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Leader of "National Religious Liberties Conference" Calls for Execution of LGBT Folks

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posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:39 AM
Swanson: Homosexuality 'Destroys Civilizations' and Must Be Punished

The pair agreed that homosexuality at the very least should be criminalized and maybe even made into a capital crime since the Old Testament “says that homosexuals should be put to death.”

GLAAD - Kevin Swanson


-- Said people should attend gay weddings and tell the participants they are marked for death: "Attend the wedding and hold up the sign Leviticus 20:13 word for word: ‘If a man sleeps with a man as he sleeps with a woman the two of them have committed an abomination and they shall both be put to death.’ You could attend a wedding and hold up that sign.”

Kevin Swanson Aghast That Christians Support 'Death Penalty Crime' Of Gay Marriage - See more at:

In the May, 2013, program, Swanson read from a letter from a pro-gay-rights Christian listener, calling the letter “outrageous,” “perverted” and “as bad as it gets” and comparing the letter-writer to the Pharisees.

“He’s in support of a death penalty crime from the word of God, he’s in support of homosexual marriage,” Swanson said. “Amazing.”

Etc. etc.
edit on 10Sat, 07 Nov 2015 10:42:09 -060015p1020151166 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:40 AM
BTW here is one of our Presidential hopefuls pandering to this snake in preachers clothing.

How sad that this is a possible leader of this country.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:40 AM
what most women, and many, many men should note is that there's something that is laid out in the bible, from genesis on through and stated more often in the new testament than anything about homosexuality....
that is the God ordained subservient position of women, to their fathers or to their husbands....if you have either in your life, you are to be more subservient to them than to christ.
most christians I've chatted with have either watered this down so badly it really doesn't mean much of anything, or they will preach it not so watered down but it you looked into their lifestyle you will find they don't really live it. but, the bible is filled with stories of the most honored of women in the jewish history doing what I would consider sins, at their husband's commands...namely Sarah, who lied about her relationship with Abraham at his request to the Pharoah and would have ended up committing adultery with him if God hadn't intervened and revealed the truth to the pharoah. then, you have a king who gets ticked off with his wife for refusing to come to him during one of his parties (she was at another section of the palace entertaining his guest's female companions as traditions dictated) so he could show her off to his friends. he was so ticked off with her that he banished her from his kingdom and made obedience of wives to their husbands the law of the lands. But, who knows, maybe the wife had good reason not to want to pick up and desert her guests at that particular time....and was just doing what she thought was best under the current circumstances.
then in the new testament, how many times does it say that wives are to obey their husbands IN ALL THINGS, not in those things you agree with, not in those things that you don't find offensive, not in those things that doesn't cause you pain, not in those things that god would deem as sins, not only if you husband is acting in a godly manner, but IN ALL THINGS, and in one place it even states that you are even if he's not a christian himself.

ya, this is about homosexuality, which in comparison to the position of women, the scriptures says so very little. but don't for a minute think that they aren't looking at all those scriptures about women and ignoring the message and wanting to make big changes in that area also!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:42 AM
I would argue that, this IS mainstream Christianity. Especially when you consider how many "Christians" would actually vote for Cruz, Jindal and Huckabee who are in lock step with this man and share his views.

There, in my opinion, are two types of main stream Christians...those who don't share this view and have a more inclusive loving view of God and those like this. I would further postulate that it's closer to a 50/50 split.

If you would cast your vote for Cruz, Jindal or Huckabee, you are indeed an extremist.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: mOjOm

that's ted cruz, his daddy is one of those preachers, and believes that his son is destined by god to be the president and bring the country back under obedience to their god.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm

He says "worthy of death".

Then why didn't Gryphon just say that instead of switching it to "put to death"... twice? I'm guessing "worthy of death" wasn't dramatic enough?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:50 AM
For anyone who thinks that there was no context at the National Religious Liberties Conference for the execution of LGBT folks:

Death Penalty For Gays Author at National Religious Liberties Conference

Phillip Kayser is among the several speakers joining Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa this weekend, and as we've reported, he, along with the conference's chief organizer, Kevin Swanson, has called on the government to execute gay people. Kayser's views are so extreme that back in the 2012 election, Ron Paul's campaign tried to cover up his endorsement.

