originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: criticalhit
You being a "Liberal" has nothing to do with it, it doesn't "Qualify You"
Trans is not a Fetish, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, Queer, Gender Fluid, none of those are "Fetishes" your Sexual Orientation and
Gender-Identity are not "Fetishes".
Being a Trans person in Public, or any GLBTQ+ person in public is not "Flaunting" or "Displaying" anything, it's called "Living" the same thing that
Straight people do when they are in Public.
Caitlyn is not just "Dressing Up" as a girl and putting on Lipstick, She is a Woman not Dress up... maybe try learning some things before you
let ignorance blind you
Instead of wasting your time using the wrong pronouns and using slurs like Tranny, and having to Qualify your thoughts as being a "Liberal" Focus on
being the best person you can be
Well, this all isn't true. and using the word "ignorance" doesn't make you right nor does kind of biased university based thoughts that become common
make them actually correct.
I went to a performing arts school in NYC, literally half the male population was Gay and yeah I knew plenty of Transexuals too most of my life, I'd
say 20-30 years before these issues became issues stuck up crazy mid western types etc in America had to "deal" with this and started creating pc
wording and debating it, this was all normal life for me in the village.
1: I do not believe (in this particular case) Bruce Jenner is the real deal, I think almost every body has some degree of sexual diversity, T levels
decline with age, the fact that things are more acceptable induces people to try things... and in the case of Bruce HE is full of crap, narcissistic,
a liar and an insult to people with real struggles... That's the honest vibe I get, i've seen studies recently from Europe that are saying since there
has been a public push for "acceptance" like 80% of young Europeans have experimented or taken time to be "gay" and almost universally return to being
"straight" and the numbers of actual homosexuals trans-gendered people haven't budged... It is my opinion but I think like the rest of his attention
whore extended family Bruce is more brain bent than gender bent.
2: I have all respect for a person IF and it happens is kind of born in the wrong body and wants to be a woman they should be allowed to. I get from
your title you are perhaps one of those people... A: you probably shouldn't be supportive imho of the trendy end of this, that anyone with an itch
should be entering this realm for shiz and giggles, sexual reassignment, the difficulties in life which will always be there, hormones these things
aren't games and it's apparent when you are 7 not 70 and there is again imho a very, very big difference between this mattering at 16-35 or so and
doing it when it matters and being old at 45... sex doesn't matter to me as much as it used to, I don't think it will matter at all by the time i'm
old and there is just a lot more to life than "gender identity" and sexual satisfaction" I find on the Bruce thing the guy to be really shallow, it's
not the gender issue but let me quote Gandolf the Grey "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" it's "nice" I suppose to tell him how pretty she is but lol... he looks
terrible, he looks like mockery of woman not a sexy she, it's apparent and yeah I know, I know it's not ALL about that, but that end of it is futile
at this point and I think it's even in line with really old guy taking Viagra to keep having sex when no one wants to with them anyway... I'm saying
there IS a point when the gender stuff largely disappears and your relationships are kind of asexual and that is a good not a bad thing, wanting to
wear a dress at his age vs pants is kind of moot to me and seems more like a mental thing in a society that i oversexed and puts too much concern to
it from both ends of the spectrum both repressed conservatives and uber liberals
3: Starting where #2 ends... we are way too conflicted, confused and focused on sex as the and all and be all of life... There have always been and
always will be people who are so niche in appearance, sexuality, desires that sexuality in general is difficult for them, that they just can't fit in
with the bulk of people, or in worst case scenarios just plain suffer... I think honestly for many people that... being less focused on how important
the issue is, is better, easier... it's not societies job to cater to them, to alter for the 90-95% the way you do things rather than people learn to
not "always" and in certain realms make people uncomfortable because of their controllable desires... I don't think a person attracted to teenagers or
kids can really help that, or they are evil bad inhuman etc... I DO think at that point in time though "tough crap on you" comes into play, that
person has to realize they don't get to be "sexual" (in that case at all) because everyone else in the world will crush them and there is no way that
will work out and yes... there is life without sexual action, it can be a great life but no, you can never indulge in your desire, you have to accept
it and move on or your not long for the world... NO I am not comparing gender displacement to that extremity, people Can be helped to deal with it
today and what adults do is what adults do. But there is a LARGE difference to me, between a young person who usually looks the part, can absolutely
by appearance "pass" as legitimately female and can go on to be female literally female to where there is no debate.... no reaction by passers by etc,
etc and... a 70 year old cross dresser who imho is engaging in a fetish and wants to place there "thing" in public view for vicarious thrills. Those
people imho hurt the cause of people who really from a younger age can go on to fulfill their actual sexual identity
4: All sexuality by vast majority is "Fetish" even heterosexuality, truly being largely across the board "Female" by brain make up from birth is very
rare, It is something that help can be given in it's an actual issue it can be addressed in a sane society long before the bathroom issue even exists
etc etc. The problem people have in't the boy who needed to be a girl the only example where you are a girl...there is no debate, its the
questionable, it's the your all over the place types, by numbers you'd find more cross dressing hyper sexualized to the point of obsession and
confusion bi/pan sexual men entering the woman's or men's bathrooms than actual trans-gendered people by miles... that's what makes "straights"
uncomfortable and NO... in society, the bulk isn't there to be made uncomfortable by the issues of the people who are somewhat "beyond" what the
"woman" in that comment said, you don't want me in the bathroom with your husband... she's kind of out there, okay the rest of us go to the bathroom
to use the bathroom and you know... you know the Bathroom among some people who are hyper sexual becomes a place to try and score straight guys or on
the other end the womans bathroom for deviant voyeuristic guys.... come on YOU KNOW, I grew in the Village lets be real there is a body of guys in the
Gay community who are sex addicts and USE the situation to there advantage or at least try to and NO the bathroom isn't for blow jobs and it make
other Homosexuals and Trans-gendered people look bad.