The attached story is about a school girl who committed suicide because she suffered from allergic reaction from WiFi
rare allergic reaction to WiFi
While the story is sad, I now believe it has more merit about the dangers of WiFi and other electronic signals in our personal airspace.
While I have heard of this before it wasn't until recently I personally have been affected by it.
In 56 years I have never had a migraine headache (any real type of headache outside the flu or Malaria), I have had relatively good health. Even my
Doctor says my physical health and build is that of a 30 year old. I do have some arthritis but it is minor.
Anyway this year I had my first migraine. Two to be exact and two events of vertigo, only the second vertigo had one of my migraine events. This to
me was odd. Thought I was just getting old. But over the last year I also haven't been able to sleep a solid 6 hours without waking. And when I
wake it takes 4 hours to go back to sleep, and this after 8 to 10 hours of hard work.
Then I noticed since my last vertigo event there has been a low level hum in my right ear and a high pitched ring in my left year. If I am not
listening to TV or Music or around loud equipment it is as if all the bells in London are ringing in my head. I went to the doctor and no physical
indication for any of these events especially from the ENT, whom I had expected to find an unfelt sinus condition causing these problems. Nope no
sinus problems.
So just this week as my wife and I were talking we decided to turn off the WiFi unit in our home. When ours is off the adjoining neighbors Wifi
signals are weaker and filtered out pretty much by our brick walls.
Well low and behold we both had a solid nights sleep and when we awoke we were able to go back to sleep rather quickly and I had no ringing in my
ears. No changes in life style other than the WiFi being turned off at night.
Conclusion at this point via observations is, WiFi and other RF signals causes sleep problems, ringing ears and even vertigo if exposed to it long
enough for a normal person. The ringing, headaches and Vertigo are the physical releases of the mental stress we are taking in via WiFi/RF/HD
signaling. But after a while it wont go away unless we turn it off.
But unfortunately for those not so normal like the girl in the article it may be causing greater harm.
How many people out there may be affected by the WiFi in their homes and Personal Airspace seeing WiFi is virtually everywhere 24/7 and not even
suspect it may be the cause?
I really think there may be, even if remotely, a link to a host of mental and physical problems that we need to start looking into that are caused by
the change in our electro-charged atmosphere via WiFi and other RF and HD signaling we are exposed to everyday.
I would hate to think I need to wear tin foil hat to bed just to get a good night sleep, turning off the WiFi seems to be the best answer for the time
additional reading can be found here some are for and some against.
While the verdict is out I will continue my WiFiless nights and sleep better.
edit on 1-12-2015 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)