ATS propagandists with their "not real Muslim" agenda.

The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

Your point being? A learned and coherent interpretation of many religions falls to extremism. Stoning, death sentences, slavery and so on. None of the lads I grew up with who were Muslim ever wanted to stone anybody, much like no Christian i grew up with ever did. But stoning, slavery and so on is very Christian. I know its not what fits the narrative but yeah, you could claim maybe daesh is a semi valid interpretation of Islam, but that does not tar Islam as a whole.

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Learningman

Slavery is "very Christian"?

How many slaves did Jesus Christ have?

As stated throughout the Quran Muhammed and his followers had many as advocated by "Allah".

Slavery is a fundamental part of true Islam but not true Christianity.

Christians who rationalize slavery to be moral twist and ignore the true teachings of Christ.

Muslims who consider slavery immoral twist and ignore the true teachings of Muhammed.

Muslims can say that slavery is not legitimate now, and that crucifixion is wrong at this historical juncture. Many say precisely this. But they cannot condemn slavery or crucifixion outright without contradicting the Koran and the example of the Prophet. “The only principled ground that the Islamic State’s opponents could take is to say that certain core texts and traditional teachings of Islam are no longer valid,” Bernard Haykel says. That really would be an act of apostasy.

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