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Racism, it's only for "White" people...

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posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: dntwastetime

Well many would say it's social economic disparity and that blacks have been held down for so long that this is a natural consequence. However when a white man commits a crime it's because he is just inherently evil this view point is racist.

I say a thief is one of the worst a kind of people stealing another mans hard earned money in the shadows or even strong arming with a weapon or a gang, horrible people. The truth is bad people do exist people who would cut your head off on H.D T.V whilst your family begs for your life, or a man who would shoot your pregnant wife over a wrist watch. These people exist and to varying degrees, I've been poor before but I never harmed anyone who didn't deserve it nor stole from a mans hard earned wage, I never begged either.

having said all that people have a sense of right and wrong and they have integrity or they don't, lets judge people by their individual merits. However at some point if we see a certain group participating in crimes more than others we need to be able to address that and the cultural reasons it exists. Now of course no man is evil because of their skin color but that should be a given and a little logical thought should lead you there. We need to be able to address cultures without the "bigotry" stigma and racism stigma it's decisive and counter productive.
edit on 29-11-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
The big question is how long will others get to advantage themselves because of persecutions? The issue of racist cops not withstanding.

And where do racist cops come from? Obviously they're small minded POS's to begin with. But that was one of my several points (sorry for the novel, BTW). In a recent thread I asserted that I had been on the receiving end of discrimination for being white. Not only was I accused of white privilege and basically called a liar. But one poster asserted that discrimination has no benefit in a free market.

I responded (paraphrased), "You're right, but I was working for a police department. No profits to work toward. Just dumb assery in a vacuum." THEN he knew what I was talking about.

The upper 2/3 of any given LE department is complete, frustratingly ignorant, incompetent sh*t. No one of any value makes it above Lt. And they're sooo afraid of black people that they throw anything and everything at them to appease them. Which, in turn, means that the whites (and most hispanics) get the shaft. When you're white and you're denied a promotion, but a less qualified black gets it.... when you're white and get hammered for an infringement of the rules, yet a black person does something much worse and simply gets transferred.... when you're white and are denied a hardship request and are denied for no good reason, yet you see EVERY single black person ever apply for one awarded....
Well, bitterness creeps in. Luckily, I am a fairly intelligent, self aware person and I would never blanketly start resenting an entire race for anything. But not everyone is as intelligent or self aware, and they DO start holding resentments toward the race. Sub consciously. They probably don't even realize it's happening.

This is how LE is treated behind the scenes. Coupled with the fact that low income, low class blacks are crammed into small urban areas, therefore committing a disproportionate amount of the crime.... which in turn LE has to go deal with, and any seed of racism that might be there is fertilized and watered, free to grow and bloom.

* Side note: I'm in a rural area now, the blacks are few and far between, but they are hard working, well respected members of the community. The inner city blacks are an entirely different breed. Containing them all in housing projects is a major problem and propagates the issue....but, no one wants to discuss that either.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: dntwastetime

For every hub cap stolen by a black person....MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of dollars are siphoned by a white (pun intended) collar criminal.

Which is truly more damaging?

It's easier to be offended by the obvious. When you can SEE the man steal the hub caps, it's easier to be pissed about it. When it's a 1% or a politician stealing your money... well, they're so sneaky and underhanded about it, you probably don't even realized you've taken it up the butt.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:08 AM
I agree that my white people are criminals in the upper psychopath level and needs to be addressed at that level. Now as far as individual safety in a neighborhood that has been free or close to free from crime .Now in the last few years the blacks have started showing up down here in droves. Many good Black familys I have no problem living next to but unfortunately 80 percent appear to be thugs, criminals and the like just looking to GIT something . They left the destruction of the citys like Cleveland ,Akron etc and now want to come down to Florida and destroy our communities down here and throw trash all over the place and terrorize people on the street. We as individuals in these safe towns and areas have to be watching out for these beings and direct leo to there front doors. We also need to form a organization to combat these thugs invading our nice safe towns.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: dntwastetime

Don't get me wrong. I was a cop in Dallas, TX for over 6 years. Boots-on-the-ground Patrol for every minute of it. Over 830 arrests under my belt. I know exactly what you're talking about. But for the most part, it's a learned behavior and no one is doing anything to nip it in the bud. When generation after generation of these low class blacks are being raised crammed in a small, several block radius- it's just like factory farming thugs. It's a normal way of life to them. People in this sub-culture harass any of the group that values education or working and they get heckled or even beat up for 'talking white'. You've got to 'man up' to fit in...aka be hard, be violent, GIT yours.

A huge step toward eliminating this thug sub-culture and truly helping to lift up these people would be to disband the housing projects and have some kind of program to help these people learn the value of education and teach them job skills.

