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Why are people so paranoid about guns

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posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Segenam

originally posted by: itsallintheegg
Why are people so paranoid about guns

Because they kill people ....

Cars kill a lot more so do you get all shaky and nervous when you see one? Knives are scary too since they kill 10 times what a rifle does per year, now add a clown holding a knife, wow I almost shat my britches thinking about it, thanks....

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

. so due to te logic of the arguements you put forward .. in opposityion to what i said in response to 'why aare ppl so paranoid about guns' ... i should assume you are saying my point is therefor invalid .. and the reason ppl are paranoid about guns .. has absolutely nothing what so ever to do with the fact they kill people ...

okay .. brilliant logical debate ... ill let you carry on ... i cant debate at that level ... thanks to you too

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Segenam

. so due to te logic of the arguements you put forward .. in opposityion to what i said in response to 'why aare ppl so paranoid about guns' ... i should assume you are saying my point is therefor invalid .. and the reason ppl are paranoid about guns .. has absolutely nothing what so ever to do with the fact they kill people ...

okay .. brilliant logical debate ... ill let you carry on ... i cant debate at that level ... thanks to you too

Well you know it is hard to debate when a person writes just 4 words "because they kill people" when there are a lot of things that kill people.

Ok you win, some people see a gun and it looks scary to them. The point is are people paranoid about guns or are they paranoid about people? Paranoid about guns would mean if a person walked past a gun section in a sporting good store they would be upset by just seeing them locked up in a gun case, so do you think that is the case?

edit on 12-12-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: MyHappyDogShiner
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Skateboard is a very common weapon in Portland with the homeless young people with their 200 bucks skate board and IPhone 6. They can kill you with it quite easily, but as you say I'm not sure it will stand up against a 380 with hollow points.

I have to admit, I never really considered a skateboard as a weapon. I suppose it would work though. Interesting...
edit on 12-12-2015 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

Who? Where do you see this?

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: introvert

All you are doing is trivializing the lives taken by people using firearms and make it very difficult for pro-2nd supporters, such as myself, to engage the anti-gun people in a reasonable debate.

Ewww, nice twist. More than anyone, firearms owners know the responsibility associated with ownership and safety, thats the primary thing on their mind and most of their reason for owning firearms in the first place.

You want to debate gun control people, go head on, I know where that endless cycle of debate is (has always led), it leads to more restrictions on legal gun owners.

People that haven't committed any crime end up being the ones punished. They know this full well.

Stop trivializing the right to keep and bear arms by promoting a few incidents into blanket legislation.

Legal gun owners don;t have a great track record. Their guns end up in the hands of a mentally unstable family members and then there is a problem. One of the laws I want to see is registration every 2 years and showing a receipt for a reasonable gun safe.
edit on 12-12-2015 by reldra because: (no reason given)

I know many will say the 2 year registration will make it 'easier for them to know who has guns and who to take them from". They already know you have a gun from the day you bought it. Actually, it protects the gun owner in case it is stolen. If they are to gift the gun, the registration name changes. A low cost insurance policy might help as well, in case of theft or accidental injury.
edit on 12-12-2015 by reldra because: (no reason given)

I would also buy a GPS device for 11.99 that connects wirelessly to a phone app to know where my gun is and the alert goes off in the phone if it is moved from the location you expect it to be in. light in the box .com has these little tags. Can be used for phones, pets, etc. Maybe put one on your gun?

I like common sense 'gun control' methods.
edit on 12-12-2015 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

I have to admit, I never really considered a skateboard as a weapon. I suppose it would work though. Interesting...

We have had a few deaths here with it used as a weapon, and a good amount of injuries.

For all you would be skateboard warriors...

edit on 12-12-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

Every day, on this site and others I see people finding it necessary to spend all their free time trying to convince everyone else of why guns are so bad and why people who want to have the right to keep them are also bad, or crazy, or this that and the other... So many even say this same thing, that you are 'crazy' for even wanting or thinking you should be able to have the right to own a gun - then say they you're crazy if you think they want to 'ban' all guns, when a majority actually do say exactly that.

