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Why are people so paranoid about guns

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posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:29 AM
Every day, on this site and others I see people finding it necessary to spend all their free time trying to convince everyone else of why guns are so bad and why people who want to have the right to keep them are also bad, or crazy, or this that and the other...
So many even say this same thing, that you are 'crazy' for even wanting or thinking you should be able to have the right to own a gun - then say they you're crazy if you think they want to 'ban' all guns, when a majority actually do say exactly that.

Now, I really find it funny when people see you presenting your thoughts on this and then call you a 'gun nut' - and never care to hear that I don't even own a gun myself, but still think the entire rhetoric of these people who appear to be paranoid and fearful themselves is downright crazy itself and full of logical incongruities and downright hypocrisies. If I was all that crazy and paranoid myself, I would probably have a gun - instead, I just think the right should stay there and the people who have nothing better to do should go out and find better ways to save the world.

Especially considering we have some of the most well armed guards PROTECTING our president (who has armed numerous middle eastern groups as well as the mexican drug cartel, see the Fast and Furious Guns to Mexico scandal).... who has also helped further militarize the police.... OBVIOUSLY GUNS MUST BE USEFUL FOR SOMETHING. The problem is, when you have a well armed police state and a highly regulated civilian populace who is too apathetic to care about what is actually being foisted upon them, it's almost as if they deserve history to repeat itself.

edit on 12-12-2015 by itsallintheegg because: grammatical

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:34 AM

then say they you're crazy if you think they want to 'ban' all guns, when a majority actually do say exactly that.

A majority? Do you have some sort of statistic to validate that statement, or is that just your perception on the topic?

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:37 AM
I would guess those that are paranoid about guns, are so because anybody from a toddler up can pick up a gun and kill anybody else.

If a toddler picks up a knife, bat...... then it may hurt itself but it is far LESS likely to kill somebody else. Seems fairly self evident to me

I live in the UK so feel no need to have a gun however if I lived elsewhere and they were easier to obtain and use, I would probably own one.

To sum up - it is very easy to squeeze a trigger from a distance - not so easy to get up close and personal.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

This is the reason.


Total Number of Incidents 49,501
Number of Deaths 12,532
Number of Injuries 25,302
Number of Children (age 0-11) Killed/Injured 656
Number of Teens (age 12-17) Killed/Injured 2,482
Mass Shooting 315
Officer Involved Incident 4,121
Home Invasion 2,136
Defensive Use 1,167
Accidental Shooting 1,791

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

I would be more worried about paranoid people with guns than those that are just paranoid about guns.

As to history repeating its self, that can and does happen simply because humanity refuses to learn for her mistakes.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Mianeye

Those stats are misleading in that they represent a small number of deaths when compared to other causes of death.

But keep playing them over and over just like the News and that becomes the foremost issue in everyones mind.

How many airstrikes did US war planes run on the ME yesterday?

Never mind, just focus on "Gun Deaths", "Gun crime" and "Gun violence" at home and the only solution, more "Gun Control".

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I't 's not about focus, it's about issues, gun violence is one issue that should be discussed like any other issue.

I just posted the facts as they are....
edit on 12-12-2015 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Those stats are misleading in that they represent a small number of deaths when compared to other causes of death.

I've heard this argument before and it really doesn't make sense. The stats are what they are. They speak for themselves.

How can we say that they are misleading or out of context because they are not compared to, let's say, deaths caused by cancer or car accidents. Apples and oranges.

All you are doing is trivializing the lives taken by people using firearms and make it very difficult for pro-2nd supporters, such as myself, to engage the anti-gun people in a reasonable debate.
edit on 12-12-2015 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

While I am trained in the use of small arms ( could renew my quals), and understand the rush from firing one off, I am not a fan of guns all over the place, especially in a society ( no I am not just talking about inner cities ) where people are violence prone and would rather pull a gun on you rather than talk it out or duke it out, I know my position here is a minority and unpopular one but as is, there are just waay too many guns out there both legal and illegal , and lets not kid our selves not everyone who is crazy about guns is a responsible gun owner or user, just like everyone that gets behind a wheel should be there, Am I paranoid about guns?? no! but reasonably concern about the effect it can bring to a community in turmoil .

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: itsallintheegg

So many even say this same thing, that you are 'crazy' for even wanting or thinking you should be able to have the right to own a gun

Emotionally charged issues bring emotional biased results… "crazy" isn't a clinical term anymore than "Gun Control".