True story: One day my partner and I were cruising through the ghetto and saw a young black man wearing his pants almost to his knees....but with a belt! Lmao! Sorry, but I just HAD to talk to this kid. Of course, 2 white cops roll up and he's pooping his saggy pants. But I just wanted to talk to him. I'm like "Ok, you want to sag, I get it...but you're wearing a BELT! WTF?" So he goes on to explain that that's just how he do. So then we ask where he's headed. To get a job. Not only is he sagging down to his knees (with a belt) but all he's got up top is a wife beater. My partner and I face palm. No, no, no son. You gotsta go back home, grab a clean t-shirt, a polo or button up would be even better...pull the pants up. Then we ask if he knows where sagging started. "You know it started in prison and it means you're a bitch AND available right?" And he knew that!!! But here he was, doing it anyways. "Well it's not the same out here in the frees (free world)."

So this poor kid, born and raised in the ghetto, clearly had NO ONE to be a decent influence on him. NO ONE to teach him the basic rules of our society. Hey, I hate business attire as much as the next guy, but you gotta play the game if you want to get a job. He couldn't really speak correctly and I would bet money that he would not be able to fill out an application correctly. AND he's knowingly and willingly and proudly mirroring prison culture. It just broke my heart. The cycle needs to be broken. I don't have all the answers, but I can tell you with all the whining and bitching everyone does, no one is actually doing anything to try to make progress.

And yeah, whites can be just as bad as blacks. I'm in the country now and we got the meth heads. Skanktastic! BUT...they're spread out. The problem with urban blacks is the concentration, which lead to propagation of the worst traits.

I also took a call from a low income black man who's son had turned thug and gone so far as to steal the family's car. As he's going on about all he's done to try to set his son straight he slips with "I told him if he doesn't cut this sh*t out the white man gonna come get him!" ???WTF??? So that's your threat to your son? And then anyone wonders why racism prevails? But when the son steals the car, who does he call to help get it back? The white man. IDK. SMH.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: nullafides

But, attention needs to be brought to this sort of thing.

Well congratulations for bringing attention to it, not like I haven't seen enough racism on ATS. I'm surprised I haven't read a thread about Black Friday, bleating about, "why can't we have a white Friday?

Maybe because no one had yet made Black Friday a race thing ... Congrats on your being first to do it!

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: TonyS

Why are black ghettos or poor neihborhoods worse than white ones? Iv'e been wondering this for awhile.

You haven't been to some of the trailer parks then have you?

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: ketsuko I actually have been to many trailer parks and I will tell you they are some of the safest places you can go. Usually there is a overwhelming population of old people who stare out there windows all day and night waiting to call the police at the first sign of trouble. Instant surveillance. Also some of the hardER drug using whites I have met would never steal anything from you and are proud of the fact they do not lie cheat or steal. They might be on something and have a problem but they go to work everyday and they sure will not hurt you or your family over it.Now don't get me wrong there are white trash criminals there as well but they are usually the 1 percent . So the stereotype trailer parks are like the ghetto is complete BS. I would say 1 out of 20 or 30 Trailer parks is wild and even then the white boys are there watching and protecting there neighbors not terrorizing them. So now what?

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Where can i get my im white so pity me membership card, i must have missed it when it came in the mail.

You can seriously F--- right off the out of here with that attitude

Oh and LOL at the insecurity over penis size in the OP video.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Where can i get my im white so pity me membership card, i must have missed it when it came in the mail.

I wish I could give you ten stars for saying this.

Great title for a new thread

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

Side note: I'm in a rural area now, the blacks are few and far between, but they are hard working, well respected members of the community. The inner city blacks are an entirely different breed. Containing them all in housing projects is a major problem and propagates the issue....but, no one wants to discuss that either.

In a sense though that is a cultural issue among blacks as much as it is a cultural issue among anyone else. Blacks who live there have consented to be "kept" by the government and this is how the government demands they live to be in that system.

This is the social welfare state that our taxes pay for and the compassion of our government.

When you vote for ever more programs, this is what you are voting for.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: dntwastetime

There are trailer parks and there are trailer parks.

We had two in my hometown. One was the type of park you describe, and the other was the type I'm talking about.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

You're 100% correct. This isn't Nazi Germany. No one herded up the blacks and forced them to live in the housing projects. They are free to leave any time. But at this point the worst traits have been inbred up (I'm not talking about actual breeding, just reenforcement of bad behavior). And there are plenty of black people in the ghetto who want out, but it's hard to claw your way out of a life like that and suddenly switch from one sub-culture you've known all your life and immediately acclimate into a culture you're not familiar with.