From what I can tell just lurking through some past threads, no one has promoted an outright ban on guns on this site. The majority your referring to are looking for some stricter regulation on access to firearms which does not equate to banning.

I think guns should be restricted from being accessed by mentally individuals. I'm not talking about those who took some xanax once in high school, I'm talking those whom are severely and clinically mentally ill. Yes that infringes on their rights, but let's be honest here.. The reason these mass shootings keep occurring is due to the perps lack of sanity and education on mental illness,underfunded mental health institutions and the perpetually endless access to firearms to those whom are mentally ill whom have complete access like any other citizen.

I'm sure there are other factors feel free to add some.

edit on 12-12-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 02:13 PM
People are paranoid about guns for the same reason they're paranoid about a lot of this. They don't know anything about them.

Most people who are paranoid about guns have never even held a gun. Let alone fired one.

If they had they'd realize that guns are just a tool. And that more gun education would be much more valuable than more gun control.

If all Americans were required to learn basic gun safety, I bet it would have a much more dramatic effect on gun violence than more gun control.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: introvert

then say they you're crazy if you think they want to 'ban' all guns, when a majority actually do say exactly that.

A majority? Do you have some sort of statistic to validate that statement, or is that just your perception on the topic?

Yes - the paranoia I see around here - is from the gun-lovers not those that would like to see more sensible regulation of guns.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 06:53 PM

Legal gun owners don;t have a great track record. Their guns end up in the hands of a mentally unstable family members and then there is a problem.

Really? I've owned guns for over 40 years and no one has ever been hurt with any of them. No crazy family members on rampage. All your "common sense" gun control ideas sound very much like criminalizing people before they do anything.

One of the laws I want to see is registration every 2 years

I can just see all the gang members, meth heads and car jackers lining up for that.

Actually, it protects the gun owner in case it is stolen.

It's called a police report.

A low cost insurance policy might help as well, in case of theft or accidental injury.

Right, because the insurance companies wouldn't take advantage of that, now would they? Just look at Obamacare. That worked out great.

I would also buy a GPS device for 11.99 that connects wirelessly to a phone app to know where my gun is and the alert goes off in the phone if it is moved from the location you expect it to be in.

Because a thief would never think to remove it, huh?

Op -
You want to win an argument with an anti gunnner and piss'em off at the same time? Just do what I do and tell'em the truth : My guns are going nowhere and the is absolutely nothing you can do about it. All the "common sense" measures are just more restrictions that criminals won't follow, along with ALL THE OTHER LAWS THEY DON'T OBEY.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: reldra

and showing a receipt for a reasonable gun safe.

Don't forget to put a sign on it for the burglars with an arrow, "Guns inside here".

…I want to see is registration every 2 years…

How about a safety inspection, testing for maintenance, storage, gun range certification, license, re registration forms, cost of all that for every firearm… plus insurance, ammo, parts, range fees…

…people still going to kill each other. You haven't done one thing to prevent that with any amount of legaleeze.

I would also buy a GPS device for 11.99 that connects wirelessly to a phone app

Another hackable locator app for thieves?

I like common sense 'gun control' methods. "X" marks the spot.

Common sense has it on your hip all day and in the bed side drawer at night.

To each their own. 'Locking them up' prevents a primary purpose, self defense. Needed once in a lifetime, maybe. It does no good having it inaccessible the one time you need it.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:57 PM
I do not think the majority of people are afraid of guns but more afraid of who has them.

I would have to say there are a few on ATS that would make everyone nervous knowing they have one and that would also be from fellow gun owners. Their statements alone are enough to let you into their way of thinking and calling them unstable is a nice way of saying it.

People bring up other possible weapons in order to try and direct your attention away from the conversation and I, for one, would love the stats on cars, knives, spoons, bats..etc being used in mass killings and prove they are a valid comparison to mass shootings.

