a reply to:
sheesh... read.
That's not what i'm saying.
Look, i'm with you, what i'm saying is that individual rape cases is going to loose every single time in a debate and always loose to the "not
everybody" commentary, "they aren't all rapists" you have to judge people individually" crap...
Do you know anything about Islamic law, certain crimes are punishable by Rape, Rape is Legal under certain circumstances as punishment for crimes.
Your avatar... it's display of a woman without a headscarf, you could get in trouble for that if Islamics were to gain a legal majority and start
passing laws. Like wise America has aiding and abetting laws and harboring laws so under Islamic Law, if a woman is raped when added to American laws
if you harbored/hid her from her husband/attacker you could go to jail where the Law would allow you perhaps to be raped for the "crime" of giving her
Look... what i'm trying to explain is that so long as this is a Left Right debate, the Right is going to loose the argument to the current humanistic
they aren't all bad philosophy. In the end the reason for that loss will be it is CORRECT, Islamics wont all rape, realistically i'd say "most" like
"most" people find it distasteful, likewise Terrorism will never explain to the "left" why you should hold back this immigration surge because they
wont "blow everything up" and "most will never commit a real terrorist act" and in the end these things aren't the true threats... it's a loosing
The REAL is their BELIEF systems and what this group of immigrants will make LAW. This is the truth of how the "nightmare" will come to pass. This is
what Liberals need to open their eyes and SEE. That literally THEY THEMSELVES will become illegal if these people get into the body politic, it's not
that "The Muslims" will go around killing Gay people in a Democracy they WILL make it illegal to be Gay. It's not that they will run around in mass
Raping women, some will sure but they WILL pass laws that make Rape legal under circumstances like...not covering your head perhaps or adultery
(usually stoning) It's a loosing debate stance, to bring up things like "they are taking pictures of girls" or "they are all rapists" it sounds like
ordinary bigotry without reason.
But the REAL, is their beliefs and legal imperatives and what they bring to society and there YES there are plenty of examples of what Sharia would do
to your society of how women will be raped and not by "individuals" on a corner or in a park...
Ask an Islamic man in court if he would rape anyone... the answer will most of the time be NO
The Ask Him if he believes it is okay for a Woman to be raped as a punishment for Sexual misconduct or if she is dressed inappropriately.... the
answer will change "Yes this is the law of Allah"
I brought in Christianity because there are examples of "how real" it really is... would you assault a gay person? No. Would you vote Homosexuality to
be illegal? Yes
That is the only argument that is real...
The individual actions of individuals in this day and age will always be mooted under the umbrella of Racism as being the motive. (often it actually
is the only motive)
The REALITY however is if your worried about "rape" and Islam your real fear should be the implications of the legal system and the voting block they
create by belief system as a group. What did you say 20,000 people in your town? at 10,001 Muslims that's where you start facing the possibility of
being Raped not just legally but literally via enforcement of Law in a Democracy
Members of some tribe of idiots committing crimes can never be used against that group as a whole in the West
Understanding the power they will have to enforce their beliefs via Law and demographics over time is both the real threat and the viable argument.
edit on 11-11-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)