However, it seems that in today's GOP, calling for the execution of gay people isn't beyond the pale.

At the conference, where he is giving two speeches on how local officials and others can defy the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision, Kayser distributed the very pamphlet calling for the death penalty for gay people that caused a stir back when he endorsed Paul.

In the pamphlet, “Is The Death Penalty Just?,” Kayser unsurprisingly concludes that the death penalty is in fact just, and lists homosexuality among the offenses deserving of capital punishment. Ironically for a "religious liberties" summit, he also claims that the government should treat "breaking the Sabbath," "blasphemy and cursing God publicly," "publicly sacrificing to other gods" and "apostasy" as death penalty crimes as well.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: Bone75

Then why didn't Gryphon just say that instead of switching it to "put to death"... twice? I'm guessing "worthy of death" wasn't dramatic enough?

You'll have to ask her.

But I think you can see the similarity, yes??? It's still talking about death being the punishment for the sin of homosexuality.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: mOjOm

He says "worthy of death".

Then why didn't Gryphon just say that instead of switching it to "put to death"... twice? I'm guessing "worthy of death" wasn't dramatic enough?

Let's just get you formally on the record one way or another and move-on. The evidence for what Swanson said, the context of what he said in light of his messages, and what his other speakers at "Religious Liberties" conference were saying is clear.

You're making yourself so crystal clear on this subject ... so let's not be coy ... do you agree that Christians should promote the Biblical injunction as outlined in Leviticus etc. that homosexuals should be put to death or not?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: Bone75

Then why didn't Gryphon just say that instead of switching it to "put to death"... twice? I'm guessing "worthy of death" wasn't dramatic enough?

You'll have to ask her.

But I think you can see the similarity, yes??? It's still talking about death being the punishment for the sin of homosexuality.

Technically, I'm a he. LOL.

Swanson's words in the videos, on his podcasts, in any media anyone cares to review are direct and honest (as opposed to some folks here) in the belief that homosexuals should be put to death, because they are worthy of death, and he makes no Bones about it.
edit on 11Sat, 07 Nov 2015 11:14:45 -060015p1120151166 by Gryphon66 because: is--->are

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: dawnstar
*Applause* and star. I've talked about the misogyny that permeates the Abrahamic religions on numerous occasions. You'll be told it's not what you think it is, or you just hate Christians. You might find this interesting...
20 vile quotes against women by church leaders...

On topic:

ya, this is about homosexuality, which in comparison to the position of women, the scriptures says so very little. but don't for a minute think that they aren't looking at all those scriptures about women and ignoring the message and wanting to make big changes in that area also!

Yeah, but what little it does say about gays and trans is very damning to say the least.
You bet they're looking at those scriptures. See the link above.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Antediluvian started a thread in the Mud Pit a few days ago documenting, in general, what was happening at the "National Religious Liberties Conference" organized by Pastor Kevin Swanson and attended (and endorsed by) Presidential Candidates Cruz, Jindal and of course Huckabee.

(All three of those gentlemen appeared on stage with Swanson a few hours prior to the speech linked below.)

I am posting this specific video of the event here because I feel it deserves special attention and because more than focusing on passionate disagreement over religiously-justified intolerance in general, I am making the specific contention here that such a seemingly outlandish comment is, in spirit if not in fact, part of the underlying motivation of the entire movement behind so-called religious freedom activism.

Ironically, Pastor Swanson makes his hateful comments framed over a placard that reads "Freedom" ...

I link the video because I defy you to watch this video and see it as anything else other than trying to rally a certain political contingent ("Christians" obsessing over so-called "Religious Freedom") to incite actual violence against over six million other Americans.

Some will try to make the claim here that this man's words do not represent mainstream Christianity. I would accept that as a truism, and indeed, that is not my argument here. My argument is that there is, particularly in the United States, a very clearly organized, intentional effort among a contingent of our society that would be described as the Christian Religious Right (politically-active "Christians") that exists primarily to institute Old Testament (and New Testament) legalism as the standard of justice and "freedom" in this country.