In America it has been proven time and time again that mentally ill people are getting their hands on guns and that is a fact. To say otherwise would a lie.

edit on 12-12-2015 by theonenonlyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: itsallintheegg

. If I was all that crazy and paranoid myself, I would probably have a gun - instead, I just think the right should stay there and the people who have nothing better to do should go out and find better ways to save the world.

Hmm. 30 thousand gangs in the US.
People dedicated to crime, quite dedicated. They have guns.
Perhaps, just perhaps they can get many of these guns from illegal sources, which would allow them to bypass the tightest registration laws. And, don’t forget, they shoot those guns.
At people.

Before you jump in with data about where gang members get their guns, I should warn you that you can cherry-pick your answers.
If you have an agenda, you can find the answer you desire.
Oh, they get their guns from gun shows.
They get them legally from gun shops.
They get them from their friends
from other gang members.
They get them from smugglers.
They get them from aliens who live in the Orion Belt.
I haven’t found an overall reliable answer to this question—but I believe that, no matter what gun laws are passed in America, gangs will continue to get guns.
Call it an intuitive belief.

The most power drug-trafficking organization in Mexico, were given immunity from prosecution by the US government.
You see, the gun-violence problem…is part of the gang problem…and gangs are a necessary…part of the drug business…and the drug business…must never be interrupted…because it makes a lot of money…for a lot of people…important people…
Accumulating money takes precedence over the downside of killing and maiming people? I know, it sounds crazy and paranoid............

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

People are scared of guns because.......... guns kill people.....they've been known to viciously launch off counters, out of locked boxes....into the hands of innocent people and KILL other INNOCENT people!!!!

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

What I don't understand is why then people who trust the government to be supposedly wanting to disarm civilians for safety (contrary to historical patterns) then rationalize us arming foreigners and authorized murderers and militarized police who are barred from service if their IQ is too high.

The fact people rationalize this and then proceed to believing they will be 'protected' by people murdering civilians daily leads me to believe those people deserve whatever ends up happening to them, be it state genocide or the basic effects of being unable to defend yourself from criminals who obviously aren't going to be following gun laws.

edit on 14-12-2015 by itsallintheegg because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 11:58 AM
I've been around guns all my life, never once have I been hurt by it. In fact, without my dad owning a gun in Arizona he would have been mugged and robbed and maybe worse... so that in and of itself shows me that it's better to have one and not need one than not have one and need one.

The fact so many people are so paranoid about people with guns makes me feel bad for you.

How come police have guns? How come Obama needs armed guards?
How come we are arming 'refugees'?

Obviously guns are necessary.
edit on 14-12-2015 by itsallintheegg because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 12:02 PM
And the people that say 'think of the children' all the time....
Half of them probably smoke cigarettes and probably in the car with their kids. (I know plenty who do.)
Tobacco related deaths in the U.S. exceed 480,000+

All preventable.

Tell me more about how the government cares about your safety.
Tell me more about how the majority of citizens aren't completely brainless.

a reply to: Xtrozero

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 12:04 PM
So obviously they will always be able to get them.
The point is when civilians who abide by the law are not able to,
then the criminals will and they won't.
Common sense will tell you that this would be a problem, and history correlates.
a reply to: theonenonlyone

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 12:33 PM
OP. Does it not also bother you that they are pushing the "mental health" angle, so hard? Because according to them. If you want to buy or own guns. You're already mentally ill?

These words: "reasonable", "commonsense laws"...etc.

Who is going to declare, who is crazzy or not?

The Federal Government through the VA is, has and still playing this game with Veterans.

Sane enough to carry a weapon for thier agenda. But ounce that's're a nutcase!

All this comming from people that think two men or two women, create babies and families. Note: I didn't say that to derail the post. But as an example, of how absurd thier mind thinks.

Some people are legitimately "paranoid" about guns. That's just fear, ignorance or willingness thereof.

Guns are the enemies way of diverting attention away from the real issue of them destroying society as it is/was.

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