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The Obvious Strategy of The Islamic State Is Working, You’re All Being Stupid

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posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: aphon
a reply to: Kandinsky

That's why I consider them a cartel or powerful street gang with "turf" as opposed to an administration with territory. Most people who live in gang infested communities are also too afraid to fight back because of the risks to their family & friends. And it's the same for the businesses and citizens that are in the "turf" belonging to organized crime families and cartels.

ISIS even makes a lot of its money the same way, through smuggling contraband (like stolen oil), human trafficking, soliciting "protection money", abductions, blackmail, seizing property from others, etc.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 04:09 PM
I'm all for equality and intelligence like the dude describes.. but there is a boiling point. For instance, this is true, but a couple weeks ago I was at a smoke shop picking up some supplies, and I went over to what I wanted and waited watching the tv, as the clerk was busy with another customer. I could help but over hear what the customer was saying because he was dragging out leaving the store like some people (especially people on drugs), and I didn't look at him even , but he was having a conversation about his girlfriend, in broken Spanish, about how she smokes "Mota" and it's a problem. The clerk( an middle aged Syrian) different from who usually staffs the store, says that the man is mistaken and Mota is not the problem. Just before the man leaves the store, like after he has said 'good day' , he hesitates(perhaps looking at me) and makes some kind of comment about Allah. After repeating Allah several times the clerk says " Allah? What is that? " the man says "Allah is God", "Allah is God?" Then the clerk admits to the man as if just to get to leave " Yeah Allah is God". The dude leaves and the clerk immediately comments on my phone, "Ooh nice phone H T C ?" And offers to buy it for what I paid (free), kind of a joke and a change of subject so as not to bring up the previous context. This was in California. It seemed like the man was trying to challenge me, because being white with light hair he must've assumed I was Christian? But when that didn't work he left. If they want to live in peace, fine, but if you think you can walk into my daily life and try to taunt my spirit, and kill me and everyone else that looks similar? You want to destroy my community too huh? Not without a fight. You will be hunted down in the night and slain like so many sandpeople at the hands of Anakin Skywalker. The animals want rage I shall drown them in it.

originally posted by: Athetos
I've met plenty of fine Muslim folk but have yet to meet a Muslim wishing me harm or the workin.Bad apples will always try and spoil the bushel.

i refuse to live in fear and hate. If and its a big IF i am confronted with the extreme end of the ideology I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

That was well spoken....well it's typed but you guys know what I mean.

a reply to: SkepticOverlord

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: PharoahSpiderMan

umm.. my english isnt too good, but is it true you would wipe out an entire believers of Islamic faith cos one man said "Allah is God" ? Whats with the hate?

Allah does mean God, God is English, in Arabic God's translated into "Allah". So those words mean the same thing.

Btw, people arent all the same. Generalizing all Muslims under the same category is goddamn stupid.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: aphon
a reply to: PharoahSpiderMan

umm.. my english isnt too good, but is it true you would wipe out an entire believers of Islamic faith cos one man said "Allah is God" ? Whats with the hate?

Allah does mean God, God is English, in Arabic God's translated into "Allah". So those words mean the same thing.

Btw, people arent all the same. Generalizing all Muslims under the same category is goddamn stupid.

I treat everyone fair my man. There is a misunderstanding. I will clarify. If this element of depravity, violence, discord, etc, housed in the extremist insurgents comes to the surface and begins to invade people's lives, they will know a level of hate violence like never before witnessed, simply because they carry it in their intentions towards anybody who doesn't worship this imaginary fairytale Rapist in chief that dwells beyond time or whatever they call All-uh. It's that be careful what you wish for type of deal. And I'm sorry your education is impaired, but read all of the words sir, even the big ones. The government = extremist islamic terrorists. This is another reason I'm somewhat intolerant to the bullshlt

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: PharoahSpiderMan

Anakin Skywalker, lol. And when did they try to kill you exactly? Imaginary fairytale rapist my ass, who on Ceres cares about justifications anyway? Yes, I mean all of them.

