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Vulnerable teen 'gang raped' by young 'Syrian migrants' after recently arriving in Britain

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

Do you have google? Use it.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: stuthealien


Everything is alleged.

She doesn't know how many people there were.

I'm not saying she wasn't raped. What I'm saying is how has this become about immigrants.

They don't know their ages, or where they are from.

And just for those thinking it's about the poor girl....there is an image of Russia bombing Syria.


There is one message the article is presenting. There is no sympathy about a girl who was possibly raped.

The message it wants loud and clear is Russia is causing this bombing their homes. These immigrants are terrorists.

Allow us the government to put more intrusive security laws in place and take away the little freedom we have left.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

the uk police have dna rape kits in every police station,they would not be remanded in prison if they where unable to get a prosecution,thats how our law works here...

how can you sit in this thread and flatly deny how our law works??????????
edit on 6-11-2015 by stuthealien because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2015 by stuthealien because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Oh I didn't know every culture not like yours are murdering evil terrorists.

Basically if someone doesn't drink alcohol every night, eat unhealthy food, and become zombies watching TV they must change.

I've news for you. Many countries around the world are looking at the western culture of greed and waste and laughing.

At least I can admit I'm part of this joke of a society and trying to make a difference.

Educate yourself.

Also I'm not here to search for your claims. It's the job of you making the claims to present proof.


The moon has an alien city inside it.

I don't have to prove it. You can Google it to provee wrong.
According to you anyway.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: stuthealien

Have you read the article?

What do you think the message is?

The story of a poor girl?

Or Russia bombing Syria and refugees/terrorists invading Europe.

What is the main goal of this article.

Also I'd like to add it's working very well.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

yes i did read the story,i also noted some where released while two where remanded,so that tells me that they have a positive d.n.a match on two of the suspects.....
as for the pictures about russia its a newspaper it carries lots of story's about a variety of subjects and as russia is in the news due to recent world events its no surprise russia is in a paper.

what do you mean working well??? the only thing this story will bring is civil war in the uk.
dads will not take much more before the outbreaks begin
edit on 6-11-2015 by stuthealien because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:22 PM

Oh I didn't know every culture not like yours are murdering evil terrorists.

Show me where I said that? I did comment that it seems to be African immigrants perpetrating many of the sexual assaults, rather than Syrian Refugees.

Basically if someone doesn't drink alcohol every night, eat unhealthy food, and become zombies watching TV they must change.

Excuse me, but what? WTH?

I've news for you. Many countries around the world are looking at the western culture of greed and waste and laughing.

At least I can admit I'm part of this joke of a society and trying to make a difference.

I look at the greed and waste in my country and around the world, and it makes me want to cry. I can't seem to find the humor in it.

Also I'm not here to search for your claims. It's the job of you making the claims to present proof.

Maybe in the morning I will feel like doing this for you. I don't now. I've read these stats many, many, times from different sources. If you do any research at all, you will bump into these articles. Aren't you curious to know what's really happening? These stats are published usually by country. Just type in Rapes in Sweden, for example, and see what the menus say.


The moon has an alien city inside it.

I don't have to prove it. You can Google it to provee wrong.
According to you anyway.

I didn't ask you to prove anything. All I'm asking you to do is learn the facts about what's going on in Sweden. But if you don't care to know the truth, then don't. Knowing or not knowing apparently doesn't change a thing. Sadly.
edit on 11/6/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: stuthealien

What do you mean if course Russia will be in the media.

The point I was making is why have Russia bombing Syria as part of THIS article.

Also I'd like to add that the creator of this thread is literally on fear mongering overdrive. Just look at the thread creators past threads and you get the reason why this thread is created.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Unfortunately I know a lot of what's going on. And can see where we are going.

Reactions and attitudes like yours towards those who are not like yourself will only make things worse.

I've grown up in war in northern ireland. I've seen how the media has and still is being used to create fear of one another. Fact is these are all human beings like us. There are good and bad everywhere.
One cannot paint whole cultures just because there are some evil individuals amongst them.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

"90+% of rapes are committed by born and bread British people."

Born and bred in Rotherham you mean? Or Bradford, Blackburn, Leicester, Oldham, Bolton, Preston....

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: angeldoll


Are you and the thread creator the same person?

You use the same language and have the exact same posting history.


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

its clear the point you are making its revealed in your posts,
you refuse to believe she was raped even though two have been remanded.
you have also slated western countries in your above post.
why are you not addressing the fact that two have been remanded
while others are released are you not aware of the rape kits
or just refusing to see the truth
or perhaps its just contempt for western counties.

as for whose thread it is i dont have a clue
but that does not make the story untrue .

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

I believe this whole thing is being created. To get that many people from many countries to migrate like that takes a lot of planning and organisation. I agree that some have legitimate problems etc. The point is they are being manipulated to migrate into Europe.

You're obviously in a state of denial about something. You've got it right...but somehow missed the mark. Let me help you with something, and not in a condescending way. The whole thing IS being orchestrated and ME/ N African people are being manipulated. This should be Clue #1 that the entire thing isn't for "humanitarian" purposes. I want to help you connect the dots.

IF the whole thing is organized AND not for humanitarian reasons, then logically one must ask why? The answer is abundantly clear. To ruin Europe. And no, this is not fear mongering. The RFID chip thing is a good theory but the only way for it to work is if indeed crime is out of control. However! EU news will not report the criminal statistics other than alternative sources. So, if how can you implement a tagging system if everyone is getting along? If the (3rd world) muslim crisis is a non event, then there goes the RFID tag. But, anyone with some common sense can tell you forcing millions of immigrants upon the people will cause extreme right wing blow back. Civil unrest and possible civil war.

