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Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump

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posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: AmericanRealist
Let me make myself clear, nothing this empire is doing today is any different than what every empire or civilization has done in the past.

Yes indeed, lets just keep repeating the mistakes of the past over and over again and continue to learn nothing from it. That way we can be sure to achieve an endless state of conflict and make the world a super awesome place to live forever. Good thinking bud, your plan is absolutely flawless.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:01 AM
Our election status at this time both bewilders and disgusts me.

When you consider all of the U.S. colleges, we have what must be thousands of Political Science degrees handed out year after year. I say thousands because for some reason, I couldn't get that figure by googling.

Thousands of people get into this field in their lifetimes. Many aspire to make big changes, reach high status and certainly more than a few of them would welcome the honor of becoming a U.S. president.

Yet here we are, voting for either the same ruling family that has already had 2 presidents, the wife of a former president, or a billionaire.

Where the hell are the choices from the great minds that graduate from our colleges and academies year after year?
They perform excellent in their studies. They give moving speeches with honors. They have plans and ideas and hope.

How do we not demand more of our leadership than this bizarre Highschool-esque popularity contest?

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Oh would you look at that, Trump says he wants to close up parts of the internet to quash the terrorist threat online. What was that you were saying AmericanRealist? How Trump is going to help defend the freedoms that the U.S. deserves even though no other nations seem to deserve those same freedoms? I thought he was the guy who was going to get us on a gold standard and abolish debt? Oh what's that, he thinks people who support freedom of speech are foolish and he doesn't give a crap about the average joe or our personal freedoms? Who would've guessed, omg it's such a surprise that he's just another corrupt rich dude like the rest of them... *face palm*.

Well you are going to have to quote where I said any of those things you are attributing to me. What I did say was that he would do what needed to be done to secure the resources we need for our civilization to continue to prosper and advance. I then went on to compare two different empires' approaches to securing the resources for their respective civilizations, and merely posed a question to spur deeper thinking on the matter.

IN any case, he was clearly speaking of specific parts, likely social media when he said "maybe in certain areas," closing the internet. My opinion on that?? Meh, I think he would actually be doing many people a favor, even though clearly there would be no way to kill the internet.

I also clearly stated he was an imperialist, and that securing the mineral resources in Afghanistan is a top priority and he agrees with that based on his interview with Alex Jones.

That is the thinking of a man that knows where a civilizations priorities to advance technologically are. We need that lithium and rare earths for the creation of the robotic army that will comprise the ground forces of our future conquests in a few more generations. It will subsequently lead to the opening up of Iranian and maybe even Russian markets and resources under more favorable terms and prices going into the 22nd century.

As far as repeating the same mistakes?? This is just the way it has always been. Humanity has waged nuclear war in the past, and will likely wage it again once our people reach the stars again.

This is not human nature, but the nature of all life. All life forms are in a perpetual state of war to survive against other life forms. Humans just happen to be evolved enough to utilize their world more efficiently in this endeavor.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: gottaknow excellent post. It's a sad state of affairs to how our society has ended up

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: Enochstask

originally posted by: starfoxxx
Donald Trump is our only hope... Thank you ATS for all the threads and support for him!!! When Trump is president you will be thanking us.

Donald Trump the man who gored the Illuminati.

Some of the stuff he says panders to them-not saying Illuminati but the Elites/ higher ups/ PTB and or other who want these things kept in place- such as the division he keeps up, wanting to track everyone and as of recent talk about the internet. Not sure if he's working for them or other.

edit on 9-12-2015 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 04:02 AM
If by some random chance he gets elected, Obama will be missed more than people think...

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

A historical note.

You know the "NAZI" salute was the standard used in US schools before about 1943.

It was called the Bellamy salute before then.

Another piece of lost history because it was linked to the NAZIs. Just like the swastika.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Actually you have it completely backwards. Until about 20 or so years ago it was perfectly ok to be any of those.

The rise of the PC police did not change that, it just buried it. The new laws and regulations did not get read of these issued, but because of the fear of retaliation people just focused it inward.

Yes I said retaliations. The current PC crowd uses some of the same tactics they originally complained about. If you run afoul of these groups you are demonized, ostracized and harassed until you copulate or are legaly forced.

All in all the current system did not fix anything, it just shuffled it around. And no I don't have a solution to this.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 06:34 AM
All the Trump haters were the same ones championing Obama in 2008 hope and change, Lets make America Great Again!!! I PROMISE he CANT BE ANY WORSE then clinton bush or Obama so don't worry your pretty little heads off.. Keep making great Trump post and LET's make America great Again!!!

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
If it does come to Trump and Sanders you Americans have an interesting presidential campaign.

Right wing extremist v Left wing loony.

Good luck with that one, let's see what Americans really think of the current state of affairs.

It will be interesting to see if Jeremy Corbyn can survive as Labour leader here in the U.K until the next election. Will the Tories vote a real extreme right winger as leader to oppose him and enforce a similar choice on us?

Right Wing extremist?

Had to laugh about that one. Just a few days ago I read on ATS how Trump was a hard left wing supporter that just this year jumped to the GOP party.