It's a catch 22. You can't get a job without experience. You can't get experience without a job. And the single mothers are wholly screwed. It costs $200 per week for child care...for ONE child. Even as a cop with a decent salary I struggled significantly with that.

Someone should come up with a completely voluntary program, where people who want to escape the ghetto can be relocated to a more diverse neighborhood and be provided services for education and job training and given help with child care while they're doing it. But no one is interested in actually solving the problem and giving anyone a hand up- teach a man to fish, and all. They just keep handing out the welfare and then complain that people keep taking it.

And then you've got the ghetto folks that have absolutely no interest in changing. What to do with them? I was criticized for using the term 'bum' on FB as well. But what other word do you use? (absolutely nothing to do with race) The decent people that are truly on hard times are in shelters trying to get their sh*t together...those are homeless. But shelters require you to follow rules. There is a very small percentage of severely mentally ill people living on the streets and I felt really bad for them and tried to get them help constantly. I took Theodore Roosevelt to the mental hospital 3 TIMES in one month because he kept setting fire to dumpsters. But the inadequate mental health system is an entirely other thread. But a vast majority of the 'homeless' you see on the streets CHOOSE to be there. When the weather's bad, they suddenly find a place to stay. They don't stay at the shelters because they don't want to follow rules. They take free food as handouts, then steal or beg for money to buy beer and crack. Some people just can't be helped.

But I can tell you from the outside AND from the inside that the public assistance programs are a wasteful, convoluted pile of crap. There are soooo many ways it could be improved. But, ya know, that would make sense.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: intelligenthoodlum33

10 people apply for a hardship (schedule change request) all with similar circumstances. 3 white, 3 black, 3 hispanic and 1 asian. All the black people are awarded their requests as well as 1 hispanic. Everyone else is declined, some of which for no good reason.

What do you call this? How do you feel about it?

Is it not discrimination? Is it somehow ok because it's mainly white people getting screwed?

This really happened to me, I went to file a complaint. Internal Affairs instructed me (with my lawyer as a witness) to fill out an affidavit. I did. They didn't investigate AT ALL. 4 months later they fired me, without an actual investigation into anything, for an unrelated matter. Then after I was fired I received a letter in July, postmarked April telling me I should have filed a grievance. I called to see how to file a grievance, and was told I can't file a grievance because I'm no longer an employee.

Please justify this, because even in my wildest imagination I can't.

But I guess that's just my white privilege showing.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: ketsuko
Sometimes the only way to respond to absurdity is with more absurdity.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

I don't have enough details to pass judgement on your situation. However if you were dicriminated against or treated unfairly, shame on them.

But...if they were justified in their decisions, then shame on you for pulling your victim card.

All jokes aside, I hope you are okay now. Take care.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: intelligenthoodlum33

Absolutely no justification for their actions. I could go into detail, but that's a whole other thread.

I was just making the point that discrimination DOES go both ways and just because a white person complains doesn't automatically make them a white privilege whine bag. And the fact that there is a complaint system in place and they can just IGNORE complaints from anyone is super effed up. It's not even like they did an investigation and found it to be unfounded, they just flat ignored it.

And thanks for your well wishes. I'm disabled because of them and forever branded a racist in the court of public opinion. What's the quickest way to discredit someone and eliminate ANY sympathy? Label them a racist. It doesn't even have to be true, but if you can twist the facts enough it works beautifully. The department engineered a heavily edited newspaper article that implied I was racist as a smoke screen for the fact that they're a bunch of law breaking POS's. I gotta hand it to them, it worked like a charm. So, no I'm not alright and never will be again, but what can ya do? *shrug* Adapt and overcome.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: akushla99
The inane part of this whole "whites experience racism" palaver - is that none of these monumental displays of black on white racism, mention that laws were changed, amended and created to stop the institutionalised racism that deemed it an offence to be sitting in the wrong seat on a bus - effectively creating whole races of humans, persona non grata...not even giving them the vote - prescribing what doorways, toilets, service areas that particular races were to utilise exclusively...

Black on white racism - you poor things...


So, two wrongs make a right then?

Got it.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

Personally, I think we should look at the total amount we subsidize people for and make it a subsidy check. Let them manage their lives and pay for housing, utilities and be responsible for all that. Then we cut the bureaucracies that administer all that and save money and more or less force people back into taking responsibility for themselves. It also lets them move where they can afford to move rather than strictly section 8.

We can also means test the subsidy so they wean off of it as they gain employment so that they aren't simply cut off cold turkey like they are now. Bring them up rather than keeping them trapped.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: ketsuko
Sometimes the only way to respond to absurdity is with more absurdity.

Well, we can lobby for the term to be changed to White Hole then.

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