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Politically incorrect Europe- shocking video

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posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: beansidhe
a reply to: FlySolo

THIS is their CULTURE. Are you a feminist or aren't you? Where's your outrage? Pathetic, spineless inexcusable cowardice of a woman. And here I am, a man, defending the rights of women while you sarcastically blame all Western men instead of a cultural difference. Argh. I spit on the floor in response to you.

Try reading instead of foaming at the mouth. And spitting.
Rape happens across cultures. If you honestly believe that all Muslim men think it's normal to rape then I have nothing else to say to you. It is not a middle Eastern phenomenon and it's never ok, I don't care what God he prays to (am I repeating myself?) And yes, for the record, I welcome refugees.

Please respond again after you are raped, forced to raise a child not your own choice, made to wear a head scarf, your internet is limited and you are not allowed to post anymore...

oh wait lol... you wont be able to respond then.

So welcome the refugees... but remember they vote, you ARE right, they aren't ALL Rapists. But they All will be allowed to Vote, they aren't all murderers but they all will have the right to Vote... and they basically ALL believe you don't have the right to be on here speaking.

They almost all believe you shouldn't just shut the hell up and stop posting but that you should cover your head as well, be forced married, bred when they want you to breed and not access the internet at all among other things and sadly... you don't need them to beat 50% at the polls there are plenty of guys in your own country who will vote with them on these things, largely because you are using your voice to be this foolish and they also want you to shut up make them babies and stay the hell at home lol.... and you know it.

So by all means use the fact that you were given a voice this century to shut yourself back down. Women are... far too decent for their own good, as a guy in your position I'd have a shotgun out, worst that happens to me is I grow a Beard, heck by popular vote from this crowd... why even argue my point? Soon enough I could just purchase you and make sure you never talk back eh?

(awful sounding stuff is not the way I think or what I want)

Your refugees will VOTE there are still plenty of guys in your nation and mine who think that way...

You should balance your wonderful humanity (and I mean that) with common sense.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

If you honestly believe that all Muslim men think it's normal to rape then I have nothing else to say to you.

Again, the word "all" is being thrown around loosely. No one on my side of the argument believes all Muslims are bad. None of us believe that. Instead, your side subjectively throws that word into your argument because only would a fool believe ALL people of a faith are bad.

Now what if I tell you I'm not against immigration and I don't believe all Muslims are bad. Now what? Just what possible subjective reasoning can you come up with now to keep your position? ...Exactly. Gotta think about it now don't you?

Point is, you've got your liberal blinders on so tight, it's cutting off your ability to hear what we're all saying. Specifically, the rape thing. Because it is a phenomenon not limited to ME. It's a phenomenon throughout third world nations.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: korath

Exactly my's so weird how merkel and cameron act...I decided not to comment on this until I had talked with friends and family in germany. im in the usa...i talked to them this morning..and sent them this video. they confirm that the footage is correct. they are being overrun...their cities are being overrun. it's disgusting. ..they also said they feel unsafe now..and that they have seen some of the 'refugees' with a lot of cash. it doesn't sound good at all and this is from REAL people..not just people on the internet. i can't believe the bleeding hearts..i just want to shake them until their heads fall off.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Your refugees will VOTE

Just like I did, to get duped by another new B-Liar in charge.
Did anything change? Nope. Gotta love pre-election promises.

With the money you don't own
Buy the stuff you don't want
To impress the people
You can't stand

Welcome to your old Brave New Oligarchy, next item on the list of mandatory updates: compulsory voting. Have a nice vote and go back to sleep, direct democracy and open source for everything are bad ideas.

Your uncommon common sense

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

lol what in the hell are you talking about?

In America you are living in a nation where viable and elected people still want to and aren't that far from the capacity to make it illegal for a raped woman to not have an abortion? Among a Million other horrible Ultra, Ultra right faith based things?