Consider me amused, you good arian/ cristian/ atheist or whatever you like to call yourself in the mirror. My muslim neighbourhood is the most decent one I've had for ages. And I don't hate all christians for the neocon's geopolitical meddlings either, why should I?

Get rid of that foam on your mouth and do something for your education from time to time! That english of yours was probably just swallowed up with mother milk as well, now it's your choice to actually use it for your own good. And btw... try some paragraphs and stuff for readability's sake, goddammit!

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: PharoahSpiderMan

You should expand your knowledge by traveling to other countries... I think youve learned about Muslims and Islam only by media, they program your mindset to be prejudiced against Islam and Muslims. Dont just stay in 1 country and judge other people from the world you dont know.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 05:04 AM
Look discussion of "War" is the sort of topic that comes up in a site like this, is actually discussing the realities of what goes on during a war a violation of free speech? I don't think so, I don't think the discussion can even be had without dealing with these realities, the very word "WAR" actually implies all of the said topics like it or not.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

a few decades ago, not all Christians condemned the bombing of abortion clinics.

There is a HUGE difference between a few crazy individuals bombing a few clinics, and whole countries of people killing multitudes in the name of their god.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: craig732

Lets be fair to the gods as they need a little help .

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Good morning, boss. Let me freely admit I AM REALLY, REALLY

Please reduce my stupidity. This is difficult for me as we all know 'ignorance is bliss', but I will give 'sadder but wiser' a try.

First, I must admit this thread has made me even more stupid, if that's possible. While I haven't read all the responses, I've read most and have a fairly good idea that they are generally the same responses as we've seen on all the other threads on this subject. What I don't see is a single religious response. Not one Christian pontificating how Christianity is superior or a single Muslim stating Islam will take over the world.

This confuses me. Is it religion vs religion or is it culture vs culture? As separating religion from culture is difficult at best, isn't the latter description more accurate?

Next the 'meat' of my dumbness articulated so as to make it a bit easier to know where to start reducing my blithering idiocy.

Occam's Razor. That is as far as I've been able to reduce my ignorance.

Conclusions. The race is largely insane. it hasn't change one whit since the beginning of recorded history. Knowledge has been gained, technology has been gained, but human reaction hasn't. Period.

The culture wars and their variations with underlying motives has been with us from the beginning. This is the latest one. There are winners and there are losers....always. There will be a 'hybrid' at the end of it all, when there is a winner....

Europe has been more tolerant, more compassionate, more caring. Europe has more terrorist attacks, more demands for cultural change, more discord than we do.

We have less ME citizens, or if you prefer, Muslims than Europe. Less migration has resulted in less trouble.

Can't bomb them. Can't reduce/restrict the immigration. Can't defend my culture without scorn and vilification. That's the humane thing to do......lose.

Getting the level of my stupidity? A daunting task I ask of you.

I prefer my culture, my daughter and granddaughter's potential future in our culture. My dog's future. My beer....MY WINE!!!

All I see in your thread is 'lose'. I don't like losing, especially for my family. I am not going down without a fight. I want to win. I've have a great life in a great country and want the same for my daughter and grandchildren.

I don't see any way to avoid losing in your thread. I see nothing but increased stupidity, increased control and barbarism in the opposition's culture. A loss of the knowledge and wisdom, eventually.

Give me a reasonable 'out' from this mess. I'd GLADLY take it....but, alas, I am STUPID.

Please help.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Extremist Christians have murdered more than Muslims have ? oh, in America. Why the caveat? There aren't any Christian's killing anyone lately. Plus there are different sects of Christianity that have names, like Baptist , Presbyterian, Catholic , Mormon , Jehovah's Witness , Lutheran, etc,. Why even draw a parallel to Christianity? Christianity is not under fire , it does not to the horrendous things that Islam allows currently. The so called moderate Muslims need a leader , someone who they can follow that sets them apart from their murderous death cult brethren.Other wise , how does one know when a so called moderate muslim is being truthful? The very Koran allows Muslims to lie.

edit on 16-5-2016 by seeknoevil because: Changed a word.

