posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 12:13 PM
So I was wondering about the principle of 'Karma' (action), and what it means in a more formulaic sense.
For example:
four people are involved in a conspiracy;
After intending on going through with the act, one of them changes his mind at the last minute, and backs out completely,
the second decides he wants the person dead, but can't go through with it and so just watches,
the third commits the act in front of the others, for example stabbing someone to death,
the fourth doesn't realise the group are committing a murder, and yet does nothing to stop the act itself...
in such a situation, where would the Karma distribute?
if such a force exists, surely there would be a formula or matrix to the physics behind it.
would backing out of the act before it happens make you exempt from the bad karma?
if you simply watched someone else do your dirty work, could you avoid the karma? Is that why so many TV villains have henchmen, and never get their
hands dirty themselves?
surely the intent of the act in the first place would be enough - as is in the quran.
and in the Buddhist book of the dead it states that when your karma is weighed, your true intentions - deeper than even you at the time knew - come to
pass judgment.
a second example would be:
if a man is sitting near a deep hole, and a blind man is walking towards the deep pit.
seeing the man is blind, he does nothing to stop him in any way, and the blind man falls into the pit and dies.
in this situation, who is to blame? would the man get negative karma simply for inaction?