You are talking about the most minor BS, high taxes keeping up with the jones, campaign promises that aren't kept... VS things that would radically alter your life, women not being able to have sex work read or vote, people some of whom believe in clitoral circumcision, prohibition of alcohol and foods you eat, Science being removed from the class room when your in competition economically with 1.3 Billion atheists in China that are becoming Engineers and Scientists...

I'm not talking about the bs between Normal Republicans and Democrats, the fact that it took 2 generations for weed to be legal or if the minimum wage goes up....

I'm talking about you let these guys in, in numbers to combine with the far right in this country or any European country and you all will DIE horrible deaths if your lucky, if your lucky, otherwise you will live in a way that makes you want to die.

If you have a daughter and you let these people in your daughter is demographically over time or her going to be locked in a house repeatedly raped like them or not gay people will be executed, you will leave the world of tech behind and work in a field herding goats with lice in your god damned pubes...

Like my vote does anything now? Yeah.... it does shut the hell up please, go out tonight, find yourself a pretty girl have a beer and fall in LOVE smoke a cig after on the Internet and Thank whatever you believe in you have it so good and quit whining about your first world problems with current politics because they barely exist.

There is an existing body of people in the West that if demographically combined with more fundamentalists will TAKE EVERY SINGLE BIT OF HAPPINESS AND FREEDOM you know.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: beansidhe

I think that it's reasonable that they would want a good standard of living. These refugees are not all poor people from the middle of nowhere.

And neither are the majority of them from Syria!! Listening to the news

while typing this, and they are saying that the majority are from the African

continent ...Somali, Erritreria?(sp.) and Nigeria 10's of thousands of them.

Second to the Africans are Libyans, and it stressed they were looking for a

better living and not fleeing from war or starving. Syrians are so few they

didn't get a mention?

There were people as far as the eye could see ... again mostly men and this

is what the last man interviewed had to say *I want to go to a richer better


I have visions of an overpopulated Europe crumbling inforstructure, schools

hospitals....people on top of people, and the middle east a barren land ...


These refugees are not all poor people from the middle of no where.

Have you ever lived in a third world country? I have and its not rainbows

and roses. Apart from the cities it IS the middle of no where

There are a lot of affluent, well educated people fleeing too. Whether they all want to stay here, I can't speak for everyone of them, but what I have read suggests that they don't. You've seen a different view and so presumably some do and some don't.

There maybe a few I doubt very much a 'lot'

We're not really talking about a mass invasion for the UK - 20,000 is a pretty small number to be dispersed throughout all local authorities.

I don't know how you view an invasion, It certainly looks like one to me.

A mass exodus.

20,000 is just for starters and they are the ones we will know of. What

about the illegals?? We already have lots of those, and lots prepared to

join them.

edit on 11-11-2015 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:25 PM
Europe is weak - that's why Europe is such an easy target.

Europeans have no means to defend themselves if their politicians don't abide to their citizens needs. Basically to be a Citizen is in Europe is equal to be a traitor if you don't agree with the political course. I learned that the hard way and I got away from it.

I don't see any issues. This is what European have been asking for for decades and people who where opposed were talked down or just locked up in the racist corner.

So I have no tear for Europe here. Now I read a couple posts here where Europe was compared to the United States. One thing that we (the US) still have is that we are able to protect our selves. I don't see how something like this would be tolerated in the US. Now the southern illegal immigration is similar but not the same. This is a whole different dimension - I mean we talking about replacing one culture with another.

Now I read a lot of German newspaper (since that is my birth country) and I can't believe how the media is playing along with this. Instead of alarming, they basically call anyone against it a Nazi or somehow affiliate with the right (brown) side of the political spectrum.

I see civil war in Europe... pretty soon.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Specifically, the rape thing. Because it is a phenomenon not limited to ME. It's a phenomenon throughout third world nations.

War, famine, religious conflicts and man's inhumanity towards man, is built into the tapestry of this planet. I think on some level, the feeling of superiority and entitlement is etched somewhere in our DNA; more dormant in some than in others.