I think he is just what he says. A deal maker. The way you make a deal is go hard one way and then over time allow the opposition to pull you back closer to what you really wanted to begin with. If you get all you orginally asked for you are VERY good or your opponent is VERY bad.

Right now the left has pushed so hardd over the pass years that the conservative right it finally reacting. Most of us aren't that far right as we look, but are pushing back on what we see as a hard left swing in this country. In the end hopefully we can swing back to a place somewhere in the middle.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 07:38 AM
Trump is a bad choice for POTUS. But not as bad as Hillary or Jeb Bush or Christy ( HORRIBLE choices) and not as bad as what's been in the last four terms. We've had sleazes, idiots, spineless dolts, sellouts, why not elect a jerk? I don't think a radical would be as bad as people think if he at least tries to keep the people happy and listens to them. At least he's not trying to screw everybody which is what we have now. And you can't make everybody happy, that just isn't possible. We're complaining about our rights and freedoms and the Constitution being attacked by both sides but each side turns a blind eye to their own. I'd have been happy with either Paul as POTUS. I thought Ralph Nader was a bad choice for POTUS but I gave him a protest vote. I'd rather have an honest crazy or jerk out for himself rather than a sell out who is a slave to the most elite of the very rich and the most corrupt. I have zero faith in our government but I have faith that the American people can right any wrong they make and can ultimately figure out what America should do. So that means throwing out established politicians and trying something else. Trump may be a risk worth taking. Maybe our only chance.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Dutchowl

So to sum this up, you are willing to overlook some constitutional grievances as long as you are happy and Trump is listening to you?

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

It seems EVERYONE is willing to do just that, including you sir. Who did you vote for again and who do you plan on voting for?? It will be rather easy to point out the 'constitutional grievances' no matter your answer unless your answer is "I dont vote and I wont vote" . So... which is it?

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: starfoxxx
All the Trump haters were the same ones championing Obama in 2008 hope and change, Lets make America Great Again!!! I PROMISE he CANT BE ANY WORSE then clinton bush or Obama so don't worry your pretty little heads off.. Keep making great Trump post and LET's make America great Again!!!

THis generalization is so untrue that it falls squarely in the realm of ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:49 AM
yea well, it's a short-term tactic, and failing strategy. all press is good press don't work long run. he had a go of it in the 80s, but the media finally got fed up, blasted him good, and the public decided to see him as he was (a loud-mouthed moron and pathological liar). it's already starting to happen now. i say keep on talking about him, cuz it's trending more towards his detriment. guy won't last another season in the spotlight.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: AmericanRealist
a reply to: Krazysh0t

It seems EVERYONE is willing to do just that, including you sir. Who did you vote for again and who do you plan on voting for?? It will be rather easy to point out the 'constitutional grievances' no matter your answer unless your answer is "I dont vote and I wont vote" . So... which is it?

Actually the people I support don't violate the constitution. I know many on the right like to pretend they do, but none of them can actually point to any actual times where their rights were ever actually taken away from them. It's always, "Obama's coming for our guns!" "Obama is censoring our free speach with political correctness!" yet none of you can point to a single time that has actually happened. You'll point to times that are debatable or completely constitutional though.

So no I'm not going to tell you who I'm voting for because I'm not looking to sit here and dismantle whatever hyperbole you got squirreled away to attack my candidate.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 09:01 AM
I don't think it's Trumps rhetoric that will get him into office, it's the fact that people are sick of electing career politicians.

Look at the front runners, Trump... Carson... the people are figuring out the fact that a politician isn't going to fix the economy when they are strapped down by special interests.
edit on 9-12-2015 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

The scariest thing? These people have probably always felt this way, they just needed someone famous to say it first so they could feel safe in repeating it.

Agreeing totally with what you said, I'd add that Trump in his own way is just whipping out the hypocrisy that has infected all society. We need to know how people really feel, not how someone or something is forcing them to think. And Trump's claims is bringing that to the surface.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: WeDemBoyz
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

his strategy is brilliant

Not sanders... He is funded by small donations from real people. Not corporations or super-pacs.

I disagree. He has all but lost any chance at the Presidency with such rhetoric. What is worse is that he has now alienated half of America, which will affect him as a businessman for years to come. This moron shot himself in the foot, that's brilliant?

7 years of a President who did nothing but divide the country and you are worried NOW about divisive rhetoric? Not for nothing, but 50% of the country has been alienated the past 50 years. Just depends on the party in power and it's followers. The 2 party system is designed to do exactly what you are complaining about! But one is evil and the other isn't?
They both suck, and they both owe allegiance and favors to the lobbyists and corporations that give them money! They throw us scraps and lies, so we can lull back to sleep until the next time one base is pissed off by the other or both...

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 09:44 AM
Interesting article on the guardian.

As that comment suggests, the technique is pretty simple. Earn the love of the assembled throng through laughter, then draw them into your world.

And what a world it is. The world of Donald Trump is a dangerous place where there are threats around every corner, where the country is going to the dogs at high speed, and where only one man has the strength to avoid disaster.
How does Trump do it? Understanding the psychology of a demagogue's rally

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