I would also argue that there is a degree of controlled mental illness that is very often part-and-parcel of this political ideology ... as seen in this clip from the same speech, Pastor Swanson claims that if one of his sons were to marry another man, he would sit at the door of the church in sackcloth and ashes ... and a large pile of cow manure in protest.

And please, before you claim that this is merely one individual's opinion as part of some insignificant "fringe" event, keep in mind that only a few hours before three Candidates for President of the United States shared the same stage with this same man and were "interviewed" by him.

(original article found at Right Wing Watch

Oh please. WE ALL KNOW that it is Christians who are persecuted!! Trust me, my pastor told me!!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:46 AM

The pair agreed that homosexuality at the very least should be criminalized and maybe even made into a capital crime

Maybe they should go on trial first for all the religious commandments they break, like eating pig products or shellfish? Or what about seeking riches?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: starwarsisreal
a reply to: Gryphon66

Sadly their hate spread to their children.

Those aren't children, they're pawns.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

Let's just get you formally on the record one way or another and move-on. The evidence for what Swanson said, the context of what he said in light of his messages, and what his other speakers at "Religious Liberties" conference were saying is clear.

You're making yourself so crystal clear on this subject ... so let's not be coy ... do you agree that Christians should promote the Biblical injunction as outlined in Leviticus etc. that homosexuals should be put to death or not?

No I don't think homosexuals should be put to death, but that has nothing to do with the point that I'm making. He's speaking in the context of religious freedom, and referenced Paul's view to emphasize the fact that the Bible is crystal clear on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. He wasn't calling for the execution of LGBT folks like your title claims.

Now I'll admit that I haven't seen the full speech, but I'm willing to bet that he was providing contrast between the push for religious freedom during the civil rights movement and today's push against the gay rights movement.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Lol. You people rant incessantly about how you'd like to wipe religion off the planet (which, if you've thought that through, would mean eliminating the followers one way or another).

I advocate this being accomplished through deliberation, not murder.

Wanting religion to go away is not the same as wanting people that hold religious beliefs to go away. Here in the USA some 70+ percent of atheists were once Christian. I want what ever occurred for that to happen, to happen even more.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Bone75

Well, I'm very glad to know you don't advocate murder.

So you're "willing to bet" that the context is not stating what he clearly states, but you had no basis, no evidence for claiming that other than what you believe, and you want to try to minimize what he very clearly says.

I've provided additional context on the fact that his recorded comments are in perfect alignment with previous comments he's made. I'm sure you're familiar with the verse in Leviticus, Romans and so forth that he very clearly quotes as justification for what he's saying and what he's saying is that the Church needs to acknowledge that the Bible calls for death (Leviticus) states clearly that homosexuals are worthy of death (Romans) and Swanson himself has stated more than clearly on multiple occasions that this is what he means.

I can understand your defense of what you see as a fellow Christian from someone like me who you view as always on the attack against your religion, but I made that clear in my OP that wasn't my purpose here ... but this man does not deserve your defense unless you agree with him, which you have stated unequivocally that you don't.

I stand by my post, my interpretation and my comments. You think I'm wrong, fair enough. That's clear now; may we move on?
edit on 12Sat, 07 Nov 2015 12:09:12 -060015p1220151166 by Gryphon66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 01:44 PM
People will defend and change the wording of there heroes cause it burns when they realize there following crazy.

Its funny to see these guys and isis have so much in common.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:39 PM
Yet another proof that religion is mainly a political tool. Politics would not survive without religion, if there were politics but no religion, the politicians would have nothing to pander to the masses about. Get anyone up on a podium preaching a certain message and 9 times out of 10 those who believe that certain message will vote for them despite their political record or true motives.

This guy is using a religious slant to advance his political and personal agenda. Throw the name Jesus around in a hate-filled speech and you've got a winner. Christians will usually ignore the hate and focus on him talking about Jesus and the bible and assume they're fighting the good fight.
edit on 11/7/2015 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

Technically, I'm a he. LOL.

What??? Naaaawwwwww.....

How did I get that messed up??? LOLOLOLOL

Sorry guy, no offense..

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