I agree that rape runs superfluously throughout all lands, that is why I get so pissed off whenever it’s accepted, excused, encouraged, and justified. Because it is, and will be forever be “wrong”.

This is a really a sore spot for me, not just because I happened to work with victims of rape and abuse, and not because I am a woman. It is a sore spot with me, because the attitude that it is alright for people to be assaulted in this matter, is not just the attitude and the belief of the assailant.

I have almost come to expect the assailant to have some jackass excuse for why he thought it was okay to brutalize a child, teen, or adult, in such a vile, wretched, and totally unnecessary manner. It is when I look into the eyes of that child, teen or adult and see all hope of self or worth erased, and hear them say that they were at fault, or deserved, to be treated in such a way, that I struggle with my view of humanity as a whole.

I don’t care where it is happening or what excuses are used. It has got to stop, and any group, religion, government, or persons, that think it is okay, should be removed from contact with anything living. Even the worms, rats and roaches, should not be allowed to defile themselves on their foul flesh.

That is just the way I feel about it.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: dollukka

You could thank NATO for this mess

It’s KARMA and I wish the European countries would see that they need to GO TO NATO and tell them to cease your sinister plots to destabilize ME countries.

It took Russia to clean up NATO’S mess

Germany is part of this plot and has agreed to take in the refugees as part of this plot

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:32 PM
Am I the only person who doesn't worry at all about terrorism, who thinks that a handful of rapes is aside from the point, and a few immigrant ghettos is a non - entity.


CAN absolutely understand what a Theocratic, Fundamentalist ultra right govt voted into being, via swayed demographics in the West in a world of modern technology would mean?

Iran shouldn't get A singular Bomb? What if the USA turned Fundamentalist?

Gays should have rights? imagine American modern surveillance turned on all of your porn habits in a system that criminalized them and made the crimes retro active? Suddenly that Tranny video you saw in 2003 becomes a hand chopping offense or whatever and you and your wife watching even skinimax on late night might see her raped...

War on Drugs... you might just be executed for a bad blood test.

Our govts have had access to EVERYTHING you have done for 18 years now... Including what you say in here. You people will accept hard line fundamentalist extremist voters into your land on some sort of warped idea of humanitarianism? Have you stopped for one second to even think about who YOU are, what they will vote for and the kind of records the Govt has on you when they do? Especially when there are already people in your own govts who want o use your information this way and just don't have the support YET

Who do you think behind the scenes REALLY wants this demographic shift and why. Think about it.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Am I the only person who doesn't worry at all about terrorism, who thinks that a handful of rapes is aside from the point, and a few immigrant ghettos is a non - entity. and a few immigrant ghettos is a non - entity.

I hope and pray that you are.

I hope you, your loved ones, or your infant child, never have to go through the horrors of a brutal rape. I hope you never have to stand in front of an infant child bleeding from almost every orifice, and so traumatized that you can't find a place to touch it without fear of damaging, or hurting the child more. I hope that you never have to care for the body of a brain dead child, that thought that hanging himself was the only escape from being repeatedly raped.

Indeed I do hope and pray that you are the only one.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:53 PM
Another large Joke here (I'm going to make people mad now) is the constant PC condemnation of Israel from Europe and even the States now.

Meanwhile... London, Paris, Sweeden, Parts of Germany are starting to look a lot like Israel, Arab neighborhoods you can't walk in at night, brutal laws being enforced without courts... attacks on civilians, riots in the street.

Europe? How long before you build walls again? how long before your nations have disputed territories?

Will who was there first matter soon? Or is it like being a Jew trying to walk down the Gaza strip 40 years ago?

Will the first rock have to hit you personally in the head before you get it?

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: criticalhit

Am I the only person who doesn't worry at all about terrorism, who thinks that a handful of rapes is aside from the point, and a few immigrant ghettos is a non - entity. and a few immigrant ghettos is a non - entity.