So here we are being told it's the Syrian thing, it's EU's fault because of their history and it's EU's job to right a wrong. Meanwhile 80-90% aren't even from Syria! So why the effing bull# about Syria? Yeah, it's not just the migrants being manipulated, it's you too friend. Look, there's one golden rule to live by. If it doesn't make sense, then it must be a lie.

Gangs of Muslim immigrants have been raping white girls for YEARS. There's grooming going on, forced prostitution and drug addiction. There's police scandals in Eu countries covering up 1400 child abuse cases caused by immigrants because they're too afraid to call a spade a spade. There's a conspiracy alright and it's to hide the numbers at every cost.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

Sorry you grew up in war. That must have been awful.

I try to be cautious about MSM, and decipher what agenda any particular group is pushing. I'm aware that humans are humans, and yes, it's true there are good and bad everywhere.

Simultaneously we must be cautious, as the situation in Western Europe has become quite concerning, and I don't believe I have targeted an entire culture -- I believe you have rather assigned me that role in the last couple of posts.

It's not who I am. But nor am I one to turn a blind eye to abuse. The fact remains, Rape stats against young women in Sweden,( one victim only 12 years old, and a 29 year old woman - mother of three - gang raped for a period of hours, and now in a wheelchair) have risen 1400% over the last few months. It's a fact. Read it and weep.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: liteonit6969

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: liteonit6969

By your own argument that these muslim countries rape and supreme their women we would not know the full number.

Therefore as these mass rapes are suppressed how would the figure ever be really known.

So you have come to these figures by your own genius self.

Wrong. Sweden's rape up 1,400% 70% immigrants
Norway's rape 100% immigrants. One Hundred Percent.

With these statistics, no one needs to look very far.

Who starred this comment?

Did you even read the mess of a comment. It does not even make one tiny bit of sense.

Apart from that where are your sources? Those are just claims from you. (Also I'm not totally sure what claims you have made. I'm just seeing a lot of percentages)

I don't need to source every comment I make when it's ALL over the web. And Naturally, the first thing you do is try to ridicule my post because the truth effing hurts, doesn't it? Here let me make it easy for you to understand. In Norway, every rape done is done by an immigrant. Make sense now? Look it up.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: liteonit6969
a reply to: angeldoll


Are you and the thread creator the same person?

No. It is my understanding she is in the UK. She's concerned for her child's future.
I am in the states.
edit on 11/6/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: liteonit6969
a reply to: FlySolo
I'm not for open borders etc.
But I'm definitely not for ignorantly claiming full religions and races are rapists and terrorists.

Nobody said it's about races... and it's very obvious that our concerns doesn't come from racism or bigotry in contrast to what you may think.
It's about cultures mainly, and religion in a more in-direct way.

Suppressing and mistreating women in Islamic cultures is acceptable and promoted by traditions...
and Jihad is also promoted by religious traditions
and violence for the nonbelievers, the sinners etc.

The Western religions and Societies have made massive steps of progress since the Dark Ages but we can't say the same for the Islamic cultures.
and that's a fact.

Because if that is the case you can imagine what we look like to them. The middle east has been leveled by the west's bombing campaigns.

Their country has been leveled by Islamic fanatics. the rest is just consequences and strategic games played on that fact.
So if they want to blame someone for their situation they should blame Islam, not the average westerner.

It never was a secret that they hate the westerners, not only for the recent war created by our Governments,
the fanatic ones hate deeply our modern culture for various religious (ridiculous) reasons.
In reality they are far more xenophobic to us, than we are of them.

But they would love to leave their country, for a better life in the west.
Especially if it comes for free , without papers, passport, green cards etc.
They could be convicted criminals that escaped, rebels, murderers, jihadists who could have beheaded christians,
or destroyed ancient pagan monuments, or a willing suicide bomber, they could be anyone, how can we know?

When someone leaves his country to flee from war, he goes to the first country he feels safe.
and wait's for the UN directions, help and support, along with the meds, clothes, food and shelter that European Nations would provide.

He doesn't go on a road trip to Europe! creating a mess, getting into trouble with foreign authorities, and demanding other countries to open their borders in order for them to go to places with better welfare, like Germany, Britain, Scandinavia etc. capitalizing on the freedom the European region provides to it's citizens.
edit on FriFri, 06 Nov 2015 20:48:17 -06001PMk000000Fridaypm by Dr1Akula because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: liteonit6969

So you say this is true:

Norway's rape 100% immigrants. One Hundred Percent.


Wake up.

Not a hundred percent but pretty damning nonetheless .

This is 2012 and i cannot imagine the stats getting better .

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: liteonit6969
a reply to: angeldoll
Basically if someone doesn't drink alcohol every night, eat unhealthy food, and become zombies watching TV they must change.
I've news for you. Many countries around the world are looking at the western culture of greed and waste and laughing.

That's racist. hahaha...

At least I can admit I'm part of this joke of a society and trying to make a difference.

what's that difference, defending the misogynistic rapists, or
closing your eyes to the facts

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: hutch622

Yeah, well, that changed

Maggie’s Notebook […] In Oslo, Norway there is a Muslim-rape epidemic with 100 percent of the rapists being “non-western males,” with 9 out of 10 attacks against Norwegian women. These statistics are said to be documented by Norwegian police. (Learn more about the Rape Jihad HERE)
edit on 6-11-2015 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

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