Its manufactured crisis demanding immediate knee jerk response. Thats why they always replay every shooting over and over for days to cement in our minds the need for change, something must be done!

The reasonable thing to do is calm everyone down, not make such a big issue out of it by playing it over and over, focusing on incidents exclusively for days afterword. They build the horror in everyones mind, then, when the emotional Tsunamis is at its peak, they switch over to solutions, more legislation at the top of the list.

That way they can sneak some more laws by everyone, restricting legal firearms ownership (legal gun owners haven't done anything wrong) a little more during the manufactured "Crisis".

The laws affect law abiding citizens only, murderers care little about the law of the land, except how to circumvent it.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Mianeye

…it's about issues, gun violence is one issue…

The term "gun violence", along with gun crime, gun man, gun deaths, are programming people by word association.

Even the solution, "Gun control" is mind meld, implying if we can just control guns more, everything will get better.

Saying its just 'one issue' beliefs the fact it is made into the primary issue by the News media. In the latest case, the murders in SB, we have a three for one, prompting a broader police state, more war on guns, and a justification for more war on terror.

They haven't stopped spouting all three since.

People that keep the flame alive on the internet are agenda driven too, either complicit or led along by the nose.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: introvert

All you are doing is trivializing the lives taken by people using firearms and make it very difficult for pro-2nd supporters, such as myself, to engage the anti-gun people in a reasonable debate.

Ewww, nice twist. More than anyone, firearms owners know the responsibility associated with ownership and safety, thats the primary thing on their mind and most of their reason for owning firearms in the first place.

You want to debate gun control people, go head on, I know where that endless cycle of debate is (has always led), it leads to more restrictions on legal gun owners.

People that haven't committed any crime end up being the ones punished. They know this full well.

Stop trivializing the right to keep and bear arms by promoting a few incidents into blanket legislation.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:22 AM
Simple evidence for a problem: The next thread to this one.


posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I'm not agenda driven.

I'm not anti gun either, but i think the US is going insane, ever so slowly, death has become the norm, were the right to live should be the norm.

Gun control, not gonna work.

Ban guns. To late, maybe a very long term solution.

More laws, stupid, there are already law's.

Fix the society.....Bingo...that's the solution....but never going to happen it seems.
edit on 12-12-2015 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:37 AM

Why are people so paranoid about guns?

"People" aren't, the government is. Through Media, they make people more concerned about firearms out one side of their mouth, while shipping boat loads of arms overseas to foment war in foreign countries, for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

Teeth Behind the Republic

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Mianeye

Fix the society.....Bingo…that's the solution….but never going to happen it seems.

Yah, if we can just get everyone to turn off the magic light box.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:51 AM
No one is coming for your guns!

How do you shut down a 6 billion dollar industry in the US. That's billion with a B.

all this...."dey comin for mine guns" is total BS. Right Wing Conservative BS

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
No one is coming for your guns!

How do you shut down a 6 billion dollar industry in the US. That's billion with a B.

all this...."dey comin for mine guns" is total BS. Right Wing Conservative BS

Yes....they already have the guns except in the, turns out to be the one thing that must not happen to a society.

hey, could it be metro men thinking getting in the way the good sense God gave us?

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 10:09 AM
Not paranoid about guns, the paranoia depends on the person holding the gun. If the person is safety conscious and stable emotionally, they're fine.
There's a couple of people I wouldn't want to be around if they were drinking and had easy access to one.

Proper storage is important

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 10:13 AM
Maybe someone should do some research toward finding how much more often people get punched in the face and physically assaulted without the use of firearms....

Then the chicken dogs would scream for the use of some type of restraint that would keep people from hitting and pushing each other around with their hands and body....

That would be restraint or impulse control, the same thing that makes people without restraint and impulse control who possess weapons that project force over a distance dangerous....

Anyone who admittedly, publicly believes in non-provable myths and silliness like prophets and gods should be denied the ability to exert force over a distance or serve on a jury.

It's about restraint and impulse control, not using the excuse that one will be forgiven for not having any by some imaginary character or entity who cannot be proven to exist through anything but faith and belief.

This part of the supposed " New World Order" conspiracy theory makes perfect sense and is ALREADY covered in the U.S. Constitution.

I just don't quite understand how our species can be around for as long as it has and remain so incredibly stupid.

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