I hope and pray that you are.

I hope you, your loved ones, or your infant child, never have to go through the horrors of a brutal rape. I hope you never have to stand in front of an infant child bleeding from almost every orifice, and so traumatized that you can't find a place to touch it without fear of damaging, or hurting the child more. I hope that you never have to care for the body of a brain dead child, that thought that hanging himself was the only escape from being repeatedly raped.

Indeed I do hope and pray that you are the only one.

What emo nonsense this is...

You obviously don't even get the point... MOST people as this happens wont be raped, most people aren't genuinely at risk from Terrorism, if that was the case the situation would be apparent, there would be no supporters of the immigration and refugees. It will happen yes, but in small numbers and the average person wont experience your awfully ludicrously vivid description personally.

The real pain, the genocide will come via law after the fact. From your own Governments.

You wont be raped until the law says you can be for "crimes" that were never crimes before. They wont blow up the cities you live in, you will just get locked up and then exposed to these things.

I have no idea what your statement is trying to prove.

Mine is simple, 20 Million Americans went to Prison in the ridiculous largely fundamentalist war on drugs, a single, one single place of law where fundamentalists in this country got their way. 20 Million people lost their family, multitudes were raped and beaten in prison, most never worked again and are outcast from society to a degree...

You "saw" none of it, you didn't experience it personally that's how it will happen if you fuel your demographics with more Fundamentalist thinking and end up with them voting in your system... Rape on the street isn't the fear, it's your loved ones being taken away in the night.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: beansidhe

Specifically, the rape thing. Because it is a phenomenon not limited to ME. It's a phenomenon throughout third world nations.

And University campuses here in the US....So ...let's round up young white frat boys?

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Now what if I tell you I'm not against immigration and I don't believe all Muslims are bad. Now what? Just what possible subjective reasoning can you come up with now to keep your position? ...Exactly. Gotta think about it now don't you? Point is, you've got your liberal blinders on so tight, it's cutting off your ability to hear what we're all saying. Specifically, the rape thing. Because it is a phenomenon not limited to ME. It's a phenomenon throughout third world nations.

Scotland’s estimated population in 2008 was five million. In this year, there were 2,859 asylum seekers in ‘dispersed accommodation’ in Scotland.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates there were 43.3 million forcibly displaced people worldwide at the end of 2009, the highest number since the mid-1990s. This number includes over 16 million refugees and asylum seekers.

Scottish Refugee Council

In the 10 years to March 2010, around 22,000 asylum seekers came to Glasgow as a result of the Home Office dispersal contract.
In 2007, around 1000 asylum seekers were granted refugee status as they had spent too long in the asylum process and in that time had effectively settled in the city.

Evening Times

These are some figures from where I live. Look at the dates. The world didn't end in 2010 when 22,000 asylum seekers came to Glasgow. It didn't end in 2007 when around 1000 people were granted refugee status purely on the basis of the length of time they had been there.

Refugees arriving is not a new thing. It's not always easy, there are fights and assaults and I'm sorry to say that they come from both sides. This is why I'm not panicking about another wave of refugees. Fear-spreading abour rapists arriving to kill us in the night is not helpful to anyone. These are not monsters coming across the water, they are human beings.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 02:46 PM
Just for the sake of clarity....

"when I say rape isn't the worry" or "terrorism" it's because we all know every culture has rapists, I'm not talking trump non sense like saying Mexicans are "Rapists". They are NOT, some, some desperate dudes cross the border yeah but they by and large to the 90th percent are a psuedo western country that believes in women having rights, anyone who has ever seen a Mexican Weather girl knows they have no problem with Women having freedom of their sexuality, no one goes to Tequila and gets beaten and killed for drinking, if Every Mexican in Mexico crossed the border tomorrow they wouldn't eliminate one thing from our culture the laws might get less strict if anything...