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: seeknoevil
a reply to: buster2010

Extremist Christians have murdered more than Muslims have ? oh, in America. Why the caveat? There aren't any Christian's killing anyone lately. Plus there are different sects of Christianity that have names, like Baptist , Presbyterian, Catholic , Mormon , Jehovah's Witness , Lutheran, etc,. Why even draw a parallel to Christianity? Christianity is not under fire , it does not to the horrendous things that Islam allows currently. The so called moderate Muslims need a leader , someone who they can follow that sets them apart from their murderous death cult brethren.Other wise , how does one know when a so called moderate muslim is being truthful? The very Koran allows Muslims to lie.

Instead of accusing Muslims over and over, why dont you for this once give us proof that Quran allows Muslims to lie ?

edit on 24-5-2016 by aphon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: aphon

originally posted by: seeknoevil
a reply to: buster2010

Extremist Christians have murdered more than Muslims have ? oh, in America. Why the caveat? There aren't any Christian's killing anyone lately. Plus there are different sects of Christianity that have names, like Baptist , Presbyterian, Catholic , Mormon , Jehovah's Witness , Lutheran, etc,. Why even draw a parallel to Christianity? Christianity is not under fire , it does not to the horrendous things that Islam allows currently. The so called moderate Muslims need a leader , someone who they can follow that sets them apart from their murderous death cult brethren.Other wise , how does one know when a so called moderate muslim is being truthful? The very Koran allows Muslims to lie.

Instead of accusing Muslims over and over, why dont you for this once give us proof that Quran allows Muslims to lie ?

It's called Taqiyya.

Not sure if it's in the koran or the hadith.

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

And it's specific:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution.


posted on May, 24 2016 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Dude, Taqiyya is Syiah's teaching.

Muslims who arent Syiah wouldnt know about it.

I even heard the word "Takiya" first time from Islam hater on Facebook, who accused us Takiya this Takiya that. Everyone was confused, cos most of the Muslims he condemned there was Sunni, just Muslim (no sect), or others. lol.

Quran doesnt tell Muslims to lie (or allow them), and Quran doesnt tell Muslims to kill apostates.

Syiah's hadith can tell Muslims to lie, they can go to hell, and some Hadith may tell Muslims to kill apostates. All of those i dont care, cos my holy book is Quran. Hadith isnt holy book.. although mainstream Muslims believe it as secondary source, MOST Muslims in the world dont even care or know Hadith, as much as they know Quran.

Muslims in the world are different in practice, Indonesian muslims are different than Saudi Arabian muslims, American muslims are different than Malaysian muslims, so on. There are also many sects.

As for me i dont have a sect, i read Quran and pray like the way my school teacher taught me (that ive already checked it doesnt contradict Quranic way), and i dont see hadith as a holy book.
edit on 24-5-2016 by aphon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: seeknoevil is not a factual website, it is nothing but anti-Islamic propaganda.

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: Kali74

Taqiya is Syiah, not general Islamic. There is no Taqiya in Quran. There are Taqiya in Syiah's Hadiths.
edit on 24-5-2016 by aphon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: aphon

Unfortunately nuance is lost with the fearful or the blindly hateful. My point was it's not blanket permission to lie but specific to defense of life and only pertains to denying faith. I appreciate the deeper knowledge though.

ETA: What is Syiah? That's a term I haven't heard before.
edit on 5/24/2016 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: Kali74

I agree about lying to defend life (that it's o.k), whether it exist or not in Quran.

Syiah is a sect in Islam. I dont know much about them neither, except they have Taqiya, and they can have contract marriage.
edit on 24-5-2016 by aphon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: aphon

I agree about lying to defend life, whether it exist or not in Quran.

I think most could agree with that, regardless of faith or even atheists. If someone has a gun to your head or the keys to your chains, you say what will save you... in most situations.
edit on 5/24/2016 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

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