Many Middle Easterners... have no issue making rape an actual punishment for breaking their laws, Beheading isn't something cartels do to other cartels mainly, it's a part of the legal system. It's something that happens for being dressed like a normal person and is justified by law.

I'm just saying.... a dozen rapes every few months from immigrants isn't even a concern by COMPARISON to State Sanctioned Rape

Again try and remember where you live and what the views of these particular immigrants are and how it will affect you.

This isn't Iraq or Syria, the police here have Tanks and Automatic Weapons and Body Armor, Stun Guns, Flash Bang grenades, Choppers, Dogs and most of.... your Internet history. If the punishment for Adultery or Porn became Rape... well your all F'd... Literally.

Anyone want to test their TOR browser in a genuinely Theocratic legal system? Not me....

No one has heard some of the Republican parties ideas BEFORE more of these characters show up and join the ranks?

edit on 11-11-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

Every Christian fundamentalist in America is a Human being, most of them are damn nice to your face, they have a very serious work ethic, they donate to charity.

Very Nice, definitely human beings, nope nope they don't Rape all that much either....

But... they do vote for people like Michelle Bachman that if she had it her way would force "perfect me" as a jew, Betty the apple pie baker would let you be raped and make you keep the child, outlaw abortion, her husband bob... well Bob would execute a lot of people for various crimes some of which the rest of us don't even consdier crimes, Mike the Mormon he'd lock you in a cage where you would likely be raped for having a beer. You might not get a head scarf but yeah those nice people absolutely insist on ankle legnth, plenty of their "kin folk" would advocate death for adultery lol...

Betty the beautiful human being fundamentalist.... is a god damn freakin psychopath when you stop to think about it.

None of them are Bad... YOU, you the person speaking are just illegal in their eyes and would be eliminate from society unless you repented, that's all.

otherwise they are very nice yes. They are human beings yes... are YOU a human being to them? What are your "Sins"? I can only guess but being "that" Liberal (which I am as well mainly) I bet you could fill a book at confession by their standards no?

Damn that avatar... definitely porn under Islamic rule.

edit on 11-11-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Not sure what kind of cloud you sit on !


Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000. Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women comes out to be the victim of rape. If you look at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse.

In 1975, there were only 421 rapes reported to the police – in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%. It would seem Sweden is a much more dangerous place for women in the world.

Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe. In 2013, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), there were 63 rape cases per 100,000 population reported to the Swedish police.

According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, 1 out of 3 Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens.

During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants in the Stockholm; over 300 of those were under the age of 15.

TOP 10 COUNTRIES with maximum rape crimes

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: beansidhe

Refugees arriving is not a new thing. It's not always easy, there are fights and assaults and I'm sorry to say that they come from both sides. This is why I'm not panicking about another wave of refugees. Fear-spreading abour rapists arriving to kill us in the night is not helpful to anyone. These are not monsters coming across the water, they are human beings.

Trouble is it started as a trickle ....

Became a swell ....

Became a wave ....

and now its a Tsunami

And you know the damage a tsunami leaves behind.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: dollukka

Oh i'm not arguing any of that, right with you... it's terrible.

I'd stop it already based just upon that.

I'm just saying, 1 in 4 that allows 3 in 4 people to say "didn't happen to me" no big deal they aren't all rapists and the odds are still in your favor to never be raped perhaps...

My whole point is it gets much, much worse when the numbers go high enough to seriously sway politics and law...

Imagine Western law where harboring, aiding and abetting, cartoon depictions of things and speaking out are against the law and rape is the punishment in court.

Your getting raped for just talking to a girl who was raped, heck... your getting raped for that Avatar

People are missing the point, street rape CAN be avoided especially because it's illegal, I grew up in NY when it was violent, you go out in group, take cabs avoid neighborhoods... You figure this part of it out and the rally of the day is it's not "all" of them....

again my point is simple Almost ALL of them will vote the illegality of it away and maybe even vote for it to be a normal punishment for lesser crimes....

The real problem begins in the legal system, this is all "nothing" at the moment.

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